Пример #1
def otp(text, key_txt, encdec=-1):
    """encdec = -1 for decode, 1 for encode
    text = the text to encode or decode.
    key = the key (pad) to use"""
    pad = ""
    out = ""
    c = ""
    key = key_txt.upper()
    for x in key:
        if x in alphabet(upper=True):
            pad += x

    for x in text:
        uc = " "
        if x in alphabet(upper=True):
            uc = "A"
        if x in alphabet():
            uc = "a"
        if uc != " ":
            if len(pad) == 0:
                pad = "AAAAAAAA"
            c = ord(x) - ord(uc[0]) + encdec * (ord(pad[0]) - ord("A"))
            c = (c + 26) % 26
            c = chr(ord(uc[0]) + c)
            pad = pad[1:len(pad)]
        out += c
    return out
Пример #2
def bifid_key(letters):
    AB = letters.upper().replace("J", "I").replace(" ", "") + alphabet(True).replace("J", "")
    ret = ""
    for l in AB:
        if l in ret:
        ret += l
    return ret
Пример #3
def tabula_recta(text, key) -> str:
    """Encodes text based on the provided key according to the Vingenere Cypher"""
    k = key.strip().upper()
    txt = text.strip().upper()
    alpha = list(alphabet(True))
    while len(k) < len(txt):
        k += key.strip().upper()
    answer = ""
    for i, x in enumerate(txt):
        cipher = rotate(alpha, alphabet_loc(x, 0))
        loc = alphabet_loc(k[i], 0)
        answer += cipher[loc]
    return answer
Пример #4
def tabula_recta_decode(text, key) -> str:
    """Decodes to original text based on the provided cyphered text and the provided key"""
    k = key.strip().upper()
    txt = text.strip().upper()
    alpha = list(alphabet(True))
    while len(k) < len(txt):
        k += key.strip().upper()
    answer = ""
    for i, x in enumerate(txt):
        pos = alpha.index(k[i])
        for idx in range(0, 25):
            cypher = rotate(alpha, idx)
            if cypher[pos] == x:
                answer += alpha[idx]
    return answer
Пример #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ivonet.crypto.key_word_substitution import KeyWordSubstitution
from ivonet.string.alphabet import alphabet

__doc__ = """
This module does simple substitution on text based an a alphabet and indexing

DEFAULT_ALPHABET = (" " + alphabet()).upper()

def numbers_to_text(number, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHABET):
# Numbers 2 text

This function translates via number substitution a number to text.
This is a very fragile function as it will only work in certain cases.
    return "".join([alpha[int(x)] for x in number])

def text_to_numbers(text, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHABET):
# Text 2 numbers

Function to translate text to numbers via number substitution.

Find the index of the letter in the alphabet to find the number.
    return "".join([str(alpha.index(x)) for x in text.upper()])