Пример #1
    def get_coefficients(self):
        ar, cr, a, b, c, d = self.term.get_coefficients()

        # Real componenets
        crd = cr * self.delta
        coeffs = [2 * ar * (np.cosh(crd) - 1) / crd**2, cr]

        # Imaginary coefficients
        cd = c * self.delta
        dd = d * self.delta
        c2 = c**2
        d2 = d**2
        factor = 2.0 / (self.delta * (c2 + d2))**2
        cos_term = np.cosh(cd) * np.cos(dd) - 1
        sin_term = np.sinh(cd) * np.sin(dd)

        C1 = a * (c2 - d2) + 2 * b * c * d
        C2 = b * (c2 - d2) - 2 * a * c * d

        coeffs += [
            factor * (C1 * cos_term - C2 * sin_term),
            factor * (C2 * cos_term + C1 * sin_term),

        return coeffs
Пример #2
    def get_value(self, tau0):
        dt = self.delta
        ar, cr, a, b, c, d = self.term.get_coefficients()

        # Format the lags correctly
        tau0 = np.abs(np.atleast_1d(tau0))
        tau = tau0[..., None]

        # Precompute some factors
        dpt = dt + tau
        dmt = dt - tau

        # Real parts:
        # tau > Delta
        crd = cr * dt
        cosh = np.cosh(crd)
        norm = 2 * ar / crd**2
        K_large = np.sum(norm * (cosh - 1) * np.exp(-cr * tau), axis=-1)

        # tau < Delta
        crdmt = cr * dmt
        K_small = K_large + np.sum(norm * (crdmt - np.sinh(crdmt)), axis=-1)

        # Complex part
        cd = c * dt
        dd = d * dt
        c2 = c**2
        d2 = d**2
        c2pd2 = c2 + d2
        C1 = a * (c2 - d2) + 2 * b * c * d
        C2 = b * (c2 - d2) - 2 * a * c * d
        norm = 1.0 / (dt * c2pd2)**2
        k0 = np.exp(-c * tau)
        cdt = np.cos(d * tau)
        sdt = np.sin(d * tau)

        # For tau > Delta
        cos_term = 2 * (np.cosh(cd) * np.cos(dd) - 1)
        sin_term = 2 * (np.sinh(cd) * np.sin(dd))
        factor = k0 * norm
        K_large += np.sum((C1 * cos_term - C2 * sin_term) * factor * cdt,
        K_large += np.sum((C2 * cos_term + C1 * sin_term) * factor * sdt,

        # tau < Delta
        edmt = np.exp(-c * dmt)
        edpt = np.exp(-c * dpt)
        cos_term = (edmt * np.cos(d * dmt) + edpt * np.cos(d * dpt) -
                    2 * k0 * cdt)
        sin_term = (edmt * np.sin(d * dmt) + edpt * np.sin(d * dpt) -
                    2 * k0 * sdt)
        K_small += np.sum(2 * (a * c + b * d) * c2pd2 * dmt * norm, axis=-1)
        K_small += np.sum((C1 * cos_term + C2 * sin_term) * norm, axis=-1)

        mask = tau0 >= dt
        return K_large * mask + K_small * (~mask)
Пример #3
def doublesoliton(x, t, c, x0):
    # assert c[0] > c[1], "c1 has to be bigger than c[2]"

    xi0 = (jnp.sqrt(c[0]) / 2 * (x - c[0] * t - x0[0])
           )  # switch to moving coordinate frame
    xi1 = jnp.sqrt(c[1]) / 2 * (x - c[1] * t - x0[1])

    part_1 = 2 * (c[0] - c[1])
    numerator = c[0] * jnp.cosh(xi1)**2 + c[1] * jnp.sinh(xi0)**2
    denominator_1 = (jnp.sqrt(c[0]) - jnp.sqrt(c[1])) * jnp.cosh(xi0 + xi1)
    denominator_2 = (jnp.sqrt(c[0]) + jnp.sqrt(c[1])) * jnp.cosh(xi0 - xi1)
    u = part_1 * numerator / (denominator_1 + denominator_2)**2
    return u
Пример #4
def OVMadjsys(veh, lead, p, leadlen, vehstar, lam, curfol, regime, havefol,
              vehlen, lamp1, folp, relax, folrelax, shiftloss, *args):

    # add in the stuff for eqn 22 to work

    # veh = current position and speed of simulated traj

    # lead = current position and speed of leader

    # p = parameters

    # regime 1 = base model

    # regime 0 = shifted end

    # all other regimes correspond to unique pieces of the model

    # note lead and args[2] true measurements need to both be given for the specific time at which we compute the deriv

    # this intakes lambda and returns its derivative.

    out = jnp.zeros((1, 2))

    if regime == 1:  # if we are in the model then we get the first indicator function in eqn 22

        out[0, 0] = 2 * (veh[0] - vehstar[0]) + p[0] * p[1] * p[3] * lam[1] * (
            1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] *
                         (lead[0] - leadlen - veh[0] + relax)))**2

        out[0, 1] = -lam[0] + p[3] * lam[1]

    elif regime == 0:  # otherwise we are in shifted end, we just get the contribution from loss function, which is the same on the entire interval

        out[0, 0] = shiftloss


        out[0, 0] = 2 * (veh[0] - vehstar[0])

        out[0, 1] = -lam[0]

    if havefol == 1:  # if we have a follower in the current platoon we get another term (the second indicator functino term in eqn 22)

        out[0, 0] += -folp[0] * folp[1] * folp[3] * lamp1[1] * (
            1 / jnp.cosh(folp[2] + folp[4] - folp[1] *
                         (-vehlen + veh[0] - curfol[0] + folrelax)))**2

    return out
Пример #5
def evolution_pepo_imag_time(g: float,
                             dt: float,
                             bc: str,
                             dtype: np.dtype,
                             lx: Optional[int] = None,
                             ly: Optional[int] = None) -> Operator:
    # PEPO for U(dt) ~ U_vert(dt/2) U_bond(dt) U_vert(dt/2)
    # half bond operators:
    #      |    |           |    |
    #      U_bond     =     A -- A
    #      |    |           |    |
    # expm(- H_bond dt) = expm(- (-XX) dt) = expm(dt XX) = cosh(dt) + sinh(dt) XX = A_0 A_0 + A_1 A_1
    # with A_0 = (cosh(dt) ** 0.5) * 1  ,  A_1 = (sinh(dt) ** 0.5) * X
    # A & B legs: (p,p*,k)

    A = np.empty([2, 2, 2], dtype=dtype)
    A = index_update(A, index[:, :, 0], (np.cosh(dt)**0.5) * s0)
    A = index_update(A, index[:, :, 1], (np.sinh(dt)**0.5) * sx)
    # expm(- H_vert dt/2) = expm(- (-gZ) dt/2) = expm(g dt/2 Z)
    u_vert = np.asarray(expm(g * (dt / 2) * sz), dtype=dtype)

    return _build_evolution_pepo(u_vert, A, bc, lx, ly)
Пример #6
    def get_celerite_matrices(self,
        dt = self.delta
        ar, cr, a, b, c, d = self.term.get_coefficients()

        # Real part
        cd = cr * dt
        delta_diag = 2 * np.sum(ar * (cd - np.sinh(cd)) / cd**2)

        # Complex part
        cd = c * dt
        dd = d * dt
        c2 = c**2
        d2 = d**2
        c2pd2 = c2 + d2
        C1 = a * (c2 - d2) + 2 * b * c * d
        C2 = b * (c2 - d2) - 2 * a * c * d
        norm = (dt * c2pd2)**2
        sinh = np.sinh(cd)
        cosh = np.cosh(cd)
        delta_diag += 2 * np.sum(
            (C2 * cosh * np.sin(dd) - C1 * sinh * np.cos(dd) +
             (a * c + b * d) * dt * c2pd2) / norm)

        new_diag = diag + delta_diag

        return super().get_celerite_matrices(x, new_diag, a=a, U=U, V=V, P=P)
Пример #7
def logZ4(L, T):
    r = 2 * np.arange(0, L)
    cr = c(r, L, T)
    ch = jnp.cosh(2. / T)**2 - 1. / jnp.tanh(2. / T)**2 + 0.j
    return jnp.sum(
                         in_axes=(None, 0))(L // 2 - 1, cr))) + jnp.sum(
                             jnp.log(cr[1:L // 2]**2 - 1)) + jnp.log(ch)
Пример #8
def log_pdf_hypsec(s):
    Log-pdf for a **Hypersecant** distribution
    The term
    Is just a normalization
    return jnp.sum(-2 * jnp.log(jnp.cosh(s)) - jnp.log(2.0))
Пример #9
    def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y):
        # NB: because domain and codomain are two spaces with different dimensions, determinant of
        # Jacobian is not well-defined. Here we return `log_abs_det_jacobian` of `x` and the
        # flatten lower triangular part of `y`.

        # stick_breaking_logdet = log(y / r) = log(z_cumprod)  (modulo right shifted)
        z1m_cumprod = 1 - cumsum(y * y)
        # by taking diagonal=-2, we don't need to shift z_cumprod to the right
        # NB: diagonal=-2 works fine for (2 x 2) matrix, where we get an empty array
        z1m_cumprod_tril = matrix_to_tril_vec(z1m_cumprod, diagonal=-2)
        stick_breaking_logdet = 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(z1m_cumprod_tril), axis=-1)

        tanh_logdet = -2 * np.sum(np.log(np.cosh(x)), axis=-1)
        return stick_breaking_logdet + tanh_logdet
Пример #10
    def apply(self, s, numHidden=2, bias=False):
        """Restricted Boltzmann machine with complex parameters.


            * ``s``: Computational basis configuration.
            * ``numHidden``: Number of hidden units.
            * ``bias``: ``Boolean`` indicating whether to use bias.

        layer = nn.Dense.shared(features=numHidden,

        return jnp.sum(jnp.log(jnp.cosh(layer(2 * s - 1))))
Пример #11
def c(l, L, T):
    return jnp.cosh(2. / T) / jnp.tanh(2. / T) - jnp.cos((jnp.pi * l) / L)
Пример #12
def cosh(x):
  if isinstance(x, JaxArray): x = x.value
  return JaxArray(jnp.cosh(x))
def d_tanh(x, scale=1.0):
    return jnp.diag(scale / (jnp.cosh(x)**2))
Пример #14
        # extract result
        print('sizeA = ', Atemp.shape, ', RGstep = ', k + 1)
    lnz += np.log(ncon([Atemp], [[1, 2, 1, 2]])) / 2**(RGstep + 1)
    return lnz

print('Calculate lnz')
lnz = lnz_trg(betaval, chiM, log2L)
Tval = 1 / betaval
FreeEnergy = -Tval * lnz
##### Compare with exact results (thermodynamic limit)
maglambda = 1 / (np.sinh(2 / Tval)**2)
N = 1000000
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N + 1)
y = np.log(
    np.cosh(2 * betaval) * np.cosh(2 * betaval) + (1 / maglambda) *
    np.sqrt(1 + maglambda**2 - 2 * maglambda * np.cos(2 * x)))
FreeExact = -Tval * ((np.log(2) / 2) + 0.25 * sum(y[1:(N + 1)] + y[:N]) / N)
RelFreeErr = abs((FreeEnergy - FreeExact) / FreeExact)
print('FreeEnergy= %.5f' % FreeEnergy)
print('Exact = ', FreeExact)
print('RelFreeErr = ', RelFreeErr)

print('Calculate dlnz')
dlnz = grad(lnz_trg, argnums=0)(betaval, chiM, log2L)
#dlnz = grad(lnz_trg)(betaval)
print('dlnz: %.5f' % dlnz)
#from jax import value_and_grad
#lnz, dlnz = value_and_grad(lnz_trg, argnums=0)(betaval, chiM, log2L)
#dlnZ2 = grad(grad(lnz_trg))(betaval)
Пример #15
 def __call__(self, x):
     x = nn.Dense(features=alpha * x.shape[-1], dtype=jax.numpy.float32)(x)
     x = jnp.log(jnp.cosh(x))
     return jnp.sum(x, axis=-1)
Пример #16
# Constrained expressions:
myTfc = utfc(n,nC,m,x0=x0,xf=xf)
t = myTfc.x
H = myTfc.H

g = lambda xi,t: np.dot(H(t),xi['xi'])
xslow = lambda xi,t: g(xi,t)\
yslow = lambda xi,t: g(xi,t)\
zslow = lambda xi,t: g(xi,t)\

x = jit(xslow); y = jit(yslow); z = jit(zslow)

# Plot conic sections
th = np.linspace(0.,2.*np.pi,100)
v = np.linspace(0.,3.0,100)
matHyp = np.meshgrid(v,th)

phi = np.linspace(0.,np.pi,100)
matEll = np.meshgrid(phi,th)

xHyp = lambda n,v,th: aHyp*np.sinh(np.abs(v))*np.cos(th)+3.
yHyp = lambda n,v,th: bHyp*np.sinh(np.abs(v))*np.sin(th)
zHyp = lambda n,v,th: (-1.)**step(n)*cHyp*np.cosh(np.abs(v))
Пример #17
def OVMadj(veh, lead, p, leadlen, lam, reg, relax, relaxadj, use_r, *args):

    # args[0] controls which column of lead contains position and speed info

    # args[1] has the length of the lead vehicle

    # args[2] holds the true measurements

    # args[3] holds lambda

    # this is what we integrate to compute the gradient of objective function after solving the adjoint system

    if use_r:  # relaxation

        out = jnp.zeros((1, 6))

        if reg == 1:

            s = lead[0] - leadlen - veh[0] + relax

            out[0, 0] = -p[3] * lam[1] * (jnp.tanh(p[2]) -
                                          jnp.tanh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s))

            out[0, 1] = p[0] * p[3] * lam[1] * (-s) * (
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)**2)

            out[0, 2] = -p[0] * p[3] * lam[1] * (
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2])**2 -
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)**2)

            out[0, 3] = -lam[1] * (
                -veh[1] + p[0] *
                (jnp.tanh(p[2]) - jnp.tanh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)))

            out[0, 4] = p[0] * p[3] * lam[1] * (
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)**2)

            out[0, 5] = -relaxadj * p[0] * p[1] * p[3] * lam[1] * (
                1 /
                jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] *
                         (s)))**2  # contribution from relaxation phenomenon


        out = jnp.zeros((1, 5))

        if reg == 1:

            s = lead[0] - leadlen - veh[0]

            out[0, 0] = -p[3] * lam[1] * (jnp.tanh(p[2]) -
                                          jnp.tanh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s))

            out[0, 1] = p[0] * p[3] * lam[1] * (-s) * (
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)**2)

            out[0, 2] = -p[0] * p[3] * lam[1] * (
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2])**2 -
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)**2)

            out[0, 3] = -lam[1] * (
                -veh[1] + p[0] *
                (jnp.tanh(p[2]) - jnp.tanh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)))

            out[0, 4] = p[0] * p[3] * lam[1] * (
                1 / jnp.cosh(p[2] + p[4] - p[1] * s)**2)

    return out
def logCosh(x):
    return jnp.log(jnp.cosh(x))
Пример #19
 def CpIG(self, T):
     T = jnp.squeeze(T)
     return (self.CpIGA + self.CpIGB *
             (self.CpIGC / T / jnp.sinh(self.CpIGC / T))**2 + self.CpIGD *
             (self.CpIGE / T / jnp.cosh(self.CpIGE / T))**2)
Пример #20
    tf.math.betainc, lambda a, b, x, name=None: scipy_special.betainc(a, b, x))

bincount = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.bincount, _bincount)

ceil = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.ceil, lambda x, name=None: np.ceil(x))

# confusion_matrix = utils.copy_docstring(
#     tf.math.confusion_matrix,
#     lambda labels, predictions, num_classes=None, weights=None,
#     dtype=tf.int32, name=None: ...)

conj = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.conj, lambda x, name=None: np.conj(x))

cos = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cos, lambda x, name=None: np.cos(x))

cosh = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cosh, lambda x, name=None: np.cosh(x))

count_nonzero = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda input, axis=None, keepdims=None, dtype=tf.int64, name=None: (  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
        utils.numpy_dtype(dtype)(np.count_nonzero(input, axis))))

cumprod = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cumprod, _cumprod)

cumsum = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cumsum, _cumsum)

digamma = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.digamma,
                               lambda x, name=None: scipy_special.digamma(x))

divide = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.divide,
                              lambda x, y, name=None: np.divide(x, y))