def opener(option_correl, chrom, number_of_samples_ar):

		comb = "_".join([config_variables.dict_option[el] for el in option_correl])
		kappa_0, mu_0, alpha_0, Beta_0 = config_variables.kappa_0, config_variables.mu_0, config_variables.alpha_0, config_variables.Beta_0

		save_to_folder = os.getcwd() + "/MOG_results_/"

		parameter_multiple_chains = {}

		for chain_number, number_of_samples in zip(chains, number_of_samples_ar):

			name = 'MOG_distance_emprirical_mu_trace_of_c_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}_{6}_{7}'.format(kappa_0, mu_0, alpha_0, Beta_0, chrom, comb, number_of_samples, chain_number)

			name = save_to_folder + name
			print name
			parameter_multiple_chains[chain_number] = iter_loadtxt.iter_loadtxt(name, ",", dtype = int, skiprows=min(burn_in_start[index_opt]))

		n_ = parameter_multiple_chains[1].shape[0]
		j_ = parameter_multiple_chains[1].shape[1]
		m_ = len(chains)

		tensor_parameter_multiple_chains = np.zeros((m_, n_, j_))

		for chain_number in chains: tensor_parameter_multiple_chains[chain_number-1] = parameter_multiple_chains[chain_number]

		return tensor_parameter_multiple_chains
Пример #2
	def loads_MoG_results(chrom):

		comb = "_".join([config_variables.dict_option[el] for el in option_correl])
		kappa_0, mu_0, alpha_0, Beta_0 = config_variables.kappa_0, config_variables.mu_0, config_variables.alpha_0, config_variables.Beta_0
		name = 'cluster_trace_of_c_distance_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}_{6}'.format(kappa_0, mu_0, alpha_0, Beta_0, chrom, comb, number_of_samples)
		name = os.getcwd() + "/MOG_results_/" + name	

		import iter_loadtxt
		_c_trace_raw = iter_loadtxt.iter_loadtxt(name, ",", dtype = int) # saves memory

		num_of_promoters = len(config_variables.dict_chrom_pro_survived[chrom])	
		promoters_fixed_labels = np.zeros((len(_c_trace_raw), num_of_promoters),dtype = int)
		promoters_fixed_labels[:] = np.arange(num_of_promoters, dtype = int)
		_c_trace_distance = np.c_[promoters_fixed_labels, _c_trace_raw]

		return _c_trace_distance
    def loads_MoG_results(chrom, name):

        import iter_loadtxt

        _c_trace_raw = iter_loadtxt.iter_loadtxt(name, ",", dtype=int)  # saves memory

        if mode_of_sampler == "dirichlet_MOG":

            _c_trace = _c_trace_raw


            num_of_promoters = len(config_variables.dict_chrom_pro_survived[chrom])
            promoters_fixed_labels = np.zeros((len(_c_trace_raw), num_of_promoters), dtype=int)
            promoters_fixed_labels[:] = np.arange(num_of_promoters, dtype=int)
            _c_trace = np.c_[promoters_fixed_labels, _c_trace_raw]

        return _c_trace
Пример #4
def main():


# Begin -- User defined options --

       default_path_1 = os.getcwd()


       default_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".."))

       challengeFolder = default_path + filesep

	# challengeFolder = default_path + '\\'

       dataDirectory = challengeFolder +'data'

       submissionDirectory = challengeFolder + 'results' # Where ready-to-submit result files are found

       modelDirectory = challengeFolder + 'models'       # Where trained predictive models end up

       file_count = 1

       networkIdNames = []

       #networkIdNames.append('normal-1')        # IMPORTANT: these are the base names of your data 








       networkIdNames.append('mockvalid')  # You can run the code as is with these options

       networkIdNames.append('mocktest')   # To generate a challenge submission, substitute mockvalid and mocktest for valid and test

                                           # that are the challenge datasets.
       scoringMethods = [];

       scoringMethods.append('pearsonsCorrelation'); # We provide 3 "basic" examples of scoring methods. You need to write your own.

                                                     # We did not implement GTE (see the Matlab and C++ code for that).






       modelName = 'sample_model' # Name of the model used by the trainedPredictor scoring method

       concatenateScores = 0;     # 1 if all scores from various networks are appended to the same file (for each method)

       # End -- User defined options --

       # Initializations


       if not os.path.exists(submissionDirectory):


       the_date =

       timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")


       # logfile = submissionDirectory + '\\' + 'logfile.txt'

       logfile = submissionDirectory + filesep + 'logfile.txt'

       flog=open(logfile, 'a');


       print('\n ChaLearn connectomics challenge, sample code version '+sys.version+'\n')

       print(' Date and time started: ' + the_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")+'\n')

       print(' Saving AUC results in ' + logfile+'\n')


       start = time.time()



       scores = numpy.empty((netNum,metNum))

       for j in range(0,metNum):    

          scoringMethod = scoringMethods[j];      

          # scoreFile = submissionDirectory + '\\' + scoringMethod + '_' +"_".join(str(x) for x in networkIdNames )+timestr+'.csv';

          target = submissionDirectory + filesep + scoringMethod + '_' +"_".join(str(x) for x in networkIdNames )+timestr+'_kaggle_ready.csv'; 
          tf = open(target, 'a')

          scoreFile = submissionDirectory + filesep + scoringMethod + '_' +"_".join(str(x) for x in networkIdNames )+timestr+'.csv'; 

# Loop over all networks you want to process   

          for i in range(0,netNum):

              networkId = networkIdNames[i];

              print('***'+ scoringMethod  +' on '+networkId+' ***\n\n' );

# Load the Fluorescence signal

              # fluorescenceFile = dataDirectory + '\\'+ 'fluorescence_'+networkId+extension;

	      fluorescenceFile = dataDirectory + filesep+ 'fluorescence_'+networkId+extension;


              #F = loadtxt(fluorescenceFile,delimiter=",")
	      F = iter_loadtxt(fluorescenceFile)

# Compute the scores for all pairs of neurons i, j

              tic = time.clock()

              print('Computing scores with ' + scoringMethod + '\n')

              if scoringMethod == 'trainedPredictor':

                  # arg =  modelDirectory + '\\' + modelName + '.mat'

		  arg =  modelDirectory + filesep + modelName + '.mat'


                  arg = 'false'


              scores = funcdict[scoringMethod](F, arg)

              #scores =    numpy.corrcoef(F, rowvar = 0)


# Note: these scoring methods do not make use of available neuron

# positions (in their 2-D layout simulating neuron cultures).

              toc = time.clock()

#Write the scores to the submission directory, ready to be submitted

              # resuFile = submissionDirectory + '\\'+scoringMethod+'_'+networkId+'_'+timestr+'.csv';

 	      resuFile = submissionDirectory + filesep+scoringMethod+'_'+networkId+'_'+timestr+'.csv';

              if ~concatenateScores:

                  scoreFile = resuFile

              print 'Writing ' + scoreFile + ' \n'

              if scoringMethod == 'randomScore':

                         scores_dense =  scores.toarray()


                         scores_dense = scores

              writeNetworkScoresInCSV(scoreFile, scores_dense, networkId)

              if file_count == 1:

                 file_count = file_count + 1

                 src1 = open(scoreFile)




# If we have the network architecture... compute/plot the ROC curve:

# (network architecture provided only for training data to the participants)

              # networkFile = dataDirectory +'\\'+'network_' +networkId +extension;
	      networkFile = dataDirectory + filesep + 'network_' + networkId + extension        


              if os.path.exists(networkFile):

                  print'Computing ROC with using network ' + networkFile + '\n'

                  network = readNetworkScores(networkFile);          


                  if scoringMethod == 'randomScore':

                         scores_dense =  scores.toarray()


                         scores_dense =  scores    

                  pred = reshapeScores(scores_dense)

                  true = reshapeNetwork(network)



                  fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(true,pred)


                  print('\n==> AUC = '+ str(metrics.auc(fpr,tpr))+'\n');



                  resuFile = scoringMethod+'_'+networkId+'_'+timestr+'.png'


                  fullpath = os.path.join(submissionDirectory , resuFile)


                  flog.write(the_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")+'\t'+scoringMethod+'\t'+networkId+'\t'+'%.4f\n' % ((metrics.auc(fpr, tpr))))

#close all open files
       end = time.time()

       #print networkId
       print end - start

       print the_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")+' Challenge solved.' +'\n'

       toc = time.clock();

Пример #5
def main():

    # Begin -- User defined options --

    default_path_1 = os.getcwd()


    default_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".."))

    challengeFolder = default_path + filesep

    # challengeFolder = default_path + '\\'

    dataDirectory = challengeFolder + 'data'

    submissionDirectory = challengeFolder + 'results'  # Where ready-to-submit result files are found

    modelDirectory = challengeFolder + 'models'  # Where trained predictive models end up

    file_count = 1

    networkIdNames = []

    #networkIdNames.append('normal-1')        # IMPORTANT: these are the base names of your data








        'mockvalid')  # You can run the code as is with these options

    )  # To generate a challenge submission, substitute mockvalid and mocktest for valid and test

    # that are the challenge datasets.

    scoringMethods = []

    # We provide 3 "basic" examples of scoring methods. You need to write your own.

    # We did not implement GTE (see the Matlab and C++ code for that).






    modelName = 'sample_model'  # Name of the model used by the trainedPredictor scoring method

    concatenateScores = 0
    # 1 if all scores from various networks are appended to the same file (for each method)

    # End -- User defined options --

    # Initializations

    if not os.path.exists(submissionDirectory):


    the_date =

    timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")

    extension = '.txt'

    # logfile = submissionDirectory + '\\' + 'logfile.txt'

    logfile = submissionDirectory + filesep + 'logfile.txt'

    flog = open(logfile, 'a')


    print('\n ChaLearn connectomics challenge, sample code version ' +
          sys.version + '\n')

    print(' Date and time started: ' + the_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") +

    print(' Saving AUC results in ' + logfile + '\n')


    start = time.time()

    metNum = len(scoringMethods)

    netNum = len(networkIdNames)

    scores = numpy.empty((netNum, metNum))

    for j in range(0, metNum):

        scoringMethod = scoringMethods[j]

        # scoreFile = submissionDirectory + '\\' + scoringMethod + '_' +"_".join(str(x) for x in networkIdNames )+timestr+'.csv';

        target = submissionDirectory + filesep + scoringMethod + '_' + "_".join(
            str(x) for x in networkIdNames) + timestr + '_kaggle_ready.csv'

        tf = open(target, 'a')

        scoreFile = submissionDirectory + filesep + scoringMethod + '_' + "_".join(
            str(x) for x in networkIdNames) + timestr + '.csv'

        # Loop over all networks you want to process

        for i in range(0, netNum):

            networkId = networkIdNames[i]

            print('***' + scoringMethod + ' on ' + networkId + ' ***\n\n')

            # Load the Fluorescence signal

            # fluorescenceFile = dataDirectory + '\\'+ 'fluorescence_'+networkId+extension;

            fluorescenceFile = dataDirectory + filesep + 'fluorescence_' + networkId + extension

            #F = loadtxt(fluorescenceFile,delimiter=",")
            F = iter_loadtxt(fluorescenceFile)

            # Compute the scores for all pairs of neurons i, j

            tic = time.clock()

            print('Computing scores with ' + scoringMethod + '\n')

            if scoringMethod == 'trainedPredictor':

                # arg =  modelDirectory + '\\' + modelName + '.mat'

                arg = modelDirectory + filesep + modelName + '.mat'


                arg = 'false'

            scores = funcdict[scoringMethod](F, arg)

            #scores =    numpy.corrcoef(F, rowvar = 0)

            # Note: these scoring methods do not make use of available neuron

            # positions (in their 2-D layout simulating neuron cultures).

            toc = time.clock()

            #Write the scores to the submission directory, ready to be submitted

            # resuFile = submissionDirectory + '\\'+scoringMethod+'_'+networkId+'_'+timestr+'.csv';

            resuFile = submissionDirectory + filesep + scoringMethod + '_' + networkId + '_' + timestr + '.csv'

            if ~concatenateScores:

                scoreFile = resuFile

            print 'Writing ' + scoreFile + ' \n'

            if scoringMethod == 'randomScore':

                scores_dense = scores.toarray()


                scores_dense = scores

            writeNetworkScoresInCSV(scoreFile, scores_dense, networkId)

            if file_count == 1:


                file_count = file_count + 1


                src1 = open(scoreFile)




# If we have the network architecture... compute/plot the ROC curve:

# (network architecture provided only for training data to the participants)

# networkFile = dataDirectory +'\\'+'network_' +networkId +extension;
            networkFile = dataDirectory + filesep + 'network_' + networkId + extension

            if os.path.exists(networkFile):

                print 'Computing ROC with using network ' + networkFile + '\n'

                network = readNetworkScores(networkFile)

                if scoringMethod == 'randomScore':

                    scores_dense = scores.toarray()


                    scores_dense = scores

                pred = reshapeScores(scores_dense)

                true = reshapeNetwork(network)


                fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(true, pred)

                print('\n==> AUC = ' + str(metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)) + '\n')

                resuFile = scoringMethod + '_' + networkId + '_' + timestr + '.png'

                fullpath = os.path.join(submissionDirectory, resuFile)

                plotROC(fpr, tpr, fullpath)

                    the_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + '\t' +
                    scoringMethod + '\t' + networkId + '\t' + '%.4f\n' %
                    ((metrics.auc(fpr, tpr))))

#close all open files
    end = time.time()

    #print networkId

    print end - start

    print the_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") + ' Challenge solved.' + '\n'

    toc = time.clock()

