Пример #1
def update():
    delicious = DeliciousClient(settings.DELICIOUS_USERNAME, settings.DELICIOUS_PASSWORD)

    # Check to see if we need an update
    last_update_date = Item.objects.get_last_update_of_model(Bookmark)
    last_post_date = utils.parsedate(delicious.posts.update().get("time"))
    if last_post_date <= last_update_date:
        log.info("Skipping update: last update date: %s; last post date: %s", last_update_date, last_post_date)

    for datenode in reversed(list(delicious.posts.dates().getiterator('date'))):
        dt = utils.parsedate(datenode.get("date"))
        if dt > last_update_date:
            _update_bookmarks_from_date(delicious, dt)
Пример #2
def update():
    delicious = DeliciousClient(settings.DELICIOUS_USERNAME, settings.DELICIOUS_PASSWORD)

    # Check to see if we need an update
    last_update_date = Item.objects.get_last_update_of_model(Bookmark)
    last_post_date = utils.parsedate(delicious.posts.update().get("time"))
    if last_post_date <= last_update_date:
        log.info("Skipping update: last update date: %s; last post date: %s", last_update_date, last_post_date)

    for datenode in reversed(list(delicious.posts.dates().getiterator('date'))):
        dt = utils.parsedate(datenode.get("date"))
        if dt > last_update_date:
            log.debug("There is a record indicating bookmarks have been added after our last update")
            _update_bookmarks_from_date(delicious, dt)
Пример #3
def _handle_bookmark(info):
    info.keys() ==> ['id', 'created', 'updated', 'rating', 'private', 'owner', 
                     'title', 'url', 'description', 'screenshot', 'tags']
    Current Bookmark model doesn't support all of these.
    if info['private'] == 'false':
        b, created = Bookmark.objects.get_or_create(
            url = info['url'],
            defaults = dict(
                description = info['title'],
                extended = info.get('description', ''),
                thumbnail_url = info.get('screenshot', ''),
        if not created:
            b.description = info['title']
            b.extended = info.get('description', '')
            b.thumbnail_url = info.get('screenshot', ''),
        return Item.objects.create_or_update(
            instance = b, 
            timestamp = utils.parsedate(info['created']), 
            tags = info.get('tags', ''),
            source = __name__,
            source_id = info['id'],
Пример #4
def update():
    flickr = FlickrClient(settings.FLICKR_API_KEY)
    # Preload the list of licenses
    licenses = licenses = flickr.photos.licenses.getInfo()
    licenses = dict((l["id"], smart_unicode(l["url"])) for l in licenses["licenses"]["license"])
    # Handle update by pages until we see photos we've already handled
    last_update_date = Item.objects.get_last_update_of_model(Photo)
    page = 1
    while True:
        log.debug("Fetching page %s of photos", page)
        resp = flickr.people.getPublicPhotos(user_id=settings.FLICKR_USER_ID, extras="license,date_taken", per_page="500", page=str(page))
        photos = resp["photos"]
        if page > photos["pages"]:
            log.debug("Ran out of photos; stopping.")
        for photodict in photos["photo"]:
            timestamp = utils.parsedate(str(photodict["datetaken"]))
            if timestamp < last_update_date:
                log.debug("Hit an old photo (taken %s; last update was %s); stopping.", timestamp, last_update_date)
            photo_id = utils.safeint(photodict["id"])
            license = licenses[photodict["license"]]
            secret = smart_unicode(photodict["secret"])
            _handle_photo(flickr, photo_id, secret, license, timestamp)
        page += 1
Пример #5
    def update_bookmark(self, delicious):
        last_update_date = Item.objects.get_last_update_of_model(Bookmark)
        bookmarks = self.incoming['bookmark'] = list()

        last_post_date = utils.parsedate(delicious.posts.update().get("time"))
        if last_post_date <= last_update_date:
            log.info("Skipping update: last update date: %s; last post date: %s", last_update_date, last_post_date)

        for datenode in reversed(list(delicious.posts.dates().getiterator('date'))):
            dt = utils.parsedate(datenode.get("date"))
            if dt > last_update_date:
                xml = delicious.posts.get(dt=dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                for post in xml.getiterator('post'):
                    info = dict((k, smart_unicode(post.get(k))) for k in post.keys())

                    info['tags'] = info['tag']
                    info['url'] = info['href']
                    info['timestamp'] = utils.parsedate(info['time'])

                    bookmarks.append( info )
Пример #6
    def update_photo(self, flickr):
        last_update_date = Item.objects.get_last_update_of_model(Photo)
        log.debug("Last update date: %s", last_update_date)

        licenses = licenses = flickr.photos.licenses.getInfo()
        licenses = dict((l["id"], smart_unicode(l["url"])) for l in licenses["licenses"]["license"])

        page = 1
        keep_working = True
        photo_list = self.incoming["photo"] = list()
        while True:
            log.debug("Fetching page %s of photos", page)
            resp = flickr.people.getPublicPhotos(user_id=settings.FLICKR_USER_ID, extras="license,date_taken", 
                                                 per_page="500", page=str(page))
            photos = resp["photos"]
            if page > photos["pages"]:
                log.debug("Ran out of photos; stopping.")

            for photodict in photos["photo"]:
                timestamp = utils.parsedate(str(photodict["datetaken"]))
                if timestamp < last_update_date:
                    log.debug("Hit an old photo (taken %s; last update was %s); stopping.", 
                              timestamp, last_update_date)

                obj = {}
                obj['photo_id'] = smart_unicode(photodict["id"])
                obj['cc_license'] = licenses[photodict["license"]]
                obj['secret'] = smart_unicode(photodict["secret"])

                info = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id=obj['photo_id'], secret=obj['secret'])["photo"]

                obj['server_id'] = utils.safeint(info["server"])
                obj['farm_id'] = utils.safeint(info["farm"])
                obj['taken_by'] = smart_unicode(info["owner"]["username"])
                obj['title'] = smart_unicode(info["title"]["_content"])
                obj['description'] = smart_unicode(info["description"]["_content"])
                obj['comment_count'] = utils.safeint(info["comments"]["_content"])
                obj['date_uploaded'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(utils.safeint(info["dates"]["posted"]))
                obj['date_updated'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(utils.safeint(info["dates"]["lastupdate"]))

                obj['tags'] = self.convert_tags(info["tags"])
                obj['timestamp'] = timestamp
                obj['photoset'] = None

                photo_list.append( obj )
            page += 1
Пример #7
def _handle_bookmark(info):
    b, created = Bookmark.objects.get_or_create(
        url = info['href'],
        defaults = dict(
            description = info['description'],
            extended = info.get('extended', ''),
    if not created:
        b.description = info['description']
        b.extended = info.get('extended', '')
    return Item.objects.create_or_update(
        instance = b, 
        timestamp = utils.parsedate(info['time']), 
        tags = info.get('tag', ''),
        source = __name__,
        source_id = info['hash'],
Пример #8
def update():
    flickr = FlickrClient(settings.FLICKR_API_KEY)

    # Preload the list of licenses
    licenses = licenses = flickr.photos.licenses.getInfo()
    licenses = dict((l["id"], smart_unicode(l["url"]))
                    for l in licenses["licenses"]["license"])

    # Handle update by pages until we see photos we've already handled
    last_update_date = Item.objects.get_last_update_of_model(Photo)
    page = 1
    while True:
        log.debug("Fetching page %s of photos", page)
        resp = flickr.people.getPublicPhotos(user_id=settings.FLICKR_USER_ID,
        photos = resp["photos"]
        if page > photos["pages"]:
            log.debug("Ran out of photos; stopping.")

        for photodict in photos["photo"]:
            timestamp = utils.parsedate(str(photodict["datetaken"]))
            if timestamp < last_update_date:
                    "Hit an old photo (taken %s; last update was %s); stopping.",
                    timestamp, last_update_date)

            photo_id = utils.safeint(photodict["id"])
            license = licenses[photodict["license"]]
            secret = smart_unicode(photodict["secret"])
            _handle_photo(flickr, photo_id, secret, license, timestamp)

        page += 1