def get_biggest_cluster(xi, yi, yli): clusters = DBSCAN(15).fit_predict(yli) hist, bins = np.histogram(clusters) maxi = np.argmax(hist) xi = list(compress(xi, clusters == CornerDetector.get_int_between(bins[maxi], bins[maxi + 1]))) yi = list(compress(yi, clusters == CornerDetector.get_int_between(bins[maxi], bins[maxi + 1]))) return xi, yi
def create_weight_matrix(userInfo,stats): """ The basic idea used for recommendation is a kind of content based recommendation per user. It involves creating a weight matrix (user across coffee properties). The weights are basically estimates of ratings by the user depending on the properties of the coffee. The individual weights are calculated using the average rating given by this user to coffees containing each of the 5 different properties. """ wm = {} properties = ["Decaf","Organic","Fair Trade"] for currUserId in stats["ids"]: wm[currUserId]={} for p in properties: userInfo[currUserId][p] = {} # extracts all the current users rated coffees containing # decaf,organic or fair trade property userInfo[currUserId][p]["coffees"] = list(coffees for coffees in userInfo[currUserId]["coffees"] if p in coffees) userInfo[currUserId][p]["rating"] = list(itertools.compress(userInfo[currUserId]["ratings"], userInfo[currUserId][p]["coffees"])) #computes the average coffee rating by the user for a coffee containing the property wm[currUserId][p] = sum(userInfo[currUserId][p]["rating"])/len(userInfo[currUserId][p]["rating"]) for attribute in ("Adjective","Country"): wm[currUserId][attribute] = {} for k,v in stats[attribute].items(): curList = list(coffees for coffees in userInfo[currUserId]["coffees"] if k in coffees) userInfo[currUserId][k] = {} if(len(curList) > 0): userInfo[currUserId][k]["coffees"] = curList userInfo[currUserId][k]["rating"] = list(itertools.compress(userInfo[currUserId]["ratings"], userInfo[currUserId][k]["coffees"])) wm[currUserId][attribute][k] = sum(userInfo[currUserId][k]["rating"])/len(userInfo[currUserId][k]["rating"]) else: wm[currUserId][attribute][k] = 0 return wm
def load_csv(path, sample=10, only_title=False, include=(), exclude=()): from itertools import compress import csv with open(path) as f: titles = f.readline().strip().split(',') if include: column_compress = [_start_or_end_with(title, include) for title in titles] else: column_compress = [True] * len(titles) if exclude: column_compress = [not _start_or_end_with(title, exclude) and tb for title, tb in zip(titles, column_compress)] if only_title: return list(compress(titles, column_compress)) with open(path) as f: lines = csv.reader(f) next(lines) result = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1): if sample and i > sample: break result.append([_load_csv_value_convert(x) for x in compress(line, column_compress)]) return result
def _import_swiss_manager(self, file_name, elo_default, draw_character): with open(file_name) as file: file_iter, index_name, index_elo, index_points, index_rounds = self._read_first_line(file) # Read the rest of the file and split the fields in the list lines = [line.split(";") for line in file_iter] # Fill in the information self._names = [line[index_name] for line in lines] # First, determine which players haven't played any round self._opponents = [Tournament._calculate_opponents(line, index_rounds) for line in lines] self._number_of_opponents = [len(opps) for opps in self._opponents] self._did_not_play = [name for name, opps in zip(self._names, self._number_of_opponents) if opps == 0] # Now, save only the relevant players self._names = list(compress(self._names, self._number_of_opponents)) self._elos = [ Tournament._calculate_elo(line[index_elo], elo_default) for line in compress(lines, self._number_of_opponents) ] self._points = [ Tournament._calculate_points(line[index_points], draw_character=draw_character) for line in compress(lines, self._number_of_opponents) ] self._played_points = [ Tournament._calculate_played_points(line, index_rounds, draw_character) for line in compress(lines, self._number_of_opponents) ] self._number_of_opponents = list(compress(self._number_of_opponents, self._number_of_opponents)) self._number_of_rounds = len(index_rounds)
def plot_conditions(eeg, conditions): eeg1_full = np.asarray(list(compress(eeg, conditions == 0))) eeg2_full = np.asarray(list(compress(eeg, conditions == 1))) # draw select trials for i in xrange(10): plt.subplot(1, 10, i + 1) plt.pcolor(eeg1_full[i], eeg1 = np.mean(eeg1_full, axis=0) eeg2 = np.mean(eeg2_full, axis=0) def _plot_heatmap(data): return plt.pcolor(data, # draw between class difference plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) _plot_heatmap(eeg1) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) _plot_heatmap(eeg2) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) _plot_heatmap(eeg1-eeg2) # draw within class difference plt.subplot(1, 4, 1) _plot_heatmap(np.mean(eeg1_full[:(len(eeg1) / 2)], axis=0)) plt.subplot(1, 4, 2) _plot_heatmap(np.mean(eeg1_full[(len(eeg1) / 2):], axis=0)) plt.subplot(1, 4, 3) _plot_heatmap(np.mean(eeg2_full[:(len(eeg2) / 2)], axis=0)) plt.subplot(1, 4, 4) _plot_heatmap(np.mean(eeg2_full[(len(eeg2) / 2):], axis=0))
def single_var_graphs(data): """ This function is for visualizing single variables against labels Args: data: a list of dictionaries """ # first remove ORF for e in data: e.pop(ORF, None) keys = data[0].keys() labels = [int(e[ESSENTIAL]) for e in data] not_labels = [0 if l else 1 for l in labels] for x in keys[:5]: X = [float(e[x]) for e in data] xPos = list(compress(X, labels)) xNeg = list(compress(X, not_labels)) title = x + ' Essentiality' axes = plt.gca() axes.set_ylim([-1, 2]) pos = plt.scatter(xPos, [1] * len(xPos), c='r', alpha=0.5) neg = plt.scatter(xNeg, [0] * len(xNeg), c='g', alpha=0.5) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x) plt.ylabel('Essentiality') plt.legend((pos, neg), ('Essential', 'Non-Essential'), scatterpoints=1)
def remove_empty_features(self, threshold=10): """Remove features with fewer than threshold non-zero entries, save in CSV file.""" f = open(self.data_file_name) self.m = len(f.readline().strip().split("\t")) print "Features:", self.m dcount = collections.Counter() # non-empty data entries per feature for line in f: ind = [i for i, x in enumerate(line.strip().split("\t")) if x!="0"] dcount.update(ind) useful_features = set(k for k, v in dcount.items() if v >= threshold) self.m_red = len(useful_features) print "Columns with at least %d entries: %d (%4.2f%%)" % (threshold, self.m_red, 100*self.m_red/self.m) # column selection on training data set selection = [x in useful_features for x in xrange(self.m)] fout = file(self.filtered_data_file_name, "w") for line in f: fout.write("\t".join(itertools.compress(line.strip().split("\t"), selection)) + "\n") fout.close() # column selection on test data set f = open(self.test_file_name) fout = file(self.filtered_test_file_name, "w") for line in f: fout.write("\t".join(itertools.compress(line.strip().split("\t"), selection)) + "\n") fout.close()
def pairwise_graphs(data): """ This function produces graphs for each pair of features given a list of dictionaries A LOT of graphs are produced. I recommend constraining the keys in the loops if using show() Args: data: a list of dictionaries """ # first remove ORF for e in data: e.pop(ORF, None) keys = data[0].keys() labels = [int(e[ESSENTIAL]) for e in data] notLabels = [0 if l else 1 for l in labels] i = 0 for x in keys: X = [float(e[x]) for e in data] x_pos = list(compress(X, labels)) x_neg = list(compress(X, notLabels)) i += 1 for y in keys[i:]: Y = [float(e[y]) for e in data] y_pos = list(compress(Y, labels)) y_neg = list(compress(Y, notLabels)) pos = plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c='r', alpha=0.5) neg = plt.scatter(x_neg, y_neg, c='g', alpha=0.5) title = x + ' vs ' + y plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x) plt.ylabel(y) plt.legend((pos, neg), ('Essential', 'Non-Essential'), scatterpoints=1) # plt.savefig('../data/graphs/' + title + '.png')
def getUnobservedInts(fInName, desiredResponsesMask, boolLen, str4true, subsetMask=None, subsetResponses=None): # Open the csv and get our row iterator fIn = open(fInName) csv_f = csv.reader(fIn) # Skip the header row next(csv_f) # Start with all possible responses as integers set ... unobservedInts = set(range(2**boolLen)) # ... and loop through our rows, discarding the observeds for row in csv_f: if subsetMask == None: i = int(''.join(['1' if i in str4true else '0' for i in compress(row,desiredResponsesMask)]), 2) unobservedInts.discard(i) else: if tuple(compress(row, subsetMask)) == subsetResponses: i = int(''.join(['1' if i in str4true else '0' for i in compress(row,desiredResponsesMask)]), 2) unobservedInts.discard(i) fIn.close() return unobservedInts
def compute(cls, keys, variables, function, parameters, parallel=None, ipython_profile=None, group_name=None): """ Compute profiles by applying the parameters to the function in parallel. """ assert len(keys) == len(parameters) njobs = len(parameters) parallel = parallel or ParallelProcessor.create_from_legacy(ipython_profile) generator = parallel.view('profiles.compute').imap(function, parameters) try: import progressbar progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.Counter(), '/', str(njobs), ' ', progressbar.ETA()], maxval=njobs) data = list(progress(generator)) except ImportError: data = list(generator) for i, (p, r) in enumerate(zip(parameters, data)): if r is None:'Retrying failed computation locally') data[i] = function(p) rowmask = [(l != None) and all(~np.isnan(l)) for l in data] import itertools data = list(itertools.compress(data, rowmask)) keys = list(itertools.compress(keys, rowmask)) return cls(keys, data, variables, group_name=group_name)
def filterByExpression(textList, inputList, prep = True, method = 'AND', index = False, invert = False): #filter textList by expressions in inputList import itertools import re if isinstance(inputList, str): #if a string is passed in instead of a list, make it a list inputList = [inputList] if prep: expressionList = prepExpressionList(inputList) else: expressionList = inputList matchObjLists = [] for expression in expressionList: matchObjList = [] for textString in textList: matchObjList.append(, textString)) matchObjLists.append(matchObjList) condition = filterByHelper(matchObjLists, method = method) if invert: condition = [not boolVal for boolVal in condition] if index is False: return list(itertools.compress(textList, condition)) else: return list(itertools.compress(enumerate(textList), condition))
def apply_filter_by_instances(self, context, classifier_name, all_elements, temp_feat_list): """ Feat_filter indicates the features that must be kept from the pattern file, depending on the features_names array. :param context: :param classifier_name: :param all_elements: :param temp_feat_list: :return: """ feat_filter = self.build_features_filter(len(context["classifiers"][classifier_name]["classes_names"]), context["classifiers"][classifier_name]["features_names"], temp_feat_list) all_elements = np.asarray([list(itertools.compress(x, feat_filter)) for x in all_elements]) temp_feat_list = list(itertools.compress(temp_feat_list, feat_filter)) #all_elements contains now the same features than features_name from the classifier context, but unordered features_names = context["classifiers"][classifier_name]["features_names"] while temp_feat_list != features_names: for i, feature_true, feature_all_elements in zip(range(len(features_names)), features_names, temp_feat_list): if feature_true != feature_all_elements: temp = copy.deepcopy(all_elements[:, i]) all_elements[:, i] = all_elements[:, temp_feat_list.index(feature_true)] all_elements[:, temp_feat_list.index(feature_true)] = temp temp_feature = copy.deepcopy(temp_feat_list[i]) old_position = temp_feat_list.index(feature_true) temp_feat_list[i] = feature_true temp_feat_list[old_position] = temp_feature break return all_elements
def subset_cells(self, keep_cells): """ Write a file reduced to just the given cells """ keep_cells = set(keep_cells) subset_file_name = self.tag_file_name(c_SUBSET_POSTFIX) if subset_file_name is None: return(None) with self.get_write_handle(subset_file_name) as file_writer: csv_writer = csv.writer(file_writer, delimiter=self.delimiter) check_handle = self.csv_handle keep_cells.add(c_EXPRESSION_00_ELEMENT) header = next(check_handle) row_1 = next(check_handle) if (len(header) == (len(row_1) - 1)) and (c_EXPRESSION_00_ELEMENT not in header): header = [c_EXPRESSION_00_ELEMENT] + header header_index = [cell in keep_cells for cell in header] # Need to add the header rows csv_writer.writerow(list(itertools.compress(header,header_index))) csv_writer.writerow(list(itertools.compress(row_1,header_index))) for file_line in check_handle: csv_writer.writerow(list(itertools.compress(file_line,header_index))) return(subset_file_name)
def josephus(prisoner, kill, surviver): p = range(prisoner) k = [0] * kill k[kill-1] = 1 s = [1] * kill s[kill -1] = 0 queue = p queue = compress(queue, cycle(s)) try: while True: p.append( except StopIteration: pass kil=[] killed = compress(p, cycle(k)) try: while True: kil.append( except StopIteration: pass print 'The surviver is: ', kil[-surviver:] print 'The kill sequence is ', kil[:prisoner-surviver]
def p_call_mol_energy(kind): if __class__._lock: return None else: __class__.lock = True tmp = [0] * len(__class__.container) for i in __class__.to_compute: tmp[i] = 1 my_pool = mproc.Pool() if kind == 'full': output = [my_pool.apply_async(mol.full_energy_calc) for mol in itertools.compress(__class__.container, tmp)] elif kind == 'func': output = [my_pool.apply_async(mol.func_energy_calc) for mol in itertools.compress(__class__.container, tmp)] else: msg = 'Critical error in implementation' lg.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) for p in output: new_mols = [p.get() for p in output] __class__.refresh_container(new_mols) # for mol in new_mols: # print(mol.full_energy, mol.myprm_full.sprms) my_pool.terminate() __class__._lock = False
def _euclidean(event_a, event_b): """Return the euclidean distance between two points Parameters: ---------- event_a, event_b: Event Event point Output: ------ result: Distance() """ ##some shortcuts values_a = event_a.__dict__.values() values_b = event_b.__dict__.values() ##check if attributes are float to compute euclidean distance which_a_attribute_float = is_type(values_a, np.float) which_b_attribute_float = is_type(values_b, np.float) if which_a_attribute_float == which_b_attribute_float: x = np.array(list(compress(values_a, which_a_attribute_float))) y = np.array(list(compress(values_b, which_b_attribute_float))) return np.linalg.norm(x-y)
def main(): letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] booleans = [True, False, True, True] print 'letters is: {}'.format(letters) print 'booleans is: {}'.format(booleans) compressed = compress(letters, booleans) print 'letters and booleans compressed is: {}'.format(list(compressed)) # what happens if the lists aren't the same length? # Answer: dictated by the boolean list. letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] booleans = [True, False, True, True] print 'letters is: {}'.format(letters) print 'booleans is: {}'.format(booleans) compressed = compress(letters, booleans) print 'letters and booleans compressed is: {}'.format(list(compressed)) letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] booleans = [True, False, True, True, True, True] print 'letters is: {}'.format(letters) print 'booleans is: {}'.format(booleans) compressed = compress(letters, booleans)
def interpolate_all_stops(merged_row,tol=100): distance_stops = merged_row.shape_stop_dist # if the returned object is not a list, it does not contain any information, so there is nothing to interpolate. if type(distance_stops) != list: return [[]] # if there are fewer than 2 pings, no interpolation is possible if len(merged_row.recorded_time)<2: return [[]] # assemble the ping data as a pandas Series, for convenient use of dropna() method list1, list2 = zip(*sorted(zip(merged_row.recorded_time,merged_row.veh_dist_along_shape))) veh_pings = pd.Series(index=list1,data=list2) veh_pings = veh_pings.dropna() # pings must be cleaned for cases when the vehicle "moves backwards" along the route. # this may occur when the vehicle is actually finishing another trip, or returning to the first stop # the proposed method is to identify the the largest monotonic increasing subsequence first, last = longest_inc_range(veh_pings.values,tolerance=tol) if len(veh_pings) == 0: return [[]] valid_pings = veh_pings.iloc[first:last] if len(valid_pings)<2: return [[]] # finally, perform the interpolation with the cleaned data x = valid_pings.values y = valid_pings.index.values f = interpolate.interp1d(x,y) xnew = distance_stops masker = (xnew > min(x)) & (xnew < max(x)) xnew = list(compress(xnew,masker)) # return the estimated times (as timedelta dtype) and the stop labels interp_times = pd.to_timedelta(f(xnew),unit='ns') return [list(compress(merged_row.shape_stop_id,masker)),interp_times]
def filter_homography_corners(self): """Filter invalid corner based on homography test""""Filter Corners: Homography") optical_flow = self.corners_optical_flow corners = self.corners num_of_corners = len(corners) num_of_cameras = len(optical_flow[0])"Starting Corners Number:" + str(num_of_corners)) reference_corners = np.float32(corners).reshape(-1, 1, 2) # initialise a cumulative mask to indicate the validity of corners cumulative_mask = np.zeros((num_of_corners, 1)) # examine the flow of each corner, see if it passes homography test in each image. for i in xrange(0, num_of_cameras): current_corners = np.float32([pt[i] for pt in optical_flow]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) M, mask = cv2.findHomography(reference_corners, current_corners, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) cumulative_mask = cumulative_mask + mask cumulative_mask = cumulative_mask.flatten().tolist() # defines how many passes are required in a valid flow min_pass = num_of_cameras * (1.0 - self.homography_params['ransacThreshold']) for j in xrange(0, num_of_corners): if (cumulative_mask[j] < min_pass): cumulative_mask[j] = False else: cumulative_mask[j] = True # remove invalid corners and its optical flow itertools.compress(optical_flow, cumulative_mask) itertools.compress(corners, cumulative_mask)"Result Corner Number: " + str(len(corners))) # update corner list and optical flow self.corners_optical_flow = optical_flow self.corners = corners"Finished Homography filtering, updating Corners and Optical Flow")
def get_pred_series(self, pred): loci = self.get_loci() zero_loci = list(compress(loci, np.logical_not(self.feats.get_nonzero()))) s = pd.Series([self.label_obj.int_to_str_dict[i] for i in pred], index=compress(loci, self.feats.get_nonzero())) if len(zero_loci) > 0: s = s.append(pd.Series(['no_data',]*len(zero_loci), index=zero_loci)) return s
def n_fold_cross_validation(data, n, true_oracle, random_seed=None): if random_seed is not None: data = list(data) random_function = random.Random(random_seed).random random.shuffle(data, random_function) train_test_bit_maps = KFold(len(data), n) return ((list(compress(data, train)), list(compress(data, test))) for train, test in train_test_bit_maps)
def plot_pe(sam_fpath): p = SAM.SAMParser() reads = list(p.parse(sam_fpath)) pes = [] for r1,r2 in izip(reads[::2],reads[1::2]): if swap(r1.pos, r2.pos): r1,r2 = r2,r1 pes.append(PE(r1,r2)) coords = [pe.get_coord() for pe in pes] x,y = zip(*coords) minx,maxx=min(x),max(x) miny,maxy=min(y),max(y) contour_plot(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,coords) n_r,n_f = len(Reverse), len(Forward) plt.vlines(Reverse, ymin=miny,ymax=maxy, colors='r', alpha=0.1) plt.hlines(Reverse, xmin=miny,xmax=maxy, colors='r', alpha=0.1) plt.vlines(Forward, ymin=minx,ymax=maxx, colors='b', alpha=0.1) plt.hlines(Forward, xmin=minx,xmax=maxx, colors='b', alpha=0.1) read_length = 300 xorients,yorients = zip(*[pe.get_orient() for pe in pes]) xorients,yorients = na.array(xorients,dtype=bool), na.array(yorients,dtype=bool) points = na.array(coords) direct_x = points.copy() direct_x[:,0] += read_length paths_x = [Path(na.array([i,j])) for i,j in izip(points,direct_x)] direct_y = points.copy() direct_y[:,1] += read_length paths_y = [Path(na.array([i,j])) for i,j in izip(points,direct_y)] rev_c = PathCollection(list(chain(compress(paths_x,xorients),compress(paths_y,yorients))), edgecolors='r',linewidths=2) for_c = PathCollection(list(chain(compress(paths_x,na.logical_not(xorients)),compress(paths_y,na.logical_not(yorients)))),edgecolors='b',linewidths=2) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(rev_c) ax.add_collection(for_c) ax.set_xlabel('met') ax.set_ylabel('ptprz1') """ x,y = zip(*[pe.get_coord() for pe in compress(pes, xorients)]) plt.scatter(x,y,marker=TICKLEFT,c='r') x,y = zip(*[pe.get_coord() for pe in compress(pes, na.logical_not(xorients))]) plt.scatter(x,y,marker=TICKRIGHT,c='b') x,y = zip(*[pe.get_coord() for pe in compress(pes, yorients)]) plt.scatter(x,y,marker=TICKDOWN,c='r') x,y = zip(*[pe.get_coord() for pe in compress(pes, na.logical_not(yorients))]) plt.scatter(x,y,marker=TICKUP,c='b') """
def calc_fit(model, metric, train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, p): train_x = map(lambda x: list(compress(x, p)), train_x) test_x = map(lambda x: list(compress(x, p)), test_x) clf =, train_y) predictions = clf.predict(test_x) if metric == 'precision': return precision_score(test_y, predictions, [0, 1]) elif metric == 'recall': return recall_score(test_y, predictions, [0, 1]) elif metric == 'accuracy': return accuracy_score(test_y, predictions, [0, 1]) return precision_score(test_y, predictions, [0, 1]) + recall_score(test_y, predictions, [0, 1]) + accuracy_score(test_y, predictions, [0, 1])
def find_sundays(days_of_week, month, year): if len(month) != 28 or year % 4 > 0: return list((s for s in compress(month, days_of_week))) else: leap_february = [] for i in month: leap_february.append(i) leap_february.append(29) return list((s for s in compress(leap_february, days_of_week)))
def _select_date_range(self, lines): """Identify lines containing headers within the range begin_date to end_date. Parameters ----- lines: list list of lines from the IGRA2 data file. """ headers = [] num_lev = [] dates = [] # Get indices of headers, and make a list of dates and num_lev for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if line[0] == '#': year, month, day, hour = map(int, line[13:26].split()) # All soundings have YMD, most have hour try: date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour) except ValueError: date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) # Check date if self.begin_date <= date <= self.end_date: headers.append(idx) num_lev.append(int(line[32:36])) dates.append(date) if date > self.end_date: break if len(dates) == 0: # Break if no matched dates. # Could improve this later by showing the date range for the station. raise ValueError('No dates match selection.') # Compress body of data into a string begin_idx = min(headers) end_idx = max(headers) + num_lev[-1] # Make a boolean vector that selects only list indices within the time range selector = np.zeros(len(lines), dtype=bool) selector[begin_idx:end_idx + 1] = True selector[headers] = False body = ''.join([line for line in itertools.compress(lines, selector)]) selector[begin_idx:end_idx + 1] = ~selector[begin_idx:end_idx + 1] header = ''.join([line for line in itertools.compress(lines, selector)]) # expand date vector to match length of the body dataframe. dates_long = np.repeat(dates, num_lev) return body, header, dates_long, dates
def get_pred_dataframe(self, pred): loci = self.get_loci() zero_loci = list(compress(loci, np.logical_not(self.feats.get_nonzero()))) df = pd.DataFrame(pred, index=compress(loci,self.feats.get_nonzero())).rename(columns=self.label_obj.int_to_str_dict) nan_df = pd.DataFrame([[-np.inf]*len(df.columns),]*len(zero_loci), index=zero_loci).rename(columns=self.label_obj.int_to_str_dict) df['best'] = df.apply(lambda s:s.argmax(), axis=1) nan_df['best'] = 'no_data' df = pd.concat((df,nan_df)) return df
def verify(taken, objective, values, weight, weights): """ """ import itertools taken_value_sum = sum(itertools.compress(values, taken)) taken_weight_sum = sum(itertools.compress(weights, taken)) if objective != taken_value_sum: print 'objective {} does not match taken_value_sum: {}, taken: {}'.format(objective, taken_value_sum, taken) if weight != taken_weight_sum: print 'weight {} does not match taken_weight_sum: {}, taken: {}'.format(weight, taken_weight_sum, taken)
def evaluate_guess(self, guess): assert len(guess) == len(self.secret) correct_num = sum((map((lambda x, y: x == y), self.secret, guess))) incorrect_filter = list(map((lambda x, y: x != y), self.secret, guess)) remaining_secret = list(compress(self.secret, incorrect_filter)) incorrect_guesses = list(compress(guess, incorrect_filter)) incorrect_guesses_num = 0 for g in incorrect_guesses: if g in remaining_secret: remaining_secret.remove(g) incorrect_guesses_num += 1 return correct_num, incorrect_guesses_num
def compute(cls, keys, variables, function, parameters, ipython_profile=None, group_name=None): """ Compute profiles by applying the parameters to the function in parallel. """ assert len(keys) == len(parameters) njobs = len(parameters) if isinstance(ipython_profile, LSFView): view = ipython_profile logger.debug('Running %d jobs on LSF' % view.njobs) generator = view.imap(function, parameters) elif ipython_profile: from IPython.parallel import Client, LoadBalancedView client = Client(profile=ipython_profile) view = client.load_balanced_view() logger.debug('Running %d jobs' % njobs) generator = view.imap(function, parameters) elif ipython_profile == False: generator = (function(p) for p in parameters) else: from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count import threading view = Pool() logger.debug('Running %d jobs on %d local CPU%s' % (njobs, cpu_count(), ' s'[cpu_count() > 1])) generator = view.imap(function, parameters) try: import progressbar progress = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.Counter(), '/', str(njobs), ' ', progressbar.ETA()], maxval=njobs) data = list(progress(generator)) except ImportError: data = list(generator) for i, (p, r) in enumerate(zip(parameters, data)): if r is None:'Retrying failed computation locally') data[i] = function(p) rowmask = [(l != None) and all(~np.isnan(l)) for l in data] import itertools data = list(itertools.compress(data, rowmask)) keys = list(itertools.compress(keys, rowmask)) return cls(keys, data, variables, group_name=group_name)
def findsilence(y,sr,ind_i): hop = int(round(sr*0.2)) #hop and width defines search window width = sr*0.2 n_slice = int(len(y)/hop) starts = np.arange(n_slice)*hop ends = starts+width if hop != width: cutoff = np.argmax(ends>len(y)) starts = starts[:cutoff] ends = ends[:cutoff] n_slice = len(starts) mask = map(lambda i:[starts[i]:ends[i]],y[starts[i]:ends[i]])/width, range(n_slice)) < 0.04 *,y)/len(y) starts = list(compress(starts+ind_i,mask)) ends = list(compress(ends+ind_i,mask)) return zip(starts,ends)
def vowel(c): return c.lower() in 'aeiou' print("list(filter(vowel, 'Aardvark')) {}\n----------".format( list(filter(vowel, 'Aardvark')))) print("list(itertools.filterfalse(vowel, 'Aardvark')) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.filterfalse(vowel, 'Aardvark')))) print("list(itertools.dropwhile(vowel, 'Aardvark')) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.dropwhile(vowel, 'Aardvark')))) print("list(itertools.takewhile(vowel, 'Aardvark')) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.takewhile(vowel, 'Aardvark')))) print( "list(itertools.compress('Aardvark', (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1))) {}\n----------". format(list(itertools.compress('Aardvark', (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1))))) print("list(itertools.islice('Aardvark', 4)) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.islice('Aardvark', 4)))) print("list(itertools.islice('Aardvark', 4, 7)) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.islice('Aardvark', 4, 7)))) print("list(itertools.islice('Aardvark', 1, 7, 2)) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.islice('Aardvark', 1, 7, 2)))) sample = [5, 4, 2, 8, 7, 6, 3, 0, 9, 1] print("list(itertools.accumulate(sample)) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.accumulate(sample)))) print("list(itertools.accumulate(sample, min)) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.accumulate(sample, min)))) print("list(itertools.accumulate(sample, max)) {}\n----------".format( list(itertools.accumulate(sample, max)))) import operator
def get_old_filenames(files, matches): return list(compress(files, matches))
def do_export(self, settings, selected_features, progress_slot, lane_index, filename_suffix=""): """ Implements ExportOperator.do_export(settings, selected_features, progress_slot Most likely called from ExportOperator.export_object_data :param settings: the settings for the exporter, see :param selected_features: :param progress_slot: :param lane_index: Ignored. (This is a single-lane operator. It is the caller's responsibility to make sure he's calling the right lane.) :param filename_suffix: If provided, appended to the filename (before the extension). :return: """ obj_count = list(objects_per_frame(self.LabelImage)) # slow divisions = self.divisions t_range = (0, self.LabelImage.meta.shape[ self.LabelImage.meta.axistags.index("t")]) oid2tid, _ = self._getObjects(t_range, None) # slow max_tracks = max( max(map(len, i.values())) if map(len, i.values()) else 0 for i in oid2tid.values()) ids = ilastik_ids(obj_count) file_path = settings["file path"] if filename_suffix: path, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) file_path = path + "-" + filename_suffix + ext export_file = ExportFile(file_path) export_file.ExportProgress.subscribe(progress_slot) export_file.InsertionProgress.subscribe(progress_slot) export_file.add_columns("table", range(sum(obj_count)), Mode.List, Default.KnimeId) export_file.add_columns("table", list(ids), Mode.List, Default.IlastikId) export_file.add_columns( "table", oid2tid, Mode.IlastikTrackingTable, { "max": max_tracks, "counts": obj_count, "extra ids": {}, "range": t_range }) export_file.add_columns("table", self.ObjectFeatures, Mode.IlastikFeatureTable, {"selection": selected_features}) if divisions: ott = partial(self.lookup_oid_for_tid, oid2tid) divs = [(value[1], ott(key, value[1]), key, ott(value[0][0], value[1] + 1), value[0][0], ott(value[0][1], value[1] + 1), value[0][1]) for key, value in sorted(divisions.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(0))] assert sum(Default.ManualDivMap) == len(divs[0]) names = list( compress(Default.DivisionNames["names"], Default.ManualDivMap)) export_file.add_columns("divisions", divs, Mode.List, extra={"names": names}) if settings["file type"] == "h5": export_file.add_rois(Default.LabelRoiPath, self.LabelImage, "table", settings["margin"], "labeling") if settings["include raw"]: export_file.add_image(Default.RawPath, self.RawImage) else: export_file.add_rois(Default.RawRoiPath, self.RawImage, "table", settings["margin"]) export_file.write_all(settings["file type"], settings["compression"]) export_file.ExportProgress.unsubscribe(progress_slot) export_file.InsertionProgress.unsubscribe(progress_slot)
def is_int(val): try: x = int(val) return True except ValueError: return False ivals = list(filter(is_int, values)) print(ivals) ##### from itertools import compress addresses = [ '5412 N CLARK', '5148 N CLARK', '5800 E 58TH', '2122 N CLARK' '5645 N RAVENSWOOD', '1060 W ADDISON', '4801 N BROADWAY', '1039 W GRANVILLE', ] counts = [0, 3, 10, 4, 1, 7, 6, 1] more5 = [n > 5 for n in counts] print(more5) print(list(compress(addresses, more5)))
import itertools gen = itertools.count(1, .5) next(gen) gen = itertools.takewhile(lambda n: n<3, itertools.count(1, .5)) list(gen) def aritprog_gen(begin, step, end=None): first = type(begin + step)(begin) ap_gen = itertools.count(first, step) if end is not None: ap_gen = itertools.takewhile(lambda n: n<end, ap_gen) return ap_gen # filtering itertools.compress(it, selector_it) itertools.dropwhile(predicate, it) filter(predicate, it) itertools.filterfalse(predicate, it) itertools.islice(it.stop) itertools.islice(it, start, stop, step=1) itertools.takewhile(predicate, it) # mapping itertools.accumulate(it, [func]) enumerate(it, start=0) map(func, it1, [it2, ..., itN]) itertools.starmap(func, it) # merging itertools.chain(it1, ..., itN)
def test_int_bool_envvars_have_ensurers(): bool_ints = [type(envvar) in [bool, int] for envvar in DEFAULT_VALUES.values()] key_mask = set(itertools.compress(DEFAULT_VALUES.keys(), bool_ints)) ensurer_keys = set(DEFAULT_ENSURERS.keys()) assert len(key_mask.intersection(ensurer_keys)) == len(key_mask)
# from itertools import compress, cycle every_third = cycle([False, False, True]) data = range(1, 10) for i in compress(data, every_third): print(i, end=' ') print()
def combinations_count(n, r): r = min(r, n - r) numer = reduce(mul, range(n, n - r, -1), 1) denom = reduce(mul, range(1, r + 1), 1) return numer // denom c = combinations_count(n, 2) for i in range(2**c): s = -1 edges_flag = [False] * c for j in range(c): if (i >> j) & 1: edges_flag[j] = True edges_active = list(compress(edges, edges_flag)) edges_nb = [0] * n # 各ノードごとに隣接する頂点を足していく for e in edges_active: edges_nb[e[0] - 1] += e[1] edges_nb[e[1] - 1] += e[0] if min(edges_nb) == max(edges_nb) != 0: print(f"S={min(edges_nb)}") print(*edges_active, sep="\n")
def fit(self, X, y): """Build an ensemble of BOSS classifiers from the training set (X, y), either through randomising over the para space to make a fixed size ensemble quickly or by creating a variable size ensemble of those within a threshold of the best Parameters ---------- X : nested pandas DataFrame of shape [n_instances, 1] Nested dataframe with univariate time-series in cells. y : array-like, shape = [n_instances] The class labels. Returns ------- self : object """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y, enforce_univariate=True) y = y.values if isinstance(y, pd.Series) else y self.time_limit = self.time_limit * 60 self.n_instances, self.series_length = X.shape[0], len(X.iloc[0, 0]) self.n_classes = np.unique(y).shape[0] self.classes_ = class_distribution(np.asarray(y).reshape(-1, 1))[0][0] for index, classVal in enumerate(self.classes_): self.class_dictionary[classVal] = index self.classifiers = [] self.weights = [] # Window length parameter space dependent on series length max_window_searches = self.series_length / 4 max_window = int(self.series_length * self.max_win_len_prop) win_inc = int((max_window - self.min_window) / max_window_searches) if win_inc < 1: win_inc = 1 # cBOSS if self.randomised_ensemble: possible_parameters = self._unique_parameters(max_window, win_inc) num_classifiers = 0 start_time = time.time() train_time = 0 subsample_size = int(self.n_instances * 0.7) lowest_acc = 0 lowest_acc_idx = 0 rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) if self.time_limit > 0: self.n_parameter_samples = 0 while (train_time < self.time_limit or num_classifiers < self.n_parameter_samples) and len(possible_parameters) > 0: parameters = possible_parameters.pop( rng.randint(0, len(possible_parameters))) subsample = rng.choice(self.n_instances, size=subsample_size, replace=False) X_subsample = X.iloc[subsample, :] y_subsample = y[subsample] boss = BOSSIndividual(*parameters, alphabet_size=self.alphabet_size, save_words=False, random_state=self.random_state), y_subsample) boss._clean() boss.accuracy = self._individual_train_acc( boss, y_subsample, subsample_size, lowest_acc) weight = math.pow(boss.accuracy, 4) if num_classifiers < self.max_ensemble_size: if boss.accuracy < lowest_acc: lowest_acc = boss.accuracy lowest_acc_idx = num_classifiers self.weights.append(weight) self.classifiers.append(boss) elif boss.accuracy > lowest_acc: self.weights[lowest_acc_idx] = weight self.classifiers[lowest_acc_idx] = boss lowest_acc, lowest_acc_idx = self._worst_ensemble_acc() num_classifiers += 1 train_time = time.time() - start_time # BOSS else: max_acc = -1 min_max_acc = -1 for i, normalise in enumerate(self.norm_options): for win_size in range(self.min_window, max_window + 1, win_inc): boss = BOSSIndividual(win_size, self.word_lengths[0], normalise, self.alphabet_size, save_words=True, random_state=self.random_state), y) best_classifier_for_win_size = boss best_acc_for_win_size = -1 # the used work length may be shorter best_word_len = boss.transformer.word_length for n, word_len in enumerate(self.word_lengths): if n > 0: boss = boss._shorten_bags(word_len) boss.accuracy = self._individual_train_acc( boss, y, self.n_instances, best_acc_for_win_size) # print(win_size, boss.accuracy) if boss.accuracy >= best_acc_for_win_size: best_acc_for_win_size = boss.accuracy best_classifier_for_win_size = boss best_word_len = word_len if self._include_in_ensemble(best_acc_for_win_size, max_acc, min_max_acc, len(self.classifiers)): best_classifier_for_win_size._clean() best_classifier_for_win_size._set_word_len( best_word_len) self.classifiers.append(best_classifier_for_win_size) # print("appending", best_acc_for_win_size, win_size) if best_acc_for_win_size > max_acc: max_acc = best_acc_for_win_size self.classifiers = list( compress(self.classifiers, [ classifier.accuracy >= max_acc * self.threshold for c, classifier in enumerate( self.classifiers) ])) min_max_acc, min_acc_ind = \ self._worst_ensemble_acc() if len(self.classifiers) > self.max_ensemble_size: if min_acc_ind > -1: del self.classifiers[min_acc_ind] min_max_acc, min_acc_ind = \ self._worst_ensemble_acc() self.weights = [1 for n in range(len(self.classifiers))] self.n_estimators = len(self.classifiers) self.weight_sum = np.sum(self.weights) self._is_fitted = True return self
start = i - input_length end = i for l1 in range(start, end - 1): for l2 in range(l1 + 1, end): if lines[l1] + lines[l2] == next_number: ok_numbers.append(lines[i]) all_numbers = lines[input_length:] invalid_number = list(set(all_numbers) - set(ok_numbers))[0] print(invalid_number) # 177777905 # part 2 list_to_search = list(compress( lines, [l != invalid_number for l in lines] )) def getFirstContiguousSet(list_to_search, target_number): for i in range(1, len(list_to_search) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(list_to_search)): contiguous_set = list_to_search[i:j] if sum(contiguous_set) == target_number: return(contiguous_set) correct_contiguous_sets = getFirstContiguousSet(list_to_search, invalid_number) print(min(correct_contiguous_sets) + max(correct_contiguous_sets)) # 23463012
u_var_diff = 0. else: try: u_var_diff = lidar_processing_vol_averaging( u_rot, frequency, mode_ws, mode_vol) except: u_var_diff = 0. u_var_vol = u_var_noise + u_var_diff TI_ZephIR_vol_avg_all[i] = (np.sqrt(u_var_vol) / U) * 100 #Extract TI values and timestamps for all times when corrected TI value is valid mask = ~np.isnan(TI_ZephIR_vol_avg_all) timestamp_10min_all = list(compress(timestamp_10min_all, mask)) TI_ZephIR_orig_all = TI_ZephIR_orig_all[mask] TI_ZephIR_vol_avg_all = TI_ZephIR_vol_avg_all[mask] #Reduce number of decimal places in output TI data TI_orig_temp = ["%0.2f" % i for i in TI_ZephIR_orig_all] TI_corrected_temp = ["%0.2f" % i for i in TI_ZephIR_vol_avg_all] #Write out timestamp, original lidar TI, and corrected lidar TI with open(main_directory + 'L_TERRA_corrected_TI_ZephIR.csv', 'a') as fp: a = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',') data = np.vstack([timestamp_10min_all, TI_orig_temp, TI_corrected_temp]).transpose() a.writerows(data)
from itertools import compress, product import re with open('14_input.txt') as f: program = [(re.match(r'(mem)\[(\d+)\] = (\d+)', l) or re.match(r'(mask) = ([01X]+)', l)).groups() for l in f] program = [(c[0], None, c[1]) if c[0] == 'mask' else (c[0], int(c[1]), int(c[2])) for c in program] masks, mem_pt1, mem_pt2 = {}, {}, {} for instr, addr, arg in program: if instr == 'mask': masks = {d: reduce(lambda a, b: a * 2 + (1 if b == d else 0), arg, 0) for d in ('0', '1')} masks.update({'X': [2**(35-idx) for idx, bit in enumerate(arg) if bit == 'X']}) else: mem_pt1[addr] = (arg | masks['1']) & ~masks['0'] for sel in product((0, 1), repeat=len(masks['X'])): on, off = (sum(compress(masks['X'], sel)) | masks['1'], sum(compress(masks['X'], map(lambda s: 1-s, sel)))) mem_pt2[(addr | on) & ~off] = arg print 'part 1: %d' % sum(mem_pt1.values()) print 'part 2: %d' % sum(mem_pt2.values())
ivals = list(filter(is_int, values)) print(ivals) import math print([math.sqrt(n) for n in mylist if n > 0]) print() clip_neg = [n if n > 0 else 0 for n in mylist] print(clip_neg) clip_pos = [n if n < 0 else 0 for n in mylist] print(clip_pos) print() addresses = [ '5412 N CLARK', '5148 N CLARK', '5800 E 58TH', '2122 N CLARK', '5645 N RAVENSWOOD', '1060 N ADDISON', '4801 N BROADWAY', '1039 N GRANVILLE' ] counts = [0, 3, 10, 4, 1, 7, 6, 1] from itertools import compress more5 = [n > 5 for n in counts] print(more5) re = list(compress(addresses, more5)) print(re)
def OA_request(paralist, product='atl06'): """ Request data from OpenAltimetry based on API Inputs: paralist: [trackId, Date, cycle, bbox] trackId: RGT number beamlist: list of beam number cycle: cycle number bbox: DEM bounding box product: ICESat-2 product Output: track_df: dataframe for all beams of one RGT """ points = [] # store all beam data for one RGT trackId, Date, cycle, bbox = paralist[0], paralist[1], paralist[ 2], paralist[3] # iterate all six beams for beam in cn.beamlist: # Generate API payload = { 'product': product, 'endDate': Date, 'minx': str(bbox[0]), 'miny': str(bbox[1]), 'maxx': str(bbox[2]), 'maxy': str(bbox[3]), 'trackId': trackId, 'beamName': beam, 'outputFormat': 'json' } # request OpenAltimetry r = requests.get(cn.base_url, params=payload) # get elevation data elevation_data = r.json() # length of file list file_len = len(elevation_data['data']) # file index satifies aqusition time from data file idx = [ elevation_data['data'][i]['date'] == Date for i in np.arange(file_len) ] # get data we need beam_data = list(compress(elevation_data['data'], idx)) if not beam_data: continue # elevation array beam_elev = beam_data[0]['beams'][0]['lat_lon_elev'] if not beam_elev: # check if no data continue # continue to next beam for p in beam_elev: points.append({ 'lat': p[0], 'lon': p[1], 'h': p[2], 'beam': beam, 'cycle': cycle, 'time': Date }) track_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(points) return track_df
no.add(feature) elif option == "m": maybe.add(feature) elif option == "e": print("Exiting...") break else: print("Unrecognised option") continue # Disable the feature X[:, featureIdx] = 0 remaining = selector.sum() isSelected = (selector > 0).todense().flat selectedJobs = compress(jobs, isSelected) getTitleAndDesc = lambda job: job[jobTitleField] + " - " + job[ jobDescritpionField][:100] selectedJobs = map(getTitleAndDesc, selectedJobs) print("[Remaining entries]") print("\n".join(selectedJobs)) print() print("[Preference of words]") print("Yes: ", end="") print(yes) print("No: ", end="") print(no) print("Maybe: ", end="")
inner_block = [] for item in fm[i].split("</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:innerBoundaryIs>"): if "<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>" in item: inner_block.append(item [ item.find("<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>")+ len("<gml:innerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>") : ]) if not inner_block: inner.append([]) inner_count.append(0) else: inner.append([[[float(v6) for v6 in v5] for v5 in v4] for v4 in [[v3.split(',') for v3 in v2] for v2 in [v.split(' ') for v in inner_block]]]) inner_count.append(len(inner[-1])) dn1 = [v==1 for v in dn] outer1 = list(compress(outer, dn1)) inner1 = list(compress(inner, dn1)) inner_count1 = list(compress(inner_count, dn1)) #%% Domain KML print('Creating domain kml...') c_domain = 'AB0000FF' c_empty = '00000000' s = [] s = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <kml xmlns=""> <Document>
def block_election_status(self, block_id, voters): """Tally the votes on a block, and return the status: valid, invalid, or undecided.""" votes = list(backend.query.get_votes_by_block_id(self.connection, block_id)) n_voters = len(voters) voter_counts = collections.Counter([vote['node_pubkey'] for vote in votes]) for node in voter_counts: if voter_counts[node] > 1: raise exceptions.MultipleVotesError( 'Block {block_id} has multiple votes ({n_votes}) from voting node {node_id}' .format(block_id=block_id, n_votes=str(voter_counts[node]), node_id=node)) if len(votes) > n_voters: raise exceptions.MultipleVotesError('Block {block_id} has {n_votes} votes cast, but only {n_voters} voters' .format(block_id=block_id, n_votes=str(len(votes)), n_voters=str(n_voters))) # vote_cast is the list of votes e.g. [True, True, False] vote_cast = [vote['vote']['is_block_valid'] for vote in votes] # prev_block are the ids of the nominal prev blocks e.g. # ['block1_id', 'block1_id', 'block2_id'] prev_block = [vote['vote']['previous_block'] for vote in votes] # vote_validity checks whether a vote is valid # or invalid, e.g. [False, True, True] vote_validity = [self.consensus.verify_vote(voters, vote) for vote in votes] # element-wise product of stated vote and validity of vote # vote_cast = [True, True, False] and # vote_validity = [False, True, True] gives # [True, False] # Only the correctly signed votes are tallied. vote_list = list(compress(vote_cast, vote_validity)) # Total the votes. Here, valid and invalid refer # to the vote cast, not whether the vote itself # is valid or invalid. n_valid_votes = sum(vote_list) n_invalid_votes = len(vote_cast) - n_valid_votes # The use of ceiling and floor is to account for the case of an # even number of voters where half the voters have voted 'invalid' # and half 'valid'. In this case, the block should be marked invalid # to avoid a tie. In the case of an odd number of voters this is not # relevant, since one side must be a majority. if n_invalid_votes >= math.ceil(n_voters / 2): return Bigchain.BLOCK_INVALID elif n_valid_votes > math.floor(n_voters / 2): # The block could be valid, but we still need to check if votes # agree on the previous block. # # First, only consider blocks with legitimate votes prev_block_list = list(compress(prev_block, vote_validity)) # Next, only consider the blocks with 'yes' votes prev_block_valid_list = list(compress(prev_block_list, vote_list)) counts = collections.Counter(prev_block_valid_list) # Make sure the majority vote agrees on previous node. # The majority vote must be the most common, by definition. # If it's not, there is no majority agreement on the previous # block. if counts.most_common()[0][1] > math.floor(n_voters / 2): return Bigchain.BLOCK_VALID else: return Bigchain.BLOCK_INVALID else: return Bigchain.BLOCK_UNDECIDED
def _compress_iterable(iterable, selectors): return compress(iterable, selectors)
corr_radio = radio - fitcorr(temp) corrrms = np.std(corr_radio) a_corrrms = np.append(a_corrrms, corrrms) if corrrms < limrms: fil.append(True) a_radio = np.append(a_radio, radio) a_temp = np.append(a_temp, temp) else: fil.append(False) if np.max(a_corrrms) < finallimrms: print 'np.max(a_corrrms) = ', np.max(a_corrrms) isgood = True else: limrms = np.max(a_corrrms) selected = list(compress(selected, fil)) fit = np.polyfit(a_temp, a_radio, 1) fitcorr = np.poly1d(fit) figcorrrms = plt.figure() figcorrrms.suptitle(stname) plt.hist(a_corrrms, bins=50) plt.xlabel('rms (after corr) [ADC]') if save: outnamecorrrms = utils.outname( constant.plotfolder + '/' + stname + '_corrrms_' + extfile, '.png') plt.savefig(outnamecorrrms + '.png') figlastcorrel = plt.figure() figlastcorrel.suptitle(stname) plt.plot(a_temp, a_radio, '.')
for file in sorted(os.listdir(cwd)): if file.endswith(".p"): df_temp = pickle.load(open(cwd + '/' + file, "rb")) df = pd.concat([df, df_temp]) del df_temp gc.collect() FileCounter = FileCounter + 1 print(str(FileCounter) + ' file(s) loaded!') # ======================================================================== #Fix MIC feature issue if np.sum(df.columns == 'MIC') > 1: LogicalMICpos = df.columns == 'MIC' from itertools import compress MICpos = list(compress(range(len(LogicalMICpos)), LogicalMICpos)) if len(MICpos) > 1: WronPos = MICpos[-1] FixedColumn = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=['MICf']) FixedColumn['MICf'] = df.iloc[:, WronPos] df = pd.concat( [df.iloc[:, :WronPos], FixedColumn, df.iloc[:, WronPos + 1:]], axis=1) # All indices: INDonMETA = np.arange(df.shape[0]) # training RAWdfFEATURES = df.columns.values[2:] pickle.dump(RAWdfFEATURES, open(OUTPUTFOLDER + '/Features.p', 'wb'))
from itertools import compress # noqa import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sphinx_gallery.backreferences from local_module import N # N = 1000 t = np.arange(N) / float(N) win = np.hanning(N) print(is_color_like('r')) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(t, win, color='r') ax.text(0, 1, 'png', size=40, va='top') fig.tight_layout() orig_dpi = 80. if matplotlib.__version__[0] < '2' else 100. assert plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] == orig_dpi plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 70. assert plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] == 70. listy = [0, 1] compress('abc', [0, 0, 1]) warn('This warning should show up in the output', RuntimeWarning) x = Figure() # plt.Figure should be decorated (class), x shouldn't (inst) # nested resolution resolves to numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState: rng = np.random.RandomState(0) # test Issue 583 sphinx_gallery.backreferences.identify_names([('text', 'Text block', 1)]) # 583: methods don't link properly dc = sphinx_gallery.backreferences.DummyClass() print(dc.prop)
def count_entities(document): """Counts frequency of entities Parameters ---------- document : string String containing document text Returns ------- token_count_df : pandas.Dataframe Dataframe containing columns ['Tokens', 'Types', 'Counts'] """ matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab, validate=True) # Define patterns organsiation = [{ "ENT_TYPE": "ORG", "POS": "PROPN" }, { "ENT_TYPE": "ORG", "OP": "*" }] person = [{ "ENT_TYPE": "PERSON", "POS": "PROPN" }, { "ENT_TYPE": "PERSON", "OP": "+" }] # Add match patterns matcher.add("Organisation", None, organsiation) matcher.add("Person", None, person) # Analyse document doc = nlp(document) matches = matcher(doc) # Extract matches types = [] start_index = [] end_index = [] substrings = [] for match_id, start, end in matches: string_id = nlp.vocab.strings[match_id] # Get string representation span = doc[start:end] # The matched span types.append(string_id) start_index.append(start) end_index.append(end) substrings.append(span.text) # Apply "greedy" logic s = np.array(start_index) e = np.array(end_index) ok = s > 0 for i, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(s, e)): # Is token part of a larger span elsewhere in the list? is_substr = np.logical_or(np.logical_and(s > start, e <= end), np.logical_and(s >= start, e < end)) # Remove substrings ok = np.logical_and(ok, ~is_substr) types = list(compress(types, ok)) substrings = list(compress(substrings, ok)) # Generate dataframe entities_df = pd.DataFrame({'Types': types, 'Tokens': substrings}) entities_df = entities_df.set_index('Tokens') entities_df = entities_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) counts_df = count_tokens(substrings) return pd.concat([counts_df, entities_df], axis=1, join='inner')
counts = [ 0, 3, 10, 4, 1, 7, 6, 1] true_selector = [n>5 for n in counts] print("true_selector:", true_selector) addresses = [ '5412 N CLARK', '5148 N CLARK', '5800 E 58TH', '2122 N CLARK', '5645 N RAVENSWOOD', '1060 W ADDISON', '4801 N BROADWAY', '1039 W GRANVILLE', ] # compress(data, selectors) --> iterator over selected data # | # | Return data elements corresponding to true selector elements. # | Forms a shorter iterator from selected data elements using the # | selectors to choose the data elements. new_address = list(compress(addresses, true_selector)) print(new_address) # 这里的关键点在于先创建一个 Boolean 序列,指示哪些元素符合条件。然后 # compress() 函数根据这个序列去选择输出对应位置为 True 的元素。 # 和 filter() 函数类似,compress() 也是返回的一个迭代器。因此,如果你需要得 # 到一个列表,那么你需要使用 list() 来将结果转换为列表类型。
def ParseReviews(review_url): review_url = review_url + "&sortBy=recent" # change it to sort by dates # the URL is a string starting with "/gp/...." that is a product from parsing a booklist page = download( "" + review_url + "&pageNumber=1") # this is the review page, not the product page ASIN = review_url[20:30] product_url = "" + ASIN product_site = download(product_url) parser = html.fromstring(page.text) # full review tree = html.fromstring(product_site.content) # product page # publishing date XPATH_CONTENT = '//div[@class="content"]/div' book_info = tree.xpath(XPATH_CONTENT) publish_date = '' publisher = '' for cont in book_info: t_cont = cont.xpath('//li//text()') for x in t_cont: #./div//div//i//text() temp_search = re.findall(r'\w+ \d+, \d{4}', x) if ( len(temp_search) == 1 ): # length represents the number of strings found that matches this pattern publish_date = temp_search publisher = re.split(r'[;\(]', x)[0] # Sales Ranking XPATH_RANK = '//li[@id="SalesRank"]/text()' rank_contained = tree.xpath(XPATH_RANK) sales_rank = int(re.findall(r'\d+', rank_contained[1])[0]) # Book name XPATH_PRODUCT_NAME = '//h1//span[@id="productTitle"]//text()' raw_product_name = tree.xpath(XPATH_PRODUCT_NAME) product_name = ''.join(raw_product_name).strip() # Number of reviews xpath_numberReviews = '//span[@class="a-size-base"][@id="acrCustomerReviewText"]//text()' raw_n_reviews = tree.xpath(xpath_numberReviews) n_reviews = int(re.findall(r'\d+', raw_n_reviews[0])[0]) # Average book rating from all reviews xpath_rating = '//a//i[@class="a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4-5"]//span[@class="a-icon-alt"]//text()' raw_rating = tree.xpath(xpath_rating)[0] agg_rating = float(re.findall(r'[^ab-z]+ ', raw_rating)[0]) # rating dictionary of all review breakup percentages XPATH_AGGREGATE_RATING = '//table[@id="histogramTable"]//tr' total_ratings = tree.xpath(XPATH_AGGREGATE_RATING) ratings_dict = {} #grabing the rating section in product page for ratings in total_ratings: extracted_rating = ratings.xpath('./td//a//text()') if extracted_rating: rating_key = extracted_rating[0] raw_raing_value = extracted_rating[1] rating_value = raw_raing_value if rating_key: ratings_dict.update({rating_key: rating_value}) # find the maximum page number for all the reviews t_review_links = parser.xpath('//a/@href') index_link = list( map(lambda x:'pageNumber=', x) != None, t_review_links)) # page_links = list(compress(t_review_links, index_link)) page_N = int(re.findall(r'\d+', page_links[-2])[-1]) # number for the total pages #page_N = int(re.findall(r'\d+$',page_links[-2])[0]) # number for the total pages page_N = min(500, page_N) # reduce the maximum number of pages # first parse the first page, or full review page 1 XPATH_REVIEW_TEXT = '//span[@class="a-size-base review-text"][contains(@data-hook,"review-body")]//text()' reviews_temp = parser.xpath(XPATH_REVIEW_TEXT) # also parse the review header in the first page XPATH_REVIEW_HEADER = '//a[@data-hook="review-title"]//text()' reviews_title = parser.xpath(XPATH_REVIEW_HEADER) # then add the rest of the review pages for page_n in range(2, page_N + 1, 1): # USE PAGE_N found above temp_url = '' + review_url + '&pageNumber=' + str( page_n) temp_page = download(temp_url) temp_parser = html.fromstring(temp_page.text) reviews_temp += temp_parser.xpath(XPATH_REVIEW_TEXT) reviews_title += temp_parser.xpath(XPATH_REVIEW_HEADER) data = { 'url': product_url, 'name': product_name, 'ASIN': ASIN, 'publisher': publisher, 'publish_date': publish_date, 'sales_rank': sales_rank, 'number_reviews': n_reviews, 'average_rating': agg_rating, 'rating_perc': ratings_dict, 'reviews': reviews_temp, 'review_titles': reviews_title } return data
def pack_fgd(self, vmf: VMF, fgd: FGD) -> None: """Analyse the map to pack files. We use the FGD to easily handle this.""" # Don't show the same keyvalue warning twice, it's just noise. unknown_keys = set() # Definitions for the common keyvalues on all entities. try: base_entity = fgd['_CBaseEntity_'] except KeyError: LOGGER.warning('No CBaseEntity definition!') base_entity = EntityDef(EntityTypes.BASE) for ent in vmf.entities: # Allow opting out packing specific entities. if conv_bool(ent.keys.pop('srctools_nopack', '')): continue classname = ent['classname'] try: ent_class = fgd[classname] except KeyError: if classname not in unknown_keys: LOGGER.warning('Unknown class "{}"!', classname) unknown_keys.add(classname) # Fall back to generic keyvalues. ent_class = base_entity if ent['skinset'] != '': # Special key for us - if set this is a list of skins this # entity is pledging it will restrict itself to. skinset = {int(x) for x in ent.keys.pop('skinset').split() } # type: Optional[Set[int]] else: skinset = None value: str for key in set(ent.keys) | set(ent_class.kv): # These are always present on entities, and we don't have to do # any packing for them. # Origin/angles might be set (brushes, instances) even for ents # that don't use them. if key in ('classname', 'hammerid', 'origin', 'angles', 'skin', 'pitch', 'skinset'): continue elif key == 'model': # Models are set on all brush entities, and are always either # a '*37' brush ref, a model, or a sprite. value = ent[key] if value and value[:1] != '*': self.pack_file(value, skinset=skinset) continue try: kv = ent_class.kv[key] # type: KeyValues val_type = kv.type default = kv.default except KeyError: # Suppress this error for unknown classes, we already # showed a warning above. if ent_class is not base_entity and ( classname, key) not in unknown_keys: unknown_keys.add((ent_class.classname, key)) LOGGER.warning( 'Unknown keyvalue "{}" for ent of type "{}"!', key, ent['classname']) continue value = ent[key, default] # Ignore blank values, they're not useful. if not value: continue if val_type is KVTypes.STR_MATERIAL: self.pack_file(value, FileType.MATERIAL) elif val_type is KVTypes.STR_MODEL: self.pack_file(value, FileType.MODEL) elif val_type is KVTypes.EXT_STR_TEXTURE: self.pack_file(value, FileType.TEXTURE) elif val_type is KVTypes.STR_VSCRIPT: for script in value.split(): self.pack_file('scripts/vscripts/' + script) elif val_type is KVTypes.STR_VSCRIPT_SINGLE: self.pack_file('scripts/vscripts/' + value) elif val_type is KVTypes.STR_SPRITE: if not value.casefold().startswith('sprites/'): value = 'sprites/' + value if not value.casefold().startswith('materials/'): value = 'materials/' + value self.pack_file(value, FileType.MATERIAL) elif val_type is KVTypes.STR_SOUND: self.pack_soundscript(value) # Handle resources that's coded into different entities with our # internal database. # Use compress() to skip classnames that have no ents. for classname in itertools.compress(vmf.by_class.keys(), vmf.by_class.values()): try: res = CLASS_RESOURCES[classname] except KeyError: continue if callable(res): # Different stuff is packed based on keyvalues, so call a function. for ent in vmf.by_class[classname]: res(self, ent) else: # Basic dependencies, if they're the same for any copy of this ent. for file, filetype in res: self.pack_file(file, filetype) # Handle worldspawn here - this is fairly special. sky_name = vmf.spawn['skyname'] for suffix in ['bk', 'dn', 'ft', 'lf', 'rt', 'up']: self.pack_file( 'materials/skybox/{}{}.vmt'.format(sky_name, suffix), FileType.MATERIAL, ) self.pack_file( 'materials/skybox/{}{}_hdr.vmt'.format(sky_name, suffix), FileType.MATERIAL, optional=True, ) self.pack_file(vmf.spawn['detailmaterial'], FileType.MATERIAL) detail_script = vmf.spawn['detailvbsp'] if detail_script: self.pack_file(detail_script, FileType.GENERIC) try: with self.fsys: detail_props = self.fsys.read_prop(detail_script, 'ansi') except FileNotFoundError: LOGGER.warning('detail.vbsp file does not exist: "{}"', detail_script) except Exception: LOGGER.warning('Could not parse detail.vbsp file: ', exc_info=True) else: # We only need to worry about models, the sprites are a single # sheet packed above. for prop in detail_props.iter_tree(): if == 'model': self.pack_file(prop.value, FileType.MODEL)
def printout(prefix, path, src, trg, outdir, origoutdir, cleanorigoutdir, garbageoutdir, tokoutdir, cleantokoutdir, morphtokoutdir, cdectokoutdir, cdectoklcoutdir, agiletokoutdir, agiletoklcoutdir, morphoutdir, posoutdir, agiletokpath, cdectokpath, cleanpath, docdec, stp=lputil.selected_translation_pairs, el=lputil.extract_lines, tweet=False, swap=False): ''' Find files and print them out ''' src_man_fh = open(os.path.join(outdir, "%s.%s.manifest" % (prefix, src)), 'w') trg_man_fh = open(os.path.join(outdir, "%s.%s.manifest" % (prefix, trg)), 'w') # open a bunch of file handles # third element indicates whether it should actually be opened or if the file should be simply named namedirpairs = [('orig', origoutdir, True), ('cleanorig', cleanorigoutdir, False), ('tok', tokoutdir, True), ('cleantok', cleantokoutdir, False), ('morphtok', morphtokoutdir, True), ('cdectok', cdectokoutdir, False), ('cdectoklc', cdectoklcoutdir, False), ('agiletok', agiletokoutdir, False), ('agiletoklc', agiletoklcoutdir, False), ('morph', morphoutdir, True), ('pos', posoutdir, True), ] outfiles = dd(dict) for sidename, side in (('src', src), ('trg', trg)): for dirname, dirval, doopen in namedirpairs: entry = os.path.join(outdir, dirval, "{}.{}.{}.flat".format(prefix, dirval, side)) if doopen: entry = open(entry, 'w') outfiles[sidename][dirname] = entry garbagefhs = {} garbagedisabled = True if garbageoutdir is not None: garbagedisabled = False src_orig_garbage_fh = open(os.path.join(outdir, garbageoutdir, "%s.%s.flat" % \ (prefix, src)), 'w') garbagefhs[outfiles['src']['orig']] = src_orig_garbage_fh trg_orig_garbage_fh = open(os.path.join(outdir, garbageoutdir, "%s.%s.flat" % \ (prefix, trg)), 'w') garbagefhs[outfiles['trg']['orig']] = trg_orig_garbage_fh src_garbage_man_fh = open(os.path.join(outdir, garbageoutdir, "%s.%s.manifest" % (prefix, src)), 'w') garbagefhs[src_man_fh] = src_garbage_man_fh trg_garbage_man_fh = open(os.path.join(outdir, garbageoutdir, "%s.%s.manifest" % (prefix, trg)), 'w') garbagefhs[trg_man_fh] = trg_garbage_man_fh (stpsrc, stptrg) = (trg, src) if swap else (src, trg) for m in stp(path, src=stpsrc, trg=stptrg, xml=True, tweet=tweet): sdata, tdata = el(*m) # found data sometimes seems to require swap behavior if swap: sdata, tdata = tdata, sdata if sdata is None or tdata is None: sys.stderr.write("Warning: empty files:\n%s or %s\n" % (m[0], m[1])) continue # Strict rejection of different length lines. If these are desired, # do gale & church or brown et al or something similar here slen = len(sdata["ORIG"]) tlen = len(tdata["ORIG"]) # print(slen,tlen) if slen != tlen: sys.stderr.write("Warning: different number of lines in files:\n" \ "%s %d\n%s %d\n" % (m[0], slen, m[1], tlen)) continue # filter out control code-bearing lines here. mask out the data from all fields garbagemask = lputil.getgarbagemask(sdata["ORIG"], tdata["ORIG"], disabled=garbagedisabled) goodmask = [not x for x in garbagemask] ### Write original for fh, data in zip((outfiles['src']['orig'], outfiles['trg']['orig']), (sdata["ORIG"], tdata["ORIG"])): for line in compress(data, garbagemask): fh.write(line) ### Write garbage original if not garbagedisabled: for line in compress(data, goodmask): garbagefhs[fh].write(line) ### Write manifest try: for fh, fname, tupgen in zip((src_man_fh, trg_man_fh), (m[0], m[1]), (list(zip(sdata["DOCID"], sdata["SEGID"], sdata["START"], sdata["END"])), list(zip(tdata["DOCID"], tdata["SEGID"], tdata["START"], tdata["END"])))): for tup in compress(tupgen, garbagemask): fh.write("\t".join(map(str, (fname,) + tup)) + "\n") if not garbagedisabled: for tup in compress(tupgen, goodmask): garbagefhs[fh].write("\t".join(map(str, (fname,) + tup)) + "\n") except: sys.stderr.write( # sys.stderr.write(fname) raise ### Write tokenized, morph tokenized, pos tag zipset = zip( ((outfiles["src"]["tok"], outfiles["src"]["morphtok"], outfiles["src"]["morph"], outfiles["src"]["pos"]), (outfiles["trg"]["tok"], outfiles["trg"]["morphtok"], outfiles["trg"]["morph"], outfiles["trg"]["pos"])), (sdata, tdata)) for fhset, data in zipset: for fh, field in zip(fhset, ("TOK", "MORPHTOK", "MORPH", "POS")): for line in compress(data[field], garbagemask): fh.write(line) # raw orig->clean orig # raw tok->clean tok # run agile tokenizer on target orig # TODO: lowercase outfiles['src']['orig'].close() for side in ('src', 'trg'): for contents in ('orig', 'tok'): outfiles[side][contents].close() cleancmd = "{cmd} {infile} {outfile}".format(cmd=cleanpath, infile=outfiles[side][contents].name, outfile=outfiles[side]["clean{}".format(contents)]) sys.stderr.write(cleancmd + "\n") try: check_call(shlex.split(cleancmd)) except CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error code %d running %s\n" % (e.returncode, e.cmd)) sys.exit(1) agiletok_cmd = "%s -i %s -o %s -t %s " % ( agiletokpath, outfiles['trg']['cleanorig'], outfiles["trg"]["agiletoklc"], outfiles["trg"]["agiletok"]) sys.stderr.write(agiletok_cmd + "\n") try: check_call(shlex.split(agiletok_cmd)) except CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error code %d running %s\n" % (e.returncode, e.cmd)) sys.exit(1) # run cdec tokenizer on source orig if docdec: cdectok_cmd = "%s -i %s -o %s -t %s " % ( cdectokpath, outfiles['src']['cleanorig'], outfiles["src"]["cdectoklc"], outfiles["src"]["cdectok"]) sys.stderr.write(cdectok_cmd + "\n") try: check_call(shlex.split(cdectok_cmd)) except CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write("Error code %d running %s\n" % (e.returncode, e.cmd)) sys.exit(1)
import itertools as it # 默认使用累加的方式计算下一个元素的值 for e in it.accumulate(range(6)): print(e, end=', ') # 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 print('\n---------') # 使用x*y的方式来计算迭代器下一个元素的值 for e in it.accumulate(range(1, 6), lambda x, y: x * y): print(e, end=', ') # 1, 2, 6, 24, 120 print('\n---------') # 将两个序列“链”在一起,生成新的迭代器 for e in it.chain(['a', 'b'], ['Kotlin', 'Swift']): print(e, end=', ') # 'a', 'b', 'Kotlin', 'Swift' print('\n---------') # 根据第二个序列来筛选第一个序列的元素, # 由于第二个序列只有中间两个元素为1(True),因此前一个序列只保留中间两个元素 for e in it.compress(['a', 'b', 'Kotlin', 'Swift'], [0, 1, 1, 0]): print(e, end=', ') # 只有: 'b', 'Kotlin' print('\n---------') # 获取序列中从长度不小于4的元素开始、到结束的所有元素 for e in it.dropwhile(lambda x: len(x) < 4, ['a', 'b', 'Kotlin', 'x', 'y']): print(e, end=', ') # 只有: 'Kotlin', 'x', 'y' print('\n---------') # 去掉序列中从长度不小于4的元素开始、到结束的所有元素 for e in it.takewhile(lambda x: len(x) < 4, ['a', 'b', 'Kotlin', 'x', 'y']): print(e, end=', ') # 只有: 'a', 'b' print('\n---------') # 只保留序列中从长度不小于4的元素 for e in it.filterfalse(lambda x: len(x) < 4, ['a', 'b', 'Kotlin', 'x', 'y']): print(e, end=', ') # 只有: 'Kotlin' print('\n---------') # 使用pow函数对原序列的元素进行计算,将计算结果作为新序列的元素
with assert_raises(StopIteration): next(it) it = itertools.accumulate([3, 2, 4, 1, 0, 5, 8], lambda a, v: a * v) assert 3 == next(it) assert 6 == next(it) assert 24 == next(it) assert 24 == next(it) assert 0 == next(it) assert 0 == next(it) assert 0 == next(it) with assert_raises(StopIteration): next(it) # itertools.compress assert list(itertools.compress("ABCDEF", [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1])) == list("ACEF") assert list(itertools.compress("ABCDEF", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) == list("") assert list(itertools.compress("ABCDEF", [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])) == list("ABCDEF") assert list(itertools.compress("ABCDEF", [1, 0, 1])) == list("AC") assert list(itertools.compress("ABC", [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])) == list("BC") assert list(itertools.compress("ABCDEF", [True, False, "t", "", 1, 9])) == list("ACEF") # itertools.tee t = itertools.tee([]) assert len(t) == 2 assert t[0] is not t[1] assert list(t[0]) == list(t[1]) == [] with assert_raises(TypeError): itertools.tee()
xs, err_xs = excess_variance(segment['RATE'].values, segment['ERROR'].values, normalized=False) xs_arr.append(xs) xs_err_arr.append(err_xs) i = i + M mask_negative = [] for el in xs_arr: if el < 0: mask_negative.append(False) else: mask_negative.append(True) xs_arr = list(compress(xs_arr, mask_negative)) xs_err_arr = list(compress(xs_err_arr, mask_negative)) mean_time_nonneg = list(compress(mean_time, mask_negative)) axs[2].errorbar(mean_time_nonneg, xs_arr, xs_err_arr, color='black', marker='.', linestyle='', ecolor='gray') axs[2].grid() axs[2].set_ylabel('$\sigma_{XS}^2$', fontsize=10) #Subplot mean excess variance df_mean_xs = pd.DataFrame({
result = itertools.islice(range(10), 1, 5, 2) for item in result: print(item) #example for islice with open("sample.txt", "r") as f: header = itertools.islice(f, 3) for line in header: print(line, end="") #itertools.compress(similar to filter fn -> filter we will give fn to determin True or False.) selectors = [True, False, True] result1 = itertools.compress(letters, selectors) print(list(result1)) #filter even = filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(10)) print(list(even)) #itertools.filterfalse: odd = itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(10)) print(list(odd)) def lt_2(n): if n < 2: return True return False