def test_isort_should_warn_on_empty_custom_config_issue_1433(tmpdir): """Feedback should be provided when a user provides a custom settings file that has no discoverable configuration. See: """ settings_file = tmpdir.join(".custom.cfg") settings_file.write( """ [settings] quiet = true """ ) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): assert not Config(settings_file=str(settings_file)).quiet isort.settings._get_config_data.cache_clear() settings_file.write( """ [isort] quiet = true """ ) with pytest.warns(None) as warning: assert Config(settings_file=str(settings_file)).quiet assert not warning
def test_isort_warns_when_known_sections_dont_match_issue_1331(): """Test to ensure that isort warns if there is a mismatch between sections and known_sections. See: """ assert ( isort.place_module( "bot_core", config=Config( known_robotlocomotion_upstream=["bot_core"], sections=["ROBOTLOCOMOTION_UPSTREAM", "THIRDPARTY"], ), ) == "ROBOTLOCOMOTION_UPSTREAM" ) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): assert ( isort.place_module( "bot_core", config=Config( known_robotlocomotion_upstream=["bot_core"], sections=["ROBOTLOOMOTION_UPSTREAM", "THIRDPARTY"], ), ) == "THIRDPARTY" ) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): assert ( isort.place_module( "bot_core", config=Config(known_robotlocomotion_upstream=["bot_core"]) ) == "THIRDPARTY" )
def test_aliases(): assert imports_in_code("import os as os")[0].alias == "os" assert not imports_in_code( "import os as os", config=Config(remove_redundant_aliases=True, ), )[0].alias assert imports_in_code("from os import path as path")[0].alias == "path" assert not imports_in_code( "from os import path as path", config=Config(remove_redundant_aliases=True))[0].alias
def test_isort_enables_deduping_section_headers_issue_953(): """isort should provide a way to only have identical import headings show up once. See: """ isort_code = partial( isort.code, config=Config( import_heading_firstparty="Local imports.", import_heading_localfolder="Local imports.", dedup_headings=True, known_first_party=["isort"], ), ) assert (isort_code("from . import something") == """# Local imports. from . import something """) assert (isort_code("""from isort import y from . import something""") == """# Local imports. from isort import y from . import something """) assert isort_code("import os") == "import os\n"
def test_isort_respects_quiet_from_sort_file_api_see_1461(capsys, tmpdir): """Test to ensure isort respects the quiet API parameter when passed in via the API. See: """ settings_file = tmpdir.join(".isort.cfg") custom_settings_file = tmpdir.join(".custom.isort.cfg") tmp_file = tmpdir.join("") tmp_file.write("import b\nimport a\n") isort.file(tmp_file) out, error = capsys.readouterr() assert not error assert "Fixing" in out # When passed in directly as a setting override tmp_file.write("import b\nimport a\n") isort.file(tmp_file, quiet=True) out, error = capsys.readouterr() assert not error assert not out # Present in an automatically loaded configuration file isort.settings._find_config.cache_clear() settings_file.write( """ [isort] quiet = true """ ) tmp_file.write("import b\nimport a\n") isort.file(tmp_file) out, error = capsys.readouterr() assert not error assert not out # In a custom configuration file settings_file.write( """ [isort] quiet = false """ ) custom_settings_file.write( """ [isort] quiet = true """ ) tmp_file.write("import b\nimport a\n") isort.file(tmp_file, settings_file=str(custom_settings_file)) out, error = capsys.readouterr() assert not error assert not out # Reused configuration object custom_config = Config(settings_file=str(custom_settings_file)) isort.file(tmp_file, config=custom_config) out, error = capsys.readouterr() assert not error assert not out
def git_hook(strict: bool = False, modify: bool = False, lazy: bool = False, settings_file: str = "") -> int: """ Git pre-commit hook to check staged files for isort errors :param bool strict - if True, return number of errors on exit, causing the hook to fail. If False, return zero so it will just act as a warning. :param bool modify - if True, fix the sources if they are not sorted properly. If False, only report result without modifying anything. :param bool lazy - if True, also check/fix unstaged files. This is useful if you frequently use ``git commit -a`` for example. If False, ony check/fix the staged files for isort errors. :param str settings_file - A path to a file to be used as the configuration file for this run. When settings_file is the empty string, the configuration file will be searched starting at the directory containing the first staged file, if any, and going upward in the directory structure. :return number of errors if in strict mode, 0 otherwise. """ # Get list of files modified and staged diff_cmd = [ "git", "diff-index", "--cached", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "HEAD" ] if lazy: diff_cmd.remove("--cached") files_modified = get_lines(diff_cmd) if not files_modified: return 0 errors = 0 config = Config( settings_file=settings_file, settings_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(files_modified[0])), ) for filename in files_modified: if filename.endswith(".py"): # Get the staged contents of the file staged_cmd = ["git", "show", f":{filename}"] staged_contents = get_output(staged_cmd) try: if not api.check_code_string(staged_contents, file_path=Path(filename), config=config): errors += 1 if modify: api.sort_file(filename, config=config) except exceptions.FileSkipped: # pragma: no cover pass return errors if strict else 0
def test_reformatter_class( tmp_pathplus: PathPlus, advanced_file_regression: AdvancedFileRegressionFixture, capsys, advanced_data_regression: AdvancedDataRegressionFixture, demo_environment, yapf_style, isort_config_file, ): isort_config = Config(settings_file=isort_config_file) r = Reformatter(tmp_pathplus / "", yapf_style=yapf_style, isort_config=isort_config) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"'\(\)' must be called first!"): r.to_string() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"'\(\)' must be called first!"): r.to_file() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"'\(\)' must be called first!"): r.get_diff() assert == 1 r.to_file() advanced_file_regression.check_file(tmp_pathplus / "") advanced_file_regression.check(r.to_string(), extension="._py_") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert not captured.out assert not captured.err # Calling a second time shouldn't change anything r = Reformatter(tmp_pathplus / "", yapf_style=yapf_style, isort_config=isort_config) assert == 0 r.to_file() advanced_file_regression.check_file(tmp_pathplus / "")
def git_hook(strict: bool = False, modify: bool = False) -> int: """ Git pre-commit hook to check staged files for isort errors :param bool strict - if True, return number of errors on exit, causing the hook to fail. If False, return zero so it will just act as a warning. :param bool modify - if True, fix the sources if they are not sorted properly. If False, only report result without modifying anything. :return number of errors if in strict mode, 0 otherwise. """ # Get list of files modified and staged diff_cmd = [ "git", "diff-index", "--cached", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "HEAD" ] files_modified = get_lines(diff_cmd) if not files_modified: return 0 errors = 0 config = Config( settings_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(files_modified[0]))) for filename in files_modified: if filename.endswith(".py"): # Get the staged contents of the file staged_cmd = ["git", "show", f":{filename}"] staged_contents = get_output(staged_cmd) try: if not api.check_code_string(staged_contents, file_path=Path(filename), config=config): errors += 1 if modify: api.sort_file(filename, config=config) except exceptions.FileSkipped: # pragma: no cover pass return errors if strict else 0
def reformat_file(filename: PathLike, yapf_style: str, isort_config_file: PathLike) -> int: """ Reformat the given file. :param filename: :param yapf_style: :param isort_config_file: """ isort_config = Config(settings_file=str(isort_config_file)) r = Reformatter(filename, yapf_style, isort_config) if click.echo(r.get_diff(), color=resolve_color_default()) ret = 1 else: ret = 0 r.to_file() return ret
Returns a list of child attributes for the given object. :param obj: """ child_attrs = dir(obj) if "__init__" not in child_attrs: child_attrs.append("__init__") for child_attr_name in alpha_sort(child_attrs, alphabet=method_alphabet): if not is_dunder(child_attr_name) or child_attr_name == "__init__": if child_attr_name not in SKIP_ATTRS: yield child_attr_name isort_config = Config(force_single_line=True) method_alphabet = f"_{string.ascii_uppercase}{string.ascii_lowercase}{ascii_digits}" SYSTEM_MODULES = [ "System", "System.Collections", "System.ComponentModel", "System.Configuration", "System.Configuration.Assemblies", "System.Data", "System.Globalization", "System.IO", "System.Reflection", "System.Runtime", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices", "System.Runtime.InteropServices",
# stdlib import pathlib import re # 3rd party import isort # type: ignore from isort import Config isort_config = Config(settings_file=".isort.cfg") for filename in pathlib.Path("dulwich-stubs").rglob("*.pyi"): # print(filename) file_contents = filename.read_text() for entry in re.findall(r"([A-Za-z0-9_.]+) as ([A-Za-z0-9_.]+)", file_contents): if entry[0] == entry[1]: file_contents = file_contents.replace(f"{entry[0]} as {entry[1]}", entry[0]) file_contents = isort.code(file_contents, config=isort_config) filename.write_text(file_contents)