Пример #1
class DBusConnection:
    """A plain D-Bus connection with no matching of replies.

    This doesn't run any separate tasks: sending and receiving are done in
    the task that calls those methods. It's suitable for implementing servers:
    several worker tasks can receive requests and send replies.
    For a typical client pattern, see :class:`DBusRouter`.
    def __init__(self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader,
                 writer: asyncio.StreamWriter):
        self.reader = reader
        self.writer = writer
        self.parser = Parser()
        self.outgoing_serial = count(start=1)
        self.unique_name = None
        self.send_lock = asyncio.Lock()

    async def send(self, message: Message, *, serial=None):
        """Serialise and send a :class:`~.Message` object"""
        async with self.send_lock:
            if serial is None:
                serial = next(self.outgoing_serial)
            await self.writer.drain()

    async def receive(self) -> Message:
        """Return the next available message from the connection"""
        while True:
            msg = self.parser.get_next_message()
            if msg is not None:
                return msg

            b = await self.reader.read(4096)
            if not b:
                raise EOFError

    async def close(self):
        """Close the D-Bus connection"""
        await self.writer.wait_closed()

    async def __aenter__(self):
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        await self.close()
Пример #2
class DBusConnection:
    def __init__(self, sock):
        self.sock = sock
        self.parser = Parser()
        self.outgoing_serial = count(start=1)
        self.selector = DefaultSelector()
        self.select_key = self.selector.register(sock, EVENT_READ)
        self._stop_r, self._stop_w = os.pipe()
        self.stop_key = self.selector.register(self._stop_r, EVENT_READ)
        self.send_lock = Lock()
        self.rcv_lock = Lock()
        self.unique_name = None

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        return False

    def send(self, message: Message, serial=None):
        """Serialise and send a :class:`~.Message` object"""
        if serial is None:
            serial = next(self.outgoing_serial)
        data = message.serialise(serial=serial)
        with self.send_lock:

    def receive(self, *, timeout=None) -> Message:
        """Return the next available message from the connection

        If the data is ready, this will return immediately, even if timeout<=0.
        Otherwise, it will wait for up to timeout seconds, or indefinitely if
        timeout is None. If no message comes in time, it raises TimeoutError.

        If the connection is closed from another thread, this will raise
        if timeout is not None:
            deadline = time.monotonic() + timeout
            deadline = None

        with self.rcv_lock:
            while True:
                msg = self.parser.get_next_message()
                if msg is not None:
                    return msg

                if deadline is not None:
                    timeout = deadline - time.monotonic()

                b = self._read_some_data(timeout)

    def _read_some_data(self, timeout=None):
        # Wait for data or a signal on the stop pipe
        for key, ev in self.selector.select(timeout):
            if key == self.select_key:
                return unwrap_read(self.sock.recv(4096))
            elif key == self.stop_key:
                raise ReceiveStopped(
                    "DBus receive stopped from another thread")

        raise TimeoutError

    def interrupt(self):
        """Make any threads waiting for a message raise ReceiveStopped"""
        os.write(self._stop_w, b'a')

    def reset_interrupt(self):
        """Allow calls to .receive() again after .interrupt()

        To avoid race conditions, you should typically wait for threads to
        respond (e.g. by joining them) between interrupting and resetting.
        # Clear any data on the stop pipe
        while (self.stop_key, EVENT_READ) in self.selector.select(timeout=0):
            os.read(self._stop_r, 1024)

    def close(self):
        """Close the connection"""
Пример #3
class DBusConnectionBase:
    """Connection machinery shared by this module and threading"""
    def __init__(self, sock: socket.socket, enable_fds=False):
        self.sock = sock
        self.enable_fds = enable_fds
        self.parser = Parser()
        self.outgoing_serial = count(start=1)
        self.selector = DefaultSelector()
        self.select_key = self.selector.register(sock, EVENT_READ)
        self.unique_name = None

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        return False

    def _serialise(self, message: Message,
                   serial) -> (bytes, Optional[array.array]):
        if serial is None:
            serial = next(self.outgoing_serial)
        fds = array.array('i') if self.enable_fds else None
        data = message.serialise(serial=serial, fds=fds)
        return data, fds

    def _send_with_fds(self, data, fds):
        bytes_sent = self.sock.sendmsg(
            [data], [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SCM_RIGHTS, fds)])
        # If sendmsg succeeds, I think ancillary data has been sent atomically?
        # So now we just need to send any leftover normal data.
        if bytes_sent < len(data):

    def _receive(self, deadline):
        while True:
            msg = self.parser.get_next_message()
            if msg is not None:
                return msg

            b, fds = self._read_some_data(
            self.parser.add_data(b, fds=fds)

    def _read_some_data(self, timeout=None):
        for key, ev in self.selector.select(timeout):
            if key == self.select_key:
                if self.enable_fds:
                    return self._read_with_fds()
                    return unwrap_read(self.sock.recv(4096)), []

        raise TimeoutError

    def _read_with_fds(self):
        nbytes = self.parser.bytes_desired()
        data, ancdata, flags, _ = self.sock.recvmsg(nbytes, fds_buf_size())
        if flags & getattr(socket, 'MSG_CTRUNC', 0):
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to receive all file descriptors")
        return unwrap_read(data), FileDescriptor.from_ancdata(ancdata)

    def close(self):
        """Close the connection"""
Пример #4
class DBusConnection:
    def __init__(self, sock):
        self.sock = sock
        self.parser = Parser()
        self.outgoing_serial = count(start=1)
        self.selector = DefaultSelector()
        self.select_key = self.selector.register(sock, EVENT_READ)
        self._unwrap_reply = False

        # Message routing machinery
        self.router = Router(_Future)  # Old interface, for backwards compat
        self._filters = MessageFilters()

        # Say Hello, get our unique name
        self.bus_proxy = Proxy(message_bus, self)
        hello_reply = self.bus_proxy.Hello()
        self.unique_name = hello_reply[0]

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        return False

    def send(self, message: Message, serial=None):
        """Serialise and send a :class:`~.Message` object"""
        if serial is None:
            serial = next(self.outgoing_serial)
        data = message.serialise(serial=serial)

    send_message = send  # Backwards compatibility

    def receive(self, *, timeout=None) -> Message:
        """Return the next available message from the connection

        If the data is ready, this will return immediately, even if timeout<=0.
        Otherwise, it will wait for up to timeout seconds, or indefinitely if
        timeout is None. If no message comes in time, it raises TimeoutError.
        deadline = timeout_to_deadline(timeout)

        while True:
            msg = self.parser.get_next_message()
            if msg is not None:
                return msg

            b = self._read_some_data(timeout=deadline_to_timeout(deadline))

    def _read_some_data(self, timeout=None):
        for key, ev in self.selector.select(timeout):
            if key == self.select_key:
                return unwrap_read(self.sock.recv(4096))

        raise TimeoutError

    def recv_messages(self, *, timeout=None):
        """Receive one message and apply filters

        See :meth:`filter`. Returns nothing.
        msg = self.receive(timeout=timeout)
        for filter in self._filters.matches(msg):

    def send_and_get_reply(self, message, *, timeout=None, unwrap=None):
        """Send a message, wait for the reply and return it

        Filters are applied to other messages received before the reply -
        see :meth:`add_filter`.
        deadline = timeout_to_deadline(timeout)

        if unwrap is None:
            unwrap = self._unwrap_reply

        serial = next(self.outgoing_serial)
        self.send_message(message, serial=serial)
        while True:
            msg_in = self.receive(timeout=deadline_to_timeout(deadline))
            reply_to = msg_in.header.fields.get(HeaderFields.reply_serial, -1)
            if reply_to == serial:
                if unwrap:
                    return unwrap_msg(msg_in)
                return msg_in

            # Not the reply
            for filter in self._filters.matches(msg_in):

    def filter(self, rule, *, queue: Optional[deque] = None, bufsize=1):
        """Create a filter for incoming messages


            with conn.filter(rule) as matches:
                # matches is a deque containing matched messages
                matching_msg = conn.recv_until_filtered(matches)

        :param jeepney.MatchRule rule: Catch messages matching this rule
        :param collections.deque queue: Matched messages will be added to this
        :param int bufsize: If no deque is passed in, create one with this size
        return FilterHandle(self._filters, rule, queue
                            or deque(maxlen=bufsize))

    def recv_until_filtered(self, queue, *, timeout=None) -> Message:
        """Process incoming messages until one is filtered into queue

        Pops the message from queue and returns it, or raises TimeoutError if
        the optional timeout expires. Without a timeout, this is equivalent to::

            while len(queue) == 0:
            return queue.popleft()

        In the other I/O modules, there is no need for this, because messages
        are placed in queues by a separate task.

        :param collections.deque queue: A deque connected by :meth:`filter`
        :param float timeout: Maximum time to wait in seconds
        deadline = timeout_to_deadline(timeout)
        while len(queue) == 0:
        return queue.popleft()

    def close(self):
        """Close this connection"""