def Epot_lj(positions, L: float, M: int): """Potential energy for Lennard-Jones potential in reduced units. In this system of units, epsilon=1 and sigma=2**(-1. / 6.). The function accepts numpy arrays of shape (M, 3) [2D] or (M*3) [1D].""" if (positions.ndim != 2 or positions.shape[1] != 3 ) and not (positions.ndim == 1 and positions.size == M * 3): raise ValueError( "positions must be an Mx3 array or a 1D array that can be reshaped to Mx3!" ) if positions.ndim == 1 and positions.size == M * 3: positions = positions.reshape((M, 3)) # Reshape to Mx3 #sig = 1 / np.power(2, 1 / 6) sig = 1. # Compute all squared distances between pairs delta = positions[:, np.newaxis, :] - positions delta = delta - L * np.around(delta / L, decimals=0) r2 = (delta * delta).sum(axis=2) # r^2 ...squared distances # Take only the upper triangle (combinations of two atoms). indices = np.triu_indices(r2.shape[0], k=1) rm2 = sig * sig / r2[indices] # (sig/r)^2 # Compute the potental energy recycling as many calculations as possible. rm6 = rm2 * rm2 * rm2 # (sig/r)^6 rm12 = rm6 * rm6 # (sig/r)^12 return (rm12 - 2. * rm6).sum()
def analyze(self, path=None, num_samples=50, start=0., stop=1): """Analyze a trajectory file (=path) in .xyz format""" if not path: path = self.path # Volume of the simulation box V = self.sim.L * self.sim.L * self.sim.L # Lines in file per snapshot lines_per_snap = self.sim.M + 3 # Number of lines in the file lines_in_file = self.sim.getNumLines(path) print("Lines in file:", lines_in_file) print("Lines per snap:", lines_per_snap) # Number of snapshots in the file (=N...number of steps in num_snaps = lines_in_file / lines_per_snap print("Number of snaps: ", num_snaps) if isinstance(num_snaps, float): assert (num_snaps.is_integer()) num_snaps = int(num_snaps) elif isinstance(num_snaps, int): pass else: raise TypeError( "There is something wrong with the input file...cannot analyze!" ) # <num_samples> samples evenly spaced on the intervall [0, L/2] # There can still be particles outside of this sphere with raidus r=L/2! samples, dr = np.linspace(0, self.sim.L / 2 * numpy.sqrt(3), num=num_samples, retstep=True) # Array containing pair correlation function pcf = numpy.zeros_like(samples) start_offset = int(start * num_snaps * lines_per_snap) # end of first 25% of frames stop_offset = stop * num_snaps * lines_per_snap # Snapshot number to stop at offset = 0 # ...line in file to access to get the next snapshot j = 0 # For the first 25%, we only calculate energies while self.sim.loadSnapshotIntoBox(path, offset=offset): self.calculateEnergies() j += 1 offset = j * lines_per_snap if offset >= start_offset: break offset = start_offset i = 0 # Counter for snapshots that contribute to PCF print("offset:", offset) # For the remaining 75%, we calculate energies + the pair density function (not normalized yet) while self.sim.loadSnapshotIntoBox(path, offset=offset): # Snapshots are loaded one at a time from the file...much slower but should scale better for larger systems self.calculateEnergies() # Calculate distance in Minimum Image convention delta = self.sim.positions[:, np.newaxis, :] - self.sim.positions delta = delta - self.sim.L * np.around(delta / self.sim.L, decimals=0) # Calculate correspending index number in PCF bins = numpy.trunc(numpy.sqrt((delta * delta).sum(axis=2)) / dr) bins = bins.astype(int) # save array as array of ints # only want upper triangle --> no double counting of distances indices = numpy.triu_indices(bins.shape[0], k=1) for k in bins[indices]: # There can still be particles outside of sphere with raidus r=L/2! if k >= num_samples: # only needed if r sampled from [0, L/2] pass #print(k) else: pcf[k] += 1 # Offset (in file) for next snapshot i += 1 offset = start_offset + i * lines_per_snap if offset >= stop_offset: # if last snapshot to analyze break print("Snaps for used for PCF:", i) return samples, pcf, (i, self.sim.M, self.sim.L)
def showPlot(self): if self.method == Method.MRRCensored2p: xmin = self.est_data[['time', 'lb', 'ub']].min().min() - ( self.est_data[['time', 'lb', 'ub']].min().min() * 0.2) xmax = self.est_data[['time', 'lb', 'ub']].max().max() * 1.2 method_text = 'MRR 2P' conf_test = 'MR' xx = jnp.array(self.est_data['time'] - self.loc) #failures yy = jnp.log(1.0 / (1.0 - jnp.array(self.est_data['cdf']))) x = jnp.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / 200) est_cdf = jnp.log(1.0 / (1.0 - self.cdf(x))) y = yy t_lb = self.est_data['lb'] t_ub = self.est_data['ub'] xtics = 5 * jnp.around( jnp.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / 10) / 5) # round to nearest 5 elif self.method == Method.MLECensored2p: method_text = 'MLE 2P' conf_test = 'FM' xmin = self.bLive(0.01) xmax = self.bLive(0.99) xx = jnp.array(self.est_data['time'] - self.loc) yy = jnp.log(1.0 / (1.0 - jnp.array(self.est_data['cdf']))) x = jnp.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / 200) est_cdf = jnp.log(1.0 / (1.0 - self.cdf(x))) y = est_cdf t_lb = self.bLiveCL(1.0 - self.cdf(x), Bound.OSLB) t_ub = self.bLiveCL(1.0 - self.cdf(x), Bound.OSUB) t_tlb = self.bLiveCL(1.0 - self.cdf(x), Bound.TSLB) t_tub = self.bLiveCL(1.0 - self.cdf(x), Bound.TSUB) xmin = self.bLive(0.01) xmax = self.bLive(0.99) xtics = 5 * jnp.around( jnp.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / 10) / 5) # round to nearest 5 fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(6, 9), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') fig.canvas.draw() ax.plot(xx, yy, 'rX', label='Failures (MMR)') #failures ax.plot(x, est_cdf, label='Reference line') #estimated ax.plot(t_lb, y, label='Lower bound - ' + str(round(1.0 - self.CL, 3))) # lower bound ax.plot(t_ub, y, label='Upper bound - ' + str(round(1.0 - self.CL, 3))) # upper bound if self.method == Method.MLECensored2p: # only for MLE ax.fill_betweenx(y, t_tlb, t_tub, facecolor='tan', alpha=0.3, label='2 side bound 2 x ' + str(round((1.0 - self.CL) / 2, 3))) ax.set_xticks(xtics) ax.set_xlabel(xtics) ax.set_xticklabels(xtics, rotation=45) ax.set_yticks([ 0.010050336, 0.051293294, 0.105360516, 0.223143551, 0.356674944, 0.510825624, 0.693147181, 0.916290732, 1.203972804, 1.609437912, 2.302585093, 4.605170186 ]) ax.set_yticklabels([ '1%', '5%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', '70%', '80%', '90%', '99%' ]) ax.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.grid(True, which="both") ax.set_xlabel('Sample data (time/cycle)') ax.set_ylabel('Weibull probability') ax.set_title("Weibull probability plot " "\n fit = " + method_text + ", CI =" + conf_test + ", Failures = " + str(self.failures.size) + ", Censored = " + str(self.censored.size) + "\n Est: Shape = " + str(round(self.shape, 2)) + " ; Scale= " + str(round(self.scale, 2)) + " ; Location = " + str(round(self.loc, 2))) plt.legend(loc='upper left')
def enforceMI(self): """Enforce the Minimum Image convention on all positions in the instance""" return self.positions - self.L * np.around(self.positions / self.L, decimals=0)
def sanity_check(self): """Sanity check performed after minimization... conservation of momentum""" return np.around(grad_Epot(self.positions.ravel(), self.L, self.M).reshape(self.M, 3).sum(axis=0), decimals=6) # [sum(fx_i), sum(fy_i), sum(fz_i)]
def round(self, decimals=0): """ Rounds the entries of a tensor up to a number of decimals. """ return Tensor(self.dom, self.cod, np.around(self.array, decimals=decimals))
np.std(input_tensor, _astuple(axis), keepdims=keepdims))) reduce_sum = utils.copy_docstring( tf.math.reduce_sum, lambda input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=False, name=None: ( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda np.sum(input_tensor, _astuple(axis), keepdims=keepdims))) reduce_variance = utils.copy_docstring( tf.math.reduce_variance, lambda input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=False, name=None: ( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda np.var(input_tensor, _astuple(axis), keepdims=keepdims))) rint = utils.copy_docstring( tf.math.rint, # JAX doesn't have rint, but round/around are ~the same with decimals=0. lambda x, name=None: np.around(x)) round = utils.copy_docstring( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin tf.math.round, lambda x, name=None: np.round(x)) rsqrt = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.rsqrt, lambda x, name=None: 1. / np.sqrt(x)) # scalar_mul = utils.copy_docstring( # tf.math.scalar_mul, # lambda data, segment_ids, name=None: np.scalar_mul) # segment_max = utils.copy_docstring( # tf.math.segment_max, # lambda data, segment_ids, name=None: np.segment_max)
def test_finite_DMRG_init(N, config, D): backend = 'jax' dtype = 'float64' a = buildMPO() mpo = FiniteMPO(a, backend=backend) mps = FiniteMPS.random([4] * N, config, dtype=dtype, backend=backend) ans1 = 500 ans2 = 100 sumtime = 0 while abs(2 * (ans1 - ans2) / (ans1 + ans2)) > 0.1 / 100: print("Bond dim = {D}, Configuration = {c}".format(D=D, c=config)) bondarray.append(D) start_time = time.time() dmrg = FiniteDMRG(mps, mpo) [mps, energy] = run_one_site(dmrg, num_sweeps=1000, num_krylov_vecs=15, precision=prec, delta=prec, tol=prec, verbose=0, ndiag=1) timearray.append( jnp.around(float(time.time() - start_time) / 60, decimals=2)) print("{x} minutes".format(x=timearray[-1])) sumtime += timearray[-1] energy += 2 minarray.append(energy) print("Minimum: {x}".format(x=minarray[-1])) ans1 = ans2 ans2 = energy precisionarray.append( jnp.around(2 * (ans1 - ans2) / (ans1 + ans2) * 100, decimals=2)) print("Precision (%): {x}".format(x=precisionarray[-1])) print("Number of iterations: {x}\n".format(x=numofitarray[-1])) D *= 2 for i in range(N - 1): config[i] *= 2 A = mps.tensors B = jnp.zeros((1, 4, config[0]), dtype='float64') B = jax.ops.index_update(B, jax.ops.index[:, :, :A[0].shape[2]], A[0]) A[0] = B for i in range(1, N - 1): B = jnp.zeros((config[i - 1], 4, config[i]), dtype='float64') B = jax.ops.index_update( B, jax.ops.index[:A[i].shape[0], :, :A[i].shape[2]], A[i]) A[i] = B B = jnp.zeros((config[N - 2], 4, 1), dtype='float64') B = jax.ops.index_update(B, jax.ops.index[:A[N - 1].shape[0], :, :], A[N - 1]) A[N - 1] = B mps.tensors = A print("")
Narray = [10] prec = 1E-4 Dinit = 8 for N in Narray: print('Length of the chain = {N}\n'.format(N=N)) configarray = constructconfigarray(Dinit) for config in configarray: numofitarray = [] minarray = [] precisionarray = [] timearray = [] bondarray = [] t1 = time.time() test_finite_DMRG_init(N, config, Dinit) print("{x} minutes".format( x=jnp.around(float(time.time() - t1) / 60, decimals=2))) print("Bond array: {x}".format(x=bondarray)) print("Minimum array: {x}".format(x=jnp.float64(minarray))) print("Precision array (%): {x}".format(x=jnp.float(precisionarray))) print("Time array (minutes): {x}".format(x=jnp.float(timearray))) print("Number of iterations (at every bond): {x}".format( print( "*********************************************************************************\n" )