Пример #1
def prepare_synteny(tourfile, lastfile, odir, p, opts):
    Prepare synteny plots for movie().
    qbedfile, sbedfile = get_bed_filenames(lastfile, p, opts)
    qbedfile = op.abspath(qbedfile)
    sbedfile = op.abspath(sbedfile)

    qbed = Bed(qbedfile, sorted=False)
    contig_to_beds = dict(qbed.sub_beds())

    # Create a separate directory for the subplots and movie
    mkdir(odir, overwrite=True)
    logging.debug("Change into subdir `{}`".format(odir))

    # Make anchorsfile
    anchorsfile = ".".join(op.basename(lastfile).split(".",
                                                       2)[:2]) + ".anchors"
    fw = open(anchorsfile, "w")
    for b in Blast(lastfile):
        print >> fw, "\t".join(
            (gene_name(b.query), gene_name(b.subject), str(int(b.score))))

    # Symlink sbed
    symlink(sbedfile, op.basename(sbedfile))

    return anchorsfile, qbedfile, contig_to_beds
Пример #2
def clr(args):
    %prog blastfile fastafiles

    Calculate the vector clear range file based BLAST to the vectors.
    p = OptionParser(clr.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) < 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blastfile = args[0]
    fastafiles = args[1:]

    sizes = {}
    for fa in fastafiles:
        f = Fasta(fa)

    b = Blast(blastfile)
    seen = set()
    for query, hits in b.iter_hits():

        qsize = sizes[query]
        vectors = list((x.qstart, x.qstop) for x in hits)
        vmin, vmax = range_minmax(vectors)

        left_size = vmin - 1
        right_size = qsize - vmax

        if left_size > right_size:
            clr_start, clr_end = 0, vmin
            clr_start, clr_end = vmax, qsize

        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (query, clr_start, clr_end))
        del sizes[query]

    for q, size in sorted(sizes.items()):
        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (q, 0, size))
Пример #3
Файл: ca.py Проект: rrane/jcvi
def clr(args):
    %prog blastfile fastafiles

    Calculate the vector clear range file based BLAST to the vectors.
    p = OptionParser(clr.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) < 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blastfile = args[0]
    fastafiles = args[1:]

    sizes = {}
    for fa in fastafiles:
        f = Fasta(fa)

    b = Blast(blastfile)
    seen = set()
    for query, hits in b.iter_hits():

        qsize = sizes[query]
        vectors = list((x.qstart, x.qstop) for x in hits)
        vmin, vmax = range_minmax(vectors)

        left_size = vmin - 1
        right_size = qsize - vmax

        if left_size > right_size:
            clr_start, clr_end = 0, vmin
            clr_start, clr_end = vmax, qsize

        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (query, clr_start, clr_end))
        del sizes[query]

    for q, size in sorted(sizes.items()):
        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (q, 0, size))
Пример #4
def read_blast(blast_file, qorder, sorder, is_self=False, ostrip=True):
    read the blast and convert name into coordinates
    filtered_blast = []
    seen = set()
    bl = Blast(blast_file)
    for b in bl:
        query, subject = b.query, b.subject
        if query == subject:
        if ostrip:
            query, subject = gene_name(query), gene_name(subject)
        if query not in qorder or subject not in sorder:

        qi, q = qorder[query]
        si, s = sorder[subject]

        if is_self:
            # remove redundant a<->b to one side when doing self-self BLAST
            if qi > si:
                query, subject = subject, query
                qi, si = si, qi
                q, s = s, q
            # Too close to diagonal! possible tandem repeats
            if q.seqid == s.seqid and si - qi < 40:

        key = query, subject
        if key in seen:

        b.qseqid, b.sseqid = q.seqid, s.seqid
        b.qi, b.si = qi, si
        b.query, b.subject = query, subject


    logging.debug("A total of {0} BLAST imported from `{1}`.".\
                  format(len(filtered_blast), blast_file))

    return filtered_blast
Пример #5
def loss(args):
    %prog loss a.b.i1.blocks [a.b-genomic.blast]

    Extract likely gene loss candidates between genome a and b.
    p = OptionParser(loss.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--bed", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Genomic BLAST is in bed format [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--gdist", default=20, type="int",
                 help="Gene distance [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--bdist", default=20000, type="int",
                 help="Base pair distance [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) not in (1, 2):
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blocksfile = args[0]
    emptyblast = (len(args) == 1)
    if emptyblast:
        genomicblast = "empty.blast"
        sh("touch {0}".format(genomicblast))
        genomicblast = args[1]

    gdist, bdist = opts.gdist, opts.bdist
    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blocksfile, p, opts)
    blocks = []
    fp = open(blocksfile)
    genetrack = {}
    proxytrack = {}
    for row in fp:
        a, b = row.split()
        genetrack[a] = b
        blocks.append((a, b))

    data = []
    for key, rows in groupby(blocks, key=lambda x: x[-1]):
        rows = list(rows)
        data.append((key, rows))

    imax = len(data) - 1
    for i, (key, rows) in enumerate(data):
        if i == 0 or i == imax:
        if key != '.':

        before, br = data[i - 1]
        after, ar = data[i + 1]
        bi, bx = sorder[before]
        ai, ax = sorder[after]
        dist = abs(bi - ai)
        if bx.seqid != ax.seqid or dist > gdist:

        start, end = range_minmax(((bx.start, bx.end), (ax.start, ax.end)))
        start, end = max(start - bdist, 1), end + bdist
        proxy = (bx.seqid, start, end)
        for a, b in rows:
            proxytrack[a] = proxy

    tags = {}
    if opts.bed:
        bed = Bed(genomicblast, sorted=False)
        key = lambda x: gene_name(x.accn.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        for query, bb in groupby(bed, key=key):
            bb = list(bb)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.seqid, b.start, b.end)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.seqid, best_b.start, best_b.end)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

        blast = Blast(genomicblast)
        for query, bb in blast.iter_hits():
            bb = list(bb)
            query = gene_name(query)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.subject, b.sstart, b.sstop)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.subject, best_b.sstart, best_b.sstop)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

    for b in qbed:
        accn = b.accn
        target_region = genetrack[accn]
        if accn in proxytrack:
            target_region = region_str(proxytrack[accn])
            if accn in tags:
                ptag = "[{0}]".format(tags[accn])
                ptag = "[NF]"
            target_region = ptag + target_region

        print "\t".join((b.seqid, accn, target_region))

    if emptyblast:
        sh("rm -f {0}".format(genomicblast))
Пример #6
def connect(args):
    %prog connect assembly.fasta read_mapping.blast

    Connect contigs using long reads.
    p = OptionParser(connect.__doc__)
        help="Only consider end of contigs",
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastafile, blastfile = args
    clip = opts.clip

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile).mapping
    blast = Blast(blastfile)
    blasts = []
    for b in blast:
        seqid = b.subject
        size = sizes[seqid]
        start, end = b.sstart, b.sstop
        cstart, cend = min(size, clip), max(0, size - clip)
        if start > cstart and end < cend:

    key = lambda x: x.query
    g = BiGraph()
    for query, bb in groupby(blasts, key=key):
        bb = sorted(bb, key=lambda x: x.qstart)
        nsubjects = len(set(x.subject for x in bb))
        if nsubjects == 1:
        print("\n".join(str(x) for x in bb))
        for a, b in pairwise(bb):
            astart, astop = a.qstart, a.qstop
            bstart, bstop = b.qstart, b.qstop
            if a.subject == b.subject:

            arange = astart, astop
            brange = bstart, bstop
            ov = range_intersect(arange, brange)
            alen = astop - astart + 1
            blen = bstop - bstart + 1
            if ov:
                ostart, ostop = ov
                ov = ostop - ostart + 1

            print(ov, alen, blen)
            if ov and (ov > alen / 2 or ov > blen / 2):
                print("Too much overlap ({0})".format(ov))

            asub = a.subject
            bsub = b.subject
            atag = ">" if a.orientation == "+" else "<"
            btag = ">" if b.orientation == "+" else "<"
            g.add_edge(asub, bsub, atag, btag)

    graph_to_agp(g, blastfile, fastafile, verbose=False)
Пример #7
def blastfilter_main(blast_file, p, opts):

    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blast_file, p, opts)

    tandem_Nmax = opts.tandem_Nmax
    cscore = opts.cscore

    fp = open(blast_file)
    total_lines = sum(1 for line in fp if line[0] != '#')
    logging.debug("Load BLAST file `%s` (total %d lines)" % \
            (blast_file, total_lines))
    bl = Blast(blast_file)
    blasts = sorted(list(bl), key=lambda b: b.score, reverse=True)

    filtered_blasts = []
    seen = set()
    ostrip = opts.strip_names
    nwarnings = 0
    for b in blasts:
        query, subject = b.query, b.subject
        if query == subject:

        if ostrip:
            query, subject = gene_name(query), gene_name(subject)
        if query not in qorder:
            if nwarnings < 100:
                logging.warning("{0} not in {1}".format(query, qbed.filename))
            elif nwarnings == 100:
                logging.warning("too many warnings.. suppressed")
            nwarnings += 1
        if subject not in sorder:
            if nwarnings < 100:
                logging.warning("{0} not in {1}".format(
                    subject, sbed.filename))
            elif nwarnings == 100:
                logging.warning("too many warnings.. suppressed")
            nwarnings += 1

        qi, q = qorder[query]
        si, s = sorder[subject]

        if is_self and qi > si:
            # move all hits to same side when doing self-self BLAST
            query, subject = subject, query
            qi, si = si, qi
            q, s = s, q

        key = query, subject
        if key in seen:
        b.query, b.subject = key

        b.qi, b.si = qi, si
        b.qseqid, b.sseqid = q.seqid, s.seqid


    if cscore:
        before_filter = len(filtered_blasts)
        logging.debug("running the cscore filter (cscore>=%.2f) .." % cscore)
        filtered_blasts = list(filter_cscore(filtered_blasts, cscore=cscore))
        logging.debug("after filter (%d->%d) .." %
                      (before_filter, len(filtered_blasts)))

    if tandem_Nmax:
        logging.debug("running the local dups filter (tandem_Nmax=%d) .." % \

        qtandems = tandem_grouper(qbed,
        standems = tandem_grouper(sbed,

        qdups_fh = open(op.splitext(opts.qbed)[0] + ".localdups", "w") \
                if opts.tandems_only else None

        if is_self:
            for s in standems:
            qdups_to_mother = write_localdups(qtandems, qbed, qdups_fh)
            sdups_to_mother = qdups_to_mother
            qdups_to_mother = write_localdups(qtandems, qbed, qdups_fh)
            sdups_fh = open(op.splitext(opts.sbed)[0] + ".localdups", "w") \
                    if opts.tandems_only else None
            sdups_to_mother = write_localdups(standems, sbed, sdups_fh)

        if opts.tandems_only:
            # write out new .bed after tandem removal
            write_new_bed(qbed, qdups_to_mother)
            if not is_self:
                write_new_bed(sbed, sdups_to_mother)

            # just want to use this script as a tandem finder.

        before_filter = len(filtered_blasts)
        filtered_blasts = list(filter_tandem(filtered_blasts, \
                qdups_to_mother, sdups_to_mother))
        logging.debug("after filter (%d->%d) .." % \
                (before_filter, len(filtered_blasts)))

    blastfilteredfile = blast_file + ".filtered"
    fw = open(blastfilteredfile, "w")
    write_new_blast(filtered_blasts, fh=fw)
Пример #8
Файл: qc.py Проект: bennyyu/jcvi
def rnaseq(args):
    %prog rnaseq blastfile ref.fasta

    Evaluate de-novo RNA-seq assembly against a reference gene set (same or
    closely related organism). Ideally blatfile needs to be supermap'd.

    Following metric is used (Martin et al. 2010, Rnnotator paper):
    Accuracy: % of contigs share >=95% identity with ref genome (TODO)
    Completeness: % of ref genes covered by contigs to >=80% of their lengths
    Contiguity: % of ref genes covered by a *single* contig >=80% of lengths
    Chimer: % of contigs that contain two or more annotated genes >= 50bp
    from jcvi.algorithms.supermap import supermap

    p = OptionParser(rnaseq.__doc__)

    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:

    blastfile, reffasta = args
    sizes = Sizes(reffasta).mapping
    known_genes = len(sizes)

    querysupermap = blastfile + ".query.supermap"
    refsupermap = blastfile + ".ref.supermap"

    if not op.exists(querysupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="query")
    if not op.exists(refsupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="ref")

    blast = Blast(querysupermap)
    chimers = 0
    goodctg80 = set()
    goodctg50 = set()
    for ctg, hits in blast.iter_hits():
        bps = defaultdict(int)
        for x in hits:
            bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

        valid_hits = bps.items()
        for vh, length in valid_hits:
            rsize = sizes[vh]
            ratio = length * 100. / rsize
            if ratio >= 80:
            if ratio >= 50:

        # Chimer
        if len(valid_hits) > 1:
            chimers += 1

    blast = Blast(refsupermap)
    goodref80 = set()
    goodref50 = set()
    bps = defaultdict(int)
    for x in blast.iter_line():
        bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

    for vh, length in bps.items():
        rsize = sizes[vh]
        ratio = length * 100. / rsize
        if ratio >= 80:
        if ratio >= 50:

    print >> sys.stderr, "Reference set: `{0}`,  # of transcripts {1}".\
            format(reffasta, known_genes)
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 80% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg80))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 50% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg50))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} reference transcripts ({1:.1f}%) have 80% covered" \
            .format(len(goodref80), len(goodref80) * 100. / known_genes)
Пример #9
def expand(args):
    %prog expand bes.fasta reads.fastq

    Expand sequences using short reads. Useful, for example for getting BAC-end
    sequences. The template to use, in `bes.fasta` may just contain the junction
    sequences, then align the reads to get the 'flanks' for such sequences.
    import math

    from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
    from jcvi.formats.fastq import readlen, first, fasta
    from jcvi.formats.blast import Blast
    from jcvi.formats.base import FileShredder
    from jcvi.apps.bowtie import align, get_samfile
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast

    p = OptionParser(expand.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bes, reads = args
    size = Fasta(bes).totalsize
    rl = readlen([reads])
    expected_size = size + 2 * rl
    nreads = expected_size * opts.depth / rl
    nreads = int(math.ceil(nreads / 1000.)) * 1000

    # Attract reads
    samfile, logfile = align([bes, reads, "--reorder", "--mapped",

    samfile, mapped, _ = get_samfile(reads, bes, bowtie=True, mapped=True)
    logging.debug("Extract first {0} reads from `{1}`.".format(nreads, mapped))

    pf = mapped.split(".")[0]
    pf = pf.split("-")[0]
    bespf = bes.split(".")[0]
    reads = pf + ".expand.fastq"
    first([str(nreads), mapped, "-o", reads])

    # Perform mini-assembly
    fastafile = reads.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".fasta"
    qualfile = ""
    if need_update(reads, fastafile):
        fastafile, qualfile = fasta([reads])

    contigs = op.join(pf, "454LargeContigs.fna")
    if need_update(fastafile, contigs):
        cmd = "runAssembly -o {0} -cpu 8 {1}".format(pf, fastafile)
    assert op.exists(contigs)

    # Annotate contigs
    blastfile = blast([bes, contigs])
    mapping = {}
    for query, b in Blast(blastfile).iter_best_hit():
        mapping[query] = b

    f = Fasta(contigs, lazy=True)
    annotatedfasta = ".".join((pf, bespf, "fasta"))
    fw = open(annotatedfasta, "w")
    keys = list(Fasta(bes).iterkeys_ordered())  # keep an ordered list
    recs = []
    for key, v in f.iteritems_ordered():
        vid = v.id
        if vid not in mapping:
        b = mapping[vid]
        subject = b.subject
        rec = v.reverse_complement() if b.orientation == '-' else v
        rec.id = rid = "_".join((pf, vid, subject))
        rec.description = ""
        recs.append((keys.index(subject), rid, rec))

    recs = [x[-1] for x in sorted(recs)]
    SeqIO.write(recs, fw, "fasta")

    FileShredder([samfile, logfile, mapped, reads, fastafile, qualfile, blastfile, pf])
    logging.debug("Annotated seqs (n={0}) written to `{1}`.".\
                    format(len(recs), annotatedfasta))

    return annotatedfasta
Пример #10
def loss(args):
    %prog loss a.b.i1.blocks [a.b-genomic.blast]

    Extract likely gene loss candidates between genome a and b.
    p = OptionParser(loss.__doc__)
                 help="Genomic BLAST is in bed format [default: %default]")
                 help="Gene distance [default: %default]")
                 help="Base pair distance [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) not in (1, 2):
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blocksfile = args[0]
    emptyblast = (len(args) == 1)
    if emptyblast:
        genomicblast = "empty.blast"
        sh("touch {0}".format(genomicblast))
        genomicblast = args[1]

    gdist, bdist = opts.gdist, opts.bdist
    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blocksfile, p, opts)
    blocks = []
    fp = open(blocksfile)
    genetrack = {}
    proxytrack = {}
    for row in fp:
        a, b = row.split()
        genetrack[a] = b
        blocks.append((a, b))

    data = []
    for key, rows in groupby(blocks, key=lambda x: x[-1]):
        rows = list(rows)
        data.append((key, rows))

    imax = len(data) - 1
    for i, (key, rows) in enumerate(data):
        if i == 0 or i == imax:
        if key != '.':

        before, br = data[i - 1]
        after, ar = data[i + 1]
        bi, bx = sorder[before]
        ai, ax = sorder[after]
        dist = abs(bi - ai)
        if bx.seqid != ax.seqid or dist > gdist:

        start, end = range_minmax(((bx.start, bx.end), (ax.start, ax.end)))
        start, end = max(start - bdist, 1), end + bdist
        proxy = (bx.seqid, start, end)
        for a, b in rows:
            proxytrack[a] = proxy

    tags = {}
    if opts.bed:
        bed = Bed(genomicblast, sorted=False)
        key = lambda x: gene_name(x.accn.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        for query, bb in groupby(bed, key=key):
            bb = list(bb)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.seqid, b.start, b.end)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.seqid, best_b.start, best_b.end)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

        blast = Blast(genomicblast)
        for query, bb in blast.iter_hits():
            bb = list(bb)
            query = gene_name(query)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.subject, b.sstart, b.sstop)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.subject, best_b.sstart, best_b.sstop)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

    for b in qbed:
        accn = b.accn
        target_region = genetrack[accn]
        if accn in proxytrack:
            target_region = region_str(proxytrack[accn])
            if accn in tags:
                ptag = "[{0}]".format(tags[accn])
                ptag = "[NF]"
            target_region = ptag + target_region

        print "\t".join((b.seqid, accn, target_region))

    if emptyblast:
        sh("rm -f {0}".format(genomicblast))
Пример #11
def rnaseq(args):
    %prog rnaseq blastfile ref.fasta

    Evaluate de-novo RNA-seq assembly against a reference gene set (same or
    closely related organism). Ideally blatfile needs to be supermap'd.

    Following metric is used (Martin et al. 2010, Rnnotator paper):
    Accuracy: % of contigs share >=95% identity with ref genome (TODO)
    Completeness: % of ref genes covered by contigs to >=80% of their lengths
    Contiguity: % of ref genes covered by a *single* contig >=80% of lengths
    Chimer: % of contigs that contain two or more annotated genes >= 50bp
    from jcvi.algorithms.supermap import supermap

    p = OptionParser(rnaseq.__doc__)

    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:

    blastfile, reffasta = args
    sizes = Sizes(reffasta).mapping
    known_genes = len(sizes)

    querysupermap = blastfile + ".query.supermap"
    refsupermap = blastfile + ".ref.supermap"

    if not op.exists(querysupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="query")
    if not op.exists(refsupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="ref")

    blast = Blast(querysupermap)
    chimers = 0
    goodctg80 = set()
    goodctg50 = set()
    for ctg, hits in blast.iter_hits():
        bps = defaultdict(int)
        for x in hits:
            bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

        valid_hits = bps.items()
        for vh, length in valid_hits:
            rsize = sizes[vh]
            ratio = length * 100. / rsize
            if ratio >= 80:
            if ratio >= 50:

        # Chimer
        if len(valid_hits) > 1:
            chimers += 1

    blast = Blast(refsupermap)
    goodref80 = set()
    goodref50 = set()
    bps = defaultdict(int)
    for x in blast.iter_line():
        bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

    for vh, length in bps.items():
        rsize = sizes[vh]
        ratio = length * 100. / rsize
        if ratio >= 80:
        if ratio >= 50:

    print >> sys.stderr, "Reference set: `{0}`,  # of transcripts {1}".\
            format(reffasta, known_genes)
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 80% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg80))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 50% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg50))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} reference transcripts ({1:.1f}%) have 80% covered" \
            .format(len(goodref80), len(goodref80) * 100. / known_genes)