def downloadCourse(session, c, sem): global files global sections files = itertools.count() sections = itertools.count() name = c['key'].replace('/', '-') + u'/' path = root + sem.replace('/', '-') + u'/' + name path = urllib.url2pathname(path.encode('utf-8')).replace(':', '-').replace('"', '') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print ' +--' + colors.BOLD + name + colors.ENDC r = session.get(c['url']) if(r.status_code == 200): soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') if not os.path.exists(path + '.dump'): os.makedirs(path + '.dump') dst = path + '.dump/' + c['key'].replace('/', '-').encode('utf-8') + '-' + c['type'] + '-' + str( + '-full.html' dst = dst.replace(':', '-').replace('"', '') with open(dst, 'wb') as f: f.write(soup.encode('utf-8')) for s in soup.find_all(class_='section main clearfix'): downloadSection(session, s, path) #print 'Saved ' + str( + ' Files in ' + str( + ' Sections' else: print 'ERROR: ' + str(r.status) + ' ' + r.reason sys.exit()
def __init__(self, graph=None, encoding='utf-8', prettyprint=True, version='1.1draft'): try: import xml.etree.ElementTree except ImportError: raise ImportError('GEXF writer requires ' 'xml.elementtree.ElementTree') self.prettyprint = prettyprint self.encoding = encoding self.set_version(version) self.xml = Element('gexf', {'xmlns': self.NS_GEXF, 'xmlns:xsi': self.NS_XSI, 'xmlns:viz': self.NS_VIZ, 'xsi:schemaLocation': self.SCHEMALOCATION, 'version': self.VERSION}) # counters for edge and attribute identifiers self.edge_id = itertools.count() self.attr_id = itertools.count() # default attributes are stored in dictionaries self.attr = {} self.attr['node'] = {} self.attr['edge'] = {} self.attr['node']['dynamic'] = {} self.attr['node']['static'] = {} self.attr['edge']['dynamic'] = {} self.attr['edge']['static'] = {} if graph is not None: self.add_graph(graph)
def test_infinite_iterator(): expected = pa.array((0, 1, 2)) arr1 = pa.array(itertools.count(0), size=3) assert arr1.equals(expected) # Same with explicit type arr1 = pa.array(itertools.count(0), type=pa.int64(), size=3) assert arr1.equals(expected)
def raw_fields(self): list_fields = [self.type, self.eid] for (i, gn, cn) in zip(count(), self.Gni, self.Cni): #print('i=%r gn=%r cn=%r' % (i, gn, cn)) list_fields += [gn, cn] if i > 0 and i % 3 == 0: #print('adding blank') list_fields += [None] nSpaces = 8 - (len(list_fields) - 1) % 8 # puts UM/ALPHA onto next line if nSpaces < 8: list_fields += [None] * nSpaces # overly complicated loop to print the UM section list_fields += ['UM'] j = 1 for (i, gm, cm) in zip(count(), self.Gmi, self.Cmi): #print "j=%s gmi=%s cmi=%s" %(j,gm,cm) list_fields += [gm, cm] if i > 0 and j % 3 == 0: list_fields += [None, None] #print "---" j -= 3 j += 1 if self.alpha > 0.: # handles default alpha value nSpaces = 8 - (len(list_fields) - 1) % 8 # puts ALPHA onto next line if nSpaces == 1: list_fields += [None, None] list_fields += [self.alpha] return list_fields
def __init__(self): self.groups = {} self.policies = {} self.webhooks = {} self.group_counter = itertools.count() self.policy_counter = itertools.count() self.webhook_counter = itertools.count()
def __init__(self, symbol_dirs=None): """ Constuct a gEDA parser object. Specifying a list of symbol directories in *symbol_dir* will provide a symbol file lookup in the specified directories. The lookup will be generated instantly examining each directory (if it exists). Kwargs: symbol_dirs (list): List of directories containing .sym files """ self.offset = shape.Point(40000, 40000) ## Initialise frame size with largest possible size self.frame_width = 0 self.frame_height = 0 # initialise PIN counter self.pin_counter = itertools.count(0) # initialise PATH counter self.path_counter = itertools.count(0) ## add flag to allow for auto inclusion if symbol_dirs is None: symbol_dirs = [] symbol_dirs = symbol_dirs + \ [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'library', 'geda')] self.known_symbols = find_symbols(symbol_dirs) = None self.segments = None self.net_points = None self.net_names = None self.geda_zip = None
def nsmallest(n, iterable, key=None): """Find the n smallest elements in a dataset. Equivalent to: sorted(iterable, key=key)[:n] """ # Short-cut for n==1 is to use min() when len(iterable)>0 if n == 1: it = iter(iterable) head = list(islice(it, 1)) if not head: return [] if key is None: return [min(chain(head, it))] return [min(chain(head, it), key=key)] # When n>=size, it's faster to use sorted() try: size = len(iterable) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: if n >= size: return sorted(iterable, key=key)[:n] # When key is none, use simpler decoration if key is None: it = izip(iterable, count()) # decorate result = _nsmallest(n, it) return map(itemgetter(0), result) # undecorate # General case, slowest method in1, in2 = tee(iterable) it = izip(imap(key, in1), count(), in2) # decorate result = _nsmallest(n, it) return map(itemgetter(2), result) # undecorate
def test_deque(self): d = collections.deque() self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(d, width=1), "deque([])") d = collections.deque(maxlen=7) self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(d, width=1), "deque([], maxlen=7)") words = 'the quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog'.split() d = collections.deque(zip(words, itertools.count())) self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(d), """\ deque([('the', 0), ('quick', 1), ('brown', 2), ('fox', 3), ('jumped', 4), ('over', 5), ('a', 6), ('lazy', 7), ('dog', 8)])""") d = collections.deque(zip(words, itertools.count()), maxlen=7) self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(d), """\ deque([('brown', 2), ('fox', 3), ('jumped', 4), ('over', 5), ('a', 6), ('lazy', 7), ('dog', 8)], maxlen=7)""")
def __init__(self, loadfromfile=None): self._counter = Counter() # Original source: (1.31) self._nameToNo = defaultdict(count().__next__) self.noToName = {} # This is built only upon reading back from file if loadfromfile is not None: self._nameToNo.default_factory = count(start=self.load(loadfromfile)).__next__
def __init__(self, host, port=80, timeout=None, maxsize=10): self.pool = Queue(maxsize) = host self.port = int(port) self.timeout = timeout self.num_connections = count() self.num_requests = count()
def test_mapping_proxy(self): words = 'the quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog'.split() d = dict(zip(words, itertools.count())) m = types.MappingProxyType(d) self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(m), """\ mappingproxy({'a': 6, 'brown': 2, 'dog': 8, 'fox': 3, 'jumped': 4, 'lazy': 7, 'over': 5, 'quick': 1, 'the': 0})""") d = collections.OrderedDict(zip(words, itertools.count())) m = types.MappingProxyType(d) self.assertEqual(pprint.pformat(m), """\ mappingproxy(OrderedDict([('the', 0), ('quick', 1), ('brown', 2), ('fox', 3), ('jumped', 4), ('over', 5), ('a', 6), ('lazy', 7), ('dog', 8)]))""")
def CalculateMatDis(tabintersectfilepos,tabintersectfileneg,loc,rep,intervalsize,binsize): path = os.getcwd() filepos = np.genfromtxt(open(tabintersectfilepos),dtype="str",usecols=(3,6),delimiter='\t') nelemts = 2*int(intervalsize)/int(binsize) nrows = filepos.shape[0]/nelemts ncols=(4*intervalsize)/binsize matrix = np.arange(nrows*ncols).reshape(nrows,ncols) hashevents ={} c=itr.count(ncols/2) r=itr.count(0) for i in xrange(filepos.shape[0]): if ccurrent == ncols/2: hashevents.update({filepos[i,0]:rcurrent}) c=itr.count(0) ccurrent = matrix[rcurrent,ccurrent]=filepos[i,1] else: matrix[rcurrent,ccurrent]=filepos[i,1] print rcurrent,ccurrent print "ppos done" fileneg = np.genfromtxt(open(tabintersectfileneg),dtype="str",usecols=(3,6),delimiter='\t') ccurrent=-1*ncols/2 for j in xrange(fileneg.shape[0]): ccurrent=ccurrent-1 if ccurrent == (-1*ncols/2-1): ccurrent=-1 matrix[int(hashevents[fileneg[j,0]]),ccurrent]=fileneg[j,1] print hashevents[filepos[j,0]],ccurrent np.savetxt(path+"/"+loc+"/"+rep+"_"+str(intervalsize)+"_"+str(binsize)+"_distribution.mat",matrix, fmt="%0.1f", delimiter="\t") filehashout=open(path+"/"+loc+"/"+rep+"_"+str(intervalsize)+"_"+str(binsize)+"","w") for j in hashevents.keys(): filehashout.write(str(j)+"\t"+str(hashevents[j])+"\n") return None
def compute(): partitions = [1] for i in itertools.count(len(partitions)): # We calculate partitions[i] mod 10^6 using a formula based on generalized pentagonal numbers: # partitions(i) = partitions(i - pentagonal(1)) + partitions(i - pentagonal(-1)) # - partitions(i - pentagonal(2)) - partitions(i - pentagonal(-2)) # + partitions(i - pentagonal(3)) + partitions(i - pentagonal(-3)) # - partitions(i - pentagonal(4)) - partitions(i - pentagonal(-4)) # + ..., # where pentagonal(j) = (3*n^2 - n) / 2, and # we stop the sum when i - pentagonal(+/-j) < 0. # Note that for j > 0, pentagonal(j) < pentagonal(-j) < pentagonal(j+1). # # (The formula is used without mathematical justification; # see .) item = 0 for j in itertools.count(1): sign = -1 if j % 2 == 0 else +1 index = (j * j * 3 - j) // 2 if index > i: break item += partitions[i - index] * sign index += j # index == (j * j * 3 + j) // 2 if index > i: break item += partitions[i - index] * sign item %= MODULUS # Check or memoize the number if item == 0: return str(i) partitions.append(item)
def initBroker(self): # tracking Referenceables # sending side uses these self.nextCLID = count(1).next # 0 is for the broker self.myReferenceByPUID = {} # maps ref.processUniqueID to a tracker self.myReferenceByCLID = {} # maps CLID to a tracker # receiving side uses these self.yourReferenceByCLID = {} self.yourReferenceByURL = {} # tracking Gifts self.nextGiftID = count(1).next self.myGifts = {} # maps (broker,clid) to (rref, giftID, count) self.myGiftsByGiftID = {} # maps giftID to (broker,clid) # remote calls # sending side uses these self.nextReqID = count(1).next # 0 means "we don't want a response" self.waitingForAnswers = {} # we wait for the other side to answer self.disconnectWatchers = [] # receiving side uses these self.inboundDeliveryQueue = [] self._waiting_for_call_to_be_ready = False self.activeLocalCalls = {} # the other side wants an answer from us
def _canopyOverlap(self, tfidf_predicates, record_pairs) : tfidf_fields = defaultdict(list) for threshold, field in tfidf_predicates : tfidf_fields[field].append(threshold) blocker = DedupeBlocker() blocker.tfidf_fields = tfidf_fields docs = list(set(itertools.chain(*record_pairs))) record_ids = dict(itertools.izip(docs, itertools.count())) for field in blocker.tfidf_fields : id_records = zip(itertools.count(), (record[field] for record in docs)) self.stop_words[field] = stopWords(id_records) blocker.stop_words[field] = self.stop_words[field] # uniquify records blocker.tfIdfBlock(id_records, field) self._calculateOverlap(blocker, record_pairs, record_ids)
def runAlgorithm(data, d, k): W = None alphas = 10.0 ** linspace(-4, 1, 6) #alphas = 10.0 ** array([-2,-1,0,-2,-3,-2]) expNum = len(alphas) allStates = [] for (alpha, i) in zip(alphas, count(1)): states = jointlyPenalizedMultiplePCA(data, d, alpha, W, k=k) allStates.append(states) weightVectors = [s.weights for s in states] W = array(weightVectors) figure() for (states, alpha, i) in zip(allStates, alphas, count(1)): subplot(expNum, 1, i) weightVectors = [s.weights for s in states] W = array(weightVectors) plot(W.T) title(r'Run with $\alpha $ = %f' % alpha) figure() for (states, alpha, i) in zip(allStates, alphas, count(1)): subplot(expNum, 1, i) lossVectors = [s.squaredLosses() for s in states] L = array(lossVectors) semilogy(L.T) title(r'Run with $\alpha $ = %f' % alpha) show()
def nlargest(n, iterable, key = None): """Find the n largest elements in a dataset. Equivalent to: sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)[:n] """ if n == 1: it = iter(iterable) head = list(islice(it, 1)) if not head: return [] if key is None: return [max(chain(head, it))] return [max(chain(head, it), key=key)] else: try: size = len(iterable) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass else: if n >= size: return sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)[:n] if key is None: it = izip(iterable, count(0, -1)) result = _nlargest(n, it) return map(itemgetter(0), result) in1, in2 = tee(iterable) it = izip(imap(key, in1), count(0, -1), in2) result = _nlargest(n, it) return map(itemgetter(2), result)
def main(limit_num, limit_denom): R = lambda d: (prime.phi(d), d - 1) def good(d): num, denom = R(d) return num * limit_denom < limit_num * denom d = 1 for n in count(2): d *= n if good(d): break min_d = d kernel = d for m in range(n, 1, -1): kernel //= m print("kernel: %d" % kernel) for k in count(2): d = kernel * k if d >= min_d: break if good(d): min_d = d print(d) break
def __init__(self, queues, file_name): """Create a profiler for command *queues* and output file *file_name*. """ Thread.__init__(self) self._events = Queue() self._event_next = itertools.count().next self._clqeue_next = itertools.count().next self._cldevice_next = itertools.count().next self._clqueues = {} # {queue: id} self._cldevices = {} # {device: id} self.daemon = True self.finish = False self._file_name = None self._profile_file = None self._file_name = file_name self._profile_file = open(file_name, "w") self._profile_file.write("# units\nns\n") self._write_time_shift(queues) self._profile_file.write("# " + Profiler.format_string.replace("%d", "%s") % ("event_id", "command_queue_id", "device_id", "state", "func_name", "time") + "\n")
def connect(self): if self._socket: raise common.AlreadyConnected("Client is already connected.") infos = socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, self.port, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP) (family,_,_,_, sockaddr) = infos[0] # Stage socket on a local variable first s = self.build_socket(family) if self.use_ssl: s = self.wrap_secure_socket(s, ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) s.settimeout(self.connect_timeout) if self.socket_address: LOG.debug("Client local port address bound to " + self.socket_address) s.bind((self.socket_address, self.socket_port)) # if connect fails, there is nothing to clean up s.connect(sockaddr) # use first s.setsockopt(ss.IPPROTO_TCP, ss.TCP_NODELAY, 1) # We are connected now, update attributes self._socket = s try: self._handshake() self._socket.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) self._sequence = itertools.count() self._batch_id = itertools.count() self._closed = False except: self._socket = None raise
def blastall_v_regions(myFastq1,myFastq2,myRef,outputfile,eVal,blastallDir): fns={} chunk=10**4 with open(myFastq1, 'r') as datafile1: groups = groupby(datafile1, key=lambda k, line=count(): next(line) // chunk) for k, group in groups: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=tempfile.mkdtemp(),prefix='{}_'.format(str(k))) as outfile: outfile.write(''.join(group)) fns[k] blastn_cline = blastallDir+"blastall -p blastn -o "+str(".blast.out -i "+str(" -d "+myRef+" -e "+str(eVal)+" -m 8 -b 1" os.system(blastn_cline+" > /dev/null 2>&1") os.system("cat "+str(".blast.out >> "+outputfile) os.remove(str(".blast.out") os.remove(str( testvar=commands.getstatusoutput("dirname "+str( os.system("rm -r "+testvar[1]) fns={} with open(myFastq2, 'r') as datafile2: groups = groupby(datafile2, key=lambda k, line=count(): next(line) // chunk) for k, group in groups: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=tempfile.mkdtemp(),prefix='{}_'.format(str(k))) as outfile: outfile.write(''.join(group)) fns[k] blastn_cline = blastallDir+"blastall -p blastn -o "+str(".blast.out -i "+str(" -d "+myRef+" -e "+str(eVal)+" -m 8 -b 1" os.system(blastn_cline+" > /dev/null 2>&1") os.system("cat "+str(".blast.out >> "+outputfile) os.remove(str(".blast.out") os.remove(str( testvar=commands.getstatusoutput("dirname "+str( os.system("rm -r "+testvar[1])
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._cp = cp.Cplex() # Set up output to go to logging streams log_stream = LoggerFile(logger, logging.DEBUG) warning_stream = LoggerFile(logger, logging.WARNING) error_stream = LoggerFile(logger, logging.ERROR) self._cp.set_log_stream(log_stream) self._cp.set_results_stream(log_stream) self._cp.set_warning_stream(warning_stream) self._cp.set_error_stream(error_stream) # Set feasibility tolerance. By default, we decrease it to 1e-9. feasibility_tolerance = kwargs.get('feasibility_tolerance', 1e-9)'Setting feasibility tolerance to {!r}'.format( feasibility_tolerance)) self._cp.parameters.simplex.tolerances.feasibility.set( feasibility_tolerance) # Set number of threads if 'threads' in kwargs:'Setting threads to {!r}'.format(kwargs['threads'])) self._cp.parameters.threads.set(kwargs['threads']) self._cp.parameters.emphasis.numerical.set(True) self._variables = {} self._var_names = (i for i in count(0)) self._constr_names = ('c'+str(i) for i in count(1)) # Keep track of the objective variables that are non-zero self._non_zero_objective = set() self._result = None
def initBroker(self): = self = self # tracking Referenceables # sending side uses these self.nextCLID = count(1).next # 0 is for the broker self.myReferenceByPUID = {} # maps ref.processUniqueID to a tracker self.myReferenceByCLID = {} # maps CLID to a tracker # receiving side uses these self.yourReferenceByCLID = {} self.yourReferenceByURL = {} # tracking Gifts self.nextGiftID = count().next self.myGifts = {} # maps (broker,clid) to (rref, giftID, count) self.myGiftsByGiftID = {} # maps giftID to (broker,clid) # remote calls # sending side uses these self.nextReqID = count().next self.waitingForAnswers = {} # we wait for the other side to answer self.disconnectWatchers = [] # receiving side uses these self.activeLocalCalls = {} # the other side wants an answer from us
def get_linear_equations_solution_numerically(eqs, dt): # Otherwise assumes it is given in functional form n = len(eqs._diffeq_names) # number of state variables dynamicvars = eqs._diffeq_names # Calculate B AB = zeros((n, 1)) d = dict.fromkeys(dynamicvars) for j in range(n): d[dynamicvars[j]] = 0. * eqs._units[dynamicvars[j]] for var, i in zip(dynamicvars, count()): AB[i] = -eqs.apply(var, d) # Calculate A M = zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): d[dynamicvars[j]] = 0. * eqs._units[dynamicvars[j]] if isinstance(eqs._units[dynamicvars[i]], Quantity): d[dynamicvars[i]] = Quantity.with_dimensions(1., eqs._units[dynamicvars[i]].get_dimensions()) else: d[dynamicvars[i]] = 1. for var, j in zip(dynamicvars, count()): M[j, i] = eqs.apply(var, d) + AB[j] #B=linalg.solve(M,AB) numeulersteps = 100 deltat = dt / numeulersteps E = eye(n) + deltat * M C = eye(n) D = zeros((n, 1)) for step in xrange(numeulersteps): C, D = dot(E, C), dot(E, D) - AB * deltat return C, D
def targz_dir(source_dir, target_archive, dereference_ext_symlinks=True): norm_source_dir = os.path.normpath(source_dir) total = itertools.count() symlinks = itertools.count() symlinks_followed = itertools.count() def tarinfo_filter(tarinfo): log.debug("adding: %s", tarinfo.__dict__) if tarinfo.linkname: target = followlink(os.path.join(norm_source_dir, # If it's a relative symlink, and its target is inside our source dir, leave it as is. # If it's absolute or outside our source dir, resolve it or error. if os.path.isabs(target) \ or not os.path.normpath(os.path.join(norm_source_dir, target)).startswith(norm_source_dir): if dereference_ext_symlinks: if not os.path.exists(target): raise ArchiveError("Symlink target not found: %r -> %r" % (, target)) tarinfo = tarinfo.tarfile.gettarinfo(target) else: raise ArchiveError("Absolute path in symlink target not supported: %r -> %r" % (, target)) return tarinfo with, "w:gz") as tf:"creating archive: %s -> %s", source_dir, target_archive) tf.add(source_dir, arcname=".", filter=tarinfo_filter)"added %s items to archive (%s were symlinks, %s followed)",,,
def weightedLoad(infile,weightthresh=None): myAlign = myHeader = myAlign.header if weightthresh is not None: try: weightsindex = myHeader.cutoffs.index(weightthresh) except: raise Exception("No such weighting cutoff, valid cutoffs are: " + repr(myHeader.cutoffs)) simformat.annotateAlignment(myAlign) weights = S.array(simformat.getinvnormsim(myAlign,weightsindex)) else: weights = S.ones(len(myAlign)) N = len(myAlign) Width = len(myAlign[0]) Matrix = sp.lil_matrix((N,Q*Width)) #LiL is better to populate, csc might be even better, but we'd have to write more complex code. for seqRec,one_weight,i in izip(myAlign,weights,count()): seq_as_ints = intConv(seqRec.seq.tostring()) for residue,j in izip(seq_as_ints,count()): Matrix[i,j*Q + residue] = one_weight return Matrix.tocsc()
def get_linear_equations(eqs): ''' Returns the matrices M and B for the linear model dX/dt = M(X-B), where eqs is an Equations object. ''' # Otherwise assumes it is given in functional form n = len(eqs._diffeq_names) # number of state variables dynamicvars = eqs._diffeq_names # Calculate B AB = zeros((n, 1)) d = dict.fromkeys(dynamicvars) for j in range(n): d[dynamicvars[j]] = 0. * eqs._units[dynamicvars[j]] for var, i in zip(dynamicvars, count()): AB[i] = -eqs.apply(var, d) # Calculate A M = zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): d[dynamicvars[j]] = 0. * eqs._units[dynamicvars[j]] if isinstance(eqs._units[dynamicvars[i]], Quantity): d[dynamicvars[i]] = Quantity.with_dimensions(1., eqs._units[dynamicvars[i]].get_dimensions()) else: d[dynamicvars[i]] = 1. for var, j in zip(dynamicvars, count()): M[j, i] = eqs.apply(var, d) + AB[j] #M-=eye(n)*1e-10 # quick dirty fix for problem of constant derivatives; dimension = Hz #B=linalg.lstsq(M,AB)[0] # We use this instead of solve in case M is degenerate B = linalg.solve(M, AB) # We use this instead of solve in case M is degenerate return M, B
def solution(): target = 2*10**6 # Upper bound on the width and/or length dimensions maximum = next(dropwhile(lambda n: rectangles(n, 1) < target, count(1))) candidates = {} for a in count(1): lower = 1 upper = maximum while upper - lower > 1: b = (upper + lower) / 2 if rectangles(a, b) > target: upper = b else: lower = b candidates[a, lower] = target - rectangles(a, lower) candidates[a, upper] = rectangles(a, upper) - target if lower <= a: return min((v, l*w) for (l, w), v in candidates.items())[1]
def lcs(v, w): s = [[0] * (len(w) + 1) for _ in range(len(v) + 1)] backtrack = [[''] * (len(w) + 1) for _ in range(len(v) + 1)] for i in range(len(v) + 1): backtrack[i][0] = '|' for j in range(len(w) + 1): backtrack[0][j] = '-' backtrack[0][0] = '*' for i, vi in zip(count(), v): for j, wj in zip(count(), w): s[i + 1][j + 1] = max(s[i][j + 1], s[i + 1][j]) if vi == wj: s[i + 1][j + 1] = max(s[i + 1][j + 1], s[i][j] + 1) if s[i + 1][j + 1] == s[i][j + 1]: backtrack[i + 1][j + 1] = '|' elif s[i + 1][j + 1] == s[i + 1][j]: backtrack[i + 1][j + 1] = '-' elif s[i + 1][j + 1] == s[i][j] + 1: backtrack[i + 1][j + 1] = '\\' #for l in s: # print(l) return s[len(v)][len(w)], backtrack
def page_orgviz(): eventfilters = [(i, name) for (i, (name, func)) in zip(itertools.count(), app.config["ORG_CAL_FILTERS"])] eventfilters_name_to_id = dict((name, i) for (i, name) in eventfilters) def filter_name_to_id(dct): if "filter" in dct: newdct = dct.copy() newdct["filter"] = [eventfilters_name_to_id[f] for f in dct["filter"]] return newdct else: return dct cal_perspectives = [(i, name) for (i, (name, dct)) in zip(itertools.count(), app.config["ORG_CAL_PERSPECTIVES"])] cal_perspectives_data = dict( (i, filter_name_to_id(dct)) for ((i, name), (_, dct)) in zip(cal_perspectives, app.config["ORG_CAL_PERSPECTIVES"]) ) cal_eventclasses = zip( ["deadline", "scheduled", "closed", "clock"] + app.config["ORG_CAL_ADD_EVENTCLASSES"] + ["none"], itertools.chain("zxcvbnm", itertools.repeat("")), ) return render_template( "orgviz.html", eventfilters=eventfilters, cal_perspectives=cal_perspectives, cal_perspectives_data=cal_perspectives_data, cal_eventclasses=cal_eventclasses, graphs=[ ("clocked_par_day", "Clocked time per day"), ("done_par_day", "Tasks done par day"), ("tags_dist", "Top 10 tags in closed tasks"), ("clocked_and_closed", "Clocked and closed activities"), ], )
def __init__(self): self.twistedQueue = Queue() self.key = count() self.results = {}
import requests, zipfile, io, os from itertools import count set_download_folder = '.sets' def get_set_file(set_number :int) -> str: return f"datadragon-set{set_number}-en_us" def get_set_link(set_number :int) -> str: return f"{get_set_file(set_number)}.zip" p = os.path.abspath(set_download_folder) if not os.path.exists(p): os.mkdir(p) for set_number in count(1): if (r := requests.get(get_set_link(set_number))).status_code != 200: break sp = os.path.join(p, get_set_file(set_number)) if not os.path.exists(sp): os.mkdir(sp) z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) z.extractall(sp)
def k_shortest_paths(G, source, target, k=1, weight='weight'): """Returns the k-shortest paths from source to target in a weighted graph G. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph source : node Starting node target : node Ending node k : integer, optional (default=1) The number of shortest paths to find weight: string, optional (default='weight') Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight Returns ------- lengths, paths : lists Returns a tuple with two lists. The first list stores the length of each k-shortest path. The second list stores each k-shortest path. Raises ------ NetworkXNoPath If no path exists between source and target. Examples -------- >>> G=nx.complete_graph(5) >>> print(k_shortest_paths(G, 0, 4, 4)) ([1, 2, 2, 2], [[0, 4], [0, 1, 4], [0, 2, 4], [0, 3, 4]]) Notes ------ Edge weight attributes must be numerical and non-negative. Distances are calculated as sums of weighted edges traversed. """ if source == target: return ([0], [[source]]) length, path = nx.single_source_dijkstra(G, source, target, weight=weight) if target not in length: raise nx.NetworkXNoPath("node %s not reachable from %s" % (source, target)) lengths = [length[target]] paths = [path[target]] c = count() B = [] G_original = G.copy() for i in range(1, k): for j in range(len(paths[-1]) - 1): spur_node = paths[-1][j] root_path = paths[-1][:j + 1] edges_removed = [] for c_path in paths: if len(c_path) > j and root_path == c_path[:j + 1]: u = c_path[j] v = c_path[j + 1] if G.has_edge(u, v): edge_attr = G.edge[u][v] G.remove_edge(u, v) edges_removed.append((u, v, edge_attr)) for n in range(len(root_path) - 1): node = root_path[n] # out-edges for u, v, edge_attr in G.edges_iter(node, data=True): G.remove_edge(u, v) edges_removed.append((u, v, edge_attr)) if G.is_directed(): # in-edges for u, v, edge_attr in G.in_edges_iter(node, data=True): G.remove_edge(u, v) edges_removed.append((u, v, edge_attr)) spur_path_length, spur_path = nx.single_source_dijkstra(G, spur_node, target, weight=weight) if target in spur_path and spur_path[target]: total_path = root_path[:-1] + spur_path[target] total_path_length = get_path_length(G_original, root_path, weight) + spur_path_length[target] heappush(B, (total_path_length, next(c), total_path)) for e in edges_removed: u, v, edge_attr = e G.add_edge(u, v, edge_attr) if B: (l, _, p) = heappop(B) lengths.append(l) paths.append(p) else: break return (lengths, paths)
def astar(s, goal, choice): global explorednodes explored = [ ] # creating an empty list named explored to store the explored nodes heap = list() unique_heap = { } #making a dictionary to keep track of nodes and its components counter = itertools.count( ) #adding count, if two nodes with same cost comes, to choose based on count value if choice == '0': #initially for the first node the fscore will be only the heuristic fscore = displacedtiles(s) print(fscore) else: fscore = manhattandistance(s) count = next(counter) components = (fscore, count, s) #storing the fscore,count and state heappush( heap, components ) #heap data structure used to represent a priority queue, storing first node unique_heap[ s. state] = components #storing first node and its components in 'unique heap' while heap: #till the heap is not empty node = heappop( heap ) #pops the least cost node automatically, since it sorts the heap in the order of cost explored.append(node[2].state) #adding to explored nodes check = check_if_goal(node[2].state, goal) #check if that element is the goal or not if (check == 1): goalnode = node[2] return goalnode else: result = movement(node[2]) #explore its children for val in result: if choice == '0': displacedt = displacedtiles(val) else: displacedt = manhattandistance(val) fscore = displacedt + val.depth #since fscore = heuristic + distance between current node and start node count = next(counter) #increasing the counter components = (fscore, count, val ) #storing the fscore,count and state if val.state not in explored: heappush(heap, components) #if not explored, add to heap explored.append(val.state) #add to explored unique_heap[val.state] = components #add to 'unique_heap' #if the state is already present in 'unique_heap' and the new fscore is lesser than than fscore then, replace the value at that index in heap and 'unique_heap' elif val.state in unique_heap and fscore < unique_heap[ val.state][2].fscore: hindex = heap.index((unique_heap[val.state][2].fscore, count, unique_heap[val.state][2])) heap[int( hindex)] = components #replacing at that index in heap unique_heap[ val. state] = components #replacing at that index in 'unique_heap' heapify( heap ) #rearrange heap content to make it in ascending order explorednodes += 1 #increment count of explored nodes
def pattern(): for i in itertools.count(): yield from range(1, 2**i, 2)
def pattern(): for i in itertools.count(): yield from (n for n in range(1, 3**i + 1) if n < 3 ** (i - 1) or n % 2 != 0)
def rewind(self): self.position = count(0) return self
def __init__(self, base): super(IDSpace, self).__init__() if not base.endswith(_ID_SEPARATOR): base += _ID_SEPARATOR self._allocator = (base + str(i) for i in itertools.count(1))
def __init__(self): self._alarms = [] self._watch_files = {} self._idle_handle = 0 self._idle_callbacks = {} self._tie_break = count()
run_log = os.path.join(work_dir, 'run.log') # Add the path to the image generator module to sys.path sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(args[1]))) # Remove a script extension from image generator module if any generator_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args[1]))[0] try: image_generator = __import__(generator_name) except ImportError as e: print >>sys.stderr, \ "Error: The image generator '%s' cannot be imported.\n" \ "Reason: %s" % (generator_name, e) sys.exit(1) # Enable core dumps resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (-1, -1)) # If a seed is specified, only one test will be executed. # Otherwise runner will terminate after a keyboard interruption start_time = int(time.time()) test_id = count(1) while should_continue(duration, start_time): try: run_test(str(, seed, work_dir, run_log, cleanup, log_all, command, config) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): sys.exit(1) if seed is not None: break
def __init__(self, name): self._client = c_api.LocalComputationBuilder(name.encode('utf8')) self._parameter_numbering = itertools.count()
def iter_all_strings(self, sorted_by_value): for size in itertools.count(start=1): for s in itertools.product(self.salt_value, repeat=size): if "".join(s)[0].isdigit( ) == False and not "".join(s) in sorted_by_value: yield "".join(s)
def __init__(self): self.counter = count(1)
def learn(env, q_func, optimizer_spec, session, exploration=LinearSchedule(1000000, 0.1), stopping_criterion=None, replay_buffer_size=1000000, batch_size=32, gamma=0.99, learning_starts=50000, learning_freq=4, frame_history_len=4, target_update_freq=10000, grad_norm_clipping=10): """Run Deep Q-learning algorithm. You can specify your own convnet using q_func. All schedules are w.r.t. total number of steps taken in the environment. Parameters ---------- env: gym.Env gym environment to train on. q_func: function Model to use for computing the q function. It should accept the following named arguments: img_in: tf.Tensor tensorflow tensor representing the input image num_actions: int number of actions scope: str scope in which all the model related variables should be created reuse: bool whether previously created variables should be reused. optimizer_spec: OptimizerSpec Specifying the constructor and kwargs, as well as learning rate schedule for the optimizer session: tf.Session tensorflow session to use. exploration: rl_algs.deepq.utils.schedules.Schedule schedule for probability of chosing random action. stopping_criterion: (env, t) -> bool should return true when it's ok for the RL algorithm to stop. takes in env and the number of steps executed so far. replay_buffer_size: int How many memories to store in the replay buffer. batch_size: int How many transitions to sample each time experience is replayed. gamma: float Discount Factor learning_starts: int After how many environment steps to start replaying experiences learning_freq: int How many steps of environment to take between every experience replay frame_history_len: int How many past frames to include as input to the model. target_update_freq: int How many experience replay rounds (not steps!) to perform between each update to the target Q network grad_norm_clipping: float or None If not None gradients' norms are clipped to this value. """ assert type(env.observation_space) == gym.spaces.Box assert type(env.action_space) == gym.spaces.Discrete ############### # BUILD MODEL # ############### if len(env.observation_space.shape) == 1: # This means we are running on low-dimensional observations (e.g. RAM) input_shape = env.observation_space.shape else: img_h, img_w, img_c = env.observation_space.shape input_shape = (img_h, img_w, frame_history_len * img_c) num_actions = env.action_space.n # set up placeholders # placeholder for current observation (or state) obs_t_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None] + list(input_shape)) # placeholder for current action act_t_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None]) # placeholder for current reward rew_t_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None]) # placeholder for next observation (or state) obs_tp1_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, [None] + list(input_shape)) # placeholder for end of episode mask # this value is 1 if the next state corresponds to the end of an episode, # in which case there is no Q-value at the next state; at the end of an # episode, only the current state reward contributes to the target, not the # next state Q-value (i.e. target is just rew_t_ph, not rew_t_ph + gamma * q_tp1) done_mask_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None]) # casting to float on GPU ensures lower data transfer times. obs_t_float = tf.cast(obs_t_ph, tf.float32) / 255.0 obs_tp1_float = tf.cast(obs_tp1_ph, tf.float32) / 255.0 # Here, you should fill in your own code to compute the Bellman error. This requires # evaluating the current and next Q-values and constructing the corresponding error. # TensorFlow will differentiate this error for you, you just need to pass it to the # optimizer. See assignment text for details. # Your code should produce one scalar-valued tensor: total_error # This will be passed to the optimizer in the provided code below. # Your code should also produce two collections of variables: # q_func_vars # target_q_func_vars # These should hold all of the variables of the Q-function network and target network, # respectively. A convenient way to get these is to make use of TF's "scope" feature. # For example, you can create your Q-function network with the scope "q_func" like this: # <something> = q_func(obs_t_float, num_actions, scope="q_func", reuse=False) # And then you can obtain the variables like this: # q_func_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='q_func') # Older versions of TensorFlow may require using "VARIABLES" instead of "GLOBAL_VARIABLES" ###### # YOUR CODE HERE q_v = q_func(obs_t_float, num_actions, scope="q_func", reuse=False) act_sy = tf.argmax(q_v, axis=1) one_hot_mask = tf.one_hot(act_t_ph, depth=num_actions, dtype=tf.float32) q_act_t = tf.reduce_sum(q_v * one_hot_mask, axis=1) use_double_q = True if use_double_q is True: print("using double Q-learning") a_from_q = tf.argmax(q_func(obs_tp1_float, num_actions, scope="q_func", reuse=True), axis=1) q_v_tp1 = q_func(obs_tp1_float, num_actions, scope="target_q_func", reuse=False) mask = tf.one_hot(a_from_q, depth=num_actions, dtype=tf.float32) q_act_tp1 = tf.reduce_sum(q_v_tp1 * mask, axis=1) else: q_v_tp1 = q_func(obs_tp1_float, num_actions, scope="target_q_func", reuse=False) q_act_tp1 = tf.reduce_max(q_v_tp1, axis=1) target_q = rew_t_ph + gamma * (1 - done_mask_ph) * q_act_tp1 target_q = tf.stop_gradient(target_q) total_error = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(q_act_t - target_q), axis=0) q_func_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='q_func') target_q_func_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='target_q_func') ###### # construct optimization op (with gradient clipping) learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (), name="learning_rate") optimizer = optimizer_spec.constructor(learning_rate=learning_rate, **optimizer_spec.kwargs) train_fn = minimize_and_clip(optimizer, total_error, var_list=q_func_vars, clip_val=grad_norm_clipping) # update_target_fn will be called periodically to copy Q network to target Q network update_target_fn = [] for var, var_target in zip(sorted(q_func_vars, key=lambda v:, sorted(target_q_func_vars, key=lambda v: update_target_fn.append(var_target.assign(var)) update_target_fn =*update_target_fn) # construct the replay buffer replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(replay_buffer_size, frame_history_len) ############### # RUN ENV # ############### model_initialized = False num_param_updates = 0 mean_episode_reward = -float('nan') best_mean_episode_reward = -float('inf') last_obs = env.reset() LOG_EVERY_N_STEPS = 10000 random_sample_times = 0 losses = [] pre_ts = time.time() max_acts = [0] * num_actions rand_acts = [0] * num_actions writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('logs', session.graph) for t in itertools.count(): ### 1. Check stopping criterion if stopping_criterion is not None and stopping_criterion(env, t): break ### 2. Step the env and store the transition # At this point, "last_obs" contains the latest observation that was # recorded from the simulator. Here, your code needs to store this # observation and its outcome (reward, next observation, etc.) into # the replay buffer while stepping the simulator forward one step. # At the end of this block of code, the simulator should have been # advanced one step, and the replay buffer should contain one more # transition. # Specifically, last_obs must point to the new latest observation. # Useful functions you'll need to call: # obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # this steps the environment forward one step # obs = env.reset() # this resets the environment if you reached an episode boundary. # Don't forget to call env.reset() to get a new observation if done # is true!! # Note that you cannot use "last_obs" directly as input # into your network, since it needs to be processed to include context # from previous frames. You should check out the replay buffer # implementation in to see what functionality the replay # buffer exposes. The replay buffer has a function called # encode_recent_observation that will take the latest observation # that you pushed into the buffer and compute the corresponding # input that should be given to a Q network by appending some # previous frames. # Don't forget to include epsilon greedy exploration! # And remember that the first time you enter this loop, the model # may not yet have been initialized (but of course, the first step # might as well be random, since you haven't trained your net...) ##### # YOUR CODE HERE idx = replay_buffer.store_frame(last_obs.astype(np.uint8)) epsilon = exploration.value(t) #if np.random.random_sample() <= optimizer_spec.kwargs['epsilon']: if not model_initialized or random.random() < epsilon: random_sample_times += 1 action = env.action_space.sample() rand_acts[action] += 1 else: obs_t = replay_buffer.encode_recent_observation() act =[act_sy], feed_dict={obs_t_ph: obs_t[None, :]}) action = act[0].flatten()[0] max_acts[action] += 1 obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) replay_buffer.store_effect(idx, action, reward, done) if done == True: obs = env.reset() done = False last_obs = obs ##### # at this point, the environment should have been advanced one step (and # reset if done was true), and last_obs should point to the new latest # observation ### 3. Perform experience replay and train the network. # note that this is only done if the replay buffer contains enough samples # for us to learn something useful -- until then, the model will not be # initialized and random actions should be taken if (t > learning_starts and t % learning_freq == 0 and replay_buffer.can_sample(batch_size)): # Here, you should perform training. Training consists of four steps: # 3.a: use the replay buffer to sample a batch of transitions (see the # replay buffer code for function definition, each batch that you sample # should consist of current observations, current actions, rewards, # next observations, and done indicator). # 3.b: initialize the model if it has not been initialized yet; to do # that, call # initialize_interdependent_variables(session, tf.global_variables(), { # obs_t_ph: obs_t_batch, # obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_batch, # }) # where obs_t_batch and obs_tp1_batch are the batches of observations at # the current and next time step. The boolean variable model_initialized # indicates whether or not the model has been initialized. # Remember that you have to update the target network too (see 3.d)! # 3.c: train the model. To do this, you'll need to use the train_fn and # total_error ops that were created earlier: total_error is what you # created to compute the total Bellman error in a batch, and train_fn # will actually perform a gradient step and update the network parameters # to reduce total_error. When calling on these you'll need to # populate the following placeholders: # obs_t_ph # act_t_ph # rew_t_ph # obs_tp1_ph # done_mask_ph # (this is needed for computing total_error) # learning_rate -- you can get this from optimizer_spec.lr_schedule.value(t) # (this is needed by the optimizer to choose the learning rate) # 3.d: periodically update the target network by calling # # you should update every target_update_freq steps, and you may find the # variable num_param_updates useful for this (it was initialized to 0) ##### # YOUR CODE HERE # 3.a sample n data sampled = replay_buffer.sample(batch_size) obs_t_batch, act_t_batch, rew_t_batch, obs_tp1_batch, done_mask_batch = sampled # 3.b initialize model if not model_initialized: initialize_interdependent_variables(session, \ tf.global_variables(), { \ obs_t_ph: obs_t_batch, \ obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_batch,\ }) model_initialized = True # 3.c train the model lr = optimizer_spec.lr_schedule.value(t) feed_dict = {obs_t_ph: obs_t_batch, \ act_t_ph: act_t_batch, \ rew_t_ph: rew_t_batch, \ obs_tp1_ph: obs_tp1_batch, \ done_mask_ph: done_mask_batch, \ learning_rate: lr} loss, _ =[total_error, train_fn], feed_dict=feed_dict) losses.append(loss) # 3.d update the target network if t % target_update_freq == 0: print('update target q_net at %d' % (num_param_updates)) num_param_updates += 1 ##### ### 4. Log progress episode_rewards = get_wrapper_by_name(env, "Monitor").get_episode_rewards() if len(episode_rewards) > 0: mean_episode_reward = np.mean(episode_rewards[-100:]) if len(episode_rewards) > 100: best_mean_episode_reward = max(best_mean_episode_reward, mean_episode_reward) if t % LOG_EVERY_N_STEPS == 0 and model_initialized: now = time.time() now_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(now)) cost = int(now - pre_ts) pre_ts = now mean_loss = np.mean(np.array(losses)) eps_num = len(episode_rewards) rd_act = random_sample_times max_act = t - random_sample_times print("== [%s][cost:%ds] timestep:%d, eps:%d, rand_act:%d, max_act:%d, mean_loss:%f, param_updates:%d, lr:%f" \ % (now_str, cost, t, eps_num, rd_act, max_act, mean_loss, num_param_updates, lr)) print("mean_rew_100_eps:%f, best:%f, exploration:%f,real:%.5f" \ % (mean_episode_reward, best_mean_episode_reward,\ exploration.value(t), rd_act/t)) print('action dist:', max_acts) print('rand action dist:', rand_acts) max_acts = [0] * num_actions rand_acts = [0] * num_actions sys.stdout.flush() losses = []
class ObservationVectorizer(object): _ids = count(0) @property def knowledge(self): return self.__class__.knowledge @knowledge.setter def knowledge(self, player_knowledge): self.__class__.knowledge = player_knowledge def __init__(self, env): ''' Encoding Order = HandEncoding +BoardEncoding +DiscardEncoding +LastAcionEncoding +CardKnowledgeEncoding ''' = next(self._ids) self.env = env self.obs = None self.num_players = self.env.num_players self.num_colors = self.env.num_colors self.num_ranks = self.env.num_ranks self.hand_size = self.env.hand_size self.max_info_tokens = self.env.max_information_tokens self.max_life_tokens = self.env.max_life_tokens self.max_moves = self.env.max_moves self.bits_per_card = self.num_colors * self.num_ranks self.max_deck_size = 0 self.variant = self.env.variant # start of the vectorized observation self.offset = None for color in range(self.num_colors): for rank in range(self.num_ranks): self.max_deck_size += self.env.num_cards(color, rank, self.variant) """ Bit lengths """ # Compute total state length self.hands_bit_length = (self.num_players - 1) * self.hand_size * self.bits_per_card + self.num_players self.board_bit_length = self.max_deck_size - self.num_players * \ self.hand_size + self.num_colors * self.num_ranks \ + self.max_info_tokens + self.max_life_tokens self.discard_pile_bit_length = self.max_deck_size self.last_action_bit_length = self.num_players + 4 + self.num_players + \ self.num_colors + self.num_ranks \ + self.hand_size + self.hand_size + self.bits_per_card + 2 self.card_knowledge_bit_length = self.num_players * self.hand_size * \ (self.bits_per_card + self.num_colors + self.num_ranks) self.total_state_length = self.hands_bit_length + self.board_bit_length + self.discard_pile_bit_length \ + self.last_action_bit_length + self.card_knowledge_bit_length self.obs_vec = np.zeros(self.total_state_length) if == 0: self.player_knowledge = [HandKnowledge( self.hand_size, self.num_ranks, self.num_colors) for _ in range(self.num_players) ] self.knowledge = self.player_knowledge else: self.player_knowledge = self.knowledge self.last_player_action = None def get_vector_length(self): return self.total_state_length def vectorize_observation(self, obs): self.obs_vec = np.zeros(self.total_state_length) self.obs = obs if obs["last_moves"] != []: if obs["last_moves"][0].move().type() != DEAL: self.last_player_action = obs["last_moves"][0] elif len(obs["last_moves"]) >= 2: self.last_player_action = obs["last_moves"][1] else: self.last_player_action = None self.encode_hands(obs) #print("OFFSET END ENCODE HANDS", self.offset) offset_encode_hands = self.offset #print("SUM END ENCODE HANDS", sum(self.obs_vec[:self.offset])) self.encode_board(obs) #print("OFFSET END ENCODE BOARDS", self.offset) offset_encode_boards = self.offset #print("SUM END ENCODE BOARDS", sum(self.obs_vec[offset_encode_hands:self.offset])) self.encode_discards(obs) #print("OFFSET END ENCODE DISCARDS", self.offset) offset_encode_discards = self.offset #print("SUM END ENCODE DISCARDS", sum(self.obs_vec[offset_encode_boards:self.offset])) self.encode_last_action() #print("OFFSET END ENCODE LAST ACTION", self.offset) offset_encode_last_action = self.offset #print("SUM END ENCODE LAST_ACTION", sum(self.obs_vec[offset_encode_discards:self.offset])) self.encode_card_knowledge(obs) #print("OFFSET END ENCODE CARD KNOWLEDGE", self.offset) #print("SUM END ENCODE CARD_KNOWLEDGE", sum(self.obs_vec[offset_encode_last_action:self.offset])) self.knowledge = self.player_knowledge return self.obs_vec '''Encodes cards in all other player's hands (excluding our unknown hand), and whether the hand is missing a card for all players (when deck is empty.) Each card in a hand is encoded with a one-hot representation using <num_colors> * <num_ranks> bits (25 bits in a standard game) per card. Returns the number of entries written to the encoding.''' def encode_hands(self, obs): self.offset = 0 # don't use own hand hands = obs["observed_hands"] for player_hand in hands: if player_hand[0]["color"] is not None: num_cards = 0 for card in player_hand: rank = card["rank"] color = color_char_to_idx(card["color"]) card_index = color * self.num_ranks + rank self.obs_vec[self.offset + card_index] = 1 num_cards += 1 self.offset += self.bits_per_card ''' A player's hand can have fewer cards than the initial hand size. Leave the bits for the absent cards empty (adjust the offset to skip bits for the missing cards). ''' if num_cards < self.hand_size: self.offset += (self.hand_size - num_cards) * self.bits_per_card # For each player, set a bit if their hand is missing a card i = 0 for i, player_hand in enumerate(hands): if len(player_hand) < self.hand_size: self.obs_vec[self.offset + i] = 1 self.offset += self.num_players assert self.offset - self.hands_bit_length == 0 return True ''' Encode the board, including: - remaining deck size (max_deck_size - num_players * hand_size bits; thermometer) - state of the fireworks (<num_ranks> bits per color; one-hot) - information tokens remaining (max_information_tokens bits; thermometer) - life tokens remaining (max_life_tokens bits; thermometer) We note several features use a thermometer representation instead of one-hot. For example, life tokens could be: 000 (0), 100 (1), 110 (2), 111 (3). Returns the number of entries written to the encoding. ''' def encode_board(self, obs): # encode the deck size: for i in range(obs["deck_size"]): self.obs_vec[self.offset + i] = 1 self.offset += self.max_deck_size - self.hand_size * self.num_players # encode fireworks fireworks = obs["fireworks"] for c in range(len(fireworks)): color = color_idx_to_char(c) # print(fireworks[color]) if fireworks[color] > 0: self.obs_vec[self.offset + fireworks[color] - 1] = 1 self.offset += self.num_ranks # encode info tokens info_tokens = obs["information_tokens"] for t in range(info_tokens): self.obs_vec[self.offset + t] = 1 self.offset += self.max_info_tokens # encode life tokens life_tokens = obs["life_tokens"] #print(f"BAD lifetokens = {life_tokens}") for l in range(life_tokens): self.obs_vec[self.offset + l] = 1 self.offset += self.max_life_tokens assert self.offset - (self.hands_bit_length + self.board_bit_length) == 0 return True ''' Encode the discard pile. (max_deck_size bits) Encoding is in color-major ordering, as in kColorStr ("RYGWB"), with each color and rank using a thermometer to represent the number of cards discarded. For example, in a standard game, there are 3 cards of lowest rank (1), 1 card of highest rank (5), 2 of all else. So each color would be ordered like so: LLL H 1100011101 This means for this color: - 2 cards of the lowest rank have been discarded - none of the second lowest rank have been discarded - both of the third lowest rank have been discarded - one of the second highest rank have been discarded - the highest rank card has been discarded Returns the number of entries written to the encoding. ''' def encode_discards(self, obs): discard_pile = obs['discard_pile'] counts = np.zeros(self.num_colors * self.num_ranks) #print(f"GBAD discard_pile = {discard_pile}") #print(f"GBAD lifes = {obs['life_tokens']}") for card in discard_pile: color = color_char_to_idx(card["color"]) rank = card["rank"] counts[color * self.num_ranks + rank] += 1 for c in range(self.num_colors): for r in range(self.num_ranks): num_discarded = counts[c * self.num_ranks + r] for i in range(int(num_discarded)): self.obs_vec[self.offset + i] = 1 self.offset += self.env.num_cards(c, r, self.variant) assert self.offset - (self.hands_bit_length + self.board_bit_length + self.discard_pile_bit_length) == 0 return True ''' Encode the last player action (not chance's deal of cards). This encodes: - Acting player index, relative to ourself (<num_players> bits; one-hot) - The MoveType (4 bits; one-hot) - Target player index, relative to acting player, if a reveal move (<num_players> bits; one-hot) - Color revealed, if a reveal color move (<num_colors> bits; one-hot) - Rank revealed, if a reveal rank move (<num_ranks> bits; one-hot) - Reveal outcome (<hand_size> bits; each bit is 1 if the card was hinted at) - Position played/discarded (<hand_size> bits; one-hot) - Card played/discarded (<num_colors> * <num_ranks> bits; one-hot) Returns the number of entries written to the encoding. ''' def encode_last_action(self): if self.last_player_action is None: self.offset += self.last_action_bit_length else: last_move_type = self.last_player_action.move().type() #print(f"player inside broken vec: {self.last_player_action.player()}") #print(f"action inside broken vec: " # f"{self.last_player_action.player()}," # f"{self.last_player_action.move().color()}," # f"{self.last_player_action.move().rank()},") #print(f"COLORBAD: {self.last_player_action.move().color()}") #print(f"RANKBAD: {self.last_player_action.move().rank()}") ''' player_id Note: no assertion here. At a terminal state, the last player could have been me (player id 0). ''' self.obs_vec[self.offset + self.last_player_action.player()] = 1 self.offset += self.num_players # encode move type if last_move_type == PLAY: self.obs_vec[self.offset] = 1 elif last_move_type == DISCARD: self.obs_vec[self.offset + 1] = 1 elif last_move_type == REVEAL_COLOR: self.obs_vec[self.offset + 2] = 1 elif last_move_type == REVEAL_RANK: self.obs_vec[self.offset + 3] = 1 else: print("ACTION UNKNOWN") self.offset += 4 # encode target player (if hint action) if last_move_type == REVEAL_COLOR or last_move_type == REVEAL_RANK: observer_relative_target = (self.last_player_action.player() + self.last_player_action.move().target_offset()) % self.num_players self.obs_vec[self.offset + observer_relative_target] = 1 self.offset += self.num_players # encode color (if hint action) if last_move_type == REVEAL_COLOR: last_move_color = self.last_player_action.move().color() self.obs_vec[self.offset + color_char_to_idx(last_move_color)] = 1 self.offset += self.num_colors # encode rank (if hint action) if last_move_type == REVEAL_RANK: last_move_rank = self.last_player_action.move().rank() self.obs_vec[self.offset + last_move_rank] = 1 self.offset += self.num_ranks # If multiple positions where selected if last_move_type == REVEAL_COLOR or last_move_type == REVEAL_RANK: positions = self.last_player_action.card_info_revealed() for pos in positions: self.obs_vec[self.offset + pos] = 1 self.offset += self.hand_size # encode position (if play or discard action) if last_move_type == PLAY or last_move_type == DISCARD: card_index = self.last_player_action.move().card_index() #print(f"BAD card_index={card_index}") self.obs_vec[self.offset + card_index] = 1 self.offset += self.hand_size # encode card (if play or discard action) if last_move_type == PLAY or last_move_type == DISCARD: card_index_hgame = self.last_player_action.move().color() * self.num_ranks + \ self.last_player_action.move().rank() # print(self.offset + card_index_hgame) self.obs_vec[self.offset + card_index_hgame] = 1 self.offset += self.bits_per_card if last_move_type == PLAY: if self.last_player_action.scored(): self.obs_vec[self.offset] = 1 # IF INFO TOKEN WAS ADDED if self.last_player_action.information_token(): self.obs_vec[self.offset + 1] = 1 self.offset += 2 assert self.offset - ( self.hands_bit_length + self.board_bit_length + self.discard_pile_bit_length + self.last_action_bit_length) == 0 return True ''' Encode the common card knowledge. For each card/position in each player's hand, including the observing player, encode the possible cards that could be in that position and whether the color and rank were directly revealed by a Reveal action. Possible card values are in color-major order, using <num_colors> * <num_ranks> bits per card. For example, if you knew nothing about a card, and a player revealed that is was green, the knowledge would be encoded as follows. R Y G W B 0000000000111110000000000 Only green cards are possible. 0 0 1 0 0 Card was revealed to be green. 00000 Card rank was not revealed. Similarly, if the player revealed that one of your other cards was green, you would know that this card could not be green, resulting in: R Y G W B 1111111111000001111111111 Any card that is not green is possible. 0 0 0 0 0 Card color was not revealed. 00000 Card rank was not revealed. Uses <num_players> * <hand_size> * (<num_colors> * <num_ranks> + <num_colors> + <num_ranks>) bits. Returns the number of entries written to the encoding. ''' def encode_card_knowledge(self, obs): card_knowledge_list = obs["card_knowledge"] current_pid = obs["current_player"] action = self.last_player_action if action: # comparison is equal to 'if action != []' type_action = self.last_player_action.move().type() if type_action in [REVEAL_COLOR, REVEAL_RANK]: player_hand_to_sync = ( action.player() + action.move().target_offset() + current_pid ) % self.num_players card_pos_to_sync = self.last_player_action.card_info_revealed() if type_action == REVEAL_COLOR: color_to_sync = color_char_to_idx(self.last_player_action.move().color()) self.player_knowledge[player_hand_to_sync].sync_colors(card_pos_to_sync, color_to_sync) elif type_action == REVEAL_RANK: rank_to_sync = self.last_player_action.move().rank() self.player_knowledge[player_hand_to_sync].sync_ranks(card_pos_to_sync, rank_to_sync) elif type_action in [PLAY, DISCARD]: player_hand_to_sync = (action.player() + current_pid) % self.num_players card_id = action.move().card_index() self.player_knowledge[player_hand_to_sync].remove_card(card_id) for pid, player_card_knowledge in enumerate(card_knowledge_list): num_cards = 0 rel_player_pos = (current_pid + pid) % self.num_players for card_id, card in enumerate(player_card_knowledge): for color in range(self.num_colors): if self.player_knowledge[rel_player_pos].hand[card_id].color_plausible(color): for rank in range(self.num_ranks): if self.player_knowledge[rel_player_pos].hand[card_id].rank_plausible(rank): card_index = color * self.num_ranks + rank self.obs_vec[self.offset + card_index] = 1 self.offset += self.bits_per_card # Encode explicitly revealed colors and ranks if card["color"] is not None: color = color_char_to_idx(card["color"]) self.obs_vec[self.offset + color] = 1 self.offset += self.num_colors if card["rank"] is not None: rank = card["rank"] self.obs_vec[self.offset + rank] = 1 self.offset += self.num_ranks num_cards += 1 if num_cards < self.hand_size: self.offset += (self.hand_size - num_cards) * (self.bits_per_card + self.num_colors + self.num_ranks) # print(self.offset) assert self.offset - ( self.hands_bit_length + self.board_bit_length + self.discard_pile_bit_length + self.last_action_bit_length + self.card_knowledge_bit_length) == 0 return True
# б) итератор, повторяющий элементы некоторого списка, определенного заранее. from itertools import count from itertools import cycle FINISH = 'q' print('\nДля вывода следующего значения итератора нажмите Enter, для выхода из итератора введите "q"\n') # задание а) start_number = int(input('Введите начальное целое число:')) exit_str = '' for number in count(start_number): if exit_str == FINISH: break print(number, end='') exit_str = input() # задание b) start_list = input('\nВведите элементы, разделённые пробелами: ').split() exit_str = '' for elem in cycle(start_list): if exit_str == FINISH: break
def translate(self, src_path=None, src_data_iter=None, tgt_path=None, tgt_data_iter=None, src_dir=None, batch_size=None, attn_debug=False): """ Translate content of `src_data_iter` (if not None) or `src_path` and get gold scores if one of `tgt_data_iter` or `tgt_path` is set. Note: batch_size must not be None Note: one of ('src_path', 'src_data_iter') must not be None Args: src_path (str): filepath of source data src_data_iter (iterator): an interator generating source data e.g. it may be a list or an openned file tgt_path (str): filepath of target data tgt_data_iter (iterator): an interator generating target data src_dir (str): source directory path (used for Audio and Image datasets) batch_size (int): size of examples per mini-batch attn_debug (bool): enables the attention logging Returns: (`list`, `list`) * all_scores is a list of `batch_size` lists of `n_best` scores * all_predictions is a list of `batch_size` lists of `n_best` predictions """ assert src_data_iter is not None or src_path is not None if batch_size is None: raise ValueError("batch_size must be set") data = inputters.build_dataset(self.fields, self.data_type, src_path=src_path, src_data_iter=src_data_iter, tgt_path=tgt_path, tgt_data_iter=tgt_data_iter, src_dir=src_dir, sample_rate=self.sample_rate, window_size=self.window_size, window_stride=self.window_stride, window=self.window, use_filter_pred=self.use_filter_pred) if self.cuda: cur_device = "cuda" else: cur_device = "cpu" data_iter = inputters.OrderedIterator( dataset=data, device=cur_device, batch_size=batch_size, train=False, sort=False, sort_within_batch=True, shuffle=False) builder = onmt.translate.TranslationBuilder( data, self.fields, self.n_best, self.replace_unk, tgt_path) # Statistics counter = count(1) pred_score_total, pred_words_total = 0, 0 gold_score_total, gold_words_total = 0, 0 all_scores = [] all_predictions = [] for batch in data_iter: batch_data = self.translate_batch(batch, data, translations = builder.from_batch(batch_data) for trans in translations: all_scores += [trans.pred_scores[:self.n_best]] pred_score_total += trans.pred_scores[0] pred_words_total += len(trans.pred_sents[0]) if tgt_path is not None: gold_score_total += trans.gold_score gold_words_total += len(trans.gold_sent) + 1 n_best_preds = [" ".join(pred) for pred in trans.pred_sents[:self.n_best]] all_predictions += [n_best_preds] self.out_file.write('\n'.join(n_best_preds) + '\n') self.out_file.flush() if self.verbose: sent_number = next(counter) output = trans.log(sent_number) if self.logger: else: os.write(1, output.encode('utf-8')) # Debug attention. if attn_debug: srcs = trans.src_raw preds = trans.pred_sents[0] preds.append('</s>') attns = trans.attns[0].tolist() header_format = "{:>10.10} " + "{:>10.7} " * len(srcs) row_format = "{:>10.10} " + "{:>10.7f} " * len(srcs) output = header_format.format("", *trans.src_raw) + '\n' for word, row in zip(preds, attns): max_index = row.index(max(row)) row_format = row_format.replace( "{:>10.7f} ", "{:*>10.7f} ", max_index + 1) row_format = row_format.replace( "{:*>10.7f} ", "{:>10.7f} ", max_index) output += row_format.format(word, *row) + '\n' row_format = "{:>10.10} " + "{:>10.7f} " * len(srcs) os.write(1, output.encode('utf-8')) if self.report_score: msg = self._report_score('PRED', pred_score_total, pred_words_total) if self.logger: else: print(msg) if tgt_path is not None: msg = self._report_score('GOLD', gold_score_total, gold_words_total) if self.logger: else: print(msg) if self.report_bleu: msg = self._report_bleu(tgt_path) if self.logger: else: print(msg) if self.report_rouge: msg = self._report_rouge(tgt_path) if self.logger: else: print(msg) if self.dump_beam: import json json.dump(self.beam_accum,, 'w', 'utf-8')) return all_scores, all_predictions
def __init__(self, Ylist, input_dim, X=None, X_variance=None, initx='PCA', initz='permute', num_inducing=10, Z=None, kernel=None, inference_method=None, likelihoods=None, name='mrd', Ynames=None, normalizer=False, stochastic=False, batchsize=10): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.input_dim = input_dim self.num_inducing = num_inducing if isinstance(Ylist, dict): Ynames, Ylist = zip(*Ylist.items()) self.logger.debug("creating observable arrays") self.Ylist = [ObsAr(Y) for Y in Ylist] #The next line is a fix for Python 3. It replicates the python 2 behaviour from the above comprehension Y = Ylist[-1] if Ynames is None: self.logger.debug("creating Ynames") Ynames = ['Y{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(Ylist))] self.names = Ynames assert len(self.names) == len( self.Ylist), "one name per dataset, or None if Ylist is a dict" if inference_method is None: self.inference_method = InferenceMethodList( [VarDTC() for _ in range(len(self.Ylist))]) else: assert isinstance( inference_method, InferenceMethodList ), "please provide one inference method per Y in the list and provide it as InferenceMethodList, inference_method given: {}".format( inference_method) self.inference_method = inference_method if X is None: X, fracs = self._init_X(initx, Ylist) else: fracs = [X.var(0)] * len(Ylist) Z = self._init_Z(initz, X) self.Z = Param('inducing inputs', Z) self.num_inducing = self.Z.shape[0] # ensure M==N if M>N # sort out the kernels"building kernels") if kernel is None: from ..kern import RBF kernels = [ RBF(input_dim, ARD=1, lengthscale=1. / fracs[i]) for i in range(len(Ylist)) ] elif isinstance(kernel, Kern): kernels = [] for i in range(len(Ylist)): k = kernel.copy() kernels.append(k) else: assert len(kernel) == len(Ylist), "need one kernel per output" assert all([isinstance(k, Kern) for k in kernel]), "invalid kernel object detected!" kernels = kernel self.variational_prior = NormalPrior() #self.X = NormalPosterior(X, X_variance) if likelihoods is None: likelihoods = [ Gaussian(name='Gaussian_noise'.format(i)) for i in range(len(Ylist)) ] else: likelihoods = likelihoods"adding X and Z") super(MRD, self).__init__(Y, input_dim, X=X, X_variance=X_variance, num_inducing=num_inducing, Z=self.Z, kernel=None, inference_method=self.inference_method, likelihood=Gaussian(), name='manifold relevance determination', normalizer=None, missing_data=False, stochastic=False, batchsize=1) self._log_marginal_likelihood = 0 self.unlink_parameter(self.likelihood) self.unlink_parameter(self.kern) self.num_data = Ylist[0].shape[0] if isinstance(batchsize, int): batchsize = itertools.repeat(batchsize) self.bgplvms = [] for i, n, k, l, Y, im, bs in zip(itertools.count(), Ynames, kernels, likelihoods, Ylist, self.inference_method, batchsize): assert Y.shape[ 0] == self.num_data, "All datasets need to share the number of datapoints, and those have to correspond to one another" md = np.isnan(Y).any() spgp = BayesianGPLVMMiniBatch(Y, input_dim, X, X_variance, Z=Z, kernel=k, likelihood=l, inference_method=im, name=n, normalizer=normalizer, missing_data=md, stochastic=stochastic, batchsize=bs) spgp.kl_factr = 1. / len(Ynames) spgp.unlink_parameter(spgp.Z) spgp.unlink_parameter(spgp.X) del spgp.Z del spgp.X spgp.Z = self.Z spgp.X = self.X self.link_parameter(spgp, i + 2) self.bgplvms.append(spgp) b = self.bgplvms[0] self.posterior = b.posterior self.kern = b.kern self.likelihood = b.likelihood"init done")
def strSeq(): for n in itertools.count(1): for s in itertools.product(ascii_uppercase, repeat=n): yield "".join(s)
from itertools import count for i in count(10): print(i) if i >= 20: break
class Timer(threading.Thread): Entry = Entry Schedule = Schedule running = False on_tick = None _timer_count = count(1) if TIMER_DEBUG: # pragma: no cover def start(self, *args, **kwargs): import traceback print('- Timer starting') traceback.print_stack() super(Timer, self).start(*args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, schedule=None, on_error=None, on_tick=None, on_start=None, max_interval=None, **kwargs): self.schedule = schedule or self.Schedule(on_error=on_error, max_interval=max_interval) self.on_start = on_start self.on_tick = on_tick or self.on_tick threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._is_shutdown = threading.Event() self._is_stopped = threading.Event() self.mutex = threading.Lock() self.not_empty = threading.Condition(self.mutex) self.daemon = True = 'Timer-{0}'.format(next(self._timer_count)) def _next_entry(self): with self.not_empty: delay, entry = next(self.scheduler) if entry is None: if delay is None: self.not_empty.wait(1.0) return delay return self.schedule.apply_entry(entry) __next__ = next = _next_entry # for 2to3 def run(self): try: self.running = True self.scheduler = iter(self.schedule) while not self._is_shutdown.isSet(): delay = self._next_entry() if delay: if self.on_tick: self.on_tick(delay) if sleep is None: # pragma: no cover break sleep(delay) try: self._is_stopped.set() except TypeError: # pragma: no cover # we lost the race at interpreter shutdown, # so gc collected built-in modules. pass except Exception as exc: logger.error('Thread Timer crashed: %r', exc, exc_info=True) os._exit(1) def stop(self): self._is_shutdown.set() if self.running: self._is_stopped.wait() self.join(THREAD_TIMEOUT_MAX) self.running = False def ensure_started(self): if not self.running and not self.isAlive(): if self.on_start: self.on_start(self) self.start() def _do_enter(self, meth, *args, **kwargs): self.ensure_started() with self.mutex: entry = getattr(self.schedule, meth)(*args, **kwargs) self.not_empty.notify() return entry def enter(self, entry, eta, priority=None): return self._do_enter('enter_at', entry, eta, priority=priority) def call_at(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._do_enter('call_at', *args, **kwargs) def enter_after(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._do_enter('enter_after', *args, **kwargs) def call_after(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._do_enter('call_after', *args, **kwargs) def call_repeatedly(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._do_enter('call_repeatedly', *args, **kwargs) def exit_after(self, secs, priority=10): self.call_after(secs, sys.exit, priority) def cancel(self, tref): tref.cancel() def clear(self): self.schedule.clear() def empty(self): return not len(self) def __len__(self): return len(self.schedule) def __bool__(self): return True __nonzero__ = __bool__ @property def queue(self): return self.schedule.queue
class Channel(base.StdChannel): open = True throw_decode_error = False _ids = count(1) def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.called = [] self.deliveries = count(1) self.to_deliver = [] = {'basic_return': set()} self.channel_id = next(self._ids) def _called(self, name): self.called.append(name) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.called def exchange_declare(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('exchange_declare') def prepare_message(self, body, priority=0, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, headers=None, properties={}): self._called('prepare_message') return dict(body=body, headers=headers, properties=properties, priority=priority, content_type=content_type, content_encoding=content_encoding) def basic_publish(self, message, exchange='', routing_key='', mandatory=False, immediate=False, **kwargs): self._called('basic_publish') return message, exchange, routing_key def exchange_delete(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('exchange_delete') def queue_declare(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('queue_declare') def queue_bind(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('queue_bind') def queue_unbind(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('queue_unbind') def queue_delete(self, queue, if_unused=False, if_empty=False, **kwargs): self._called('queue_delete') def basic_get(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('basic_get') try: return self.to_deliver.pop() except IndexError: pass def queue_purge(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('queue_purge') def basic_consume(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('basic_consume') def basic_cancel(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('basic_cancel') def basic_ack(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('basic_ack') def basic_recover(self, requeue=False): self._called('basic_recover') def exchange_bind(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('exchange_bind') def exchange_unbind(self, *args, **kwargs): self._called('exchange_unbind') def close(self): self._called('close') def message_to_python(self, message, *args, **kwargs): self._called('message_to_python') return Message(self, body=anyjson.dumps(message), delivery_tag=next(self.deliveries), throw_decode_error=self.throw_decode_error, content_type='application/json', content_encoding='utf-8') def flow(self, active): self._called('flow') def basic_reject(self, delivery_tag, requeue=False): if requeue: return self._called('basic_reject:requeue') return self._called('basic_reject') def basic_qos(self, prefetch_size=0, prefetch_count=0, apply_global=False): self._called('basic_qos')
that Twisted lib obeys. If any concern, plz contact [email protected]. """ from __future__ import division __all__ = [ 'NamedConstant', 'ValueConstant', 'FlagConstant', 'Names', 'Values', 'Flags'] import functools import itertools import operator _UNSPECIFIED = None _CONSTANT_ORDER = functools.partial(next, itertools.count()) class _Constant(object): # pylint: disable=R0903 """ @ivar _index: A C{int} allocated from a shared itertools.counter in order to keep track of the order in which L{_Constant}s are instantiated. @ivar name: A C{str} giving the name of this constant; only set once the constant is initialized by L{_ConstantsContainer}. @ivar _container: The L{_ConstantsContainer} subclass this constant belongs to; C{None} until the constant is initialized by that subclass. """ def __init__(self): self._container = None
import _winapi from _winapi import WAIT_OBJECT_0, WAIT_ABANDONED_0, WAIT_TIMEOUT, INFINITE except ImportError: if sys.platform == 'win32': raise _winapi = None # # # BUFSIZE = 8192 # A very generous timeout when it comes to local connections... CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 20. _mmap_counter = itertools.count() default_family = 'AF_INET' families = ['AF_INET'] if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'): default_family = 'AF_UNIX' families += ['AF_UNIX'] if sys.platform == 'win32': default_family = 'AF_PIPE' families += ['AF_PIPE'] def _init_timeout(timeout=CONNECTION_TIMEOUT): return time.time() + timeout
def setUpClass(cls): cls.registry = odoo.registry(get_db_name()) = cls.registry.cursor() cls.uid = odoo.SUPERUSER_ID cls.env = api.Environment(, cls.uid, {}) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): # rollback and close the cursor, and reset the environments cls.registry.clear_caches() cls.env.reset() savepoint_seq = itertools.count() class SavepointCase(SingleTransactionCase): """ Similar to :class:`SingleTransactionCase` in that all test methods are run in a single transaction *but* each test case is run inside a rollbacked savepoint (sub-transaction). Useful for test cases containing fast tests but with significant database setup common to all cases (complex in-db test data): :meth:`~.setUpClass` can be used to generate db test data once, then all test cases use the same data without influencing one another but without having to recreate the test data either. """ def setUp(self): self._savepoint_id = next(savepoint_seq)'SAVEPOINT test_%d' % self._savepoint_id) def tearDown(self):
def __init__(self, uvsets_count): self.uvsets_count = uvsets_count self.uv_indices = itertools.count()
return action, info if __name__ == '__main__': env = gym.vector.make('CartPole-v0', num_envs=1) env = envs.Logger(env, interval=1000) env = envs.Torch(env) env = envs.Runner(env) env.seed(SEED) policy = ActorCriticNet(env) optimizer = optim.Adam(policy.parameters(), lr=1e-2) running_reward = 10.0 get_action = lambda state: get_action_value(state, policy) for episode in count(1): # We use the Runner collector, but could've written our own replay =, episodes=1) # Update policy update(replay, optimizer) # Compute termination criterion running_reward = running_reward * 0.99 + len(replay) * 0.01 if episode % 10 == 0: # Should start with 10.41, 12.21, 14.60, then 100:71.30, 200:135.74 print(episode, running_reward) if running_reward > 190.0: print('Solved! Running reward now {} and ' 'the last episode runs to {} time steps!'.format( running_reward, len(replay)))
def isPrime(n): return n > 1 and all(n%i for i in islice(count(2), int(sqrt(n)-1)))
class Seq_Generator(): newid = itertools.count().next def __init__(self): = Seq_Generator.newid()
def append_table(self, filename): if self.cross: print 'ERROR: append_table not supported for type cross!' sys.exit(1) # append columns from another table (read it from disk) to this # it is assumed that a row exists for each in this table print 'Parsing the qdec table: ' + filename statstable = LongQdecTable() statstable.parse(filename, False) #don't warn about being cross sectional table #print statstable.variables self.variables = list( itertools.chain(*[self.variables, statstable.variables])) first = True crossnames = True #iterate through current table for subjectid, tplist in self.subjects_tp_map.items(): if not statstable.cross: print 'statstable is not corss (= long)\n' # table to append is in long format # check if subject is here if subjectid not in statstable.subjects_tp_map: print 'ERROR: did not find ' + subjectid + ' in table ' + filename + '!' sys.exit(1) # get that data addtplist = statstable.subjects_tp_map[subjectid] # check if all time points are in same order for i, tpdata, addtpdata in itertools.izip( itertools.count(), tplist, addtplist): if tpdata[0] != addtpdata[0]: print 'ERROR: time point id' + tpdata[ 0] + ' not found in other table!' sys.exit(1) # append all columns (except the id) self.subjects_tp_map[subjectid][i] = list( itertools.chain(*[ self.subjects_tp_map[subjectid][i], addtplist[i] [1:] ])) else: # if saved in cross format for i, tpdata in itertools.izip(itertools.count(), tplist): #determin if fsid is cross or long (only once) if first: first = False tpid = tpdata[0] if tpid in statstable.subjects_tp_map: crossnames = True elif tpid + '.long.' + subjectid in statstable.subjects_tp_map: crossnames = False else: print 'ERROR: time point id' + tpid + ' not found in other table!' sys.exit(1) # get the name tpid = tpdata[0] if not crossnames: tpid = tpdata[0] + '.long.' + subjectid # get the data addtplist = statstable.subjects_tp_map[tpid] # append all columns (except the id) self.subjects_tp_map[subjectid][i] = list( itertools.chain(*[ self.subjects_tp_map[subjectid][i], addtplist[0] [1:] ]))