Пример #1
import json
from jagereye.util import logging
from jagereye.util import static_util

with open(static_util.get_path('messaging.json'), 'r') as f:
    MESSAGES = json.loads(f.read())

class InvalidRequestType(Exception):

class InvalidRequestFormat(Exception):

class API():
    def __init__(self, typename):
        self._typename = typename
        self._msg = MESSAGES['ch_api_brain']
        self._msg_r = MESSAGES['ch_api_brain_reply']

    def validate(self, request):
        # TODO: Add error messages to describe the invalid format
            if request['command'] == self._msg['START_ANALYZER']:
                if self._typename != request['params']['type']:
                    raise InvalidRequestType
                if not request['params']['source'] or \
                   not request['params']['pipelines']:
                    raise InvalidRequestFormat
Пример #2
import aioredis
import json, os, time
from jsonschema import Draft4Validator as Validator
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

from jagereye.util import logging
from jagereye.util import static_util
from jagereye.util.generic import get_func_name
from jagereye.brain.status_enum import WorkerStatus
from jagereye.brain.utils import jsonify

# create worker schema validator
with open(static_util.get_path('worker.json'), 'r') as f:
    validator = Validator(json.loads(f.read()))

class WorkerAgent(object):
    def __init__(self, typename, mem_db, db):
        self._typename = typename
        self._mem_db = mem_db
        self._db = db

    def _get_anal_key(self, anal_id):
        return '{}:anal:{}'.format(self._typename, anal_id)

    def _get_worker_key(self, worker_id, field):
        # TODO(Ray): field only allow 'status', 'pipelines', 'hbeat', 'analyzerId'
        return '{}:worker:{}:{}'.format(self._typename, worker_id, field)

    async def get_all_anal_and_worker_ids(self):
        search_key = self._get_anal_key('*')
Пример #3
def get_config(config_file='./config.yml'):
    with open(static_util.get_path(config_file), 'r') as f:
        return yaml.load(f)
Пример #4
import aioredis
import json
import os, datetime

from pymongo.errors import OperationFailure as MongoOperationFailure

from jsonschema import Draft4Validator as Validator
from jagereye.brain.utils import jsonify
from jagereye.util import logging
from jagereye.util import static_util

# create event schema validator
with open(static_util.get_path('event.json'), 'r') as f:
    validator = Validator(json.loads(f.read()))

class EventAgent(object):
    def __init__(self, typename, mem_db, event_db, app_event_db):
        self._typename = typename
        self._mem_db = mem_db
        self._event_db = event_db
        self._app_event_db = app_event_db

    def save_in_db(self, events, analyzer_id):
        """Save events into presistent db

            events:(list of dict): the list of event
            analyzer_id:(string): the analyzer ID of the events
