def watch(path, callback): header("Build Daemon") if Observer is None: error("You need to install Watchdog for supporting file system watchers") # We need to pause the session to make room for other jasy executions session.pause() # Initialize file system observer observer = Observer() observer.schedule(JasyEventHandler(), ".", recursive=True) observer.start() info("Started file system watcher for %s... [PID=%s]", path, os.getpid()) info("Use 'ulimit -n 1024' to increase number of possible open files") try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() info("Stopped file system watcher for %s...", path) observer.join()
def serve(routes=None, port=8080, host=""): header("HTTP Server") # We need to pause the session to make room for other jasy executions session.pause() # Shared configuration (global/app) config = { "global" : { "environment" : "production", "log.screen" : False, "server.socket_port": port, "server.socket_host": host, "engine.autoreload_on" : False }, "/" : { "log.screen" : False } } # Update global config cherrypy.config.update(config) # Somehow this screen disabling does not work # This hack to disable all access/error logging works def empty(*param, **args): pass def inspect(*param, **args): if args["severity"] > 20: error("Critical error occoured:") error(param[0]) cherrypy.log.access = empty cherrypy.log.error = inspect cherrypy.log.screen = False # Initialize routing info("Initialize routing...") indent() root = Static("/", {}) if routes: for key in routes: entry = routes[key] if "host" in entry: node = Proxy(key, entry) else: node = Static(key, entry) setattr(root, key, node) outdent() # Finally start the server app = cherrypy.tree.mount(root, "", config) cherrypy.process.plugins.PIDFile(cherrypy.engine, "jasylock-http-%s" % port).subscribe() cherrypy.engine.start() info("Started HTTP server at port %s... [PID=%s]", port, os.getpid()) indent() cherrypy.engine.block() outdent() info("Stopped HTTP server at port %s.", port) # Resume session to continue work on next task (if given) session.resume()