def info(dspath): # get datastore shp = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(dspath) params = HashMap() params.put('url', net.URL(shp)) dataStore = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(params) typeName = dataStore.getTypeNames()[0] featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource(typeName) featureCollection = featureSource.getFeatures() featureType = featureSource.getSchema() # Print out feature source info (ie layer info) #'getBounds', 'getClass', 'getCount', 'getDataStore' print "Datastore : ", featureSource.getDataStore() print "Layer Name : ", typeName print "Number of features: ", featureCollection.count print "Bounding Box : ", featureSource.getBounds() # Print out feature attribute types for atype in featureType.getAttributeTypes(): print atype.getName(), atype.getType() return None f_iter = featureCollection.iterator() while f_iter.hasNext(): feat = print "==============", feat.getID() for i in range(feat.getNumberOfAttributes()): print "\t %s " % feat.getAttribute(i) featureCollection.close(f_iter)
def cowebTurnin(self): try: filehandle = open(self.zipFile, "rb") url = net.URL(JESConstants.HW_COWEB_ADDRESS_URL) host = url.getHost() port = url.getPort() finder = JESURLFinder.JESURLFinder() turninURL = finder.getTargetURL(self.gtNumber, string.strip(self.hwTitle)) if (turninURL == -1): # check if url is not found - RJC raise StandardError, "Unable to find a valid upload url for assignment." selector = string.strip(turninURL[turninURL.find("/"):] ) + JESConstants.HW_COWEB_ATTACH_SUFFIX fields = [['specific', 'true'], ['reference', 'true']] files = [[ 'filestuff', os.path.basename(self.zipFile), ]] response = self.post_multipart(host, port, selector, fields, files) if response.status < 200 or response.status > 399: system.out.println("Server resonded with unsuccessful message") raise StandardError return response except: import sys a, b, c = sys.exc_info() print a, b, c raise StandardError, "Error turning in to the Coweb."
def toURL(o): """ Transforms an object to a URL if possible. This method can take a file, string, uri, or url object. """ if isinstance(o, net.URL): return o elif isinstance(o, (net.URI, io.File)): return o.toURL() elif isinstance(o, (str, unicode)): try: return net.URL(o) except net.MalformedURLException: try: return net.URL('file:%s' % o) except net.MalformedURLException: return io.File(o).toURL()
def go( self, event ): text = self.jtf.getText() try: url = net.URL( text ) except: url = None #swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( if url: self.browser.setURL( url )
def goToHeadline( self, event ): c = self.c cp = c.currentPosition() headline = cp.headString() try: url = net.URL( headline.strip() ) except: url = None if url: self.browser.setURL( url )
def grabFile(self): try: url = net.URL(JESConstants.HW_COWEB_ADDRESS_URL) if url.getPort() != -1: h = httplib.HTTP(url.getHost(), url.getPort()) else: h = httplib.HTTP(url.getHost()) h.putrequest('GET', url.getFile()) h.putheader('Accept', 'text/html') h.putheader('Accept', 'text/plain') h.endheaders() errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply() f = h.getfile() data = # Get the raw HTML f.close() h.close() return data except: raise StandardError,("Error: Could not get target web address for submission\n" + \ "Make sure you are connected to the internet.")
def grabFile(self): try: url = net.URL(JESConstants.HW_ADDRESS_URL) if url.getPort() != -1: h = httplib.HTTP(url.getHost(), url.getPort()) else: h = httplib.HTTP(url.getHost()) h.putrequest('GET', url.getFile()) h.putheader('Accept', 'text/html') h.putheader('Accept', 'text/plain') h.endheaders() errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply() f = h.getfile() data = # Get the raw HTML f.close() return data except: import sys a,b,c = sys.exc_info() print a,b,c print "Error in JESAddressFinder.grabFile, could not get target mail address for submission" return None
def view(url): frame = swing.JFrame("Image: " + url, visible=1) frame.getContentPane().add(swing.JLabel(swing.ImageIcon(net.URL(url)))) frame.setSize(400,250)
def __init__(self): ######################################################### # # set up the overall frame (the window itself) # self.window = swing.JFrame("Swing Sampler!") self.window.windowClosing = self.goodbye self.window.contentPane.layout = awt.BorderLayout() ######################################################### # # under this will be a tabbed pane; each tab is named # and contains a panel with other stuff in it. # tabbedPane = swing.JTabbedPane() self.window.contentPane.add("Center", tabbedPane) ######################################################### # # The first tabbed panel will be named "Some Basic # Widgets", and is referenced by variable 'firstTab' # firstTab = swing.JPanel() firstTab.layout = awt.BorderLayout() tabbedPane.addTab("Some Basic Widgets", firstTab) # # slap in some labels, a list, a text field, etc... Some # of these are contained in their own panels for # layout purposes. # tmpPanel = swing.JPanel() tmpPanel.layout = awt.GridLayout(3, 1) tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Labels are simple") tmpPanel.add(swing.JLabel("I am a label. I am quite boring.")) tmpPanel.add( swing.JLabel( "<HTML><FONT COLOR='blue'>HTML <B>labels</B></FONT> are <I>somewhat</I> <U>less boring</U>.</HTML>" )) tmpPanel.add( swing.JLabel("Labels can also be aligned", swing.JLabel.RIGHT)) firstTab.add(tmpPanel, "North") # # Notice that the variable "tmpPanel" gets reused here. # This next line creates a new panel, but we reuse the # "tmpPanel" name to refer to it. The panel that # tmpPanel used to refer to still exists, but we no # longer have a way to name it (but that's ok, since # we don't need to refer to it any more). # tmpPanel = swing.JPanel() tmpPanel.layout = awt.BorderLayout() tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Tasty tasty lists") # # Note that here we stash a reference to the list in # "self.list". This puts it in the scope of the object, # rather than this function. This is because we'll be # referring to it later from outside this function, so # it needs to be "bumped up a level." # listData = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] self.list = swing.JList(listData) tmpPanel.add("Center", swing.JScrollPane(self.list)) button = swing.JButton("What's Selected?") button.actionPerformed = self.whatsSelectedCallback tmpPanel.add("East", button) firstTab.add("Center", tmpPanel) tmpPanel = swing.JPanel() tmpPanel.layout = awt.BorderLayout() # # The text field also goes in self, since the callback # that displays the contents will need to get at it. # # Also note that because the callback is a function inside # the SwingSampler object, you refer to it through self. # (The callback could potentially be outside the object, # as a top-level function. In that case you wouldn't # use the 'self' selector; any variables that it uses # would have to be in the global scope. # self.field = swing.JTextField() tmpPanel.add(self.field) tmpPanel.add( swing.JButton("Click Me", actionPerformed=self.clickMeCallback), "East") firstTab.add(tmpPanel, "South") ######################################################### # # The second tabbed panel is next... This shows # how to build a basic web browser in about 20 lines. # secondTab = swing.JPanel() secondTab.layout = awt.BorderLayout() tabbedPane.addTab("HTML Fanciness", secondTab) tmpPanel = swing.JPanel() tmpPanel.add(swing.JLabel("Go to:")) self.urlField = swing.JTextField(40, actionPerformed=self.goToCallback) tmpPanel.add(self.urlField) tmpPanel.add(swing.JButton("Go!", actionPerformed=self.goToCallback)) secondTab.add(tmpPanel, "North") self.htmlPane = swing.JEditorPane("", editable=0, hyperlinkUpdate=self.followHyperlink, preferredSize=(400, 400)) secondTab.add(swing.JScrollPane(self.htmlPane), "Center") self.statusLine = swing.JLabel("(status line)") secondTab.add(self.statusLine, "South") ######################################################### # # The third tabbed panel is next... # thirdTab = swing.JPanel() tabbedPane.addTab("Other Widgets", thirdTab) imageLabel = swing.JLabel( swing.ImageIcon( net.URL(""))) imageLabel.toolTipText = "Labels can have images! Every widget can have a tooltip!" thirdTab.add(imageLabel) tmpPanel = swing.JPanel() tmpPanel.layout = awt.GridLayout(3, 2) tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Travel Checklist") tmpPanel.add( swing.JCheckBox("Umbrella", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback)) tmpPanel.add( swing.JCheckBox("Rain coat", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback)) tmpPanel.add( swing.JCheckBox("Passport", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback)) tmpPanel.add( swing.JCheckBox("Airline tickets", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback)) tmpPanel.add( swing.JCheckBox("iPod", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback)) tmpPanel.add( swing.JCheckBox("Laptop", actionPerformed=self.checkCallback)) thirdTab.add(tmpPanel) tmpPanel = swing.JPanel() tmpPanel.layout = awt.GridLayout(4, 1) tmpPanel.border = swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("My Pets") # # A ButtonGroup is used to indicate which radio buttons # go together. # buttonGroup = swing.ButtonGroup() radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Dog", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback) buttonGroup.add(radioButton) tmpPanel.add(radioButton) radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Cat", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback) buttonGroup.add(radioButton) tmpPanel.add(radioButton) radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Pig", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback) buttonGroup.add(radioButton) tmpPanel.add(radioButton) radioButton = swing.JRadioButton("Capybara", actionPerformed=self.radioCallback) buttonGroup.add(radioButton) tmpPanel.add(radioButton) thirdTab.add(tmpPanel) self.window.pack()
import support support.compileJava("test270p/", classpath=".") from test270p import * test270j2.printX(test270j1()) from java import net, lang clu = net.URL(r'file:%s/' % lang.System.getProperty("user.dir")) ld1 = net.URLClassLoader([clu]) X = ld1.loadClass("test270p.test270j1") Y = ld1.loadClass("test270p.test270j2") Y.printX(X()) #import org #org.python.core.PyJavaClass.dumpDebug()