Пример #1
def kepler_orbit(type='single'):
    Kepler orbits ((p,t0,e,omega,K,v0) or (p,t0,e,omega,K1,v01,K2,v02))

    A single kepler orbit
    parameters are: [p, t0, e, omega, k, v0]

    A double kepler orbit
    parameters are: [p, t0, e, omega, k_1, v0_1, k_2, v0_2]
    Warning: This function uses 2d input and output!
    if type == 'single':
        pnames = ['p', 't0', 'e', 'omega', 'k', 'v0']
        function = lambda p, x: kepler.radial_velocity(p, times=x, itermax=8)
        function.__name__ = 'kepler_orbit_single'

        return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)

    elif type == 'double':
        pnames = ['p', 't0', 'e', 'omega', 'k1', 'v01', 'k2', 'v02']
        function = lambda p, x: [
                [p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]], times=x[0], itermax=8),
                [p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[6], p[7]], times=x[1], itermax=8)

        def residuals(syn, data, weights=None, errors=None, **kwargs):
            return np.hstack([(data[0] - syn[0]) * weights[0],
                              (data[1] - syn[1]) * weights[1]])

        function.__name__ = 'kepler_orbit_double'

        return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames, resfunc=residuals)
Пример #2
def lorentz():
    Lorentz profile (ampl,mu,gamma,const)

    P(f) = A / ( (x-mu)**2 + gamma**2) + const
    pnames = ['ampl', 'mu', 'gamma', 'const']
    function = lambda p, x: p[0] / ((x - p[1])**2 + p[2]**2) + p[3]
    function.__name__ = 'lorentz'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #3
def power_law():
    Power law (A,B,C,f0,const)

    P(f) = A / (1+ B(f-f0))**C + const
    pnames = ['ampl', 'b', 'c', 'f0', 'const']
    function = lambda p, x: p[0] / (1 + (p[1] * (x - p[3]))**p[2]) + p[4]
    function.__name__ = 'power_law'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #4
def sine():
    Sine (ampl,freq,phase,const)

    f(x) = ampl * sin(2pi*freq*x + 2pi*phase) + const
    pnames = ['ampl', 'freq', 'phase', 'const']
    function = lambda p, x: p[0] * sin(2 * pi * (p[1] * x + p[2])) + p[3]
    function.__name__ = 'sine'

    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #5
def gauss(use_jacobian=True):
    Gaussian (a,mu,sigma,c)

    f(x) = a * exp( - (x - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2) ) + c
    pnames = ['a', 'mu', 'sigma', 'c']
    function = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.exp(-(x - p[1])**2 /
                                          (2.0 * p[2]**2)) + p[3]
    function.__name__ = 'gauss'

    if not use_jacobian:
        return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)

        def jacobian(p, x):
            ex = np.exp(-(x - p[1])**2 / (2.0 * p[2]**2))
            return np.array([
                -ex, -p[0] * (x - p[1]) * ex / p[2]**2,
                -p[0] * (x - p[1])**2 * ex / p[2]**3, [-1 for i in x]

        return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames, jacobian=jacobian)
Пример #6
def polynomial(d=1):
    Polynomial (a1,a0).

    y(x) = ai*x**i + a(i-1)*x**(i-1) + ... + a1*x + a0

    @param d: degree of the polynomial
    @type d: int
    pnames = ['a{:d}'.format(i) for i in range(d, 0, -1)] + ['a0']
    function = lambda p, x: np.polyval(p, x)
    function.__name__ = 'polynomial'

    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #7
def voigt():
    Voigt profile (ampl,mu,sigma,gamma,const)

    z = (x + gamma*i) / (sigma*sqrt(2))
    V = A * Real[cerf(z)] / (sigma*sqrt(2*pi))
    pnames = ['ampl', 'mu', 'sigma', 'gamma', 'const']

    def function(p, x):
        x = x - p[1]
        z = (x + 1j * p[3]) / (p[2] * sqrt(2))
        return p[0] * _complex_error_function(z).real / (p[2] *
                                                         sqrt(2 * pi)) + p[4]

    function.__name__ = 'voigt'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #8
def sine_orbit(t0=0., nmax=10):
    Sine with a sinusoidal frequency shift (ampl,freq,phase,const,forb,asini,omega,(,ecc))

    Similar to C{sine}, but with extra parameter 'asini' and 'forb', which are
    the orbital parameters. forb in cycles/day or something similar, asini in au.

    For eccentric orbits, add longitude of periastron 'omega' (radians) and
    'ecc' (eccentricity).

    @param t0: reference time (defaults to 0)
    @type t0: float
    @param nmax: number of terms to include in series for eccentric orbit
    @type nmax: int
    pnames = ['ampl', 'freq', 'phase', 'const', 'forb', 'asini', 'omega']

    def ane(n, e):
        return 2. * sqrt(1 - e**2) / e / n * jn(n, n * e)

    def bne(n, e):
        return 1. / n * (jn(n - 1, n * e) - jn(n + 1, n * e))

    def function(p, x):
        ampl, freq, phase, const, forb, asini, omega = p[:7]
        ecc = None
        if len(p) == 8:
            ecc = p[7]
        cc = 173.144632674  # speed of light in AU/d
        alpha = freq * asini / cc
        if ecc is None:
            frequency = freq * (x - t0) + alpha * (sin(2 * pi * forb * x) -
                                                   sin(2 * pi * forb * t0))
            ns = np.arange(1, nmax + 1, 1)
            ans, bns = np.array([[ane(n, ecc), bne(n, ecc)] for n in ns]).T
            ksins = sqrt(ans**2 * cos(omega)**2 + bns**2 * sin(omega)**2)
            thns = arctan(bns / ans * tan(omega))
            tau = -np.sum(bns * sin(omega))
            frequency = freq*(x-t0) + \
               alpha*(np.sum(np.array([ksins[i]*sin(2*pi*ns[i]*forb*(x-t0)+thns[i]) for i in range(nmax)]),axis=0)+tau)
        return ampl * sin(2 * pi * (frequency + phase)) + const

    function.__name__ = 'sine_orbit'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #9
def sine_linfreqshift(t0=0.):
    Sine with linear frequency shift (ampl,freq,phase,const,D).

    Similar to C{sine}, but with extra parameter 'D', which is the linear
    frequency shift parameter.

    @param t0: reference time (defaults to 0)
    @type t0: float
    pnames = ['ampl', 'freq', 'phase', 'const', 'D']

    def function(p, x):
        freq = (p[1] + p[4] / 2. * (x - t0)) * (x - t0)
        return p[0] * sin(2 * pi * (freq + p[2])) + p[3]

    function.__name__ = 'sine_linfreqshift'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #10
def wien(wave_units='AA', flux_units='erg/s/cm2/AA', disc_integrated=True):
    Wien approximation (T, scale).

    @param wave_units: wavelength units
    @type wave_units: string
    @param flux_units: flux units
    @type flux_units: string
    @param disc_integrated: sets units equal to SED models
    @type disc_integrated: bool
    pnames = ['T', 'scale']
    function = lambda p, x: p[1]*sed_model.wien(x, p[0], wave_units=wave_units,\
    function.__name__ = 'wien'

    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #11
def soft_parabola():
    Soft parabola (ta,vlsr,vinf,gamma).

    See Olofsson 1993ApJS...87...267O.

    T_A(x) = T_A(0) * [ 1 - ((x- v_lsr)/v_inf)**2 ] ** (gamma/2)
    pnames = ['ta', 'vlsr', 'vinf', 'gamma']

    def function(p, x):
        term = (x - p[1]) / p[2]
        y = p[0] * (1 - term**2)**(p[3] / 2.)
        if p[3] <= 0: y[np.abs(term) >= 1] = 0
        y[np.isnan(y)] = 0
        return y

    function.__name__ = 'soft_parabola'

    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #12
def box_transit(t0=0.):
    Box transit model (cont,freq,ingress,egress,depth)

    @param t0: reference time (defaults to 0)
    @type t0: float
    pnames = 'cont', 'freq', 'ingress', 'egress', 'depth'

    def function(p, x):
        cont, freq, ingress, egress, depth = p
        model = np.ones(len(x)) * cont
        phase = np.fmod((x - t0) * freq, 1.0)
        phase = np.where(phase < 0, phase + 1, phase)
        transit_place = (ingress <= phase) & (phase <= egress)
        model = np.where(transit_place, model - depth, model)
        return model

    function.__name__ = 'box_transit'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #13
def rayleigh_jeans(wave_units='AA',
    Rayleigh-Jeans tail (T, scale).

    @param wave_units: wavelength units
    @type wave_units: string
    @param flux_units: flux units
    @type flux_units: string
    @param disc_integrated: sets units equal to SED models
    @type disc_integrated: bool
    pnames = ['T', 'scale']
    function = lambda p, x: p[1]*sed_model.rayleigh_jeans(x, p[0], wave_units=wave_units,\
    function.__name__ = 'rayleigh_jeans'

    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)
Пример #14
def sine_expfreqshift(t0=0.):
    Sine with exponential frequency shift (ampl,freq,phase,const,K).

    Similar to C{sine}, but with extra parameter 'K', which is the exponential
    frequency shift parameter.

    frequency(x) = freq / log(K) * (K**(x-t0)-1)

    f(x) = ampl * sin( 2*pi * (frequency + phase))

    @param t0: reference time (defaults to 0)
    @type t0: float
    pnames = ['ampl', 'freq', 'phase', 'const', 'K']

    def function(p, x):
        freq = p[1] / np.log(p[4]) * (p[4]**(x - t0) - 1.)
        return p[0] * sin(2 * pi * (freq + p[2])) + p[3]

    function.__name__ = 'sine_expfreqshift'
    return Function(function=function, par_names=pnames)