Пример #1
def load_csv(header, contents, sep=",", thousands=False, align=True):

    from jcvi.formats.base import is_number
    from jcvi.utils.cbook import thousands as th

    allcontents = [header] + contents if header else contents
    cols = len(contents[0])
    for content in allcontents:
        assert len(content) == cols

    # Stringify the contents
    for i, content in enumerate(allcontents):
        if thousands:
            content = [int(x) if is_number(x, cast=int) else x \
                        for x in content]
            content = [th(x) if (is_number(x, cast=int) and x >= 1000) else x \
                        for x in content]
        allcontents[i] = [str(x) for x in content]

    colwidths = [max(len(x[i]) for x in allcontents) for i in xrange(cols)]
    sep += " "
    formatted_contents = []
    for content in allcontents:
        rjusted = [x.rjust(cw) for x, cw in zip(content, colwidths)] \
                    if align else content
        formatted = sep.join(rjusted)

    return formatted_contents
Пример #2
def write_csv(header, contents, sep=",", filename="stdout", thousands=False, tee=False):
    Write csv that are aligned with the column headers.

    >>> header = ["x_value", "y_value"]
    >>> contents = [(1, 100), (2, 200)]
    >>> write_csv(header, contents)
    x_value, y_value
          1,     100
          2,     200
    from jcvi.formats.base import must_open, is_number
    from jcvi.utils.cbook import thousands as th

    fw = must_open(filename, "w")
    allcontents = [header] + contents if header else contents
    cols = len(contents[0])
    for content in allcontents:
        assert len(content) == cols

    # Stringify the contents
    for i, content in enumerate(allcontents):
        if thousands:
            content = [int(x) if is_number(x, cast=int) else x for x in content]
            content = [th(x) if (is_number(x, cast=int) and x >= 1000) else x for x in content]
        allcontents[i] = [str(x) for x in content]

    colwidths = [max(len(x[i]) for x in allcontents) for i in xrange(cols)]
    sep += " "
    for content in allcontents:
        rjusted = [x.rjust(cw) for x, cw in zip(content, colwidths)]
        formatted = sep.join(rjusted)
        print >> fw, formatted
        if tee and filename != "stdout":
            print formatted
Пример #3
def load_csv(header, contents, sep=",", thousands=False, align=True):

    from jcvi.formats.base import is_number
    from jcvi.utils.cbook import thousands as th

    allcontents = [header] + contents if header else contents
    cols = len(contents[0])
    for content in allcontents:
        assert len(content) == cols

    # Stringify the contents
    for i, content in enumerate(allcontents):
        if thousands:
            content = [int(x) if is_number(x, cast=int) else x \
                        for x in content]
            content = [th(x) if (is_number(x, cast=int) and x >= 1000) else x \
                        for x in content]
        allcontents[i] = [str(x) for x in content]

    colwidths = [max(len(x[i]) for x in allcontents) for i in xrange(cols)]
    sep += " "
    formatted_contents = []
    for content in allcontents:
        rjusted = [x.rjust(cw) for x, cw in zip(content, colwidths)] \
                    if align else content
        formatted = sep.join(rjusted)

    return formatted_contents