Пример #1
def for_of_statement_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "forOfStatement"
    gast["init"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.left)
    gast["iter"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.right)
    gast["body"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #2
def func_declarations_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "functionDeclaration"
    gast["id"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.id)
    gast["params"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.params)
    gast["body"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #3
def for_range_statement_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "forRangeStatement"
    gast["init"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.init)
    gast["test"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.test)
    gast["update"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.update)
    gast["body"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #4
def arrow_function_to_gast(node):
    Takes arrow function or anon function and convert into a
    gast node. This node stores the same fields as a function
    node but doesn't store name
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "arrowExpression"
    gast["params"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.params)
    gast["body"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #5
def assign_to_gast(node):
    Handles js var declarations to generic AST node
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "varAssign"
    # only works with single assignment
    gast["kind"] = node.kind
    gast["varId"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.declarations[0].id)
    gast["varValue"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.declarations[0].init)
    return gast
Пример #6
def call_expression_to_gast(node):
    takes python ast call node and converts to generic ast format
    example print('hello'):
        exampleIn Call(func=Name(id='print'), args=[Str(s='hello')], keywords=[])
        exampleOut {'type': 'funcCall', 'value': {'type': 'logStatement'}, 'args': [{'type': 'str', 'value': 'hello'}]}
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "funcCall"
    gast["value"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.callee)
    gast["args"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.arguments)
    return gast
Пример #7
def aug_assign_to_gast(node):
    Handles augmented assignment to generic AST node
        js code: x += 1
        gast: {'type': 'augAssign', 'left': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'x'}, 'op': '+=', 'right': {'type': 'num', 'value': 1}}
    gast = {"type": "augAssign"}
    gast["left"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.left)
    gast["op"] = node.operator
    gast['right'] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.right)
    return gast
Пример #8
def while_statement_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "whileStatement"

    # Code re-used from js_conditional. TODO: figure out how to go through router
    body = node.body
    if body.type == "BlockStatement":
        gast["body"] = jr.node_to_gast(body)
        gast["body"] = [jr.node_to_gast(body)]

    gast["test"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.test)
    return gast
Пример #9
def js_to_gast(js_input):
    takes js string and converts it to a generic AST
    input_ast = ''
        input_ast = esprima.parseScript(js_input, {"tokens": False})
        # this will signal to translate that error occurred
        return None
    return js_router.node_to_gast(input_ast)
Пример #10
def member_expression_to_gast(node):
    Converts Member Expression to our generic AST recursively
    Used for functions called on objects and std funcs like console.log
    if node.computed == True:
        return subscript_to_gast(node)

    if node.object.name == "console" and node.property.name == "log":
        return {"type": "logStatement"}

    gast = {"value": js_router.node_to_gast(node.object)}
    func_name = node.property.name
    # The tool only currently supports the built in functions below
    # TODO add other built in function translations
    if func_name in {func.name for func in built_in.js_built_in_functions}:
        gast["type"] = "builtInAttribute"
        gast["id"] = built_in.js_built_in_functions[func_name].value
        return gast

    gast["type"] = "attribute"
    gast["id"] = node.property.name
    return gast
Пример #11
def if_statement_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "if"
    The reason for the below logic is to make the following two expressions evaluate to the same gast
        if (true) {console.log("This is true")}
        if (true) console.log("This is true")
    In the future, we should have a discussion about how we want to handle single line vs. block statements
    for javascript. This works for now.
    body = node.consequent
    if body.type == "BlockStatement":
        gast["body"] = jr.node_to_gast(body)
        gast["body"] = [jr.node_to_gast(body)]
    For now, I added in this logic so that the none type would be replaced by an 
    empty list as specified in gast contract. Since Cory is working on none types, 
    I did not want to add this in until merge. Eventually the whole code block should
    be replaced with gast["orelse"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.alternate)
    alt = node.alternate
    if alt == None:
        gast["orelse"] = jr.node_to_gast([])
        # FIXME: nested if statement same problem as in body
        if alt.type == "BlockStatement":
            gast["orelse"] = jr.node_to_gast(alt)
            gast["orelse"] = [jr.node_to_gast(alt)]  #

    gast["test"] = jr.node_to_gast(node.test)

    return gast
Пример #12
def subscript_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "subscript"}
    gast["index"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.property)
    gast["value"] = js_router.node_to_gast(node.object)
    return gast
Пример #13
def convert_expression_to_gast(node):
    parses through top level expression 
    return js_router.node_to_gast(node.expression)