Пример #1
class JESPrintableDocument(JESPrintable):
    def __init__(self, fileToPrint):
        self.fileName = fileToPrint
        self.today = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm").format(Date())

        self.textFont = Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)

        # We use a RandomAccessFile because Java likes to seek around and
        # print pages multiple times.
        self.raf = RandomAccessFile(self.fileName, "r")

        # These keep track of what pages we've found so far,
        # and where in the file the pages start.
        # Page 0's starts out filled, and the following pages' are filled
        # at the end of its predecessor.
        self.pagePointers = []
        self.pageAfterEnd = None

        # Set the pointer for page 0.

    def printPage(self, g, pform, pageIndex):
        if pageIndex < len(self.pagePointers):
            # We already know where this page starts. Seek there.
        elif pageIndex >= self.pageAfterEnd:
            # We've found the end, and this page is after it.
            return JESPrintable.NO_SUCH_PAGE
            # We haven't gotten here yet.
            # Java will probably print each page multiple times,
            # and maybe even repeat pages after their successors,
            # but it should never print page n + 1 before page n.
            raise RuntimeError("Printing pages out of order")

        # Find our dimensions.
        minX = int(pform.getImageableX() + 10)
        width = int(pform.getImageableWidth() - 10)
        maxX = int(minX + width)
        midX = int(minX + width / 2)

        minY = int(pform.getImageableY() + 12)
        height = int(pform.getImageableHeight() - 12)
        maxY = int(minY + height)

        x, y = minX, minY

        # Title lines
        # Left: filename
        titleString = "JES: " + os.path.basename(self.fileName)
        g.drawString(titleString, x, y)
        # Center: text
        pageNoString = "Page %d" % (pageIndex + 1)
        pageNoWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(pageNoString)
        g.drawString(pageNoString, midX - (pageNoWidth / 2), y)
        # Right: date
        dateString = self.today
        dateWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(dateString)
        g.drawString(dateString, maxX - dateWidth, y)
        # Line below header
        g.drawLine(minX, y + 6, maxX, y + 6)

        # OK, now the text.

        # Generate as many lines as will fit in imageable area.
        y += 24
        while y + 12 < maxY:
            line = self.raf.readLine()
            if line is None:
                # We've already printed the last line.
                # Don't print another page.
                self.pageAfterEnd = pageIndex + 1
                return JESPrintable.PAGE_EXISTS
                g.drawString(line, x, y)
                # TBH I'm not sure what kind of exceptions happen here.
                # (If the line's too long, it'll just print over the margin.)
                # Unprintable characters maybe?
                g.drawString(' ', x, y)
            y = y + 12

        if pageIndex + 1 == len(self.pagePointers):
            # Hey, we've discovered the pointer to the next page!
            # Let's add it to the list so the next print call works.

        return JESPrintable.PAGE_EXISTS
        # TIFF file format can have metadata at the end after the images, so the above approach can fail
        # TIFF file header is 8-bytes long:
        # (See: http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/tiff/tiff_summary.pdf )
        # Bytes 1 and 2: identifier. Either the value 4949h (II) or 4D4Dh (MM),
        #                            meaning little-ending and big-endian, respectively.
        # All data encountered past the first two bytes in the file obey
        # the byte-ordering scheme indicated by the identifier field.
        b1, b2 = ra.read(), ra.read()  # as two java int, each one byte sized
        bigEndian = chr(b1) == 'M'
        parseNextInt = parseNextIntBigEndian if bigEndian else parseNextIntLittleEndian
        # Bytes 3 and 4: Version: Always 42
        # Bytes 5,6,7,8: IFDOffset: offset to first image file directory (IFD), the metadata entry for the first image.
        firstIFDoffset = parseNextInt(ra, 4)
        ra.skipBytes(firstIFDoffset - ra.getFilePointer()
                     )  # minus the current position: all offsets are absolute
        firstTags, _ = parseIFD(ra, parseNextInt)
        # Correct headerSize for TIFF files (and then assuming images are contiguous and in order,
        # which they don't have to be either in TIFF)
        headerSize = firstTags["offset"]
        # Sanity check:
        if width != firstTags["width"] or height != firstTags[
                "height"] or bitDepth != firstTags["samples_per_pixel"] * 8:
            print "TIFF header disagrees with ChannelSeparator's parsing of metadata."

# Try to read the header size using OME as per Curtis Rueden's suggestion
Пример #3
class JESPrintableDocument(JESPrintable):
    def __init__(self, fileToPrint):
        self.fileName = fileToPrint
        self.today = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm").format(Date())

        self.textFont = Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)

        # We use a RandomAccessFile because Java likes to seek around and
        # print pages multiple times.
        self.raf = RandomAccessFile(self.fileName, "r")

        # These keep track of what pages we've found so far,
        # and where in the file the pages start.
        # Page 0's starts out filled, and the following pages' are filled
        # at the end of its predecessor.
        self.pagePointers = []
        self.pageAfterEnd = None

        # Set the pointer for page 0.

    def printPage(self, g, pform, pageIndex):
        if pageIndex < len(self.pagePointers):
            # We already know where this page starts. Seek there.
        elif pageIndex >= self.pageAfterEnd:
            # We've found the end, and this page is after it.
            return JESPrintable.NO_SUCH_PAGE
            # We haven't gotten here yet.
            # Java will probably print each page multiple times,
            # and maybe even repeat pages after their successors,
            # but it should never print page n + 1 before page n.
            raise RuntimeError("Printing pages out of order")

        # Find our dimensions.
        minX = int(pform.getImageableX() + 10)
        width = int(pform.getImageableWidth() - 10)
        maxX = int(minX + width)
        midX = int(minX + width / 2)

        minY = int(pform.getImageableY() + 12)
        height = int(pform.getImageableHeight() - 12)
        maxY = int(minY + height)

        x, y = minX, minY

        # Title lines
        # Left: filename
        titleString = "JES: " + os.path.basename(self.fileName)
        g.drawString(titleString, x, y)
        # Center: text
        pageNoString = "Page %d" % (pageIndex + 1)
        pageNoWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(pageNoString)
        g.drawString(pageNoString, midX - (pageNoWidth / 2), y)
        # Right: date
        dateString = self.today
        dateWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(dateString)
        g.drawString(dateString, maxX - dateWidth, y)
        # Line below header
        g.drawLine(minX, y + 6, maxX, y + 6)

        # OK, now the text.

        # Generate as many lines as will fit in imageable area.
        y += 24
        while y + 12 < maxY:
            line = self.raf.readLine()
            if line is None:
                # We've already printed the last line.
                # Don't print another page.
                self.pageAfterEnd = pageIndex + 1
                return JESPrintable.PAGE_EXISTS
                g.drawString(line, x, y)
                # TBH I'm not sure what kind of exceptions happen here.
                # (If the line's too long, it'll just print over the margin.)
                # Unprintable characters maybe?
                g.drawString(' ', x, y)
            y = y + 12

        if pageIndex + 1 == len(self.pagePointers):
            # Hey, we've discovered the pointer to the next page!
            # Let's add it to the list so the next print call works.

        return JESPrintable.PAGE_EXISTS