Пример #1
    def get_namespace(self, resource, context):
        # Find out broken links
        base = resource.abspath

        # Search only within the given resource
        query = get_base_path_query(base, min_depth=0)
        results = context.search(query)

        # Find out the broken links
        root = context.root
        broken = {}
        for link in context.database.catalog.get_unique_values('links'):
            if root.get_resource(link, soft=True) is not None:
            sub_results = results.search(PhraseQuery('links', link))
            link = str(base.get_pathto(Path(link)))
            for brain in sub_results.get_documents():
                broken.setdefault(brain.abspath, []).append(link)

        # Build the namespace
        items = []
        total = 0
        keys = broken.keys()
        for path in keys:
            links = broken[path]
            path = str(base.get_pathto(Path(path)))
            n = len(links)
            items.append({'path': path, 'links': links, 'n': n})
            total += n

        return {'items': items, 'total': total}
Пример #2
    def http_get(self):
        n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
        path = Path(self.path)[n:]
        path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)

        # 404 Not Found
        if not isfile(path):
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 404)

        # 304 Not Modified
        mtime = getmtime(path)
        mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
        mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
        mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
        since = self.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
        if since and since >= mtime:
            return set_response(self.soup_message, 304)

        # 200 Ok
        # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
        mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
        data = open(path).read()
        self.soup_message.set_response(mimetype, data)
        self.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
Пример #3
    def update_links(self, source, target):
        base = self.get_canonical_path()
        resources_new2old = get_context().database.resources_new2old
        base = str(base)
        old_base = resources_new2old.get(base, base)
        old_base = Path(old_base)
        new_base = Path(base)

        handler = self.handler
        get_value = handler.get_record_value

        for record in handler.get_records_in_order():
            path = get_value(record, 'name')
            if not path:
            ref = get_reference(path)
            if ref.scheme:
            # Strip the view
            path = ref.path
            name = path.get_name()
            if name and name[0] == ';':
                view = '/' + name
                path = path[:-1]
                view = ''
            path = str(old_base.resolve2(path))
            if path == source:
                # Hit the old name
                # Build the new reference with the right path
                new_ref = deepcopy(ref)
                new_ref.path = str(new_base.get_pathto(target)) + view
                handler.update_record(record.id, **{'name': str(new_ref)})

Пример #4
 def get_fallback(self, resource, context):
     n = len(Path(self.mount_path))
     path = Path(context.path)[n:]
     path = '%s%s' % (self.local_path, path)
     # 404 Not Found
     if not isfile(path):
         return context.set_default_response(404)
     # 304 Not Modified
     mtime = getmtime(path)
     mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(mtime)
     mtime = mtime.replace(microsecond=0)
     mtime = fixed_offset(0).localize(mtime)
     since = context.get_header('If-Modified-Since')
     if since and since >= mtime:
         raise NotModified
     # 200 Ok
     # FIXME Check we set the encoding for text files
     mimetype = get_mimetype(basename(path))
     # Get data
     with open(path, 'r') as f:
         data = f.read()
     # Response
     context.status = 200
     context.set_header('Last-Modified', mtime)
     return data
Пример #5
    def copy_resource(self, source_path, target_path, exclude_patterns=None, check_if_authorized=True):
        # Find out the source and target absolute URIs
        source_path, target_path = self._resolve_source_target(source_path,
        # Exclude patterns
        if exclude_patterns is None:
            exclude_patterns = []
        for exclude_pattern in exclude_patterns:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(str(source_path), exclude_pattern):
        # Get the source and target resources
        source = self.get_resource(source_path)
        childs = list(source.get_resources())
        parent_path = target_path.resolve2('..')
        target_parent = self.get_resource(parent_path)

        # Check compatibility
        if (check_if_authorized and
                (not target_parent.can_paste(source)
                 or not source.can_paste_into(target_parent))):
            message = u'resource type "{0}" cannot be copied into type "{1}"'
            message = message.format(source.class_title.gettext(),
            raise ConsistencyError(message)

        # Copy the metadata
        folder = self.handler
        folder.copy_handler('%s.metadata' % source_path,
                            '%s.metadata' % target_path)

        # Copy the content
        database = self.database
        new_name = target_path.get_name()
        for old_name, new_name in source.rename_handlers(new_name):
            if old_name is None:
            src_key = Path(source_path).resolve(old_name)
            dst_key = Path(target_path).resolve(new_name)
            if folder.has_handler(src_key):
                folder.copy_handler(src_key, dst_key, exclude_patterns)
        # Events, add
        resource = self.get_resource(target_path)
        # Set ctime and mtime
        context = get_context()
        now = context.timestamp
        resource.set_value('ctime', now)
        resource.set_value('mtime', now)
        # Childs
        for child in childs:
            source_path_child = source_path.resolve2(child.name)
            target_path_child = target_path.resolve2(child.name)
            self.copy_resource(source_path_child, target_path_child, exclude_patterns,
        # Ok
        return resource
Пример #6
    def move_resource(self, source_path, target_path, check_if_authorized=True):
        # Find out the source and target absolute URIs
        source_path, target_path = self._resolve_source_target(source_path,

        # Get the source and target resources
        source = self.get_resource(source_path)
        parent_path = target_path.resolve2('..')
        target_parent = self.get_resource(parent_path)

        # Cannot move a resource to a subdirectory of itself
        abspath = self.abspath
        aux = source.abspath
        if aux.get_prefix(abspath) == aux:
            message = 'cannot move a resource to a subdirectory of itself'
            raise ConsistencyError, message

        # Check compatibility
        if (check_if_authorized and (not target_parent.can_paste(source)
                or not source.can_paste_into(target_parent))):
            message = 'resource type "%r" cannot be moved into type "%r"'
            raise ConsistencyError, message % (source, target_parent)

        # Events, remove
        database = self.database
        new_path = self.abspath.resolve2(target_path)
        database.move_resource(source, new_path)

        # Get childs
        childs = list(source.get_resources())

        # Move the metadata
        folder = self.handler
        folder.move_handler('%s.metadata' % source_path,
                            '%s.metadata' % target_path)
        # Move the content
        new_name = target_path.get_name()
        for old_name, new_name in source.rename_handlers(new_name):
            if old_name is None:
            src_key = Path(source_path).resolve(old_name)
            dst_key = Path(target_path).resolve(new_name)
            if folder.has_handler(src_key):
                folder.move_handler(src_key, dst_key)
        # Childs
        for child in childs:
            source_path_child = source_path.resolve2(child.name)
            target_path_child = target_path.resolve2(child.name)
            self.move_resource(source_path_child, target_path_child,
Пример #7
    def get_resource(self, abspath, soft=False):
        if type(abspath) is str:
            path = abspath[1:]
            abspath = Path(abspath)
            path = str(abspath)[1:]

        path_to_metadata = '%s.metadata' % path
        metadata = self.get_handler(path_to_metadata, Metadata, soft=soft)
        if metadata is None:
            return None

        # 2. Class
        class_id = metadata.format
        cls = self.get_resource_class(class_id)
        if cls is None:
            if self.fs.exists(path):
                is_file = self.fs.is_file(path)
                # FIXME This is just a guess, it may fail.
                is_file = '/' in format

            if is_file:
                cls = self.get_resource_class('application/octet-stream')
                cls = self.get_resource_class('application/x-not-regular-file')

        # Ok
        resource = cls(metadata)
        resource.abspath = abspath
        return resource
Пример #8
    def _resolve_source_target(self, source_path, target_path):
        if type(source_path) is not Path:
            source_path = Path(source_path)
        if type(target_path) is not Path:
            target_path = Path(target_path)

        # Load the handlers so they are of the right class, for resources
        # like that define explicitly the handler class.  This fixes for
        # instance copy&cut&paste of a tracker in a just started server.
        # TODO this is a work-around, there should be another way to define
        # explicitly the handler class.
        source = self.get_resource(source_path)
        for resource in source.traverse_resources():

        return source_path, target_path
Пример #9
    def update_links(self, source, target):
        super(CSS, self).update_links(source, target)
        resources_new2old = get_context().database.resources_new2old
        base = str(self.abspath)
        old_base = resources_new2old.get(base, base)
        old_base = Path(old_base)
        new_base = Path(base)

        def my_func(matchobj):
            uri = matchobj.group(1)
            reference = css_get_reference(uri)

            # Skip empty links, external links and links to '/ui/'
            if reference.scheme or reference.authority:
                return matchobj.group(0)
            path = reference.path
            if not path or path[0] == 'ui':
                return matchobj.group(0)

            # Strip the view
            name = path.get_name()
            if name and name[0] == ';':
                view = '/' + name
                path = path[:-1]
                view = ''

            # Resolve the path
            # Absolute path are relative to site root
            if not path.is_absolute():
                path = old_base.resolve2(path)

            # Match ?
            if path == source:
                path = str(new_base.get_pathto(target)) + view
                new_path = Reference('', '', path, reference.query.copy(),
                return "url('%s')" % new_path

            return matchobj.group(0)

        data = self.to_text().encode('utf-8')
        new_data = css_uri_expr.sub(my_func, data)

Пример #10
Файл: ro.py Проект: Ramel/itools
 def get_metadata(self, abspath, soft=False):
     if type(abspath) is str:
         path = abspath[1:]
         abspath = Path(abspath)
         path = str(abspath)[1:]
     path_to_metadata = '%s.metadata' % path
     return self.get_handler(path_to_metadata, Metadata, soft=soft)
Пример #11
    def update_links(self, source, target):
        """The resource identified by 'source' is going to be moved to
        'target'.  Update our links to it.

        The parameters 'source' and 'target' are absolute 'Path' objects.
        base = str(self.abspath)
        old_base = self.database.resources_new2old.get(base, base)
        old_base = Path(old_base)
        new_base = Path(base)
        languages = self.get_resource('/').get_value('website_languages')

        for field_name in self.fields:
            field = self.get_field(field_name)
            if field:
                field.update_links(self, field_name, source, target, languages,
                                   old_base, new_base)
Пример #12
    def normalize_key(self, path, __root=Path('/')):
        # Performance is critical so assume the path is already relative to
        # the repository.
        key = __root.resolve(path)
        if key and key[0] == '.git':
            err = "bad '%s' path, access to the '.git' folder is denied"
            raise ValueError, err % path

        return '/'.join(key)
Пример #13
    def test_simplenorm(self):
        Test the simple path normalization:

        - 'a/./b' = 'a/b'
        - 'a//b'  = 'a/b'
        - './a'   = 'a'
        - 'a/'    = 'a'
        path = Path('./a/./b//c/')
        self.assertEqual(str(path), 'a/b/c/')
Пример #14
    def get_resource(self, path, soft=False):
        if type(path) is not Path:
            path = Path(path)

        # 1. Get the metadata
        if path.is_absolute():
            abspath = path
            abspath = self.abspath.resolve2(path)

        return self.database.get_resource(abspath, soft=soft)
Пример #15
    def get_options(self):
        context = get_context()

        items = []
        for doc in context.search(base_classes='folder').get_documents():
            path = Path(doc.abspath)
            title = '/' if not path else ('%s/' % path)
            items.append({'name': path, 'value': title, 'selected': False})

        items.sort(key=lambda x: x['value'])
        return items
Пример #16
Файл: ro.py Проект: Ramel/itools
 def get_resource(self, abspath, soft=False):
     abspath = Path(abspath)
     # Get metadata
     metadata = self.get_metadata(abspath, soft)
     if metadata is None:
         return None
     # Get associated class
     class_id = metadata.format
     cls = self.get_cls(class_id)
     # Ok
     return cls(abspath=abspath, database=self, metadata=metadata)
Пример #17
def set_prefix(stream, prefix, ns_uri=xhtml_uri, uri=None):
    if isinstance(prefix, str):
        prefix = Path(prefix)

    ref = None
    if uri:
        ref = Reference(scheme=uri.scheme, authority=uri.authority,
                        path='/', query={})
    rewrite = partial(resolve_pointer, prefix, ref)

    return rewrite_uris(stream, rewrite, ns_uri)
Пример #18
class PathDataType(DataType):
    # TODO Do like URI, do not decode (just an string), and use 'is_valid'
    # instead

    default = Path('')

    def decode(value):
        return Path(value)

    def encode(value):
        return str(value)
Пример #19
 def get_item_value(self, resource, context, item, column):
     if column == 'checkbox':
         if self.is_folder(item):
             return None
         proxy = super(AddImage_BrowseContent, self)
         return proxy.get_item_value(resource, context, item, column)
     elif column == 'icon':
         if self.is_folder(item):
             # icon
             path_to_icon = item.get_resource_icon(48)
             if path_to_icon.startswith(';'):
                 path_to_icon = Path('%s/' % item.name).resolve(path_to_icon)
             path = item.abspath
             path_to_icon = ";thumb?width=48&height=48"
             if path:
                 path_to_resource = Path(str(path) + '/')
                 path_to_icon = path_to_resource.resolve(path_to_icon)
         return path_to_icon
         proxy = super(AddImage_BrowseContent, self)
         return proxy.get_item_value(resource, context, item, column)
Пример #20
    def init_context(self):
        soup_message = self.soup_message
        path = self.path

        # The request method
        self.method = soup_message.get_method()
        # The query
        query = soup_message.get_query()
        self.query = decode_query(query)

        # The URI as it was typed by the client
        xfp = soup_message.get_header('X_FORWARDED_PROTO')
        src_scheme = xfp or 'http'
        xff = soup_message.get_header('X-Forwarded-Host')
        if xff:
            xff = xff.split(',', 1)[0].strip()
        hostname = soup_message.get_host()
        src_host = xff or soup_message.get_header('Host') or hostname
        if query:
            uri = '%s://%s%s?%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path, query)
            uri = '%s://%s%s' % (src_scheme, src_host, path)
        self.uri = get_reference(uri)

        # Split the path into path and method ("a/b/c/;view")
        path = path if type(path) is Path else Path(path)
        name = path.get_name()
        if name and name[0] == ';':
            self.path = path[:-1]
            self.view_name = name[1:]
            self.path = path
            self.view_name = None

        # Cookies
        self.cookies = {}

        # Media files (CSS, javascript)
        # Set the list of needed resources. The method we are going to
        # call may need external resources to be rendered properly, for
        # example it could need an style sheet or a javascript file to
        # be included in the html head (which it can not control). This
        # attribute lets the interface to add those resources.
        self.styles = []
        self.scripts = []

        # The authenticated user
        # The Site Root
        self.site_root.before_traverse(self)  # Hook
Пример #21
 def launch_npm_install(self):
     done = False
     for path in self.manifest:
         filename = get_uri_name(path)
         if filename == 'package.json':
             print '***' * 25
             print '*** Run $ npm install on ', path
             print '***' * 25
             path = str(Path(path)[:-1]) + '/'
             p = Popen(['npm', 'install'], cwd=path)
             if p.returncode == 1:
                 print '***' * 25
                 print '*** Error running npm install ', path
                 print '***' * 25
             done = True
     return done
Пример #22
 def launch_gulp_build(self):
     done = False
     for path in self.manifest:
         filename = get_uri_name(path)
         if filename == 'package.json':
             print '***' * 25
             print '*** Run $ gulp build on ', path
             print '***' * 25
             path = str(Path(path)[:-1]) + '/'
             p = Popen(['gulp', 'build'], cwd=path)
             if p.returncode == 1:
                 print '***' * 25
                 print '*** Error running gulp ', path
                 print '***' * 25
             done = True
     return done
Пример #23
 def launch_webpack(self):
     done = False
     for path in self.manifest:
         filename = get_uri_name(path)
         if filename == 'webpack.config.js':
             print '***'*25
             print '*** Run $ webpack ', path
             print '***'*25
             path = str(Path(path)[:-1]) + '/'
             p = Popen(['./node_modules/.bin/webpack', '--mode=production'], cwd=path)
             if p.returncode == 1:
                 print '***'*25
                 print '*** Error running webpack ', path
                 print '***'*25
             done = True
     return done
Пример #24
 def get_template(self, web_path):
     warning = None
     web_path_object = Path(normalize_path(web_path))
     skin_name = web_path_object[1]
         skin = skin_registry[skin_name]
     except KeyError:
         warning = 'WARNING: web_path {} is obsolete use /ui/ikaaro/'
         warning = warning.format(web_path)
         web_path = web_path.replace('/ui/', '/ui/ikaaro/')
         skin = skin_registry['ikaaro']
     # 1) Try with envionment skin
     skin_key = skin.get_environment_key(self.server)
     web_path = web_path.replace(skin.base_path, '')
     template = self.get_template_from_skin_key(skin_key, web_path, warning)
     if template:
         return template
     # 2) Try with standard skin
     return self.get_template_from_skin_key(skin.key, web_path, warning)
Пример #25
    def get_item_value(self, resource, context, item, column):
        if column == 'checkbox':
            # checkbox
            parent = item.parent
            if parent is None:
                return None
            if item.name in parent.__fixed_handlers__:
                return None
            resource_id = str(item.abspath)
            return resource_id, False
        elif column == 'icon':
            # icon
            path_to_icon = item.get_resource_icon(16)
            if not path_to_icon:
                return None
            if path_to_icon.startswith(';'):
                path_to_icon = Path('%s/' % item.name).resolve(path_to_icon)
            return path_to_icon
        elif column == 'abspath':
            # Name
            resource_id = str(item.abspath)
            view = item.get_view(None)
            if view is None:
                return resource_id
            return resource_id, context.get_link(item)
        elif column == 'format':
            # Type
            return item.class_title.gettext()
        elif column == 'mtime':
            # Last Modified
            mtime = item.get_value('mtime')
            if mtime:
                return context.format_datetime(mtime)
            return None
        elif column == 'last_author':
            # Last author
            author = item.get_value('last_author')
            return context.root.get_user_title(author) if author else None
        elif column == 'row_css':
            return None

        # Default
        return item.get_value_title(column)
Пример #26
    def get_available_languages(self):
        """Returns the language codes for the user interface.
        source = itools_source_language
        target = itools_target_languages
        # A package based on itools
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls is not Root:
            exec('import %s as pkg' % cls.__module__.split('.', 1)[0])
            config = Path(pkg.__path__[0]).resolve_name('setup.conf')
            config = ConfigFile(str(config))
            source = config.get_value('source_language', default=source)
            target = config.get_value('target_languages', default=target)

        target = target.split()
        if source in target:

        target.insert(0, source)
        return target
Пример #27
    def _on_move_resource(self, source):
        """This method updates the links from/to other resources.  It is
        called when the resource has been moved and/or renamed.

        This method is called by 'Database._before_commit', the 'source'
        parameter is the place the resource has been moved from.
        # (1) Update links to other resources

        # (2) Update resources that link to me
        database = self.database
        target = self.abspath
        query = PhraseQuery('links', source)
        results = database.search(query).get_documents()
        for result in results:
            path = result.abspath
            path = database.resources_old2new.get(path, path)
            resource = self.get_resource(path)
            resource.update_links(source, target)
Пример #28
    def send_confirm_url(self, context, email, subject, text, view):
        # XXX We override send_confirm_url to send mail
        # without setting subject with host, to use shop_uri
        # and not backoffice_uri (Since webmaster click from backoffice uri)
        # and to use good from_addr

        # Set the confirmation key
        if self.has_property('user_must_confirm'):
            key = self.get_property('user_must_confirm')
            key = generate_password(30)
            self.set_property('user_must_confirm', key)

        # Build the confirmation link
        shop = get_shop(context.resource)
        base_uri = shop.get_property('shop_uri')
        confirm_url = get_reference(base_uri)
        path = '/users/%s/%s' % (self.name, view)
        confirm_url.path = Path(path)
        confirm_url.query = {'key': key, 'username': self.get_login_name()}
        confirm_url = str(confirm_url)
        text = text.gettext(uri=confirm_url, key=key)
        # Get from_addr
        site_root = context.site_root
        if site_root.get_property('emails_from_addr'):
            user_name = site_root.get_property('emails_from_addr')
            user = self.get_resource('/users/%s' % user_name)
            from_addr = user.get_title(), user.get_property('email')
            from_addr = context.server.smtp_from
        # Subject
        subject = u'[%s] %s' % (base_uri, subject.gettext())
        # Send email
Пример #29
    def send_register_confirmation(self, context, need_email_validation=False):
        # Get group
        group = self.get_group(context)
        # Get mail subject and body
        subject = group.get_register_mail_subject()
        text = group.get_register_mail_body()
        # Registration need validation ?
        if need_email_validation:
            key = generate_password(30)
            self.set_property('user_must_confirm', key)
            # Build the confirmation link
            confirm_url = deepcopy(context.uri)
            path = '/users/%s/;confirm_registration' % self.name
            confirm_url.path = Path(path)
            confirm_url.query = {'key': key, 'username': self.get_login_name()}
            confirm_url = str(confirm_url)
            text += '\n\n'
            text += self.confirmation_txt.gettext(uri=confirm_url, key=key)

        # Send mail
Пример #30
    def get_resource(self, path, soft=False):
        if type(path) is not Path:
            path = Path(path)

        if path.is_absolute():
            here = self.get_root()
            here = self

        while path and path[0] == '..':
            here = here.parent
            path = path[1:]

        for name in path:
            resource = here._get_resource(name)
            if resource is None:
                if soft is True:
                    return None
                raise LookupError, 'resource "%s" not found' % path
            resource.parent = here
            resource.name = name
            here = resource

        return here