Пример #1
    def test_listeners(self):
        test_location = Location()
        test_location.location = "POINT(132.8763427287297 -24.167471616893767)"

        self.assertGreater(test_location.dam_id, 0, "Not a valid ID")
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
        settings = self.config._sections["app:main"]
        engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
        self.session = DBSession()

        self.auth = CredentialsAuthentication(self.config.get("app:main", "ingesterapi.username"), self.config.get("app:main", "ingesterapi.password"))
        self.ingester_api = IngesterAPIWrapper(self.config.get("app:main", "ingesterapi.url"), self.auth)

        self.project = Project()
#        self.project.description = "This is a test description for the DC24 provisioning interface"
#        self.project.no_activity = True
#        self.project.project_title = "This is a test title for the test DC24 project"
#        self.project.data_manager = "A Person"
#        self.project.project_lead = "Another Person"
#        self.project.brief_description = "This is a test brief description"
#        self.project.full_description = "This is a test full description"

#        keyword1 = Keyword()
#        keyword1.id = 0
#        keyword1.project_id = self.project.id
#        keyword1.keyword = "Test Keyword"
#        self.project.keywords.append(keyword1)

#        for1 = FieldOfResearch()
#        for1.id = 0
#        for1.project_id = self.project.id
#        for1.field_of_research = "010101"
#        self.project.fieldOfResearch.append(for1)
#        seo1 = FieldOfResearch()
#        seo1.id = 0
#        seo1.project_id = self.project.id
#        seo1.field_of_research = "010101"
#        self.project.socioEconomicObjective.append(seo1)
#        self.project.ecosystems_conservation_climate = True
#        self.project.typeOfResearch = "applied"
#        self.project.time_period_description = "Test time period description " + str(self.project.id)
#        self.project.date_from = 12345
#        self.project.date_to = 1234
#        self.project.location_description = "Test location description"

        test_location = Location()
        test_location.name = "Test Location"
        test_location.location = "POINT(135.8763427287297 -24.167471616893767)"
        test_location.elevation = 12.3

        self.project.information = Metadata()
        self.project.information.retention_period = "5"
        self.project.metadata.national_significance = False

        method1 = Method()
        method1.method_name = "Artificial tree sensor"
        method1.method_description = "A custom developed sensor consisting of a calibrated temperature sensor and a humidity sensor (which also has an uncalibrated temperature sensor within it)"
        method1.data_source = PullDataSource.__tablename__

        temperature_schema = self.session.query(MethodSchema).filter_by(id=1).first()

        method1.data_type = MethodSchema()
        method1.data_type.name = "Test Schema"
        method1.data_type.parents.append(temperature_schema) # This is the default template schema that is setup on first run within scripts\initialise_database.py

# The data entry location offset functionality has been changed
#        offset_schema = MethodSchema()
#        offset_schema.id = 1
#        offset_schema.template_schema = True
#        offset_schema.name = "XYZ Offset Schema"
#        offset = LocationOffset()
#        x_offset = MethodSchemaField()
#        x_offset.id = 0
#        x_offset.method_schema_id = offset_schema.id
#        x_offset.type = "Double"
#        x_offset.units = "m"
#        offset_schema.custom_fields.append(x_offset)
#        y_offset = MethodSchemaField()
#        y_offset.id = 1
#        y_offset.method_schema_id = offset_schema.id
#        y_offset.type = "Double"
#        y_offset.units = "m"
#        offset_schema.custom_fields.append(y_offset)
#        z_offset = MethodSchemaField()
#        z_offset.id = 2
#        z_offset.method_schema_id = offset_schema.id
#        z_offset.type = "Double"
#        z_offset.units = "m"
#        offset_schema.custom_fields.append(z_offset)
#        method1.data_type.parents.append(offset_schema)

        custom_field = MethodSchemaField()
        custom_field.name = "Distance"
        custom_field.type = "file"
        custom_field.units = "text/cvs"


        dataset1 = Dataset()
        dataset1.method_id = method1.id
        dataset1.disabled = False
        dataset1.description = "Test dataset"

        data_source = PullDataSource()
        data_source.uri = "http://localhost/test_ingestion"
        data_source.mime_type = custom_field.units
        data_source.selected_sampling = PullDataSource.periodic_sampling.key
        data_source.file_field = custom_field.id
        data_source.periodic_sampling = 1

        dataset1.pull_data_source = data_source

        dataset1.time_period_description = "Test dataset time description"
        dataset1.date_from = 1234
        dataset1.date_to = 1234
        dataset1.location_description = "Test dataset location description"
        dataset1.elevation = 12.5

        # If project location is set:
        #   Allow user to provide offset only (set dataset location to project location)
        # Else:
        #   Must set location (with optional offset)

        # TODO: For locations in project: add as region to location

        dataset_location = Location()
        dataset_location.name = "Test Dataset Location"
        dataset_location.location = "POINT(132.8763427287297 -24.167471616893767)"
        dataset_location.elevation = 12.6

        location_offset = LocationOffset(0, 0, 5)
        dataset1.location_offset = location_offset

