def adj_arr(shape, params): """Constructs a sliced weighted acyclic-digraph adjacency matrix. Assigns weights from `params` to an acylic-digraph adjacency matrix in row-major order. Nodes are assumed to be topologically sorted. Args: shape: Tuple containing number of nodes per type. params: Sequence of weights. Returns: Weighted adjacency matrix where the rows and columns represent source and target nodes respectively. Only arcs with non-output source and non-input target are represented. Raises: AttributeError: If weighted adjacency matrix cannot be completely initialized. """ inb, _, out = shape Σ = np.sum(shape) outbound = np.array([Σ - max(inb, n + 1) for n in range(Σ - out)]) arr = np.flip(np.arange(Σ - inb), 0) < outbound[:, None] if np.count_nonzero(arr) != len(params): msg = "{} weights required to initialize adj matrix of a {} network, got {}." raise AttributeError( msg.format(np.count_nonzero(arr), shape, len(params))) return jo.index_update(arr.astype(float), arr, params)
def test_sparse_init(self): """Test that sparse_init produces sparse params.""" rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) flax_module, params, input_shape, model_hps = _load_model( 'fully_connected') non_zero_connection_weights = 3 init_hps = sparse_init.DEFAULT_HPARAMS init_hps['non_zero_connection_weights'] = non_zero_connection_weights init_hps.update(model_hps) loss_name = 'cross_entropy' loss_fn = losses.get_loss_fn(loss_name) new_params = sparse_init.sparse_init(loss_fn=loss_fn, flax_module=flax_module, params=params, hps=init_hps, input_shape=input_shape[1:], output_shape=OUTPUT_SHAPE, rng_key=rng) # Check new params are sparse for key in new_params: num_units = new_params[key]['kernel'].shape[0] self.assertEqual(jnp.count_nonzero(new_params[key]['kernel']), num_units * non_zero_connection_weights) self.assertEqual(jnp.count_nonzero(new_params[key]['bias']), 0)
def test_shuffled_neuron_no_input_ablation_mask_sparsity_full(self): """Tests shuffled mask generation, for 100% sparsity.""" mask = masked.shuffled_neuron_no_input_ablation_mask( self._masked_model, self._rng, 1.0) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask'): self.assertIn('MaskedModule_0', mask) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_values'): self.assertEqual( jnp.count_nonzero(mask['MaskedModule_0']['kernel']), with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_no_input_ablation'): # Check no row (neurons are columns) is completely ablated. self.assertTrue((jnp.count_nonzero( mask['MaskedModule_0']['kernel'], axis=0) != 0).all()) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_not_masked_values'): self.assertIsNone(mask['MaskedModule_0']['bias']) masked_output = self._masked_model(self._input, mask=mask) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_dense_shape'): self.assertSequenceEqual(masked_output.shape, self._unmasked_output.shape)
def logmarglike_lineargaussianmodel_twotransfers( M_T, # (n_components, n_pix_y) y, # (n_pix_y) yinvvar, # (n_pix_y) mu, # (n_components) muinvvar, # (n_components) logyinvvar=None, logmuinvvar=None, ): """ Fit linear model to one Gaussian data sets, with Gaussian prior on linear components. Parameters ---------- y, yinvvar : ndarray (n_pix_y) data and data inverse variances M_T : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_y) design matrix of linear model mu, muinvvar : ndarray (n_components) data and data variances for y Returns ------- logfml : ndarray scalar log likelihood values with parameters marginalised and at best fit theta_map : ndarray (n_components) Best fit MAP parameters theta_cov : ndarray (n_components, n_components) Parameter covariance """ log2pi = np.log(2.0 * np.pi) nt = np.shape(M_T)[-2] ny = np.count_nonzero(yinvvar) nm = np.count_nonzero(muinvvar) M = np.transpose(M_T) # (n_pix_y, n_components) Myinv = M * yinvvar[:, None] # (n_pix_y, n_components) Hbar = (np.matmul(M_T, Myinv) + np.eye(nt) * muinvvar[:, None] ) # (n_components, n_components) etabar = np.sum(Myinv * y[:, None], axis=0) + mu * muinvvar # (n_components) theta_map = np.linalg.solve(Hbar, etabar) # (n_components) theta_cov = np.linalg.inv(Hbar) # (n_components, n_components) if logyinvvar is None: logyinvvar = np.where(yinvvar == 0, 0, np.log(yinvvar)) if logmuinvvar is None: logmuinvvar = np.where(muinvvar == 0, 0, np.log(muinvvar)) logdetH = +np.sum(logyinvvar) + np.sum(logmuinvvar) # scalar xi1 = -0.5 * ((ny + nm) * log2pi - logdetH + np.sum(y * y * yinvvar) + np.sum(mu * mu * muinvvar)) # scalar sign, logdetHbar = np.linalg.slogdet(Hbar) xi2 = -0.5 * (nt * log2pi - logdetHbar + np.sum(etabar * theta_map)) logfml = xi1 - xi2 print("my Cinv_X", np.sum(y * y * yinvvar) - np.sum(etabar * theta_map)) print("my logdet", -logdetH + logdetHbar) print("my counts", (ny + nm - nt) * log2pi) return logfml, theta_map, theta_cov
def logmarglike_lineargaussianmodel_onetransfer(M_T, y, yinvvar, logyinvvar=None): """ Fit linear model to one Gaussian data set, with no (=uniform) prior on the linear components. Parameters ---------- y, yinvvar, logyinvvar : ndarray (n_pix_y) data and data inverse variances. Zeros will be ignored. M_T : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_y) design matrix of linear model Returns ------- logfml : ndarray scalar log likelihood values with parameters marginalised and at best fit theta_map : ndarray (n_components) Best fit MAP parameters theta_cov : ndarray (n_components, n_components) Parameter covariance """ # assert y.shape[-2] == yinvvar.shape[-2] assert y.shape[-1] == yinvvar.shape[-1] # assert y.shape[-1] == 1 assert M_T.shape[-1] == yinvvar.shape[-1] assert np.all(np.isfinite(yinvvar)) # no negative elements assert np.all(np.isfinite(y)) # all finite assert np.all(np.isfinite(M_T)) # all finite assert np.count_nonzero( yinvvar) > 2 # at least two valid (non zero) pixels log2pi = np.log(2.0 * np.pi) nt = np.shape(M_T)[-2] ny = np.count_nonzero(yinvvar) M = np.transpose(M_T) # (n_pix_y, n_components) Myinv = M * yinvvar[:, None] # (n_pix_y, n_components) Hbar = np.matmul(M_T, Myinv) # (n_components, n_components) etabar = np.sum(Myinv * y[:, None], axis=0) # (n_components) theta_map = np.linalg.solve(Hbar, etabar) # (n_components) theta_cov = np.linalg.inv(Hbar) # (n_components, n_components) if logyinvvar is None: logyinvvar = np.where(yinvvar == 0, 0, np.log(yinvvar)) logdetH = np.sum(logyinvvar) # scalar xi1 = -0.5 * (ny * log2pi - logdetH + np.sum(y * y * yinvvar)) # scalar sign, logdetHbar = np.linalg.slogdet(Hbar) xi2 = -0.5 * (nt * log2pi - logdetHbar + np.sum(etabar * theta_map)) logfml = xi1 - xi2 return logfml, theta_map, theta_cov
def testCountNonzero(self, shape, dtype, axis): rng = jtu.rand_some_zero() onp_fun = lambda x: onp.count_nonzero(x, axis) lnp_fun = lambda x: lnp.count_nonzero(x, axis) args_maker = lambda: [rng(shape, dtype)] self._CheckAgainstNumpy(onp_fun, lnp_fun, args_maker, check_dtypes=True) self._CompileAndCheck(lnp_fun, args_maker, check_dtypes=True)
def test_shuffled_neuron_no_input_ablation_mask_sparsity_full_twolayer( self): """Tests shuffled mask generation for two layers, and 100% sparsity.""" mask = masked.shuffled_neuron_no_input_ablation_mask( self._masked_model_twolayer, self._rng, 1.0) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_layer1'): self.assertIn('MaskedModule_0', mask) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_values_layer1'): self.assertEqual( jnp.count_nonzero(mask['MaskedModule_0']['kernel']), with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_not_masked_values_layer1'): self.assertIsNone(mask['MaskedModule_0']['bias']) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_no_input_ablation_layer1'): # Check no row (neurons are columns) is completely ablated. self.assertTrue((jnp.count_nonzero( mask['MaskedModule_0']['kernel'], axis=0) != 0).all()) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_layer2'): self.assertIn('MaskedModule_1', mask) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_values_layer2'): self.assertEqual( jnp.count_nonzero(mask['MaskedModule_1']['kernel']),[0])) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_not_masked_values_layer2'): self.assertIsNone(mask['MaskedModule_1']['bias']) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_no_input_ablation_layer2'): # Note: check no *inputs* are ablated, and inputs < num_neurons. self.assertEqual( jnp.sum( jnp.count_nonzero(mask['MaskedModule_1']['kernel'], axis=0)), MaskedTwoLayerDense.NUM_FEATURES[0]) masked_output = self._masked_model_twolayer(self._input, mask=mask) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_full_mask_dense_shape'): self.assertSequenceEqual(masked_output.shape, self._unmasked_output_twolayer.shape)
def add_eos_token(indices, eos_token): """Add EOS token to sequence.""" batch_size = indices.shape[0] lengths = jnp.count_nonzero(indices, axis=1) indices = jnp.pad(indices, pad_width=[(0, 0), (0, 1)], mode='constant') # Add EOS token. indices =[jnp.arange(batch_size), lengths].set(eos_token) return indices.astype(jnp.int32)
def example_helper(model, padded_example_and_rng): """Run the model on one example.""" # Compute the same estimates as in training, for ease of comparison. # Instead of aggregating with nanmean per-batch, we aggregate over the full # validation set. if use_sampling_model: (output_logits, targets, valid_mask, loss, batch_metrics) = sample_loss_fn(model, padded_example_and_rng, target_edge_index, num_edge_types) else: (output_logits, targets, valid_mask, num_nodes, captured) = extract_outputs_and_targets(model, padded_example_and_rng, target_edge_index, num_edge_types) loss, batch_metrics = loss_fn(output_logits, targets, valid_mask, num_nodes, captured) batch_metrics_non_nan = jax.tree_map(jnp.nan_to_num, batch_metrics) batch_metrics_non_nan_counts = jax.tree_map( lambda x: jnp.count_nonzero(~jnp.isnan(x)), batch_metrics) # Compute additional metrics by counting how many predictions cross our # thresholds. output_probs = jax.scipy.special.expit(output_logits) preds = (output_probs[None, :, :] > candidate_thresholds[:, None, None]) # Count true/false target/pred pairs. valid = valid_mask.astype(bool) count_t_target_t_pred = jnp.count_nonzero(valid & targets & preds, axis=(1, 2)) count_t_target_f_pred = jnp.count_nonzero(valid & targets & (~preds), axis=(1, 2)) count_f_target_t_pred = jnp.count_nonzero(valid & (~targets) & preds, axis=(1, 2)) count_f_target_f_pred = jnp.count_nonzero(valid & (~targets) & (~preds), axis=(1, 2)) counts = (count_t_target_t_pred, count_t_target_f_pred, count_f_target_t_pred, count_f_target_f_pred) return loss, 1, batch_metrics_non_nan, batch_metrics_non_nan_counts, counts
def test_shuffled_neuron_no_input_ablation_mask_sparsity_half_full(self): """Tests shuffled mask generation, for a half-full mask.""" mask = masked.shuffled_neuron_no_input_ablation_mask( self._masked_model, self._rng, 0.5) param_shape = self._masked_model.params['MaskedModule_0']['unmasked'][ 'kernel'].shape with self.subTest(name='shuffled_mask_values'): self.assertEqual(jnp.sum(mask['MaskedModule_0']['kernel']), param_shape[0] // 2 * param_shape[1]) with self.subTest(name='shuffled_half_no_input_ablation'): # Check no row (neurons are columns) is completely ablated. self.assertTrue((jnp.count_nonzero( mask['MaskedModule_0']['kernel'], axis=0) != 0).all())
def get_largest_component_indices( graph: JAXSparse, dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.int32, directed: bool = True, connection="weak", ) -> jnp.ndarray: ncomponents, labels = get_component_indices(graph, dtype=dtype, directed=directed, connection=connection) if ncomponents == 1: return jnp.arange(graph.shape[0], dtype=dtype) sizes = jnp.asarray( [jnp.count_nonzero(labels == i) for i in range(ncomponents)]) i = jnp.argmax(sizes) (indices, ) = jnp.where(labels == i) return jnp.asarray(indices, dtype)
def __call__(self, param_name, param): """Shuffles the weight matrix/mask for a given parameter, per-neuron. This is to be used with mask_map, and accepts the standard mask_map function parameters. Args: param_name: The parameter's name. param: The parameter's weight or mask matrix. Returns: A shuffled weight/mask matrix, with each neuron shuffled independently. """ del param_name # Unused. incoming_connections =[:-1])) num_neurons = param.shape[-1] # Ensure each input neuron has at least one connection unmasked. mask = _fill_diagonal_wrap((incoming_connections, num_neurons), 1, dtype=jnp.uint8) # Randomly shuffle which of the neurons have these connections. mask = jax.random.shuffle(self._get_rng(), mask, axis=0) # Add extra required random connections to mask to satisfy sparsity. mask_cols = [] for col in range(mask.shape[-1]): neuron_mask = mask[:, col] off_diagonal_count = max( round((1 - self._sparsity) * incoming_connections) - jnp.count_nonzero(neuron_mask), 0) zero_indices = jnp.flatnonzero(neuron_mask == 0) random_entries = _random_neuron_mask(len(zero_indices), off_diagonal_count, self._get_rng()) neuron_mask =[zero_indices].set(random_entries) mask_cols.append(neuron_mask) return jnp.column_stack(mask_cols).reshape(param.shape)
def logmarglike_scalingmodel_flatprior_jit( ymod, # (n_components, n_pix_y) y, # (n_components, n_pix_y) yinvvar, # (n_components, n_pix_y) logyinvvar, # (n_components, n_pix_y) ): """ Fit model to one Gaussian data set, with Gaussian prior on scaling. Parameters ---------- y, yinvvar, logyinvvar : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_y) data and data inverse variances ymod : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_y) design matrix of linear model mu, muinvvar : ndarray (n_components) priors Returns ------- logfml : ndarray (n_components) log likelihood values with parameters marginalised and at best fit theta_map : ndarray (n_components) Best fit MAP parameters theta_cov : ndarray (n_components) Parameter covariance """ log2pi = np.log(2.0 * np.pi) ny = np.count_nonzero(yinvvar) # n_components FOT = np.sum(ymod * y * yinvvar, axis=-1) FTT = np.sum(ymod**2 * yinvvar, axis=-1) FOO = np.sum(ymod**2 * yinvvar, axis=-1) logSigma_det = np.sum(logyinvvar, axis=-1) ellML = FOT / FTT chi2 = FOO - (FOT / FTT) * FOT logfml = -0.5 * (chi2 + np.log(FTT) - logSigma_det + ny * log2pi) theta_map = FOT / FTT theta_cov = FTT**-1 return logfml, theta_map, theta_cov
def mean_and_var( x: Optional[np.ndarray], axis: Optional[Axes] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, out: Optional[None] = None, ddof: int = 0, keepdims: bool = False, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, get_var: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]]: """`np.mean` and `np.var` taking the `mask` information into account.""" var = None if x is None: return x, var if mask is None: mean = np.mean(x, axis, dtype, out, keepdims) if get_var: var = np.var(x, axis, dtype, out, ddof, keepdims) else: axis = tuple(utils.canonicalize_axis(axis, x)) size = utils.size_at(x, axis) mask = np.broadcast_to(mask, x.shape) mask_size = np.count_nonzero(mask, axis) for i in axis: mask_size = np.expand_dims(mask_size, i) size -= mask_size size = np.maximum(size, 1) mean = np.sum(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True) / size if not keepdims: mean = np.squeeze(mean, axis) if get_var: var = np.sum( (x - mean)**2, axis=axis, keepdims=True) / (size - ddof) if not keepdims: var = np.squeeze(var, axis) return mean, var
def smooth_and_normalize(vec, normalize=True): """ Parameters: * vec : np.array of shape (n,) * normalize : bool Returns: out : np.array of shape (n,). If vec_i = 0, then out_i = epsilon. If vec_i !=0, then out_i = vec_i - c. c is chosen such that sum(vec) == 1. """ vec = np.asarray(vec, dtype=np.float32) if normalize: vec = vec / vec.sum() n = len(vec) epsilon = 0.0001 num_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(vec) c = epsilon * (n - num_nonzero) / num_nonzero perturbation = (vec == 0) * epsilon - (vec != 0) * c return vec + perturbation
def validation_function(model): with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack: valid_iterator = valid_iterator_factory() if prefetch: valid_iterator = exit_stack.enter_context( data_loading.ThreadedPrefetcher(valid_iterator, 4)) accumulated = None example_count = 0 for batch in valid_iterator: results = parallel_metrics_batch(model, batch.example, batch.mask, batch.static_metadata) metrics = jax.tree_map(float, flax.jax_utils.unreplicate(results)) metrics["epoch"] = np.sum(batch.epoch) if accumulated is None: accumulated = metrics else: accumulated = jax.tree_multimap(operator.add, accumulated, metrics) example_count += jnp.count_nonzero(batch.mask) assert example_count > 0, "Validation iterator must be nonempty" accumulated = typing.cast(Dict[str, Any], accumulated) final_metrics = {} for k, v in accumulated.items(): if isinstance(v, RatioMetric): final_metrics[k] = v.numerator / v.denominator if include_total_counts: final_metrics[k + "_numerator"] = v.numerator final_metrics[k + "_denominator"] = v.denominator else: final_metrics[k] = v / example_count objective = final_metrics[objective_metric_name] if include_total_counts: final_metrics["validation_total_example_count"] = example_count return (objective, final_metrics)
def logmarglike_lineargaussianmodel_onetransfer_jit(M_T, y, yinvvar, logyinvvar): """ Fit linear model to one Gaussian data set, with no (=uniform) prior on the linear components. Parameters ---------- y, yinvvar, logyinvvar : ndarray (n_pix_y) data and data inverse variances. Zeros will be ignored. M_T : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_y) design matrix of linear model Returns ------- logfml : ndarray scalar log likelihood values with parameters marginalised and at best fit theta_map : ndarray (n_components) Best fit MAP parameters theta_cov : ndarray (n_components, n_components) Parameter covariance """ log2pi = np.log(2.0 * np.pi) nt = np.shape(M_T)[-2] ny = np.count_nonzero(yinvvar) M = np.transpose(M_T) # (n_pix_y, n_components) Myinv = M * yinvvar[:, None] # (n_pix_y, n_components) Hbar = np.matmul(M_T, Myinv) # (n_components, n_components) etabar = np.sum(Myinv * y[:, None], axis=0) # (n_components) theta_map = np.linalg.solve(Hbar, etabar) # (n_components) theta_cov = np.linalg.inv(Hbar) # (n_components, n_components) logdetH = np.sum(logyinvvar) # scalar xi1 = -0.5 * (ny * log2pi - logdetH + np.sum(y * y * yinvvar)) # scalar sign, logdetHbar = np.linalg.slogdet(Hbar) xi2 = -0.5 * (nt * log2pi - logdetHbar + np.sum(etabar * theta_map)) logfml = xi1 - xi2 return logfml, theta_map, theta_cov
def unique(rng, binary_vectors: np.ndarray) -> int: """Computes the number of unique binary columns.""" alpha = jax.random.normal(rng, shape=((1, binary_vectors.shape[1]))) return 1 + np.count_nonzero( np.diff(np.sort(np.sum(binary_vectors * alpha, axis=-1))))
def count_permutations_mask_layer(mask_layer, next_mask_layer=None, parameter_key='kernel'): """Calculates the number of permutations for a layer, given binary masks. Args: mask_layer: The binary weight mask of a dense/conv layer, where last dimension is number of neurons/filters. next_mask_layer: The binary weight mask of the following a dense/conv layer, or None if this is the last layer. parameter_key: The name of the parameter to count the permutations of in each layer. Returns: A dictionary with stats on the permutation structure of a mask, including the number of symmetric permutations of the mask, number of unique mask columns, count of the zeroed out (structurally pruned) neurons, and total number of neurons/filters. """ # Have to check 'is None' since mask_layer[parameter_key] is jnp.array. if not mask_layer or parameter_key not in mask_layer or mask_layer[ parameter_key] is None: return { 'permutations': 1, 'zeroed_neurons': 0, 'total_neurons': 0, 'unique_neurons': 0, } mask = mask_layer[parameter_key] num_neurons = mask.shape[-1] # Initialize with stats for an empty mask. mask_stats = { 'permutations': 0, 'zeroed_neurons': num_neurons, 'total_neurons': num_neurons, 'unique_neurons': 0, } # Re-shape masks as 1D, in case they are 2D (e.g. convolutional). connection_mask = mask.reshape(-1, num_neurons) # Only consider non-zero columns (in JAX neurons/filters are last index). non_zero_neurons = ~jnp.all(connection_mask == 0, axis=0) # Count only zeroed neurons in the current layer. zeroed_count = num_neurons - jnp.count_nonzero(non_zero_neurons) # Special case where all neurons in current layer are ablated. if zeroed_count == num_neurons: return mask_stats # Have to check is None since next_mask_layer[parameter_key] is jnp.array. if next_mask_layer and parameter_key in next_mask_layer and next_mask_layer[ parameter_key] is not None: next_mask = next_mask_layer[parameter_key] # Re-shape masks as 1D, in case they are 2D (e.g. convolutional). next_connection_mask = next_mask.T.reshape(-1, num_neurons) # Update with neurons that are non-zero in outgoing connections too. non_zero_neurons &= ~jnp.all(next_connection_mask == 0, axis=0) # Remove rows corresponding to neurons that are ablated. next_connection_mask = next_connection_mask[:, non_zero_neurons] connection_mask = connection_mask[:, non_zero_neurons] # Combine the outgoing and incoming masks in one vector per-neuron. connection_mask = jnp.concatenate( (connection_mask, next_connection_mask), axis=0) else: connection_mask = connection_mask[:, non_zero_neurons] # Effectively no connections between these two layers. if not connection_mask.size: return mask_stats # Note: np.unique not implemented in JAX numpy yet. _, unique_counts = np.unique(connection_mask, axis=-1, return_counts=True) # Convert from device array. mask_stats['zeroed_neurons'] = int(zeroed_count) mask_stats['permutations'] = functools.reduce(operator.mul, (np.math.factorial(t) for t in unique_counts)) mask_stats['unique_neurons'] = len(unique_counts) return mask_stats
flax.serialization.to_state_dict( replicated_optimizer), "batch": batch, "metrics": metrics, "agg_grads": flax.serialization.to_state_dict(agg_grads), } pickle.dump(postmortem, fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) bad_grads = jax.tree_map( lambda x: float( jnp.count_nonzero(~jnp.isfinite(x)) / x.size), flax.serialization.to_state_dict(agg_grads)) bad_grads_str = json.dumps(bad_grads, indent=2) raise RuntimeError(f"Non-finite gradients at step {step}!\n\n" f"Bad fraction:\n{bad_grads_str}") elapsed_sec = time.time() - start_time metrics["elapsed_hours"] = elapsed_sec / 3600 if max_seconds is not None and elapsed_sec > max_seconds:"Hit max train timeout at step %d", step) shutdown_after_this_iteration = True # Do a validation step. if validation_fn and step % steps_per_validate == 0:"Running validation at step %d", step) objective, valid_metrics = validation_fn(
def evaluate_batch(self, images, labels): logits = self.model(images, training=False) num_correct = jn.count_nonzero( jn.equal(jn.argmax(logits, axis=1), labels)) return num_correct
def logmarglike_lineargaussianmodel_threetransfers_jit( ell, # scalar M_T, # (n_components, n_pix_y) R_T, # (n_components, n_pix_z) y, # (n_pix_y) yinvvar, # (n_pix_y), logyinvvar, # (n_pix_y), z, # (n_pix_z) zinvvar, # (n_pix_z) logzinvvar, # (n_pix_z) mu, # (n_components) muinvvar, # (n_components) logmuinvvar, # (n_components) ): """ Fit linear model to two Gaussian data sets, with Gaussian prior on components. Parameters ---------- ell : ndarray scalar scaling between the data: y = ell * z y, yinvvar, logyinvvar : ndarray (n_pix_y) data and data inverse variances M_T : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_y) design matrix of linear model z, zinvvar, logzinvvar : ndarray (n_pix_z) data and data variances for y R_T : ndarray (n_components, n_pix_z) design matrix of linear model for z mu, muinvvar, logmuinvvar : ndarray (n_components) data and data variances for y Returns ------- logfml : ndarray scalar log likelihood values with parameters marginalised and at best fit theta_map : ndarray (n_components) Best fit MAP parameters theta_cov : ndarray (n_components, n_components) Parameter covariance """ log2pi = np.log(2.0 * np.pi) nt = np.shape(M_T)[-2] ny = np.count_nonzero(yinvvar) nz = np.count_nonzero(zinvvar) nm = np.count_nonzero(muinvvar) M = np.transpose(M_T) # (n_pix_y, n_components) R = np.transpose(R_T) # (n_pix_z, n_components) Myinv = M * yinvvar[:, None] # (n_pix_y, n_components) Rzinv = R * zinvvar[:, None] # (n_pix_z, n_components) Hbar = (ell**2 * np.matmul(R_T, Rzinv) + np.matmul(M_T, Myinv) + np.eye(nt) * muinvvar[:, None]) # (n_components, n_components) etabar = (ell * np.sum(Rzinv * z[:, None], axis=0) + np.sum(Myinv * y[:, None], axis=0) + mu * muinvvar ) # (n_components) theta_map = np.linalg.solve(Hbar, etabar) # (n_components) theta_cov = np.linalg.inv(Hbar) # (n_components, n_components) logdetH = np.sum(logyinvvar) + np.sum(logzinvvar) + np.sum( logmuinvvar) # scalar xi1 = -0.5 * ( (ny + nz + nm) * log2pi - logdetH + np.sum(y * y * yinvvar) + np.sum(z * z * zinvvar) + np.sum(mu * mu * muinvvar)) # scalar sign, logdetHbar = np.linalg.slogdet(Hbar) xi2 = -0.5 * (nt * log2pi - logdetHbar + np.sum(etabar * theta_map)) logfml = xi1 - xi2 return logfml, theta_map, theta_cov
# confusion_matrix = utils.copy_docstring( # tf.math.confusion_matrix, # lambda labels, predictions, num_classes=None, weights=None, # dtype=tf.int32, name=None: ...) conj = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.conj, lambda x, name=None: np.conj(x)) cos = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cos, lambda x, name=None: np.cos(x)) cosh = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cosh, lambda x, name=None: np.cosh(x)) count_nonzero = utils.copy_docstring( tf.math.count_nonzero, lambda input, axis=None, keepdims=None, dtype=tf.int64, name=None: ( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda utils.numpy_dtype(dtype)(np.count_nonzero(input, axis)))) cumprod = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cumprod, _cumprod) cumsum = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.cumsum, _cumsum) digamma = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.digamma, lambda x, name=None: scipy_special.digamma(x)) divide = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.divide, lambda x, y, name=None: np.divide(x, y)) divide_no_nan = utils.copy_docstring( tf.math.divide_no_nan, lambda x, y, name=None: np.where( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda onp.broadcast_to(np.equal(y, 0.),
for i in range(args.max_iter): # update parameters model.step() loss = model.objective() if not args.silent: print( "step: {:3d}, loss: {:7.4f}, ||Ax* - b||_2^2: {:6.4f}".format( i + 1, loss, model.feval(model.x))) prox_optval.append(loss) if i > 1 and np.abs(prox_optval[-1] - prox_optval[-2]) < args.tol: break print("-" * 40) print('Parameters: gamma={}, solver={}'.format(args.gamma, args.opt)) print('||Ax* - b||_2^2: {:6.3f}, Obj: {:6.3f}'.format( model.feval(model.x), prox_optval[-1])) if args.opt == 'ADMM': print("nnz of x*: ", jnp.count_nonzero(model.z)) else: print("nnz of x*: ", jnp.count_nonzero(model.x)) print('Writing the results...') if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.mkdir(args.output_dir) output_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, '{}_{}.npy'.format(args.opt, args.gamma)), jnp.array(prox_optval)) print('Done')
def loss_fn( output_logits, targets, valid_mask, num_nodes, captured, negative_example_weight=1, focal_loss_gamma=0.0, ): """Compute loss and single-batch metrics for some outputs. Args: output_logits: Binary logits produced by the model. targets: Model targets. valid_mask: Mask determining which outputs are valid. num_nodes: How many nodes there are in each example. captured: Ignored negative_example_weight: Weight to assign to a negative example when computing the loss. Positive examples always get weight 1. focal_loss_gamma: Focusing parameter for the focal loss, as described in Lin et al. (2018). If zero, uses standard cross-entropy loss. Returns: Tuple (loss, metrics_dict). """ del captured num_targets = jnp.count_nonzero(targets) # Compute cross entropy. unmasked_nll = model_util.binary_logit_cross_entropy( output_logits, targets) if focal_loss_gamma: # (1-p_correct)**gamma = (-(p-1))**gamma = (-expm1(log(p)))**gamma focus_term = jnp.power(-jnp.expm1(-unmasked_nll), focal_loss_gamma) unmasked_nll = unmasked_nll * focus_term # Mask the results so that they only count nodes that exist. masked_nll = unmasked_nll * valid_mask # Primary loss: Sum of nll over all nodes. We use sum because most of the # edges are easy negatives. positive_nll = jnp.sum( jnp.where(targets, masked_nll, jnp.zeros_like(masked_nll))) negative_nll = jnp.sum( jnp.where(targets, jnp.zeros_like(masked_nll), masked_nll)) reweighted_nll = positive_nll + negative_example_weight * negative_nll binary_nll = jnp.sum(reweighted_nll) # Compute additional metrics to track learning progress. # Average NLL of target edges: avg_nll_per_target = positive_nll / num_targets # Average NLL of non-target edges: num_non_targets = num_nodes**2 - num_targets avg_nll_per_non_target = negative_nll / num_non_targets # Max error for any edge prediction: worst_nll = jnp.max(masked_nll) loss = binary_nll # Ratio of positive to negative targets. If this is equal to # negative_example_weight, the positive and negative examples will have the # same total weight. positive_per_negative = num_targets / num_non_targets # Precision and recall at 0.1 threshold thresholded_preds = output_logits > jax.scipy.special.logit(0.1) count_target_pred = jnp.count_nonzero(thresholded_preds & targets) count_pred = jnp.count_nonzero(thresholded_preds & valid_mask.astype(bool)) precision = count_target_pred / count_pred recall = count_target_pred / num_targets return loss, { "avg_per_target": avg_nll_per_target, "avg_per_non_target": avg_nll_per_non_target, "worst": worst_nll, "positive_per_negative": positive_per_negative, "effective_p_model_given_target": jnp.exp(-avg_nll_per_target), "effective_p_model_given_nontarget": 1 - jnp.exp(-avg_nll_per_non_target), "batch_clf_thresh_at_0.1/precision": precision, "batch_clf_thresh_at_0.1/recall": recall, "batch_clf_thresh_at_0.1/f1": 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall), }
def count_nonzero(a, axis=None, keepdims=False): if isinstance(a, JaxArray): a = a.value return jnp.count_nonzero(a, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
def cond_fun(s: _BasicState): rerr = compute_residual_error(s.R, s.eig_vals, s.X) num_converged = jnp.count_nonzero(rerr < tol) return jnp.logical_and(s.iteration < max_iters, num_converged < k)