Пример #1
def foxyproxy(ip, port):
    folder = podium.get_firefox_profile_folder()
    input = folder + '/' + XML
    if not os.path.exists(input):
        print >> sys.stderr, "Error: {file} doesn't exist".format(file=input)
    # else
    with open(input) as f:
        content = f.read()
    root = etree.fromstring(content)
    manualconf = root.xpath('/foxyproxy/proxies[1]/proxy[1]/manualconf[1]')[0]
    manualconf.attrib['host'] = ip
    manualconf.attrib['port'] = port
    os.rename(input, folder + '/' + BAK)
    tree = etree.ElementTree(root)
    if os.path.exists(folder + '/' + BAK):
        tree.write(input, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)
        print '# written to', XML
        print '# please restart Firefox'
Пример #2
def foxyproxy(ip, port):
    folder = podium.get_firefox_profile_folder()
    input = folder + '/' + XML
    if not os.path.exists(input):
        print >>sys.stderr, "Error: {file} doesn't exist".format(file=input)
    # else
    with open(input) as f:
        content = f.read()
    root = etree.fromstring(content)
    manualconf = root.xpath('/foxyproxy/proxies[1]/proxy[1]/manualconf[1]')[0]
    manualconf.attrib['host'] = ip
    manualconf.attrib['port'] = port
    os.rename(input, folder + '/' + BAK)
    tree = etree.ElementTree(root)
    if os.path.exists(folder + '/' + BAK):
        tree.write(input, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)
        print '# written to', XML
        print '# please restart Firefox'
Пример #3
def test_get_firefox_profile_folder():
    result = podium.get_firefox_profile_folder()
    assert re.search('.*/.{8}\.default$', result)
Пример #4
def test_get_firefox_profile_folder():
    result = podium.get_firefox_profile_folder()
    assert re.search('.*/.{8}\.default$', result)