Пример #1
Файл: esm.py Проект: wx-b/memory
    def _omni_frame_to_omni_frame_projection(
            self, agent_rel_pose, agent_rel_mat, uniform_sphere_pixel_coords,
            sphere_pix_coords_f1, sphere_depth_f1, sphere_feat_f1,
            agent_rel_pose_cov, image_var_f1, holes_prior, holes_prior_var,
        Project mean and variance values from omni frame 1 to omni frame 2, using scatter and quantize operation.

        :param agent_rel_pose: Relative pose of agent to the previous step *[batch_size, 6]*
        :param agent_rel_mat: Relative transformation matrix of agent to the previous step
                                    *[batch_size, 3, 4]*
        :param uniform_sphere_pixel_coords: Pixel coords *[batch_size, h, w, 3]*
        :param sphere_pix_coords_f1: Pixel co-ordinates to project *[batch_size, h, w, 2]*
        :param sphere_depth_f1: Mean radius values to project *[batch_size, h, w, 1]*
        :param sphere_feat_f1: Mean feature values to project *[batch_size, h, w, f]*
        :param agent_rel_pose_cov: Agent relative pose covariance *[batch_size, 6, 6]*
        :param image_var_f1: Angular pixels, radius and feature variance values to project *[batch_size, h, w, 3+f]*
        :param holes_prior: Prior values for holes which arise during the projection *[batch_size, h, w, 1+f]*
        :param holes_prior_var: Prior variance for holes which arise during the projection
                                *[batch_size, h, w, 3+f]*
        :param batch_size: Size of batch
        :return: Projected mean *[batch_size, h, w, 3+f]* and variance *[batch_size, h, w, 3+f]*

        # Frame 1 #
        # --------#

        # combined

        # B x OH x OW x 3
        angular_pixel_coords_f1 = ivy.concatenate(
            (sphere_pix_coords_f1, sphere_depth_f1), -1)

        # sphere coords

        # B x OH x OW x 3
        sphere_coords_f1 = \
            ivy_vision.angular_pixel_to_sphere_coords(angular_pixel_coords_f1, self._pixels_per_degree)

        # Frame 2 #
        # --------#

        # sphere to sphere pixel projection

        sphere_coords_f2 = ivy_vision.sphere_to_sphere_coords(
            sphere_coords_f1, agent_rel_mat, [batch_size],
        image_var_f2 = image_var_f1

        # to angular pixel coords

        # B x OH x OW x 3
        angular_pixel_coords_f2 = \
            ivy_vision.sphere_to_angular_pixel_coords(sphere_coords_f2, self._pixels_per_degree)

        # constant feature projection

        # B x OH x OW x (3+F)
        projected_coords_f2 = ivy.concatenate([angular_pixel_coords_f2] +
                                              [sphere_feat_f1], -1)

        # reshaping to fit quantization dimension requirements

        # B x (OHxOW) x (3+F)
        projected_coords_f2_flat = ivy.reshape(
            projected_coords_f2, [batch_size] +
            [self._sphere_img_dims[0] * self._sphere_img_dims[1]] +
            [3 + self._feat_dim])

        # B x (OHxOW) x (3+F)
        image_var_f2_flat = ivy.reshape(
            image_var_f2, [batch_size] +
            [self._sphere_img_dims[0] * self._sphere_img_dims[1]] +
            [3 + self._feat_dim])

        # quantize the projection

        # B x N x OH x OW x (3+F)   # B x N x OH x OW x (3+F)
        return ivy_vision.quantize_to_image(
            pixel_coords=projected_coords_f2_flat[..., 0:2],
            feat=projected_coords_f2_flat[..., 2:],
            pixel_coords_var=image_var_f2_flat[..., 0:2],
            feat_var=image_var_f2_flat[..., 2:],
            pixel_coords_prior_var=holes_prior_var[..., 0:2],
            feat_prior_var=holes_prior_var[..., 2:],
            var_threshold=self._var_threshold[:, 0],
            batch_shape=(batch_size, ),
Пример #2
def main(interactive=True, f=None):

    global INTERACTIVE
    INTERACTIVE = interactive

    # Framework Setup #
    # ----------------#

    # choose random framework
    f = choose_random_framework() if f is None else f

    # Camera Geometry #
    # ----------------#

    # intrinsics

    # common intrinsic params
    img_dims = [512, 512]
    pp_offsets = ivy.array([dim / 2 - 0.5 for dim in img_dims], 'float32')
    cam_persp_angles = ivy.array([60 * np.pi / 180] * 2, 'float32')

    # ivy cam intrinsics container
    intrinsics = ivy_vision.persp_angles_and_pp_offsets_to_intrinsics_object(
        cam_persp_angles, pp_offsets, img_dims)

    # extrinsics

    # 3 x 4
    cam1_inv_ext_mat = ivy.array(np.load(data_dir + '/cam1_inv_ext_mat.npy'),
    cam2_inv_ext_mat = ivy.array(np.load(data_dir + '/cam2_inv_ext_mat.npy'),

    # full geometry

    # ivy cam geometry container
    cam1_geom = ivy_vision.inv_ext_mat_and_intrinsics_to_cam_geometry_object(
        cam1_inv_ext_mat, intrinsics)
    cam2_geom = ivy_vision.inv_ext_mat_and_intrinsics_to_cam_geometry_object(
        cam2_inv_ext_mat, intrinsics)
    cam_geoms = [cam1_geom, cam2_geom]

    # Camera Geometry Check #
    # ----------------------#

    # assert camera geometry shapes

    for cam_geom in cam_geoms:

        assert cam_geom.intrinsics.focal_lengths.shape == (2, )
        assert cam_geom.intrinsics.persp_angles.shape == (2, )
        assert cam_geom.intrinsics.pp_offsets.shape == (2, )
        assert cam_geom.intrinsics.calib_mats.shape == (3, 3)
        assert cam_geom.intrinsics.inv_calib_mats.shape == (3, 3)

        assert cam_geom.extrinsics.cam_centers.shape == (3, 1)
        assert cam_geom.extrinsics.Rs.shape == (3, 3)
        assert cam_geom.extrinsics.inv_Rs.shape == (3, 3)
        assert cam_geom.extrinsics.ext_mats_homo.shape == (4, 4)
        assert cam_geom.extrinsics.inv_ext_mats_homo.shape == (4, 4)

        assert cam_geom.full_mats_homo.shape == (4, 4)
        assert cam_geom.inv_full_mats_homo.shape == (4, 4)

    # Image Data #
    # -----------#

    # load images

    # h x w x 3
    color1 = ivy.array(
        cv2.imread(data_dir + '/rgb1.png').astype(np.float32) / 255)
    color2 = ivy.array(
        cv2.imread(data_dir + '/rgb2.png').astype(np.float32) / 255)

    # h x w x 1
    depth1 = ivy.array(
                cv2.imread(data_dir + '/depth1.png', -1).tobytes(),
                np.float32), img_dims + [1]))
    depth2 = ivy.array(
                cv2.imread(data_dir + '/depth2.png', -1).tobytes(),
                np.float32), img_dims + [1]))

    # depth scaled pixel coords

    # h x w x 3
    u_pix_coords = ivy_vision.create_uniform_pixel_coords_image(img_dims)
    ds_pixel_coords1 = u_pix_coords * depth1
    ds_pixel_coords2 = u_pix_coords * depth2

    # depth limits
    depth_min = ivy.reduce_min(ivy.concatenate((depth1, depth2), 0))
    depth_max = ivy.reduce_max(ivy.concatenate((depth1, depth2), 0))
    depth_limits = [depth_min, depth_max]

    # show images
    show_rgb_and_depth_images(color1, color2, depth1, depth2, depth_limits)

    # Flow and Depth Triangulation #
    # -----------------------------#

    # required mat formats
    cam1to2_full_mat_homo = ivy.matmul(cam2_geom.full_mats_homo,
    cam1to2_full_mat = cam1to2_full_mat_homo[..., 0:3, :]
    full_mats_homo = ivy.concatenate(
                         0), ivy.expand_dims(cam2_geom.full_mats_homo, 0)), 0)
    full_mats = full_mats_homo[..., 0:3, :]

    # flow
    flow1to2 = ivy_vision.flow_from_depth_and_cam_mats(ds_pixel_coords1,

    # depth again
    depth1_from_flow = ivy_vision.depth_from_flow_and_cam_mats(
        flow1to2, full_mats)

    # show images
    show_flow_and_depth_images(depth1, flow1to2, depth1_from_flow,

    # Inverse Warping #
    # ----------------#

    # inverse warp rendering
    warp = u_pix_coords[..., 0:2] + flow1to2
    color2_warp_to_f1 = ivy.reshape(ivy.bilinear_resample(color2, warp),

    # projected depth scaled pixel coords 2
    ds_pixel_coords1_wrt_f2 = ivy_vision.ds_pixel_to_ds_pixel_coords(
        ds_pixel_coords1, cam1to2_full_mat)

    # projected depth 2
    depth1_wrt_f2 = ds_pixel_coords1_wrt_f2[..., -1:]

    # inverse warp depth
    depth2_warp_to_f1 = ivy.reshape(ivy.bilinear_resample(depth2, warp),

    # depth validity
    depth_validity = ivy.abs(depth1_wrt_f2 - depth2_warp_to_f1) < 0.01

    # inverse warp rendering with mask
    color2_warp_to_f1_masked = ivy.where(depth_validity, color2_warp_to_f1,

    # show images
    show_inverse_warped_images(depth1_wrt_f2, depth2_warp_to_f1,
                               depth_validity, color1, color2_warp_to_f1,
                               color2_warp_to_f1_masked, depth_limits)

    # Forward Warping #
    # ----------------#

    # forward warp rendering
    ds_pixel_coords1_proj = ivy_vision.ds_pixel_to_ds_pixel_coords(
        ivy.inv(cam1to2_full_mat_homo)[..., 0:3, :])
    depth1_proj = ds_pixel_coords1_proj[..., -1:]
    ds_pixel_coords1_proj = ds_pixel_coords1_proj[..., 0:2] / depth1_proj
    features_to_render = ivy.concatenate((depth1_proj, color2), -1)

    # without depth buffer
    f1_forward_warp_no_db, _, _ = ivy_vision.quantize_to_image(
        ivy.reshape(ds_pixel_coords1_proj, (-1, 2)),
        ivy.reshape(features_to_render, (-1, 4)),

    # with depth buffer
    f1_forward_warp_w_db, _, _ = ivy_vision.quantize_to_image(
        ivy.reshape(ds_pixel_coords1_proj, (-1, 2)),
        ivy.reshape(features_to_render, (-1, 4)),
        with_db=False if ivy.get_framework() == 'mxnd' else True)

    # show images
    show_forward_warped_images(depth1, color1, f1_forward_warp_no_db,
                               f1_forward_warp_w_db, depth_limits)

    # message
    print('End of Run Through Demo!')
Пример #3
Файл: esm.py Проект: wx-b/memory
    def _frame_to_omni_frame_projection(
            self, cam_rel_poses, cam_rel_mats, uniform_sphere_pixel_coords,
            cam_coords_f1, cam_feat_f1, rel_pose_covs, image_var_f1,
            holes_prior, holes_prior_var, batch_size, num_timesteps, num_cams,
        Project mean and variance values from frame 1 to omni frame 2, using scatter and quantize operations.
        :param cam_rel_poses: Relative pose of camera to agent *[batch_size, n, c, 6]*
        :param cam_rel_mats: Relative transformation matrix from camera to agent *[batch_size, n, c, 3, 4]*
        :param uniform_sphere_pixel_coords: Pixel coords *[batch_size, n, h, w, 3]*
        :param cam_coords_f1: Camera co-ordinates to project *[batch_size, n, c, h_in, w_in, 3]*
        :param cam_feat_f1: Mean feature values to project *[batch_size, n, c, h_in, w_in, f]*
        :param rel_pose_covs: Pose covariances *[batch_size, n, c, 6, 6]*
        :param image_var_f1: Angular pixel, radius and feature variance values to project *[batch_size, n, c, h_in, w_in, 3+f]*
        :param holes_prior: Prior values for holes which arise during the projection *[batch_size, n, h, w, 3+f]*
        :param holes_prior_var: Prior variance for holes which arise during the projection *[batch_size, n, h, w, 3+f]*
        :param batch_size: Size of batch
        :param num_timesteps: Number of timesteps
        :param num_cams: Number of cameras
        :param image_dims: Image dimensions
        :return: Projected mean *[batch_size, 1, h, w, 3+f]* and variance *[batch_size, 1, h, w, 3+f]*

        # cam 1 to cam 2 coords

        cam_coords_f2 = ivy_vision.cam_to_cam_coords(
                [batch_size, num_timesteps, num_cams] + image_dims),
            cam_rel_mats, [batch_size, num_timesteps, num_cams], image_dims)

        # cam 2 to sphere 2 coords

        sphere_coords_f2 = ivy_vision.cam_to_sphere_coords(cam_coords_f2)
        image_var_f2 = image_var_f1

        # angular pixel coords

        # B x N x C x H x W x 3
        angular_pixel_coords_f2 = \
            ivy_vision.sphere_to_angular_pixel_coords(sphere_coords_f2, self._pixels_per_degree)

        # constant feature projection

        # B x N x C x H x W x (3+F)
        projected_coords_f2 = ivy.concatenate([angular_pixel_coords_f2] +
                                              [cam_feat_f1], -1)

        # reshaping to fit quantization dimension requirements

        # B x N x (CxHxW) x (3+F)
        projected_coords_f2_flat = \
                        [batch_size, num_timesteps, num_cams * image_dims[0] * image_dims[1], -1])

        # B x N x (CxHxW) x (3+F)
        image_var_f2_flat = ivy.reshape(image_var_f2, [
            batch_size, num_timesteps,
            num_cams * image_dims[0] * image_dims[1], -1

        # quantized result from all scene cameras

        # B x N x OH x OW x (3+F)   # B x N x OH x OW x (3+F)
        return ivy_vision.quantize_to_image(
            pixel_coords=projected_coords_f2_flat[..., 0:2],
            feat=projected_coords_f2_flat[..., 2:],
            pixel_coords_var=image_var_f2_flat[..., 0:2],
            feat_var=image_var_f2_flat[..., 2:],
            pixel_coords_prior_var=holes_prior_var[..., 0:2],
            feat_prior_var=holes_prior_var[..., 2:],
            batch_shape=(batch_size, num_timesteps),
Пример #4
def main(interactive=True, try_use_sim=True, f=None):
    f = choose_random_framework() if f is None else f
    with_mxnd = f is ivy.mxnd
    if with_mxnd:
        print('\nMXnet does not support "sum" or "min" reductions for scatter_nd,\n'
              'instead it only supports non-deterministic replacement for duplicates.\n'
              'Depth buffer rendering (requies min) or fusion buffer (requies sum) are therefore unsupported.\n'
              'The rendering in this demo with MXNet backend exhibits non-deterministic jagged edges as a result.')
    sim = Simulator(interactive, try_use_sim)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    xyzs = list()
    rgbs = list()
    iterations = 10 if sim.with_pyrep else 1
    for _ in range(iterations):
        for cam in sim.cams:
            depth, rgb = cam.cap()
            xyz = sim.depth_to_xyz(depth, cam.get_inv_ext_mat(), cam.inv_calib_mat, [1024]*2)
        xyz = ivy.reshape(ivy.concatenate(xyzs, 1), (-1, 3))
        rgb = ivy.reshape(ivy.concatenate(rgbs, 1), (-1, 3))
        cam_coords = ivy_vision.world_to_cam_coords(ivy_mech.make_coordinates_homogeneous(ivy.expand_dims(xyz, 1)),
        ds_pix_coords = ivy_vision.cam_to_ds_pixel_coords(cam_coords, sim.target_cam.calib_mat)
        depth = ds_pix_coords[..., -1]
        pix_coords = ds_pix_coords[..., 0, 0:2] / depth
        final_image_dims = [512]*2
        feat = ivy.concatenate((depth, rgb), -1)
        rendered_img_no_db, _, _ = ivy_vision.quantize_to_image(
            pix_coords, final_image_dims, feat, ivy.zeros(final_image_dims + [4]), with_db=False)
        with_db = not with_mxnd
        rendered_img_with_db, _, _ = ivy_vision.quantize_to_image(
            pix_coords, final_image_dims, feat, ivy.zeros(final_image_dims + [4]), with_db=with_db)

        a_img = cv2.resize(ivy.to_numpy(rgbs[0]), (256, 256))
        a_img[0:50, 0:50] = np.zeros_like(a_img[0:50, 0:50])
        a_img[5:45, 5:45] = np.ones_like(a_img[5:45, 5:45])
        cv2.putText(a_img, 'a', (13, 33), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, tuple([0] * 3), 2)

        b_img = cv2.resize(ivy.to_numpy(rgbs[1]), (256, 256))
        b_img[0:50, 0:50] = np.zeros_like(b_img[0:50, 0:50])
        b_img[5:45, 5:45] = np.ones_like(b_img[5:45, 5:45])
        cv2.putText(b_img, 'b', (13, 33), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, tuple([0] * 3), 2)

        c_img = cv2.resize(ivy.to_numpy(rgbs[2]), (256, 256))
        c_img[0:50, 0:50] = np.zeros_like(c_img[0:50, 0:50])
        c_img[5:45, 5:45] = np.ones_like(c_img[5:45, 5:45])
        cv2.putText(c_img, 'c', (13, 33), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, tuple([0] * 3), 2)

        target_img = cv2.resize(ivy.to_numpy(sim.target_cam.cap()[1]), (256, 256))
        target_img[0:50, 0:140] = np.zeros_like(target_img[0:50, 0:140])
        target_img[5:45, 5:135] = np.ones_like(target_img[5:45, 5:135])
        cv2.putText(target_img, 'target', (13, 33), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, tuple([0] * 3), 2)

        msg = 'non-deterministic' if with_mxnd else 'no depth buffer'
        width = 360 if with_mxnd else 320
        no_db_img = np.copy(ivy.to_numpy(rendered_img_no_db[..., 3:]))
        no_db_img[0:50, 0:width+5] = np.zeros_like(no_db_img[0:50, 0:width+5])
        no_db_img[5:45, 5:width] = np.ones_like(no_db_img[5:45, 5:width])
        cv2.putText(no_db_img, msg, (13, 33), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, tuple([0] * 3), 2)

        with_db_img = np.copy(ivy.to_numpy(rendered_img_with_db[..., 3:]))
        with_db_img[0:50, 0:350] = np.zeros_like(with_db_img[0:50, 0:350])
        with_db_img[5:45, 5:345] = np.ones_like(with_db_img[5:45, 5:345])
        cv2.putText(with_db_img, 'with depth buffer', (13, 33), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, tuple([0] * 3), 2)

        raw_imgs = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((a_img, b_img), 1),
                                   np.concatenate((c_img, target_img), 1)), 0)
        to_concat = (raw_imgs, no_db_img) if with_mxnd else (raw_imgs, no_db_img, with_db_img)
        final_img = np.concatenate(to_concat, 1)

        if interactive:
            print('\nClose the image window when you are ready.\n')