Пример #1
def _rot_mat_to_zxz_euler(rot_mat):
    # BS x 1
    euler_angles_1 = _ivy.acos(rot_mat[..., 2, 2:3])

    gimbal_validity = _ivy.abs(rot_mat[..., 0, 2:3]) > GIMBAL_TOL

    r12 = rot_mat[..., 0, 1:2]
    r11 = rot_mat[..., 0, 0:1]
    gimbal_euler_angles_0 = _ivy.atan2(-r12, r11)
    gimbal_euler_angles_2 = _ivy.zeros_like(gimbal_euler_angles_0)

    # BS x 3
    gimbal_euler_angles = _ivy.concatenate(
        (gimbal_euler_angles_0, euler_angles_1, gimbal_euler_angles_2), -1)

    # BS x 1
    r31 = rot_mat[..., 2, 0:1]
    r32 = rot_mat[..., 2, 1:2]
    r13 = rot_mat[..., 0, 2:3]
    r23 = rot_mat[..., 1, 2:3]
    normal_euler_angles_0 = _ivy.atan2(r31, r32)
    normal_euler_angles_2 = _ivy.atan2(r13, -r23)

    # BS x 3
    normal_euler_angles = _ivy.concatenate(
        (normal_euler_angles_0, euler_angles_1, normal_euler_angles_2), -1)

    return _ivy.where(gimbal_validity, normal_euler_angles,
Пример #2
    def _group_tensor_into_windowed_tensor(self, x, valid_first_frame):
        if self._window_size == 1:
            valid_first_frame_pruned = ivy.cast(valid_first_frame[:, 0],
            valid_first_frame_pruned = ivy.cast(
                valid_first_frame[:1 - self._window_size, 0], 'bool')
        if ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.cast(valid_first_frame_pruned, 'int32'))[0] == 0:
            valid_first_frame_pruned =\
                ivy.cast(ivy.one_hot(0, self._sequence_lengths[0] - self._window_size + 1), 'bool')
        window_idxs_single = ivy.indices_where(valid_first_frame_pruned)

        gather_idxs_list = list()
        for w_idx in window_idxs_single:
                    ivy.arange(w_idx[0] + self._window_size, w_idx[0], 1), 0))
        gather_idxs = ivy.concatenate(gather_idxs_list, 0)
        gather_idxs = ivy.reshape(gather_idxs, (-1, 1))
        num_valid_windows_for_seq = ivy.shape(window_idxs_single)[0:1]
        return ivy.reshape(
            ivy.gather_nd(x, gather_idxs),
                (num_valid_windows_for_seq, ivy.array(
                    [self._window_size]), ivy.shape(x)[1:]), 0))
Пример #3
def _rot_mat_to_zyx_euler(rot_mat):
    # BS x 1
    euler_angles_1 = _ivy.asin(rot_mat[..., 0, 2:3])

    gimbal_validity = _ivy.abs(rot_mat[..., 1, 1:2]) > GIMBAL_TOL

    r21 = rot_mat[..., 1, 0:1]
    r22 = rot_mat[..., 1, 1:2]
    gimbal_euler_angles_0 = _ivy.atan2(r21, r22)
    gimbal_euler_angles_2 = _ivy.zeros_like(gimbal_euler_angles_0)

    # BS x 3
    gimbal_euler_angles = _ivy.concatenate(
        (gimbal_euler_angles_0, euler_angles_1, gimbal_euler_angles_2), -1)

    # BS x 1
    r12 = rot_mat[..., 0, 1:2]
    r11 = rot_mat[..., 0, 0:1]
    r23 = rot_mat[..., 1, 2:3]
    r33 = rot_mat[..., 2, 2:3]
    normal_euler_angles_0 = _ivy.atan2(-r12, r11)
    normal_euler_angles_2 = _ivy.atan2(-r23, r33)

    # BS x 3
    normal_euler_angles = _ivy.concatenate(
        (normal_euler_angles_0, euler_angles_1, normal_euler_angles_2), -1)

    return _ivy.where(gimbal_validity, normal_euler_angles,
Пример #4
    def concat(containers, dim):
        Concatenate containers together along the specified dimension.

        :param containers: containers to concatenate
        :type containers: sequence of Container objects
        :param dim: dimension along which to concatenate
        :type dim: int
        :return: Concatenated containers

        container0 = containers[0]

        if isinstance(container0, dict):
            return_dict = dict()
            for key in container0.keys():
                return_dict[key] = Container.concat(
                    [container[key] for container in containers], dim)
            return Container(return_dict)
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                if len(containers[0].shape) == 0:
                    return _ivy.concatenate([
                        _ivy.reshape(item, [1] * (dim + 1))
                        for item in containers
                    ], dim)
                    return _ivy.concatenate(containers, dim)
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(
                    str(e) +
                    '\nContainer concat operation only valid for containers of arrays'
Пример #5
    def concat(containers, dim, f=None):
        Concatenate containers together along the specified dimension.

        :param containers: containers to _concatenate
        :type containers: sequence of Container objects
        :param dim: dimension along which to _concatenate
        :type dim: int
        :param f: Machine learning framework. Inferred from inputs if None.
        :type f: ml_framework, optional
        :return: Concatenated containers

        container0 = containers[0]

        if isinstance(container0, dict):
            return_dict = dict()
            for key in container0.keys():
                return_dict[key] = Container.concat([container[key] for container in containers], dim)
            return Container(return_dict)
            f = _get_framework(container0, f=f)
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                if len(containers[0].shape) == 0:
                    return _ivy.concatenate([_ivy.reshape(item, [1] * (dim + 1)) for item in containers], dim, f=f)
                    return _ivy.concatenate(containers, dim, f=f)
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(str(e) + '\nContainer concat operation only valid for containers of arrays')
Пример #6
def calib_mat_to_intrinsics_object(calib_mat, image_dims, batch_shape=None):
    Create camera intrinsics object from calibration matrix.

    :param calib_mat: Calibration matrices *[batch_shape,3,3]*
    :type calib_mat: array
    :param image_dims: Image dimensions. Inferred from inputs in None.
    :type image_dims: sequence of ints
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :return: Camera intrinsics object

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = calib_mat.shape[:-2]

    # shapes as list
    batch_shape = list(batch_shape)
    image_dims = list(image_dims)

    # BS x 2
    focal_lengths = _ivy.concatenate((calib_mat[..., 0, 0:1], calib_mat[..., 1, 1:2]), -1)

    # BS x 2
    persp_angles = focal_lengths_to_persp_angles(focal_lengths, image_dims)

    # BS x 2
    pp_offsets = _ivy.concatenate((calib_mat[..., 0, -1:], calib_mat[..., 1, -1:]), -1)

    # BS x 3 x 3
    inv_calib_mat = _ivy.inv(calib_mat)

    # intrinsics object
    intrinsics = _Intrinsics(focal_lengths, persp_angles, pp_offsets, calib_mat, inv_calib_mat)
    return intrinsics
Пример #7
Файл: esm.py Проект: wx-b/memory
 def empty_memory(self, batch_size, timesteps):
     uniform_pixel_coords = \
         ivy_vision.create_uniform_pixel_coords_image(self._sphere_img_dims, [batch_size, timesteps],
                                                      dev_str=self._dev_str)[..., 0:2]
     empty_memory = {
         ivy.concatenate([uniform_pixel_coords] + [
             ivy.ones([batch_size, timesteps] + self._sphere_img_dims + [1],
                      dev_str=self._dev_str) * self._sphere_depth_prior_val
         ] + [
             ivy.ones([batch_size, timesteps] + self._sphere_img_dims +
                      dev_str=self._dev_str) * self._sphere_feat_prior_val
         ], -1),
             ivy.ones([batch_size, timesteps] + self._sphere_img_dims + [2],
                      dev_str=self._dev_str) * self._ang_pix_prior_var_val
         ] + [
             ivy.ones([batch_size, timesteps] + self._sphere_img_dims + [1],
                      dev_str=self._dev_str) * self._depth_prior_var_val
         ] + [
             ivy.ones([batch_size, timesteps] + self._sphere_img_dims +
                      dev_str=self._dev_str) * self._feat_prior_var_val
         ], -1)
     return ESMMemory(**empty_memory)
Пример #8
    def setup_primitive_scene(self):

        # shape matrices
        shape_matrices = ivy.concatenate([ivy.reshape(ivy.array(obj.get_matrix(), 'float32'), (1, 3, 4))
                                              for obj in self._objects], 0)

        # shape dims
        x_dims = ivy.concatenate([ivy.reshape(ivy.array(
            obj.get_bounding_box()[1] - obj.get_bounding_box()[0], 'float32'), (1, 1)) for obj in self._objects], 0)
        y_dims = ivy.concatenate([ivy.reshape(ivy.array(
            obj.get_bounding_box()[3] - obj.get_bounding_box()[2], 'float32'), (1, 1)) for obj in self._objects], 0)
        z_dims = ivy.concatenate([ivy.reshape(ivy.array(
            obj.get_bounding_box()[5] - obj.get_bounding_box()[4], 'float32'), (1, 1)) for obj in self._objects], 0)
        shape_dims = ivy.concatenate((x_dims, y_dims, z_dims), -1)

        # primitve scene visualization
        if self._with_primitive_scene_vis:
            scene_vis = [Shape.create(PrimitiveShape.CUBOID, ivy.to_numpy(shape_dim).tolist())
                         for shape_dim in shape_dims]
             for shape_mat, obj in zip(shape_matrices, scene_vis)]
            [obj.set_transparency(0.5) for obj in scene_vis]

        # sdf
        primitive_scene = PrimitiveScene(cuboid_ext_mats=ivy.inv(ivy_mech.make_transformation_homogeneous(
            shape_matrices))[..., 0:3, :], cuboid_dims=shape_dims)
        self.sdf = primitive_scene.sdf
Пример #9
def angular_pixel_to_sphere_coords(angular_pixel_coords, pixels_per_degree):
    Convert angular pixel co-ordinates image :math:`\mathbf{A}_p\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×3}` to camera-centric ego-sphere
    polar co-ordinates image :math:`\mathbf{S}_c\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×3}`.\n
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system#Cartesian_coordinates>`_

    :param angular_pixel_coords: Angular pixel co-ordinates image *[batch_shape,h,w,3]*
    :type angular_pixel_coords: array
    :param pixels_per_degree: Number of pixels per angular degree
    :type pixels_per_degree: float
    :return: Camera-centric ego-sphere polar co-ordinates image *[batch_shape,h,w,3]*

    # BS x H x W x 1
    sphere_x_coords = angular_pixel_coords[..., 0:1]
    sphere_y_coords = angular_pixel_coords[..., 1:2]
    radius_values = angular_pixel_coords[..., 2:3]

    sphere_x_angle_coords_in_degs = (180 - sphere_x_coords/(pixels_per_degree + MIN_DENOMINATOR) % 360)
    sphere_y_angle_coords_in_degs = (sphere_y_coords/(pixels_per_degree + MIN_DENOMINATOR) % 180)

    # BS x H x W x 2
    sphere_angle_coords_in_degs = _ivy.concatenate((sphere_x_angle_coords_in_degs, sphere_y_angle_coords_in_degs), -1)
    sphere_angle_coords = sphere_angle_coords_in_degs * np.pi / 180

    # BS x H x W x 3
    return _ivy.concatenate((sphere_angle_coords, radius_values), -1)
Пример #10
def polar_axis_angle_to_quaternion(polar_axis_angle):
    Convert polar axis-angle representation, which constitutes the elevation and azimuth angles of the axis as well
    as the rotation angle :math:`\mathbf{θ}_{paa} = [ϕ_e, ϕ_a, θ]`, to quaternion form
    :math:`\mathbf{q} = [q_i, q_j, q_k, q_r]`.\n
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis%E2%80%93angle_representation>`_

    :param polar_axis_angle: Polar axis angle representation *[batch_shape,3]*
    :type polar_axis_angle: array
    :return: Quaternion *[batch_shape,4]*

    # BS x 1
    theta = polar_axis_angle[..., 0:1]
    phi = polar_axis_angle[..., 1:2]
    angle = polar_axis_angle[..., 2:3]
    x = _ivy.sin(theta) * _ivy.cos(phi)
    y = _ivy.sin(theta) * _ivy.sin(phi)
    z = _ivy.cos(theta)

    # BS x 3
    vector = _ivy.concatenate((x, y, z), -1)

    # BS x 4
    return axis_angle_to_quaternion(_ivy.concatenate([vector, angle], -1))
Пример #11
def _rot_mat_to_yzy_euler(rot_mat):
    # BS x 1
    euler_angles_1 = _ivy.acos(rot_mat[..., 1, 1:2])

    gimbal_validity = _ivy.abs(rot_mat[..., 1, 0:1]) > GIMBAL_TOL

    r31 = rot_mat[..., 2, 0:1]
    r33 = rot_mat[..., 2, 2:3]
    gimbal_euler_angles_0 = _ivy.atan2(-r31, r33)
    gimbal_euler_angles_2 = _ivy.zeros_like(gimbal_euler_angles_0)

    # BS x 3
    gimbal_euler_angles = _ivy.concatenate(
        (gimbal_euler_angles_0, euler_angles_1, gimbal_euler_angles_2), -1)

    # BS x 1
    r23 = rot_mat[..., 1, 2:3]
    r21 = rot_mat[..., 1, 0:1]
    r32 = rot_mat[..., 2, 1:2]
    r12 = rot_mat[..., 0, 1:2]
    normal_euler_angles_0 = _ivy.atan2(r23, r21)
    normal_euler_angles_2 = _ivy.atan2(r32, r12)

    # BS x 3
    normal_euler_angles = _ivy.concatenate(
        (normal_euler_angles_0, euler_angles_1, normal_euler_angles_2), -1)

    return _ivy.where(gimbal_validity, normal_euler_angles,
Пример #12
def _fit_spline(train_points, train_values, order):

    # shapes
    train_points_shape = train_points.shape
    batch_shape = list(train_points_shape[:-2])
    num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape)
    n = train_points_shape[-2]
    pd = train_values.shape[-1]

    # BS x N x 1
    c = train_points

    # BS x N x PD
    f_ = train_values

    # BS x N x N
    matrix_a = _phi(_pairwise_distance(c, c), order)

    # BS x N x 1
    ones = _ivy.ones_like(c[..., :1])

    # BS x N x 2
    matrix_b = _ivy.concatenate([c, ones], -1)

    # BS x 2 x N
    matrix_b_trans = _ivy.transpose(
        list(range(num_batch_dims)) + [num_batch_dims + 1, num_batch_dims])

    # BS x N+2 x N
    left_block = _ivy.concatenate([matrix_a, matrix_b_trans], -2)

    # BS x 2 x 2
    lhs_zeros = _ivy.zeros(batch_shape + [2, 2])

    # BS x N+2 x 2
    right_block = _ivy.concatenate([matrix_b, lhs_zeros], -2)

    # BS x N+2 x N+2
    lhs = _ivy.concatenate([left_block, right_block], -1)

    # BS x 2 x PD
    rhs_zeros = _ivy.zeros(batch_shape + [2, pd])

    # BS x N+2 x PD
    rhs = _ivy.concatenate([f_, rhs_zeros], -2)

    # BS x N+2 x PD
    w_v = _ivy.matmul(_ivy.pinv(lhs), rhs)

    # BS x N x PD
    w = w_v[..., :n, :]

    # BS x 2 x PD
    v = w_v[..., n:, :]

    # BS x N x PD,    BS x 2 x PD
    return w, v
Пример #13
    def _addressing(self, k, beta, g, s, gamma, prev_M, prev_w):

        # Sec 3.3.1 Focusing by Content

        # Cosine Similarity

        k = ivy.expand_dims(k, axis=2)
        inner_product = ivy.matmul(prev_M, k)
        k_norm = ivy.reduce_sum(k**2, axis=1, keepdims=True)**0.5
        M_norm = ivy.reduce_sum(prev_M**2, axis=2, keepdims=True)**0.5
        norm_product = M_norm * k_norm
        K = ivy.squeeze(inner_product / (norm_product + 1e-8))  # eq (6)

        # Calculating w^c

        K_amplified = ivy.exp(ivy.expand_dims(beta, axis=1) * K)
        w_c = K_amplified / ivy.reduce_sum(K_amplified, axis=1,
                                           keepdims=True)  # eq (5)

        if self._addressing_mode == 'content':  # Only focus on content
            return w_c

        # Sec 3.3.2 Focusing by Location

        g = ivy.expand_dims(g, axis=1)
        w_g = g * w_c + (1 - g) * prev_w  # eq (7)

        s = ivy.concatenate([
            s[:, :self._shift_range + 1],
                [s.shape[0], self._memory_size -
                 (self._shift_range * 2 + 1)]), s[:, -self._shift_range:]
        t = ivy.concatenate([ivy.flip(s, axis=[1]),
                             ivy.flip(s, axis=[1])],
        s_matrix = ivy.stack([
            t[:, self._memory_size - i - 1:self._memory_size * 2 - i - 1]
            for i in range(self._memory_size)
        w_ = ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.expand_dims(w_g, axis=1) * s_matrix,
                            axis=2)  # eq (8)
        w_sharpen = w_**ivy.expand_dims(gamma, axis=1)
        w = w_sharpen / ivy.reduce_sum(w_sharpen, axis=1,
                                       keepdims=True)  # eq (9)

        return w
Пример #14
def create_trimesh_indices_for_image(batch_shape, image_dims, dev_str='cpu:0'):
    Create triangle mesh for image with given image dimensions

    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints
    :param image_dims: Image dimensions.
    :type image_dims: sequence of ints
    :param dev_str: device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc.
    :type dev_str: str, optional
    :return: Triangle mesh indices for image *[batch_shape,h*w*some_other_stuff,3]*

    # shapes as lists
    batch_shape = list(batch_shape)
    image_dims = list(image_dims)

    # other shape specs
    num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape)
    tri_dim = 2 * (image_dims[0] - 1) * (image_dims[1] - 1)
    flat_shape = [1] * num_batch_dims + [tri_dim] + [3]
    tile_shape = batch_shape + [1] * 2

    # 1 x W-1
    t00_ = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.arange(image_dims[1] - 1, dtype_str='float32', dev_str=dev_str), (1, -1))

    # H-1 x 1
    k_ = _ivy.reshape(_ivy.arange(image_dims[0] - 1, dtype_str='float32', dev_str=dev_str), (-1, 1)) * image_dims[1]

    # H-1 x W-1
    t00_ = _ivy.matmul(_ivy.ones((image_dims[0] - 1, 1), dev_str=dev_str), t00_)
    k_ = _ivy.matmul(k_, _ivy.ones((1, image_dims[1] - 1), dev_str=dev_str))

    # (H-1xW-1) x 1
    t00 = _ivy.expand_dims(t00_ + k_, -1)
    t01 = t00 + 1
    t02 = t00 + image_dims[1]
    t10 = t00 + image_dims[1] + 1
    t11 = t01
    t12 = t02

    # (H-1xW-1) x 3
    t0 = _ivy.concatenate((t00, t01, t02), -1)
    t1 = _ivy.concatenate((t10, t11, t12), -1)

    # BS x 2x(H-1xW-1) x 3
    return _ivy.tile(_ivy.reshape(_ivy.concatenate((t0, t1), 0),
                                  flat_shape), tile_shape)
Пример #15
    def get_observation(self):
        Get observation from environment.

        :return: observation array
        return ivy.concatenate([self.x, self.x_vel], axis=-1)
Пример #16
def rot_mat_and_cam_center_to_ext_mat(rotation_mat, camera_center, batch_shape=None):
    Get extrinsic matrix :math:`\mathbf{E}\in\mathbb{R}^{3×4}` from rotation matrix
    :math:`\mathbf{R}\in\mathbb{R}^{3×3}` and camera centers :math:`\overset{\sim}{\mathbf{C}}\in\mathbb{R}^{3×1}`.\n
    `[reference] <localhost:63342/ivy/docs/source/references/mvg_textbook.pdf#page=175>`_
    page 157, section 6.1, equation 6.11

    :param rotation_mat: Rotation matrix *[batch_shape,3,3]*
    :type rotation_mat: array
    :param camera_center: Camera center *[batch_shape,3,1]*
    :type camera_center: array
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :return: Extrinsic matrix *[batch_shape,3,4]*

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = rotation_mat.shape[:-2]

    # shapes as list
    batch_shape = list(batch_shape)

    # num batch dims
    num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape)

    # BS x 3 x 3
    identity = _ivy.tile(_ivy.reshape(_ivy.identity(3), [1] * num_batch_dims + [3, 3]),
                         batch_shape + [1, 1])

    # BS x 3 x 4
    identity_w_cam_center = _ivy.concatenate((identity, -camera_center), -1)

    # BS x 3 x 4
    return _ivy.matmul(rotation_mat, identity_w_cam_center)
Пример #17
def hamilton_product(quaternion1, quaternion2):
    Compute hamilton product :math:`\mathbf{h}_p = \mathbf{q}_1 × \mathbf{q}_2` between
    :math:`\mathbf{q}_1 = [q_{1i}, q_{1j}, q_{1k}, q_{1r}]` and
    :math:`\mathbf{q}_2 = [q_{2i}, q_{2j}, q_{2k}, q_{2r}]`.\n
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion#Hamilton_product>`_

    :param quaternion1: Quaternion 1 *[batch_shape,4]*
    :type quaternion1: array
    :param quaternion2: Quaternion 2 *[batch_shape,4]*
    :type quaternion2: array
    :return: New quaternion after product *[batch_shape,4]*

    # BS x 1
    a1 = quaternion1[..., 3:4]
    a2 = quaternion2[..., 3:4]
    b1 = quaternion1[..., 0:1]
    b2 = quaternion2[..., 0:1]
    c1 = quaternion1[..., 1:2]
    c2 = quaternion2[..., 1:2]
    d1 = quaternion1[..., 2:3]
    d2 = quaternion2[..., 2:3]

    term_r = a1 * a2 - b1 * b2 - c1 * c2 - d1 * d2
    term_i = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2 + c1 * d2 - d1 * c2
    term_j = a1 * c2 - b1 * d2 + c1 * a2 + d1 * b2
    term_k = a1 * d2 + b1 * c2 - c1 * b2 + d1 * a2

    # BS x 4
    return _ivy.concatenate((term_i, term_j, term_k, term_r), -1)
Пример #18
def get_random_quaternion(max_rot_ang=_math.pi, batch_shape=None):
    Generate random quaternion :math:`\mathbf{q} = [q_i, q_j, q_k, q_r]`, adhering to maximum absolute rotation angle.\n
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion>`_

    :param max_rot_ang: Absolute value of maximum rotation angle for quaternion. Default value of :math:`π`.
    :type max_rot_ang: float, optional
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Shape of [1] is assumed if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :return: Random quaternion *[batch_shape,4]*

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = []

    # BS x 3
    quaternion_vector = _ivy.random_uniform(0, 1, list(batch_shape) + [3])
    vec_len = _ivy.norm(quaternion_vector)
    quaternion_vector /= (vec_len + MIN_DENOMINATOR)

    # BS x 1
    theta = _ivy.random_uniform(-max_rot_ang, max_rot_ang,
                                list(batch_shape) + [1])

    # BS x 4
    return axis_angle_to_quaternion(
        _ivy.concatenate([quaternion_vector, theta], -1))
Пример #19
def main(interactive=True, try_use_sim=True, f=None):
    f = choose_random_framework() if f is None else f
    sim = Simulator(interactive, try_use_sim)
    vis = Visualizer(ivy.to_numpy(sim.default_camera_ext_mat_homo))
    pix_per_deg = 2
    om_pix = sim.get_pix_coords()
    plr_degs = om_pix / pix_per_deg
    plr_rads = plr_degs * math.pi / 180
    iterations = 10 if sim.with_pyrep else 1
    for _ in range(iterations):
        depth, rgb = sim.omcam.cap()
        plr = ivy.concatenate([plr_rads, depth], -1)
        xyz_wrt_cam = ivy_mech.polar_to_cartesian_coords(plr)
        xyz_wrt_cam = ivy.reshape(xyz_wrt_cam, (-1, 3))
        xyz_wrt_cam_homo = ivy_mech.make_coordinates_homogeneous(xyz_wrt_cam)
        inv_ext_mat_trans = ivy.transpose(sim.omcam.get_inv_ext_mat(), (1, 0))
        xyz_wrt_world = ivy.matmul(xyz_wrt_cam_homo, inv_ext_mat_trans)[..., 0:3]
        with ivy.numpy.use:
            omni_cam_inv_ext_mat = ivy_mech.make_transformation_homogeneous(
        vis.show_point_cloud(xyz_wrt_world, rgb, interactive,
                             sphere_inv_ext_mats=[omni_cam_inv_ext_mat], sphere_radii=[0.025])
        if not interactive:
                               + ivy.array([-0.01, 0.01, 0.]))
Пример #20
def sphere_to_angular_pixel_coords(sphere_coords, pixels_per_degree):
    Convert camera-centric ego-sphere polar co-ordinates image :math:`\mathbf{S}_c\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×3}` to angular
    pixel co-ordinates image :math:`\mathbf{A}_p\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×3}`.\n
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system#Cartesian_coordinates>`_

    :param sphere_coords: Camera-centric ego-sphere polar co-ordinates image *[batch_shape,h,w,3]*
    :type sphere_coords: array
    :param pixels_per_degree: Number of pixels per angular degree
    :type pixels_per_degree: float
    :return: Angular pixel co-ordinates image *[batch_shape,h,w,3]*

    # BS x H x W x 1
    sphere_radius_vals = sphere_coords[..., -1:]

    # BS x H x W x 2
    sphere_angle_coords = sphere_coords[..., 0:2]

    # BS x H x W x 2
    sphere_angle_coords_in_degs = sphere_angle_coords * 180 / np.pi

    # BS x H x W x 1
    sphere_x_coords = ((180 - sphere_angle_coords_in_degs[..., 0:1]) % 360) * pixels_per_degree
    sphere_y_coords = (sphere_angle_coords_in_degs[..., 1:2] % 180) * pixels_per_degree

    # BS x H x W x 3
    return _ivy.concatenate((sphere_x_coords, sphere_y_coords, sphere_radius_vals), -1)
Пример #21
def projection_matrix_inverse(proj_mat):
    Given projection matrix :math:`\mathbf{P}\in\mathbb{R}^{3×4}`, compute it's inverse
    `[reference] <https://github.com/pranjals16/cs676/blob/master/Hartley%2C%20Zisserman%20-%20Multiple%20View%20Geometry%20in%20Computer%20Vision.pdf#page=174>`_
    middle of page 156, section 6.1, eq 6.6

    :param proj_mat: Projection matrix *[batch_shape,3,4]*
    :type proj_mat: array
    :return: Projection matrix inverse *[batch_shape,3,4]*

    # BS x 3 x 3
    rotation_matrix = proj_mat[..., 0:3]

    # BS x 3 x 3
    rotation_matrix_inverses = _ivy.inv(rotation_matrix)

    # BS x 3 x 1
    translations = proj_mat[..., 3:4]

    # BS x 3 x 1
    translation_inverses = -_ivy.matmul(rotation_matrix_inverses, translations)

    # BS x 3 x 4
    return _ivy.concatenate((rotation_matrix_inverses, translation_inverses),
Пример #22
def increment_quaternion_pose_with_velocity(quat_pose, quat_vel, delta_t):
    Increment a quaternion pose :math:`\mathbf{p}_{q} = [\mathbf{x}_c, \mathbf{q}] = [x, y, z, q_i, q_j, q_k, q_r]`
    forward by one time-increment :math:`Δt`, given the velocity represented in quaternion form :math:`\mathbf{V}_q`.
    Where :math:`\mathbf{P}_q (t+1) = \mathbf{P}_q(t) × \mathbf{V}_q`, :math:`t` is in seconds, and :math:`×` denotes
    the hamilton product.\n
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion>`_

    :param quat_pose: Quaternion pose. *[batch_shape,7]*
    :type quat_pose: array
    :param quat_vel: Quaternion velocity. *[batch_shape,7]*
    :type quat_vel: array
    :param delta_t: Time step in seconds, for incrementing the quaternion pose by the velocity quaternion.
    :type delta_t: float
    :return: Incremented quaternion pose *[batch_shape,7]*

    # BS x 4
    current_quaternion = quat_pose[..., 3:7]
    quaternion_vel = quat_vel[..., 3:7]
    quaternion_transform = _ivy_quat.scale_quaternion_rotation_angle(
        quaternion_vel, delta_t)
    new_quaternion = _ivy_quat.hamilton_product(current_quaternion,

    # BS x 7
    return _ivy.concatenate(
        (quat_pose[..., 0:3] + quat_vel[..., 0:3] * delta_t, new_quaternion),
Пример #23
def euler_pose_to_mat_pose(euler_pose, convention='zyx', batch_shape=None):
    Convert :math: Euler angle pose
    :math:`\mathbf{p}_{abc} = [\mathbf{x}_c, \mathbf{θ}_{xyz}] = [x, y, z, ϕ_a, ϕ_b, ϕ_c]` to matrix pose
    `[reference] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles#Rotation_matrix>`_

    :param euler_pose: Euler angle pose *[batch_shape,6]*
    :type euler_pose: array
    :param convention: The axes for euler rotation, in order of L.H.S. matrix multiplication.
    :type convention: str, optional
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :return: Matrix pose *[batch_shape,3,4]*

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = euler_pose.shape[:-1]

    # BS x 3 x 3
    rot_mat = _ivy_rot_mat.euler_to_rot_mat(euler_pose[..., 3:], convention,

    # BS x 3 x 4
    return _ivy.concatenate(
        (rot_mat, _ivy.expand_dims(euler_pose[..., 0:3], -1)), -1)
Пример #24
def make_transformation_homogeneous(matrices, batch_shape=None, dev_str=None):
    Append to set of 3x4 non-homogeneous matrices to make them homogeneous.

    :param matrices: set of 3x4 non-homogeneous matrices *[batch_shape,3,4]*
    :type matrices: array
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :param dev_str: device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Same as x if None.
    :type dev_str: str, optional
    :return: 4x4 Homogeneous matrices *[batch_shape,4,4]*

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = matrices.shape[:-2]

    if dev_str is None:
        dev_str = _ivy.dev_str(matrices)

    # shapes as list
    batch_shape = list(batch_shape)
    num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape)

    # BS x 1 x 4
    last_row = _ivy.tile(
        _ivy.reshape(_ivy.array([0., 0., 0., 1.], dev_str=dev_str),
                     [1] * num_batch_dims + [1, 4]), batch_shape + [1, 1])

    # BS x 4 x 4
    return _ivy.concatenate((matrices, last_row), -2)
Пример #25
 def batch_array(x, _):
     return [
             ivy.expand_dims(item, 0)
             for item in x[i * batch_size:i * batch_size + batch_size]
         ], 0) for i in range(int(len(x) / batch_size))
Пример #26
def get_fundamental_matrix(full_mat1,
    Compute fundamental matrix :math:`\mathbf{F}\in\mathbb{R}^{3×3}` between two cameras, given their extrinsic
    matrices :math:`\mathbf{E}_1\in\mathbb{R}^{3×4}` and :math:`\mathbf{E}_2\in\mathbb{R}^{3×4}`.\n
    `[reference] <localhost:63342/ivy/docs/source/references/mvg_textbook.pdf#page=262>`_
    bottom of page 244, section 9.2.2, equation 9.1

    :param full_mat1: Frame 1 full projection matrix *[batch_shape,3,4]*
    :type full_mat1: array
    :param full_mat2: Frame 2 full projection matrix *[batch_shape,3,4]*
    :type full_mat2: array
    :param camera_center1: Frame 1 camera center, inferred from full_mat1 if None *[batch_shape,3,1]*
    :type camera_center1: array, optional
    :param pinv_full_mat1: Frame 1 full projection matrix pseudo-inverse, inferred from full_mat1 if None *[batch_shape,4,3]*
    :type pinv_full_mat1: array, optional
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :param dev_str: device on which to create the array 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1', 'cpu' etc. Same as x if None.
    :type dev_str: str, optional
    :return: Fundamental matrix connecting frames 1 and 2 *[batch_shape,3,3]*

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = full_mat1.shape[:-2]

    if dev_str is None:
        dev_str = _ivy.dev_str(full_mat1)

    # shapes as list
    batch_shape = list(batch_shape)

    if camera_center1 is None:
        inv_full_mat1 = _ivy.inv(
            _ivy_mech.make_transformation_homogeneous(full_mat1, batch_shape,
                                                      dev_str))[..., 0:3, :]
        camera_center1 = _ivy_svg.inv_ext_mat_to_camera_center(inv_full_mat1)

    if pinv_full_mat1 is None:
        pinv_full_mat1 = _ivy.pinv(full_mat1)

    # BS x 4 x 1
    camera_center1_homo = _ivy.concatenate(
        (camera_center1, _ivy.ones(batch_shape + [1, 1], dev_str=dev_str)), -2)

    # BS x 3
    e2 = _ivy.matmul(full_mat2, camera_center1_homo)[..., -1]

    # BS x 3 x 3
    e2_skew_symmetric = _ivy.linalg.vector_to_skew_symmetric_matrix(e2)

    # BS x 3 x 3
    return _ivy.matmul(e2_skew_symmetric, _ivy.matmul(full_mat2,
Пример #27
def _get_dummy_obs(batch_size, num_frames, num_cams, image_dims, num_feature_channels, dev_str='cpu', ones=False,

    uniform_pixel_coords =\
        ivy_vision.create_uniform_pixel_coords_image(image_dims, [batch_size, num_frames], dev_str=dev_str)

    img_meas = dict()
    for i in range(num_cams):
        validity_mask = ivy.ones([batch_size, num_frames] + image_dims + [1], dev_str=dev_str)
        if ones:
            img_mean = ivy.concatenate((uniform_pixel_coords[..., 0:2], ivy.ones(
                [batch_size, num_frames] + image_dims + [1 + num_feature_channels], dev_str=dev_str)), -1)
            img_var = ivy.ones(
                     [batch_size, num_frames] + image_dims + [3 + num_feature_channels], dev_str=dev_str)*1e-3
            pose_mean = ivy.zeros([batch_size, num_frames, 6], dev_str=dev_str)
            pose_cov = ivy.ones([batch_size, num_frames, 6, 6], dev_str=dev_str)*1e-3
            img_mean = ivy.concatenate((uniform_pixel_coords[..., 0:2], ivy.random_uniform(
                1e-3, 1, [batch_size, num_frames] + image_dims + [1 + num_feature_channels], dev_str=dev_str)), -1)
            img_var = ivy.random_uniform(
                     1e-3, 1, [batch_size, num_frames] + image_dims + [3 + num_feature_channels], dev_str=dev_str)
            pose_mean = ivy.random_uniform(1e-3, 1, [batch_size, num_frames, 6], dev_str=dev_str)
            pose_cov = ivy.random_uniform(1e-3, 1, [batch_size, num_frames, 6, 6], dev_str=dev_str)
        if empty:
            img_var = ivy.ones_like(img_var) * 1e12
            validity_mask = ivy.zeros_like(validity_mask)
        img_meas['dummy_cam_{}'.format(i)] =\
            {'img_mean': img_mean,
             'img_var': img_var,
             'validity_mask': validity_mask,
             'pose_mean': pose_mean,
             'pose_cov': pose_cov,
             'cam_rel_mat': ivy.identity(4, batch_shape=[batch_size, num_frames], dev_str=dev_str)[..., 0:3, :]}

    if ones:
        control_mean = ivy.zeros([batch_size, num_frames, 6], dev_str=dev_str)
        control_cov = ivy.ones([batch_size, num_frames, 6, 6], dev_str=dev_str)*1e-3
        control_mean = ivy.random_uniform(1e-3, 1, [batch_size, num_frames, 6], dev_str=dev_str)
        control_cov = ivy.random_uniform(1e-3, 1, [batch_size, num_frames, 6, 6], dev_str=dev_str)
    return Container({'img_meas': img_meas,
                      'control_mean': control_mean,
                      'control_cov': control_cov,
                      'agent_rel_mat': ivy.identity(4, batch_shape=[batch_size, num_frames],
                                                    dev_str=dev_str)[..., 0:3, :]})
Пример #28
Файл: esm.py Проект: wx-b/memory
    def _fuse_measurements_with_uncertainty(measurements,
                                            measurement_uncertainties, axis):
        measurements_shape = measurements.shape
        batch_shape = measurements_shape[0:axis]
        num_batch_dims = len(batch_shape)
        num_measurements = measurements_shape[axis]

        # BS x 1 x RS
        sum_of_variances = ivy.reduce_sum(measurement_uncertainties,
        prod_of_variances = ivy.reduce_prod(measurement_uncertainties,

        # BS x 1 x RS
        new_variance = prod_of_variances / sum_of_variances

        # dim size list of BS x (dim-1) x RS
        batch_slices = [slice(None, None, None)] * num_batch_dims
        concat_lists = \
            [[measurement_uncertainties[tuple(batch_slices + [slice(0, i, None)])]]
             if i != 0 else [] + [measurement_uncertainties[tuple(batch_slices + [slice(i + 1, None, None)])]]
             for i in range(num_measurements)]
        partial_variances_list = [
            ivy.concatenate(concat_list, axis) for concat_list in concat_lists

        # dim size list of BS x 1 x RS
        partial_prod_of_variances_list = \
            [ivy.reduce_prod(partial_variance, axis, True) for partial_variance in

        # BS x dim x RS
        partial_prod_of_variances = ivy.concatenate(
            partial_prod_of_variances_list, axis)

        # BS x 1 x RS
        new_mean = ivy.reduce_sum(
            (partial_prod_of_variances * measurements) / sum_of_variances,

        # BS x 1 x RS, BS x 1 x RS
        return new_mean, new_variance
Пример #29
    def get_observation(self):
        Get observation from environment.

        :return: observation array
        return ivy.concatenate(
            (ivy.cos(self.angle), ivy.sin(self.angle), self.angle_vel),
Пример #30
def pixel_cost_volume(image1, image2, search_range, batch_shape=None):
    Compute cost volume from image feature patch comparisons between first image
    :math:`\mathbf{X}_1\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×d}` and second image :math:`\mathbf{X}_2\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×d}`, as used in
    FlowNet paper.\n
    `[reference] <https://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_iccv_2015/papers/Dosovitskiy_FlowNet_Learning_Optical_ICCV_2015_paper.pdf>`_

    :param image1: Image 1 *[batch_shape,h,w,D]*
    :type image1: array
    :param image2: Image 2 *[batch_shape,h,w,D]*
    :type image2: array
    :param search_range: Search range for patch comparisons.
    :type search_range: int
    :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None.
    :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional
    :return: Cost volume between the images *[batch_shape,h,w,(search_range*2+1)^2]*

    if batch_shape is None:
        batch_shape = image1.shape[:-3]

    # shapes as list
    batch_shape = list(batch_shape)

    # shape info
    shape = image1.shape
    h = shape[-3]
    w = shape[-2]
    max_offset = search_range * 2 + 1

    # pad dims
    pad_dims = [[0, 0]] * len(batch_shape) + [[search_range, search_range]
                                              ] * 2 + [[0, 0]]

    # BS x (H+2*SR) x (W+2*SR) x D
    padded_lvl = _ivy.zero_pad(image2, pad_dims)

    # create list
    cost_vol = []

    # iterate through patches
    for y in range(0, max_offset):
        for x in range(0, max_offset):
            # BS x H x W x D
            tensor_slice = padded_lvl[..., y:y + h, x:x + w, :]

            # BS x H x W x 1
            cost = _ivy.reduce_mean(image1 * tensor_slice,

            # append to list

    # BS x H x W x (max_offset^2)
    return _ivy.concatenate(cost_vol, -1)