Пример #1
    def __init__(self, engine_config: RadiativeTransferEngineConfig,
                 full_config: Config):

        self.angular_lut_keys_degrees = [
            'OBSZEN', 'TRUEAZ', 'viewzen', 'viewaz', 'solzen', 'solaz'
        self.angular_lut_keys_radians = []

        super().__init__(engine_config, full_config)

        self.treat_as_emissive = False

        self.sixs_dir = self.find_basedir(engine_config)
        self.sixs_grid_init = s.arange(self.wl[0], self.wl[-1] + 2.5, 2.5)
        self.sixs_ngrid_init = len(self.sixs_grid_init)
        self.params = {
            'aermodel': 1,
            'AOT550': 0.01,
            'H2OSTR': 0,
            'O3': 0.40,
            'day': engine_config.day,
            'month': engine_config.month,
            'elev': engine_config.elev,
            'alt': engine_config.alt,
            'atm_file': None,
            'abscf_data_directory': None,
            'wlinf': self.sixs_grid_init[0] / 1000.0,  # convert to nm
            'wlsup': self.sixs_grid_init[-1] / 1000.0

        if engine_config.obs_file is not None:
            # A special case where we load the observation geometry
            # from a custom-crafted text file
            g = Geometry(obs=engine_config.obs_file)
            self.params['solzen'] = g.solar_zenith
            self.params['solaz'] = g.solar_azimuth
            self.params['viewzen'] = g.observer_zenith
            self.params['viewaz'] = g.observer_azimuth
            # We have to get geometry from somewhere, so we presume it is
            # in the configuration file.
            self.params['solzen'] = engine_config.solzen
            self.params['viewzen'] = engine_config.viewzen
            self.params['solaz'] = engine_config.solaz
            self.params['viewaz'] = engine_config.viewaz

        self.esd = s.loadtxt(engine_config.earth_sun_distance_file)
        dt = datetime(2000, self.params['month'], self.params['day'])
        self.day_of_year = dt.timetuple().tm_yday
        self.irr_factor = self.esd[self.day_of_year - 1, 1]

        irr = s.loadtxt(engine_config.irradiance_file, comments='#')
        iwl, irr = irr.T
        irr = irr / 10.0  # convert, uW/nm/cm2
        irr = irr / self.irr_factor**2  # consider solar distance
        self.solar_irr = resample_spectrum(irr, iwl, self.wl, self.fwhm)

        self.lut_quantities = ['rhoatm', 'transm', 'sphalb', 'transup']
Пример #2
def test_Geometry():
    geom = Geometry()
    assert geom.earth_sun_file == None
    assert geom.observer_zenith == 0
    assert geom.observer_azimuth == 0
    assert geom.observer_altitude_km == None
    assert geom.surface_elevation_km == None
    assert geom.datetime == None
    assert geom.day_of_year == None
    assert geom.latitude == None
    assert geom.longitude == None
    assert geom.longitudeE == None
    assert geom.gmtime == None
    assert geom.earth_sun_distance == None
    assert geom.OBSZEN == 180.0
    assert geom.RELAZ == 0.0
    assert geom.TRUEAZ == 0.0
    assert geom.umu == 1.0
Пример #3
def generate_noise(config):
    """Add noise to a radiance spectrum or image."""

    config = json_load_ascii(config, shell_replace=True)
    configdir, configfile = split(abspath(config))

    infile = expand_path(configdir, config['input_radiance_file'])
    outfile = expand_path(configdir, config['output_radiance_file'])
    instrument = Instrument(config['instrument_model'])
    geom = Geometry()

    if infile.endswith('txt'):
        rdn, wl = load_spectrum(infile)
        Sy = instrument.Sy(rdn, geom)
        rdn_noise = rdn + np.random.multivariate_normal(
            np.zeros(rdn.shape), Sy)
        with open(outfile, 'w') as fout:
            for w, r in zip(wl, rdn_noise):
                fout.write('%8.5f %8.5f' % (w, r))
        raise ValueError("Image cubes not yet implemented.")
Пример #4
                                              "windows": windows}}}
    inverse_config = Config(inversion_settings)
    iv = Inversion(inverse_config, fm)

    # Refine water vapor LUT
    water = []
    window  =5
    for line in range(10,990,100):
        obs_mean  =  observables.get_chunk(2,990,
                                          line-window,line+window).mean(axis =(0,1))
        loc_mean  =  location.get_chunk(2,990,
                                          line-window,line+window).mean(axis =(0,1))
        rad_mean  = radiance.get_chunk(2,990,
                                     line-window,line+window).mean(axis =(0,1))
        geom = Geometry(obs = obs_mean,loc = loc_mean)
        state_trajectory = iv.invert(rad_mean, geom)

    #Create new water table
    water_min = np.min(water)*.9
    water_max = np.max(water)*1.1
    water_vals = np.linspace(water_min,water_max,5).tolist()

    # Recreate configs with refined water vapor
    for file in glob.glob(cal_dir+"/lut_full/*"):

    rtm_config,surface_config,instrument_config =fw_configs(iso_base,
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, config, statevector_names):

        TabularRT.__init__(self, config)
        self.sixs_dir = self.find_basedir(config)
        self.wl, self.fwhm = load_wavelen(config['wavelength_file'])
        self.sixs_grid_init = s.arange(self.wl[0], self.wl[-1]+2.5, 2.5)
        self.sixs_ngrid_init = len(self.sixs_grid_init)
        self.sixs_dir = self.find_basedir(config)
        self.params = {'aermodel': 1,
                       'AOT550': 0.01,
                       'H2OSTR': 0,
                       'O3': 0.40,
                       'day':   config['day'],
                       'month': config['month'],
                       'elev':  config['elev'],
                       'alt':   config['alt'],
                       'atm_file': None,
                       'abscf_data_directory': None,
                       'wlinf': self.sixs_grid_init[0]/1000.0,  # convert to nm
                       'wlsup': self.sixs_grid_init[-1]/1000.0}

        if 'obs_file' in config:
            # A special case where we load the observation geometry
            # from a custom-crafted text file
            g = Geometry(obs=config['obs_file'])
            self.params['solzen'] = g.solar_zenith
            self.params['solaz'] = g.solar_azimuth
            self.params['viewzen'] = g.observer_zenith
            self.params['viewaz'] = g.observer_azimuth
            # We have to get geometry from somewhere, so we presume it is
            # in the configuration file.
            for f in ['solzen', 'viewzen', 'solaz', 'viewaz']:
                self.params[f] = config[f]

        self.esd = s.loadtxt(config['earth_sun_distance_file'])
        dt = datetime(2000, self.params['month'], self.params['day'])
        self.day_of_year = dt.timetuple().tm_yday
        self.irr_factor = self.esd[self.day_of_year-1, 1]

        irr = s.loadtxt(config['irradiance_file'], comments='#')
        iwl, irr = irr.T
        irr = irr / 10.0  # convert, uW/nm/cm2
        irr = irr / self.irr_factor**2  # consider solar distance
        self.solar_irr = resample_spectrum(irr, iwl,  self.wl, self.fwhm)

        self.angular_lut_keys_degrees = ['OBSZEN','TRUEAZ','viewzen','viewaz',

        self.lut_quantities = ['rhoatm', 'transm', 'sphalb', 'transup']

        # This array is used to handle the potential indexing mismatch between
        # the 'global statevector' (which may couple multiple radiative 
        # transform models) and this statevector. It should never be modified
        full_to_local_statevector_position_mapping = []
        for sn in self.statevec:
            ix = statevector_names.index(sn)
        self._full_to_local_statevector_position_mapping = \