Пример #1
def relevant_definitions(symbols):
    dfn_map = dict((ldf.formula.defines(), ldf.formula.args[1])
                   for ldf in module.definitions)
    rch = set(
            symbols, lambda sym: lu.symbols_ast(dfn_map[sym])
            if sym in dfn_map else []))
    return [ldf for ldf in module.definitions if ldf.formula.defines() in rch]
Пример #2
def relevant_definitions(symbols):
    dfn_map = dict((ldf.formula.defines(),ldf.formula.args[1]) for ldf in module.definitions)
    rch = set(iu.reachable(symbols,lambda sym: lu.symbols_ast(dfn_map[sym]) if sym in dfn_map else []))
    return [ldf for ldf in module.definitions if ldf.formula.defines() in rch]
Пример #3
def summarize_isolate(mod):

    global check_lineno
    check_lineno = act.checked_assert.get()
    if check_lineno == "":
        check_lineno = None

#    print 'check_lineno: {}'.format(check_lineno)
    check = not opt_summary.get()
    subgoalmap = dict((x.id, y) for x, y in im.module.subgoals)
    axioms = [m for m in mod.labeled_axioms if m.id not in subgoalmap]
    schema_instances = [m for m in mod.labeled_axioms if m.id in subgoalmap]
    if axioms:
        print "\n    The following properties are assumed as axioms:"
        for lf in axioms:
            print pretty_lf(lf)

    if mod.definitions:
        print "\n    The following definitions are used:"
        for lf in mod.definitions:
            print pretty_lf(lf)

    if (mod.labeled_props or schema_instances) and not checked_action.get():
        print "\n    The following properties are to be checked:"
        if check:
            for lf in schema_instances:
                print pretty_lf(lf) + " [proved by axiom schema]"
            ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()
            clauses1 = lut.true_clauses(annot=act.EmptyAnnotation())
            pre = itp.State(value=clauses1)
            props = [x for x in im.module.labeled_props if not x.temporal]
            fcs = ([
                (ConjAssumer if prop.id in subgoalmap else ConjChecker)(prop)
                for prop in props
            check_fcs_in_state(mod, ag, pre, fcs)
            for lf in schema_instances + mod.labeled_props:
                print pretty_lf(lf)

    # after checking properties, make them axioms

    if mod.labeled_inits:
        print "\n    The following properties are assumed initially:"
        for lf in mod.labeled_inits:
            print pretty_lf(lf)
    if mod.labeled_conjs:
        print "\n    The inductive invariant consists of the following conjectures:"
        for lf in mod.labeled_conjs:
            print pretty_lf(lf)


    if mod.isolate_info.implementations:
        print "\n    The following action implementations are present:"
        for mixer, mixee, action in sorted(mod.isolate_info.implementations,
                                           key=lambda x: x[0]):
            print "        {}implementation of {}".format(
                pretty_lineno(action), mixee)

    if mod.isolate_info.monitors:
        print "\n    The following action monitors are present:"
        for mixer, mixee, action in sorted(mod.isolate_info.monitors,
                                           key=lambda x: x[0]):
            print "        {}monitor of {}".format(pretty_lineno(action),

    # if mod.actions:
    #     print "\n    The following actions are present:"
    #     for actname,action in sorted(mod.actions.iteritems()):
    #         print "        {}{}".format(pretty_lineno(action),actname)

    if mod.initializers:
        print "\n    The following initializers are present:"
        for actname, action in sorted(mod.initializers, key=lambda x: x[0]):
            print "        {}{}".format(pretty_lineno(action), actname)

    if mod.labeled_conjs and not checked_action.get():
        print "\n    Initialization must establish the invariant"
        if check:
            with itp.EvalContext(check=False):
                ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph(initializer=lambda x: None)
                check_conjs_in_state(mod, ag, ag.states[0])
            print ''

    if mod.initializers:
        print "\n    Any assertions in initializers must be checked",
        if check:
            ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph(initializer=lambda x: None)
            fail = itp.State(expr=itp.fail_expr(ag.states[0].expr))
            check_safety_in_state(mod, ag, fail)

    checked_actions = get_checked_actions()

    if checked_actions and mod.labeled_conjs:
        print "\n    The following set of external actions must preserve the invariant:"
        for actname in sorted(checked_actions):
            action = act.env_action(actname)
            print "        {}{}".format(pretty_lineno(action), actname)
            if check:
                ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()
                pre = itp.State()
                pre.clauses = get_conjs(mod)
                with itp.EvalContext(check=False):  # don't check safety
                    #                    post = ag.execute(action, pre, None, actname)
                    post = ag.execute(action, pre)
                check_conjs_in_state(mod, ag, post, indent=12)
                print ''

    callgraph = defaultdict(list)
    for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        for called_name in action.iter_calls():

    some_assumps = False
    for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        assumptions = [
            sub for sub in action.iter_subactions()
            if isinstance(sub, act.AssumeAction)
        if assumptions:
            if not some_assumps:
                print "\n    The following program assertions are treated as assumptions:"
                some_assumps = True
            callers = callgraph[actname]
            if actname in mod.public_actions:
                callers.append("the environment")
            prettyname = actname[4:] if actname.startswith('ext:') else actname
            prettycallers = [
                c[4:] if c.startswith('ext:') else c for c in callers
            print "        in action {} when called from {}:".format(
                prettyname, ','.join(prettycallers))
            for sub in assumptions:
                print "            {}assumption".format(pretty_lineno(sub))

    tried = set()
    some_guarants = False
    for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        guarantees = [
            sub for sub in action.iter_subactions()
            if isinstance(sub, (act.AssertAction, act.Ranking))
        if check_lineno is not None:
            guarantees = [
                sub for sub in guarantees if sub.lineno == check_lineno
        if guarantees:
            if not some_guarants:
                print "\n    The following program assertions are treated as guarantees:"
                some_guarants = True
            callers = callgraph[actname]
            if actname in mod.public_actions:
                callers.append("the environment")
            prettyname = actname[4:] if actname.startswith('ext:') else actname
            prettycallers = [
                c[4:] if c.startswith('ext:') else c for c in callers
            print "        in action {} when called from {}:".format(
                prettyname, ','.join(prettycallers))
            roots = set(iu.reachable([actname], lambda x: callgraph[x]))
            for sub in guarantees:
                print "            {}guarantee".format(pretty_lineno(sub)),
                if check and any(r in roots and (r, sub.lineno) not in tried
                                 for r in checked_actions):
                    old_checked_assert = act.checked_assert.get()
                    act.checked_assert.value = sub.lineno
                    some_failed = False
                    for root in checked_actions:
                        if root in roots:
                            tried.add((root, sub.lineno))
                            action = act.env_action(root)
                            ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()
                            pre = itp.State()
                            pre.clauses = get_conjs(mod)
                            with itp.EvalContext(check=False):
                                post = ag.execute(action, prestate=pre)
                            fail = itp.State(expr=itp.fail_expr(post.expr))
                            if not check_safety_in_state(
                                    mod, ag, fail, report_pass=False):
                                some_failed = True
                    if not some_failed:
                        print 'PASS'
                    act.checked_assert.value = old_checked_assert
                    print ""
Пример #4
def module_to_cpp_class(classname):
    global is_derived
    is_derived = set()
    for df in im.module.concepts:

    # remove the actions not reachable from exported
    ra = iu.reachable(im.module.public_actions,lambda name: im.module.actions[name].iter_calls())
    im.module.actions = dict((name,act) for name,act in im.module.actions.iteritems() if name in ra)

    header = []
    if target.get() == "gen":
        header.append('extern void ivy_assert(bool);\n')
        header.append('extern void ivy_assume(bool);\n')
        header.append('extern void ivy_check_progress(int,int);\n')
        header.append('extern int choose(int,int);\n')
        header.append('struct ivy_gen {virtual int choose(int rng,const char *name) = 0;};\n')
    header.append('#include <vector>\n')
    header.append('class ' + classname + ' {\n  public:\n')
    header.append('    std::vector<int> ___ivy_stack;\n')
    if target.get() == "gen":
        header.append('    ivy_gen *___ivy_gen;\n')
    header.append('    int ___ivy_choose(int rng,const char *name,int id);\n')
    if target.get() != "gen":
        header.append('    virtual void ivy_assert(bool){}\n')
        header.append('    virtual void ivy_assume(bool){}\n')
        header.append('    virtual void ivy_check_progress(int,int){}\n')
    impl = ['#include "' + classname + '.h"\n\n']
    impl.append("#include <sstream>\n")
    impl.append("#include <algorithm>\n")
    impl.append("int " + classname)
    if target.get() == "gen":
"""::___ivy_choose(int rng,const char *name,int id) {
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << name << ':' << id;;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < ___ivy_stack.size(); i++)
            ss << ':' << ___ivy_stack[i];
        return ___ivy_gen->choose(rng,ss.str().c_str());
"""::___ivy_choose(int rng,const char *name,int id) {
        return 0;
    for sym in all_state_symbols():
        if sym not in is_derived:
    for sym in il.sig.constructors:
    for sname in il.sig.interp:
        header.append('    int __CARD__' + varname(sname) + ';\n')
    for df in im.module.concepts:

    # declare one counter for each progress obligation
    # TRICKY: these symbols are boolean but we create a C++ int
    for df in im.module.progress:
        declare_symbol(header,df.args[0].rep,c_type = 'int')

    header.append('    ' + classname + '();\n');
    im.module.actions['.init'] = init_method()
    for a in im.module.actions:

    impl.append(classname + '::' + classname + '(){\n')
    enums = set(sym.sort.name for sym in il.sig.constructors)  
    for sortname in enums:
        for i,n in enumerate(il.sig.sorts[sortname].extension):
            impl.append('    {} = {};\n'.format(varname(n),i))
    for sortname in il.sig.interp:
        if sortname in il.sig.sorts:
            impl.append('    __CARD__{} = {};\n'.format(varname(sortname),sort_card(il.sig.sorts[sortname])))
    if target.get() != "gen":

    if target.get() == "gen":
        for name,action in im.module.actions.iteritems():
            if name in im.module.public_actions:
    return ''.join(header) , ''.join(impl)