Пример #1
    def inverse_rain_attenuation(self,
        """ Implementation of 'inverse_rain_attenuation' method for
        recommendation ITU-P R.530-16. See documentation for function
        # Step 1: Obtain the rain rate R0.01 exceeded for 0.01% of the time
        # (with an integration time of 1 min).
        if R001 is None:
            R001 = rainfall_rate(lat, lon, 0.01).value

        # Step 2: Compute the specific attenuation, gammar (dB/km) for the
        # frequency, polarization and rain rate of interest using
        # Recommendation ITU-R P.838
        gammar = rain_specific_attenuation(R001, f, el, tau).value
        _, alpha = rain_specific_attenuation_coefficients(f, el, tau).value

        # Step 3: Compute the effective path length, deff, of the link by
        # multiplying the actual path length d by a distance factor r
        r = 1 / (0.477 * d**0.633 * R001**(0.073 * alpha) * f**(0.123) -
                 10.579 * (1 - np.exp(-0.024 * d)))
        deff = np.minimum(r, 2.5) * d

        # Step 4: An estimate of the path attenuation exceeded for 0.01% of
        # the time is given by:
        A001 = gammar * deff

        # Step 5: The attenuation exceeded for other percentages of time p in
        # the range 0.001% to 1% may be deduced from the following power law
        C0 = np.where(f >= 10, 0.12 * 0.4 * (np.log10(f / 10)**0.8), 0.12)
        C1 = (0.07**C0) * (0.12**(1 - C0))
        C2 = 0.855 * C0 + 0.546 * (1 - C0)
        C3 = 0.139 * C0 + 0.043 * (1 - C0)

        def func_bisect(p):
            return A001 * C1 * p**(-(C2 + C3 * np.log10(p))) - Ap

        return bisect(func_bisect, 0, 100)
Пример #2
    def rain_attenuation(self,

        if p < 0.001 or p > 5:
                RuntimeWarning('The method to compute the rain attenuation in '
                               'recommendation ITU-P 618-12 is only valid for '
                               'unavailability values between 0.001 and 5'))

        Re = 8500  # Efective radius of the Earth (8500 km)

        if hs is None:
            hs = topographic_altitude(lat, lon).to(u.km).value

        # Step 1: Compute the rain height (hr) based on ITU - R P.839
        hr = rain_height(lat, lon).value

        # Step 2: Compute the slant path length
        if Ls is None:
            Ls = np.where(
                el >= 5,
                (hr - hs) / (np.sin(np.deg2rad(el))),  # Eq. 1
                2 * (hr - hs) / (((np.sin(np.deg2rad(el)))**2 + 2 *
                                  (hr - hs) / Re)**0.5 +
                                 (np.sin(np.deg2rad(el)))))  # Eq. 2

        # Step 3: Calculate the horizontal projection, LG, of the
        # slant-path length
        Lg = np.abs(Ls * np.cos(np.deg2rad(el)))

        # Obtain the raingall rate, exceeded for 0.01% of an average year,
        # if not provided, as described in ITU-R P.837.
        if R001 is None:
            R001 = rainfall_rate(lat, lon, 0.01).to(u.mm / u.hr).value

        # Step 5: Obtain the specific attenuation gammar using the frequency
        # dependent coefficients as given in ITU-R P.838
        gammar = rain_specific_attenuation(R001, f, el,
                                           tau).to(u.dB / u.km).value

        # Step 6: Calculate the horizontal reduction factor, r0.01,
        # for 0.01% of the time:
        r001 = 1. / (1 + 0.78 * np.sqrt(Lg * gammar / f) - 0.38 *
                     (1 - np.exp(-2 * Lg)))

        # Step 7: Calculate the vertical adjustment factor, v0.01,
        # for 0.01% of the time:
        eta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(hr - hs, Lg * r001))

        Lr = np.where(eta > el, Lg * r001 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(el)),
                      (hr - hs) / np.sin(np.deg2rad(el)))

        xi = np.where(np.abs(lat) < 36, 36 - np.abs(lat), 0)

        v001 = 1. / (
            1 + np.sqrt(np.sin(np.deg2rad(el))) *
            (31 *
             (1 - np.exp(-(el /
                           (1 + xi)))) * np.sqrt(Lr * gammar) / f**2 - 0.45))

        # Step 8: calculate the effective path length:
        Le = Lr * v001  # (km)

        # Step 9: The predicted attenuation exceeded for 0.01% of an average
        # year
        A001 = gammar * Le  # (dB)

        # Step 10: The estimated attenuation to be exceeded for other
        # percentages of an average year
        if p >= 1:
            beta = np.zeros_like(A001)
            beta = np.where(
                np.abs(lat) > 36, np.zeros_like(A001),
                np.where((np.abs(lat) < 36) & (el > 25),
                         -0.005 * (np.abs(lat) - 36),
                         -0.005 * (np.abs(lat) - 36) + 1.8 -
                         4.25 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(el))))

        A = A001 * (p / 0.01)**(
            -(0.655 + 0.033 * np.log(p) - 0.045 * np.log(A001) - beta *
              (1 - p) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(el))))

        return A