Пример #1
def html_traceroute_details_geek(field_names, result_list, link_to,
    html = xml_utils()
    doc = ''

    doc += html.tag("table")
    doc += html.tag("tr")

    for field in field_names[1:]:
        if field != 'rtt_ms' and not re.search(r'[Rr]ound.?[Tt]rip', field):
            doc += html.tagged_text("th", field)
            doc += html.tagged_text("th colspan='4'", field)

    doc += html.end_tag("/tr")

    result_list = convert_attempts_to_hops(result_list)

    for record in result_list:
        doc += html.tag("tr")
        for field in record[1:]:
            doc += html.tagged_text("td", field)
        doc += html.end_tag("/tr")

    doc += html.end_tag("/table")

    return doc
def html_traceroute_details_geek (field_names, result_list, link_to,
                                  specific_headers_link_to ):
    html = xml_utils ( )
    doc = ''

    doc += html.tag ("table")
    doc += html.tag ("tr")

    for field in field_names[1:]:
        if field != 'rtt_ms' and not re.search(r'[Rr]ound.?[Tt]rip', field):
            doc += html.tagged_text ("th", field)
            doc += html.tagged_text ("th colspan='4'", field)

    doc += html.end_tag ("/tr")

    result_list = convert_attempts_to_hops (result_list)

    for record in result_list:
        doc += html.tag ("tr")
        for field in record[1:]:
            doc += html.tagged_text ("td", field)
        doc += html.end_tag ("/tr")

    doc += html.end_tag ("/table")

    return doc
Пример #3
def html_traceroute_details_page(query_info, arg=None):
    route_overview = ixmaps.get_traceroute(conn, int(arg))

    html = xml_utils()
    doc = ''

    if query_info.title:
        doc += html.tagged_text('h1', query_info.title)

    if query_info.header:
        # doc += html.text (query_info.header % ( (instances_of_strings(query_info.header),) * instances_of_strings (query_info.header) ) )
        doc += html.text(query_info.header % (
            (arg, route_overview['sub_time'], arg, route_overview['submitter'],
             route_overview['zip_code'], route_overview['dest'],
             route_overview['dest'], route_overview['dest_ip'])))

    # instances_of_arg = instances_of_strings (query_info.query)
    # query = query_info.query % ((arg, ) * instances_of_arg)

    query = query_info.query % (
        (arg, ) * instances_of_strings(query_info.query))

    q_result = conn.query(query)

    field_names = q_result.listfields()
    result_list = q_result.getresult()

    if (query_info.custom_table_function):
        doc += html.indent(
                field_names, result_list, query_info.link_to,

        doc += html.indent(
                field_names, result_list, query_info.link_to,

    # doc += html.tag ('p')
    # doc += html.tagged_text ('b', 'SQL Query')
    # doc += html.tag ('ul')

    # doc += query

    # doc += html.end_tag ('/ul')
    # doc += html.end_tag ('/p')

    # doc += html.empty_tag ('hr')

    if query_info.footer:
        doc += html.text(query_info.footer %
                         ((arg, ) * instances_of_strings(query_info.footer)))

    return doc
Пример #4
def html_traceroute_details(field_names, orig_result_list, link_to,
                            generic_headers_link_to, specific_headers_link_to):
    html = xml_utils()
    doc = ''

    conn = ixmaps.DBConnect.getConnection()
    chotels = ixmaps.CHotels(conn=conn)

    # --- Note: there should be a function to auto-generate these values (es) ---
    attempt_col = 0
    hop_col = 1
    ip_col = 2
    country_col = 3
    rtt_col = 4
    city_col = 6
    override_col = 7
    lat_col = 9
    long_col = 10
    region_col = 11

    result_list = convert_attempts_to_hops_no_rtt(orig_result_list)

    nattempts = len(orig_result_list)
    nhops = result_list[-1][hop_col]
    # nhops = len(result_list)
    rtt = array_2d(nhops, 4)
    ipaddrs = array_2d(nhops, nattempts)
    for probe in orig_result_list:
        hop = probe[hop_col] - 1
        attempt = probe[attempt_col] - 1
        rtt[hop][attempt] = probe[rtt_col]
        ipaddrs[hop][attempt] = probe[ip_col]

    doc += html.tag('table')
    doc += html.tag("tr")

    for field in field_names[1:lat_col]:
        if (field in specific_headers_link_to):
            if specific_headers_link_to[field]:
                field = ("<a href='" + specific_headers_link_to[field] + "'>" +
                         field + "</a>")

        elif generic_headers_link_to:
            field = ("<a href='" + generic_headers_link_to +
                     urllib.quote_plus(str(field)) + "'>" + field + "</a>")

        doc += html.tagged_text('th', field)

    doc += html.end_tag("/tr")

    for hop in range(len(result_list)):
        record = result_list[hop]
        doc += html.tag('tr')
        min_latency = get_min_latency(hop, rtt, nhops)

        country_img = ICON_PREFIX + "clear" + ICON_SUFFIX
        chotel_img = ICON_PREFIX + "clear" + ICON_SUFFIX
        nsa_img = ICON_PREFIX + "clear" + ICON_SUFFIX

        is_chotel = ixmaps.is_chotel(conn=conn,

        # --- Assign row-icons ---
        if record[country_col]:
            country_img = ICON_PREFIX + record[country_col] + ICON_SUFFIX
        if is_chotel: chotel_img = ICON_PREFIX + "carrierhotel" + ICON_SUFFIX
        nsa_img = ICON_PREFIX + get_nsa_flag(
            long_lat=(record[long_col], record[lat_col])) + ICON_SUFFIX

        for item_num in range(1, len(record)):
            if item_num == country_col:
                doc += html.tag('td align="center" style="white-space:nowrap"')

                doc += html.empty_tag(
                    'img width="10" src="' + country_img + '"',
                    'img width="10" src="' + chotel_img + '"',
                    'img width="10" src="' + nsa_img + '"')
                doc += html.end_tag("/td")

            elif item_num == rtt_col:
                doc += html.tag('td')
                doc += html.indent(min_latency)
                doc += html.end_tag("/td")

            elif item_num == city_col:
                doc += html.tag('td')
                doc += html.text(record[city_col])
                doc += html.text(record[region_col])
                doc += html.end_tag("/td")

            elif item_num == override_col:
                geo_precision = get_geo_precision(record[override_col],
                doc += html.tag('td')
                doc += html.indent(geo_precision)
                # doc += html.indent (record[override_col] )
                # doc += html.indent (record[lat_col] )
                # doc += html.indent (record[long_col] )
                doc += html.end_tag("/td")

            elif (item_num >= lat_col):

                doc += html.tagged_text('td', record[item_num])
        doc += html.end_tag("/tr")

    doc += html.end_tag("/table")

    return doc
Пример #5
def html_submitter_table(field_names,

    # --- Note: these numbers should be auto generated by this function ---
    country_col = 1
    traceroute_col = 0
    dest_col = 4
    nsa_col = 6
    hotel_col = 7

    itag = 'img width="10" src='
    icons = [0, 1, 2, 3]

    html = xml_utils()
    doc = ''

    doc += html.tag("table")
    doc += html.tag("tr")

    for field in field_names[:nsa_col]:
        doc += html.tagged_text("th", field)

    doc += html.end_tag("/tr")

    result_list = list(result_list)

    # for record_id in range ( len(result_list) ):

    record_id = 0
    while record_id < len(result_list):
        record = result_list[record_id]
        doc += html.tag("tr")

        # --- Determine which countries this route goes through ---
        is_canada = False
        is_us = False
        traceroute_id = record[traceroute_col]
        counter = 0
        while True:
            if record[country_col] == "CA":
                is_canada = True
            elif record[country_col] == "US":
                is_us = True
            if (len(result_list) > (record_id + 1)
                    and result_list[record_id + 1][traceroute_col]
                    == traceroute_id):
                record_id = record_id + 1
                record = result_list[record_id]

        # --- Determine whether this route goes through NSA-posts or C-Hotels ---
        is_nsa = True if (record[nsa_col] == 't') else False
        is_hotel = True if (record[hotel_col] == 't') else False

        if link_to:
            field0 = record[0]
            link = ("tr-query.cgi?query_type=" + link_to + "&arg=" +
            doc += html.tagged_text("td", 'a href="' + link + '"', field0)

            doc += html.tagged_text('td', record[0])

        for item_num in range(1, nsa_col):

            if item_num == country_col:
                doc += html.tag("td")

                icons[0] = "nsa_class_A" if is_nsa else "clear"
                icons[1] = "carrierhotel" if is_hotel else "clear"
                icons[2] = "US" if is_us else "clear"
                icons[3] = "CA" if is_canada else "clear"

                for i in range(len(icons)):
                    icons[i] = ICON_PREFIX + icons[i] + ICON_SUFFIX

                # doc += html.empty_tag ( itag + icons[0], itag + icons[1],
                # itag + icons[2], itag + icons[3])

                doc += html.empty_tag(itag + icons[0])
                doc += html.empty_tag(itag + icons[1])
                doc += html.empty_tag(itag + icons[2])
                doc += html.empty_tag(itag + icons[3])

                doc += html.end_tag("/td")

                doc += html.tagged_text("td", record[item_num])
        doc += html.end_tag("/tr")

        record_id += 1

    doc += html.end_tag("/table")

    return doc
def html_traceroute_details (field_names, orig_result_list, link_to,
                             generic_headers_link_to, specific_headers_link_to):
    html = xml_utils ( )
    doc = ''

    conn = ixmaps.DBConnect.getConnection ( )
    chotels = ixmaps.CHotels (conn=conn)

    # --- Note: there should be a function to auto-generate these values (es) ---
    attempt_col  = 0
    hop_col      = 1
    ip_col       = 2
    country_col  = 3
    rtt_col      = 4
    city_col     = 6
    override_col = 7
    lat_col      = 9
    long_col     = 10
    region_col   = 11

    result_list = convert_attempts_to_hops_no_rtt (orig_result_list)

    nattempts = len(orig_result_list)
    nhops = result_list[-1][hop_col]
    # nhops = len(result_list)
    rtt = array_2d(nhops,4)
    ipaddrs = array_2d(nhops, nattempts)
    for probe in orig_result_list:
        hop = probe[hop_col]-1
        attempt = probe[attempt_col]-1
        rtt[hop][attempt] = probe[rtt_col]
        ipaddrs[hop][attempt] = probe[ip_col]

    doc += html.tag ("table")
    doc += html.tag ("tr")

    for field in field_names[1:lat_col]:
        if (field in specific_headers_link_to):
            if specific_headers_link_to[field]:
                field = ("<a href='" + specific_headers_link_to[field]
                         + "'>" + field + "</a>")

        elif generic_headers_link_to:
            field = ("<a href='" + generic_headers_link_to +
                     urllib.quote_plus ( str(field) )
                     + "'>" + field + "</a>")

        doc += html.tagged_text ("th", field)

    doc += html.end_tag ("/tr")

    for hop in range ( len (result_list) ):
        record = result_list[hop]
        doc += html.tag ("tr")
        min_latency = get_min_latency(hop, rtt, nhops)

        country_img = ICON_PREFIX + "clear" + ICON_SUFFIX
        chotel_img = ICON_PREFIX + "clear" + ICON_SUFFIX
        nsa_img = ICON_PREFIX + "clear" + ICON_SUFFIX

        is_chotel = ixmaps.is_chotel (
            conn=conn, long_lat=(record[long_col],record[lat_col] ) )

        # --- Assign row-icons ---
        if record[country_col]: country_img = ICON_PREFIX + record[country_col] + ICON_SUFFIX
        if is_chotel: chotel_img = ICON_PREFIX + "carrierhotel" + ICON_SUFFIX
        nsa_img = ICON_PREFIX + get_nsa_flag (
            conn=conn, long_lat=(record[long_col],record[lat_col] ) ) + ICON_SUFFIX

        for item_num in range (1, len(record) ):
            if item_num == country_col:
                doc += html.tag ('td align="center" style="white-space:nowrap"')

                doc += html.empty_tag ('img width="10" src="' + country_img + '"', 
                               'img width="10" src="' + chotel_img + '"',
                               'img width="10" src="' + nsa_img + '"')
                doc += html.end_tag ("/td")

            elif item_num == rtt_col:
                doc += html.tag ("td")
                doc += html.indent (min_latency)
                doc += html.end_tag ("/td")

            elif item_num == city_col:
                doc += html.tag ("td")
                doc += html.text ( record[city_col] )
                doc += html.text ( record[region_col] )
                doc += html.end_tag ("/td")

            elif item_num == override_col:
                geo_precision = get_geo_precision (
                    record[override_col], record[lat_col], record[long_col] )
                doc += html.tag ("td")
                doc += html.indent (geo_precision)
                # doc += html.indent (record[override_col] )
                # doc += html.indent (record[lat_col] )
                # doc += html.indent (record[long_col] )
                doc += html.end_tag ("/td")

            elif (item_num >= lat_col):

                doc += html.tagged_text ("td", record[item_num])
        doc += html.end_tag ("/tr")

    doc += html.end_tag ("/table")

    return doc
def html_traceroute_details_page (query_info, arg=None):  
    route_overview = ixmaps.get_traceroute (conn, int(arg) )

    html = xml_utils ( )
    doc = ''

    if query_info.title:
        doc += html.tagged_text ('h1', query_info.title)

    if query_info.header:
        # doc += html.text (query_info.header % ( (instances_of_strings(query_info.header),) * instances_of_strings (query_info.header) ) )
        doc += html.text (query_info.header %
                          ( (arg, arg, route_overview['zip_code'],
                             ) ) )

    # instances_of_arg = instances_of_strings (query_info.query)
    # query = query_info.query % ((arg, ) * instances_of_arg)

    query = query_info.query % (
        (arg, ) * instances_of_strings (query_info.query) )

    q_result = conn.query (query)

    field_names = q_result.listfields ( )
    result_list = q_result.getresult ( )
    if (query_info.custom_table_function):
        doc += html.indent (
            query_info.custom_table_function (
                field_names, result_list, query_info.link_to,
                query_info.specific_headers_link_to) )

        doc += html.indent (
            html_generic_query_results_table (
                field_names, result_list, query_info.link_to,
                query_info.specific_headers_link_to) )

    doc += html.tag ('p')
    doc += html.tagged_text ('b', 'SQL Query')
    doc += html.tag ('ul')

    doc += query

    doc += html.end_tag ('/ul')
    doc += html.end_tag ('/p')

    doc += html.empty_tag ('hr')

    if query_info.footer:
        doc += html.text (query_info.footer % ( (arg,) * instances_of_strings (query_info.footer) ) )

    return doc
def html_submitter_table (field_names, result_list, link_to,
                          specific_headers_link_to={} ):

    # --- Note: these numbers should be auto generated by this function ---
    country_col = 1
    traceroute_col = 0
    dest_col = 4
    nsa_col = 6
    hotel_col = 7

    itag = 'img width="10" src='
    icons = [0,1,2,3]

    html = xml_utils ( )
    doc = ''

    doc += html.tag ("table")
    doc += html.tag ("tr")

    for field in field_names[:nsa_col]:
        doc += html.tagged_text ("th", field)

    doc += html.end_tag ("/tr")

    result_list = list(result_list)

    # for record_id in range ( len(result_list) ):

    record_id = 0
    while record_id < len(result_list):
        record = result_list[record_id]
        doc += html.tag ("tr")

        # --- Determine which countries this route goes through ---
        is_canada = False
        is_us = False
        traceroute_id = record[traceroute_col]
        counter = 0
        while True:
            if record[country_col] == "CA":
                is_canada = True
            elif record[country_col] == "US":
                is_us = True
            if ( len(result_list) > (record_id+1)
                 and result_list[record_id+1][traceroute_col] == traceroute_id ):
                record_id = record_id + 1
                record = result_list[record_id]

        # --- Determine whether this route goes through NSA-posts or C-Hotels ---
        is_nsa =   True if (record[nsa_col]=='t')   else False
        is_hotel = True if (record[hotel_col]=='t') else False

        if link_to:
            field0 = record[0]
            link = ("tr-query.cgi?query_type=" + link_to + "&arg="
                    + urllib.quote_plus (str(field0) ) )
            doc += html.tagged_text ("td", 'a href="' + link + '"', field0)

            doc += html.tagged_text ('td', record[0])

        for item_num in range ( 1, nsa_col ):

            if item_num == country_col:
                doc += html.tag ("td")

                icons[0] = "nsa_class_A"  if is_nsa else "clear"
                icons[1] = "carrierhotel" if is_hotel else "clear"
                icons[2] = "US" if is_us else "clear"
                icons[3] = "CA" if is_canada else "clear"

                for i in range ( len(icons) ):
                    icons[i] = ICON_PREFIX + icons[i] + ICON_SUFFIX

                # doc += html.empty_tag ( itag + icons[0], itag + icons[1],
                        # itag + icons[2], itag + icons[3])

                doc += html.empty_tag ( itag + icons[0])
                doc += html.empty_tag ( itag + icons[1])
                doc += html.empty_tag ( itag + icons[2])
                doc += html.empty_tag ( itag + icons[3])

                doc += html.end_tag ("/td")

                doc += html.tagged_text ("td", record[item_num])
        doc += html.end_tag ("/tr")

        record_id += 1

    doc += html.end_tag ("/table")

    return doc