Пример #1
    def testCauchy(self, dtype):
        key = random.PRNGKey(0)
        rand = lambda key: random.cauchy(key, (10000, ), dtype)
        crand = api.jit(rand)

        uncompiled_samples = rand(key)
        compiled_samples = crand(key)

        for samples in [uncompiled_samples, compiled_samples]:
            self._CheckKolmogorovSmirnovCDF(samples, scipy.stats.cauchy().cdf)
Пример #2
  def testCauchy(self, dtype):
    if jtu.device_under_test() == "tpu" and jnp.dtype(dtype).itemsize < 3:
      raise SkipTest("random.cauchy() not supported on TPU for 16-bit types.")
    key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    rand = lambda key: random.cauchy(key, (10000,), dtype)
    crand = api.jit(rand)

    uncompiled_samples = rand(key)
    compiled_samples = crand(key)

    for samples in [uncompiled_samples, compiled_samples]:
      self._CheckKolmogorovSmirnovCDF(samples, scipy.stats.cauchy().cdf)
Пример #3
 def sample(self, key, sample_shape=()):
     eps = random.cauchy(key, shape=sample_shape + self.batch_shape)
     return self.loc + eps * self.scale
Пример #4
    def draw_samples(self, rng, alpha, scale):
        r"""Draw samples from the robust distribution.

    This function implements Algorithm 1 the paper. This code is written to
    allow for sampling from a set of different distributions, each parametrized
    by its own alpha and scale values, as opposed to the more standard approach
    of drawing N samples from the same distribution. This is done by repeatedly
    performing N instances of rejection sampling for each of the N distributions
    until at least one proposal for each of the N distributions has been
    accepted. All samples assume a zero mean --- to get non-zero mean samples,
    just add each mean to each sample.

      rng: A JAX pseudo random number generated, from random.PRNG().
      alpha: A tensor where each element is the shape parameter of that
        element's distribution. Must be > 0.
      scale: A tensor where each element is the scale parameter of that
        element's distribution. Must be >=0 and the same shape as `alpha`.

      A tensor with the same shape as `alpha` and `scale` where each element is
      a sample drawn from the zero-mean distribution specified for that element
      by `alpha` and `scale`.
        assert jnp.all(scale > 0)
        assert jnp.all(alpha >= 0)
        assert jnp.all(jnp.array(alpha.shape) == jnp.array(scale.shape))
        shape = alpha.shape

        samples = jnp.zeros(shape)
        accepted = jnp.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)

        # Rejection sampling.
        while not jnp.all(accepted):

            # The sqrt(2) scaling of the Cauchy distribution corrects for our
            # differing conventions for standardization.
            rng, key = random.split(rng)
            cauchy_sample = random.cauchy(key, shape=shape) * jnp.sqrt(2)

            # Compute the likelihood of each sample under its target distribution.
            nll = self.nllfun(cauchy_sample, alpha, 1)

            # Bound the NLL. We don't use the approximate loss as it may cause
            # unpredictable behavior in the context of sampling.
            nll_bound = (general.lossfun(cauchy_sample, 0, 1) +

            # Draw N samples from a uniform distribution, and use each uniform
            # sample to decide whether or not to accept each proposal sample.
            rng, key = random.split(rng)
            uniform_sample = random.uniform(key, shape=shape)
            accept = uniform_sample <= jnp.exp(nll_bound - nll)

            # If a sample is accepted, replace its element in `samples` with the
            # proposal sample, and set its bit in `accepted` to True.
            samples = jnp.where(accept, cauchy_sample, samples)
            accepted = accept | accepted

        # Because our distribution is a location-scale family, we sample from
        # p(x | 0, \alpha, 1) and then scale each sample by `scale`.
        samples *= scale

        return samples
Пример #5
 def _rvs(self):
     return random.cauchy(self._random_state, shape=self._size)
Пример #6
def standard_cauchy(size=None):
    return JaxArray(jr.cauchy(DEFAULT.split_key(), shape=_size2shape(size)))
Пример #7
 def sample(self, rng_key, sample_shape=()):
     shape = sample_shape + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape
     std_sample = random.cauchy(rng_key, shape)
     return self.loc + self.scale * std_sample