def test_set_data_path(self): config = CConfig() self.assertEqual(config.m_dataPath, "../../../../data/maps/") config.setDataPath("./data") self.assertEqual(config.m_dataPath, "./data/")
def test_str(self): terrain_map = CTerrainMap() config = CConfig() config.setDataPath("./tests/test_maps") file = "map_01" terrain_map.LoadMap(file, config) res = str(terrain_map) self.assertIsInstance(res, str)
def test_load_map_failed(self): terrain_map = CTerrainMap() config = CConfig() config.setDataPath("./tests/test_maps") file = "map_00" terrain_map.LoadMap(file, config) self.assertEqual(terrain_map.m_iSizeX, 0) self.assertEqual(terrain_map.m_iSizeZ, 0)
def test_load_map(self): terrain_map = CTerrainMap() config = CConfig() config.setDataPath("./tests/test_maps") file = "map_01" terrain_map.LoadMap(file, config) self.assertGreater(len(terrain_map.m_Terrain), 0) self.assertGreater(len(terrain_map.m_Terrain[0]), 0)
async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(timeout=1000000) if msg is None: print("[" + + "]: Warning! Cannot begin") self.agent.stop() return else: tokens = msg.body.split() s_map_name = None for token in tokens: if token == "MAP:": s_map_name = tokens[tokens.index(token) + 1] print("[" + + "]: Beginning to fight") if not s_map_name: return self.agent.m_Map = CTerrainMap() config = CConfig() self.agent.m_Map.LoadMap(s_map_name, config) self.agent.m_Movement = CMobile() self.agent.m_Movement.SetSize(self.agent.m_Map.GetSizeX(), self.agent.m_Map.GetSizeZ()) self.agent.generate_spawn_position() self.agent.SetUpPriorities() # Behaviour to get the objective of the game, to create the corresponding task t = Template() t.set_metadata("performative", "objective") self.agent.add_behaviour(self.agent.ObjectiveBehaviour(), t) # Behaviour to listen to manager if game has finished t = Template() t.set_metadata("performative", "game") self.agent.add_behaviour(self.agent.GameFinishedBehaviour(), t) # Behaviour to handle Pack Taken messages t = Template() t.set_metadata("performative", "pack_taken") self.agent.add_behaviour(self.agent.PackTakenBehaviour(0), t) # Behaviour to handle Shot messages t = Template() t.set_metadata("performative", "shot") self.agent.add_behaviour(self.agent.PackTakenBehaviour(0), t) # Behaviour to inform JGomasManager our position, status, and so on self.agent.add_behaviour( self.agent.DataFromTroopBehaviour(0.1)) # Behaviour to increment inner variables (Power, Stamina and Health Bars) #self.agent.Launch_BarsAddOn_InnerBehaviour() self.agent.add_behaviour(self.agent.RestoreBehaviour(1)) # Behaviour to call for medics or fieldops self.agent.add_behaviour( self.agent.MedicAmmoRequestBehaviour(1)) # // Behaviour to launch the FSM self.agent.Launch_FSM_Behaviour()
def __init__(self, name="cmanager@localhost", passwd="secret", players=10, fps=0.033, match_time=380, path=None, mapname="map_01", service_jid="cservice@localhost"): CJGomasAgent.__init__(self, name, passwd, service_jid=service_jid) self.MAX_TOTAL_AGENTS = players self.m_iFPS = fps self.m_lMatchTime = match_time self.m_sMapName = str(mapname) self.m_CConfig = CConfig() if path is not None: self.m_CConfig.setDataPath(path) self.m_iNumberOfAgents = 0 self.m_AgentList = {} self.m_lMatchInit = 0 self.m_domain = name.split('@')[1] self.ObjectiveAgent = None self.cservice = None
class CManager(CJGomasAgent): ARG_PLAYERS = 0 ARG_MAP_NAME = 1 ARG_FPS = 2 ARG_MATCH_TIME = 3 ARG_MAP_PATH = 4 def __init__(self, name="cmanager@localhost", passwd="secret", players=10, fps=0.033, match_time=380, path=None, mapname="map_01", service_jid="cservice@localhost"): CJGomasAgent.__init__(self, name, passwd, service_jid=service_jid) self.MAX_TOTAL_AGENTS = players self.m_iFPS = fps self.m_lMatchTime = match_time self.m_sMapName = str(mapname) self.m_CConfig = CConfig() if path is not None: self.m_CConfig.setDataPath(path) self.m_iNumberOfAgents = 0 self.m_AgentList = {} self.m_lMatchInit = 0 self.m_domain = name.split('@')[1] self.ObjectiveAgent = None self.cservice = None # self.addAddress("http://"+self.getDomain()+":2099/acc") def take_down(self): self.ObjectiveAgent.stop() CJGomasAgent.take_down(self) def start(self, auto_register=True): class InitBehaviour(OneShotBehaviour): async def run(self): print("Manager (Expected Agents): " + str(self.agent.MAX_TOTAL_AGENTS)) for i in range(1, self.agent.MAX_TOTAL_AGENTS + 1): msg = await self.receive(timeout=100000) if msg: sContent = msg.body tokens = sContent.lower().split() sName = None eType = None eTeam = None for token in tokens: if token == "name:": sName = tokens[tokens.index(token) + 1] elif token == "type:": eType = int(tokens[tokens.index(token) + 1]) elif token == "team:": eTeam = int(tokens[tokens.index(token) + 1]) self.agent.m_AgentList[sName] = CMicroAgent() self.agent.m_AgentList[sName].m_JID = sName self.agent.m_AgentList[sName].m_eType = eType self.agent.m_AgentList[sName].m_eTeam = eTeam print("Manager: [" + sName + "] is Ready!") self.agent.m_iNumberOfAgents += 1 print("Manager (Accepted Agents): " + str(self.agent.m_iNumberOfAgents)) for agent in self.agent.m_AgentList.values(): msg = Message() msg.set_metadata("performative", "init") = agent.m_JID msg.body = " MAP: " + self.agent.m_sMapName + " FIGHT!!" await self.send(msg) print("Manager: Sending notification to fight to: " + agent.m_JID) await self.agent.InformObjectives(self) self.agent.m_lMatchInit = time.time() print("JGOMAS v. 0.1.4 (c) GTI-IA 2005 - 2007 (DSIC / UPV)") CJGomasAgent.start(self, auto_register=auto_register) self.m_GameStatistic = CGameStatistic() # Manager notify its services in a different way self.cservice = CService(self.service_jid) self.cservice.start() self.register_service("management") self.m_DinObjectList = dict() self.m_REServer = CServer(self.m_sMapName) self.m_REServer.start() self.m_Map = CTerrainMap() self.m_Map.LoadMap(self.m_sMapName, self.m_CConfig) self.CreateObjectives() # We need to do this when online #// Behaviour to refresh all render engines connected self.Launch_RenderEngine_InformBehaviour() # Behaviour to listen to data (position, health?, an so on) from troop agents self.Launch_DataFromTroop_ListenerBehaviour() # Behaviour to handle Sight messages self.Launch_Sight_ResponderBehaviour() # Behaviour to handle Shot messages self.Launch_Shot_ResponderBehaviour() # Behaviour to attend the petitions for register services self.Launch_ServiceRegister_ResponderBehaviour() # Behaviour to handle Pack Management: Creation and Destruction self.Launch_PackManagement_ResponderBehaviour() # Behaviour to inform all agents that game has finished by time self.Launch_GameTimeout_InformBehaviour() template = Template() template.set_metadata("performative", "init") self.add_behaviour(InitBehaviour(), template) # Behaviour to refresh all render engines connected def Launch_RenderEngine_InformBehaviour(self): class TickerBehaviour(PeriodicBehaviour): async def run(self): try: if self.agent.m_REServer and self.agent.m_REServer.m_ConnectionList is not None: msg = "" + str(self.agent.m_iNumberOfAgents) + " " for agent in self.agent.m_AgentList.values(): msg += agent.m_sName.split("@")[0] + " " msg += str(agent.m_eType) + " " msg += str(agent.m_eTeam) + " " msg += str(agent.m_iHealth) + " " msg += str(agent.m_iAmmo) + " " if agent.m_bCarryingObjective: msg += str(1) else: msg += str(0) msg += " (" + str(agent.m_Locate.m_Position.x) + ", " msg += str(agent.m_Locate.m_Position.y) + ", " msg += str(agent.m_Locate.m_Position.z) + ") " msg += "(" + str(agent.m_Locate.m_Velocity.x) + ", " msg += str(agent.m_Locate.m_Velocity.y) + ", " msg += str(agent.m_Locate.m_Velocity.z) + ") " msg += "(" + str(agent.m_Locate.m_Heading.x) + ", " msg += str(agent.m_Locate.m_Heading.y) + ", " msg += str(agent.m_Locate.m_Heading.z) + ") " msg += str(len(self.agent.m_DinObjectList)) + " " for oDinObject in self.agent.m_DinObjectList.values(): msg += str(oDinObject.m_id) + " " msg += str(oDinObject.m_eType) + " " msg += " (" + str(oDinObject.m_Position.x) + ", " msg += str(oDinObject.m_Position.y) + ", " msg += str(oDinObject.m_Position.z) + ") " for st in self.agent.m_REServer.m_ConnectionList: st.SendMsgToRenderEngine(CServer.CRequestHandler.TCP_AGL, msg) except: pass self.add_behaviour(TickerBehaviour(self.m_iFPS)) # Behaviour to listen to data (position, health?, an so on) from troop agents def Launch_DataFromTroop_ListenerBehaviour(self): class CyclicBehaviourDFT(Behaviour): async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(timeout=100000) if msg: s_content = msg.body s_content = s_content.split() id_agent = int(s_content[1]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Position.x = float(s_content[3]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Position.y = float(s_content[5]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Position.z = float(s_content[7]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Velocity.x = float(s_content[10]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Velocity.y = float(s_content[12]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Velocity.z = float(s_content[14]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Heading.x = float(s_content[17]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Heading.y = float(s_content[19]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_Locate.m_Heading.z = float(s_content[21]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_iHealth = int(s_content[24]) self.agent.m_AgentList[id_agent].m_iAmmo = int(s_content[26]) self.agent.CheckObjectsAtStep(id_agent) if self.agent.CheckGameFinished(id_agent): self.agent.InformGameFinished("ALLIED", self) print("\n\nManager: GAME FINISHED!! Winner Team: ALLIED! (Target Returned)\n") template = Template() template.set_metadata("performative", "data") self.add_behaviour(CyclicBehaviourDFT(), template) # Behaviour to handle Sight messages def Launch_Sight_ResponderBehaviour(self): class CyclicBehaviourSight(Behaviour): async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(timeout=100000) if msg: s_content = msg.body s_content = s_content.split() FOVObjects = self.agent.GetObjectsInFieldOfView(s_content[1]) s_content = " #: " + str(len(FOVObjects)) + " " for s in FOVObjects: s_content += "TEAM: " + str(s.m_eTeam) + " TYPE: " + str(s.m_eType) s_content += " ANGLE: " + str(s.m_dAngle) + " DISTANCE: " + str(s.m_dDistance) + " " s_content += "HEALTH: " + str(s.m_iHealth) s_content += " ( " + str(s.m_Position.x) + " , " + str(s.m_Position.y) + " , " + str(s.m_Position.z) + " ) " reply = msg.make_reply() reply.body = s_content reply.set_metadata("performative", "sight") await self.send(reply) template = Template() template.set_metadata("performative", "sight") self.add_behaviour(CyclicBehaviourSight(), template) # Behaviour to handle Shot messages def Launch_Shot_ResponderBehaviour(self): class CyclicBehaviourShot(Behaviour): async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(True) if msg: sContent = msg.body tokens = sContent.split() id = int(tokens[1]) iAim = int(tokens[3]) iShots = int(tokens[5]) iShooterID = 0 for agent in self.agent.m_AgentList.values(): if agent.m_JID == id: iShooterID = agent.m_JID break if iShooterID == 0: return # Statistics if self.agent.m_AgentList[iShooterID].m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_ALLIED: eTeam = 0 else: eTeam = 1 self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[eTeam].m_iTotalShots += 1 Victim = self.agent.Shot(id) if Victim is None: # Statistics self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[eTeam].m_iFailedShots += 1 return # Statistics if self.agent.m_AgentList[iShooterID].m_eTeam == Victim.m_eTeam: self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[eTeam].m_iTeamHitShots += 1 else: self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[eTeam].m_iEnemyHitShots += 1 iDamage = 2 if self.agent.m_AgentList[iShooterID].m_eType == CTroop.CLASS_SOLDIER: iDamage = 3 msgShot = Message(to=Victim.m_JID) msgShot.set_metadata("performative", "shot") msgShot.body = "DEC_HEALTH: " + str(iDamage) await self.send(msgShot) self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_iHealth -= iDamage if self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_iHealth <= 0: self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_iHealth = 0 print("Agent", str(self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_sName), "died") if self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_bCarryingObjective == True: self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_bCarryingObjective = False print("Agent", str(self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_JID].m_sName), "lost the ObjectivePack") for DinObject in self.agent.m_DinObjectList.values(): if DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_OBJPACK: #Esto sobra: DinObject.m_bTaken = false; DinObject.m_Owner = 0 msgPack = Message(to=DinObject.m_JID) msgPack.set_metadata("performative", "pack_lost") DinObject.m_Position.x = self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_id].m_Locate.m_Position.x DinObject.m_Position.y = self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_id].m_Locate.m_Position.y DinObject.m_Position.z = self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_id].m_Locate.m_Position.z msgPack.body = "POSITION: ( " + \ str(self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_id].m_Locate.m_Position.x) + \ " , " + \ str(self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_id].m_Locate.m_Position.y) + \ " , " + \ str(self.agent.m_AgentList[Victim.m_id].m_Locate.m_Position.z) + \ " ) " await self.send(msgPack) # Statistics self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[0].m_iTotalObjectiveLost += 1 template = Template() template.set_metadata("performative", "shot") self.add_behaviour(CyclicBehaviourShot(), template) # Ya no es necesario # Behaviour to attend the petitions for register services def Launch_ServiceRegister_ResponderBehaviour(self): class CyclicBehaviourSR(Behaviour): async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(timeout=100000) if msg: sContent = msg.body Service = self.agent.m_Registry.RegisterService(sContent, False) reply = msg.make_reply() reply.body = " " reply.set_metadata("performative", "inform") await self.send(reply) template = Template() template.set_metadata("performative", "services") self.add_behaviour(CyclicBehaviourSR(), template) # Behaviour to handle Pack Management: Creation and Destruction def Launch_PackManagement_ResponderBehaviour(self): class CyclicBehaviourPM(Behaviour): async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(True) if msg: sContent = msg.body tokens = sContent.split() id = int(tokens[1]) sAction = tokens[2] if sAction.upper() == "DESTROY": # Statistics DinObject = self.agent.m_DinObjectList[id] if DinObject.m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_ALLIED: ePackTeam = 0 else: ePackTeam = 1 ePackType = -1 if DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_MEDICPACK: ePackType = 0 elif DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_AMMOPACK: ePackType = 1 if ePackType >= 0: self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[ePackType].m_iNotTaken=self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[ePackType].m_iNotTaken + 1 try: del self.agent.m_DinObjectList[id] print("Pack removed") except: print("Pack", str(id), "cannot be erased") return if sAction.upper() == "CREATE": index = tokens.index("TYPE:") #// Get "TYPE:" eType = int(tokens[index+1]) index = tokens.index("TEAM:") #// Get "TEAM:" eTeam = int(tokens[index+1]) x = float(tokens[index+3]) #skip "(" y = float(tokens[index+5]) #skip "," z = float(tokens[index+7]) #skip "," DinObj = CDinObject() DinObj.m_AID = msg.sender DinObj.m_eType = eType DinObj.m_eTeam = eTeam DinObj.m_Position.x = x DinObj.m_Position.y = y DinObj.m_Position.z = z self.agent.m_DinObjectList[DinObj.m_id] = DinObj print("Added DinObject", str(DinObj)) reply = msg.make_reply() reply.body = "ID: " + str(DinObj.m_id) + " " await self.send(reply) #/Statistics if eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_ALLIED: ePackTeam = 0 else: ePackTeam = 1 ePackType = -1 if DinObj.m_eType == CPack.PACK_MEDICPACK: ePackType = 0 elif DinObj.m_eType == CPack.PACK_AMMOPACK: ePackType = 1 if ePackType >= 0: self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[ePackType].m_iDelivered=self.agent.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[ePackType].m_iDelivered + 1 else: print("Action not identified: " + str(sAction)) return template = Template() template.set_metadata("performative", "pack") self.add_behaviour(CyclicBehaviourPM(), template) # Behaviour to inform all agents that game has finished by time def Launch_GameTimeout_InformBehaviour(self): class TickerBehaviour(TimeoutBehaviour): async def run(self): print("\n\nManager: GAME FINISHED!! Winner Team: AXIS! (Time Expired)\n") self.agent.InformGameFinished("AXIS!") self.add_behaviour(TickerBehaviour(self.m_lMatchTime)) async def CheckObjectsAtStep(self, _idAgent, behaviour): if len(self.m_DinObjectList) <= 0: return if self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_iHealth <= 0: return WIDE = 3 xmin = self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.x - WIDE zmin = self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.z - WIDE xmax = self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.x + WIDE zmax = self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.z + WIDE for DinObject in self.m_DinObjectList.values(): if DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_MEDICPACK and self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_iHealth >= 100: continue if DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_AMMOPACK and self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_iAmmo >= 100: continue if DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_OBJPACK and DinObject.m_bTaken and DinObject.m_Owner >0: continue if DinObject.m_Position.x >= xmin and DinObject.m_Position.x <= xmax \ and DinObject.m_Position.z >= zmin and DinObject.m_Position.z <= zmax: # Agent has stepped on pack bSend = False id = DinObject.m_JID iQty = 0 eType = DinObject.m_eType owner = DinObject.m_JID sContent = "" # Statistics eTeam = self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_eTeam if DinObject.m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_ALLIED: ePackTeam = 0 else: ePackTeam = 1 if DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_MEDICPACK: # Statistics if DinObject.m_eTeam == eTeam: self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[0].m_iTeamTaken=\ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[0].m_iTeamTaken+1 else: self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[0].m_iEnemyTaken=\ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[0].m_iEnemyTaken+1 iQty = 20 try: del self.m_DinObjectList[id] print (self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_JID + ": got a medic pack " + str(DinObject.m_JID)) sContent = " TYPE: " + str(eType) + " QTY: " + str(iQty) + " " bSend = True except: print("NO SE PUEDE BORRAR LA CLAVE") elif DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_AMMOPACK: # Statistics if DinObject.m_eTeam == eTeam: self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[1].m_iTeamTaken=\ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[1].m_iTeamTaken+1 else: self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[1].m_iEnemyTaken=\ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[ePackTeam].m_iPacks[1].m_iEnemyTaken+1 iQty = 20 try: del self.m_DinObjectList[id] print (self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_JID + ": got an ammo pack " + str(DinObject.m_JID)) sContent = " TYPE: " + str(eType) + " QTY: " + str(iQty) + " " bSend = True except: print("NO SE PUEDE BORRAR LA CLAVE") elif DinObject.m_eType == CPack.PACK_OBJPACK: if self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_ALLIED: print(self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_JID + ": got the objective pack " + str(DinObject.m_JID)) DinObject.m_bTaken = True DinObject.m_Owner = _idAgent DinObject.m_Position.x = DinObject.m_Position.y = DinObject.m_Position.z = 0.0 self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_bCarryingObjective = True sContent = " TYPE: " + str(eType) + " QTY: 0 TEAM: ALLIED " bSend = True # Statistics self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[0].m_iTotalObjectiveTaken = \ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[0].m_iTotalObjectiveTaken + 1 self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[1].m_iTotalObjectiveLost = \ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[1].m_iTotalObjectiveLost + 1 elif self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_AXIS: if DinObject.m_bTaken: print (self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_JID + ": returned the objective pack " + str(DinObject.m_JID)) DinObject.m_bTaken = False DinObject.m_Owner = 0 DinObject.m_Position.x =self.m_Map.GetTargetX() DinObject.m_Position.y =self.m_Map.GetTargetY() DinObject.m_Position.z =self.m_Map.GetTargetZ() sContent = " TYPE: " + str(eType) + " QTY: 0 TEAM: AXIS " bSend = True # Statistics self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[1].m_iTotalObjectiveTaken=\ self.m_GameStatistic.m_tTeamStatistic[1].m_iTotalObjectiveTaken+1 else: sContent = " TYPE: " + str(CPack.PACK_NONE) + " QTY: 0 " #// Send a destroy/taken msg to pack and an inform msg to agent if bSend: msg = Message(to=owner) msg.set_metadata("performative", "pack_taken") msg.body=sContent await behaviour.send(msg) msg = Message(to=self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_AID) msg.set_metadata("performative", "pack_taken") msg.body = sContent await behaviour.send(msg) def GetObjectsInFieldOfView(self, _idAgent): ObjectsInSight = list() a = None for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): if agent.m_JID == _idAgent: a = agent if a is None: return ObjectsInSight dotAngle = float(a.m_Locate.m_dAngle) # am I watching agents? for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): if agent.m_JID == _idAgent: continue if agent.m_iHealth <= 0: # OJO, igual interesa ke veamos muertos :D continue v = Vector3D(v=agent.m_Locate.m_Position ) v.sub(a.m_Locate.m_Position) distance = v.length() # comprobamos la distancia # miramos la distancia a la pared mas cercano dDistanceTerrain = self.intersect(a.m_Locate.m_Position, v) # a.m_Locate.m_Heading) # comprobamos la distancia if distance < a.m_Locate.m_dViewRadius and distance < dDistanceTerrain: #testeamos el angulo angle = try: angle /= a.m_Locate.m_Heading.length() * v.length() except: # Division BY ZEROOOOO!!!! pass if angle >= 0: if angle > 1: angle = 1 angle = math.acos(angle) if angle <= dotAngle: s = CSight() s.m_dDistance = distance s.m_id = agent.m_id s.m_Position = agent.m_Locate.m_Position s.m_eTeam = agent.m_eTeam s.m_eType = agent.m_eType s.m_dAngle = angle s.m_iHealth = agent.m_iHealth ObjectsInSight.append(s) # am I watching objects? if len(self.m_DinObjectList) > 0: for dinObject in self.m_DinObjectList.values(): v = Vector3D(v=dinObject.m_Position) v.sub(a.m_Locate.m_Position) distance = v.length() # comprobamos la distancia # miramos la distancia a la pared mas cercano dDistanceTerrain = self.intersect(a.m_Locate.m_Position, v) #a.m_Locate.m_Heading) if distance < a.m_Locate.m_dViewRadius and distance < dDistanceTerrain: angle = angle /= (a.m_Locate.m_Heading.length() * v.length()) if angle >= 0: if angle > 1: angle = 1 angle = math.acos(angle) if angle <= dotAngle: s = CSight() s.m_dDistance = distance s.m_id = int(dinObject.m_id) s.m_Position = dinObject.m_Position s.m_eTeam = dinObject.m_eTeam s.m_eType = dinObject.m_eType s.m_dAngle = angle s.m_iHealth = -1 ObjectsInSight.append(s) return ObjectsInSight # El agente con id '_idAgent' dispara # mejor pasar el agente? # @return el agente al que ha dado, o null si nada def Shot(self, _idAgent): s = None minDistance = 1e10 #numero grande :-) a = None for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): if agent.m_JID == _idAgent: a = agent break if a == None: return None #return -1 # agentes for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): if agent.m_JID == _idAgent: continue if agent.m_iHealth <= 0: continue p = Vector3D(v=a.m_Locate.m_Position) p.sub(agent.m_Locate.m_Position) dv = d2 = sq = (dv * dv) - ((d2 * - 4) if sq >= 0: sq = math.sqrt(sq) dist1 = (-dv + sq) / d2 dist2 = (-dv - sq) / d2 if dist1 < dist2: distance = dist1 else: distance = dist2 if distance > 0 and distance < minDistance: minDistance = distance s = agent if s != None: v = Vector3D(v=s.m_Locate.m_Position) v.sub(a.m_Locate.m_Position) dDistanceTerrain = self.intersect(a.m_Locate.m_Position, a.m_Locate.m_Heading) #print "distanceTerrain: " + str(dDistanceTerrain) if dDistanceTerrain != 0.0 and dDistanceTerrain < minDistance: s = None return s # devuelve 0.0 si no intersecta def intersect(self, origin, vector): try: step = Vector3D(v=vector) step.normalize() inc = 0 sgn = 1.0 e = 0.0 if abs(step.x) > abs(step.z): if step.z < 0: sgn = -1 step.x /= abs(step.x) step.z /= abs(step.x) else: if step.x < 0: sgn = -1 inc = 1 step.x /= abs(step.z) step.z /= abs(step.z) error = Vector3D(x=0, y=0, z=0) point = Vector3D(v=origin) while True: if inc == 0: if e + abs(step.z) + 0.5 >= 1: point.z += sgn e -= 1 e += abs(step.z) point.x += step.x else: if e + abs(step.x) + 0.5 >= 1: point.x+=sgn e-= 1 e += abs(step.x) point.z += step.z if not self.m_Map.CanWalk(int(math.floor(point.x/8)), int(math.floor(point.z/8))): return error.length() if point.x < 0 or point.y < 0 or point.z < 0: break if point.x >= (self.m_Map.GetSizeX() * 8) or point.z >= (self.m_Map.GetSizeZ() * 8): break error.add(step) except: print("INTERSECT FAILED", origin, vector) return 0.0 def CheckGameFinished(self, _idAgent): if self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_AXIS: return False if self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_bCarryingObjective == False: return False if self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.x > self.m_Map.m_AlliedBase.m_Init.x and \ self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.z > self.m_Map.m_AlliedBase.m_Init.z and \ self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.x < self.m_Map.m_AlliedBase.m_End.x and \ self.m_AgentList[_idAgent].m_Locate.m_Position.z < self.m_Map.m_AlliedBase.m_End.z: return True return False def CreateObjectives(self): self.ObjectiveAgent = CObjPack("objectivepack@"+self.m_domain, "secret", self.m_Map.GetTargetX() / 8, self.m_Map.GetTargetZ() / 8, CTroop.TEAM_NONE) self.ObjectiveAgent.start() async def InformObjectives(self, behaviour): msg = Message() msg.set_metadata("performative", "objective") msg.body = " ( " + str(self.m_Map.GetTargetX()) + " , " + str(self.m_Map.GetTargetY()) + " , " + str( self.m_Map.GetTargetZ()) + " ) " for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): = agent.m_JID await behaviour.send(msg) print("Manager: Sending Objective notification to agents") async def InformGameFinished(self, _sWinnerTeam, behaviour): msg = Message() msg.set_metadata("performative", "game") msg.body = " GAME FINISHED!! Winner Team: " + str(_sWinnerTeam) for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): = agent.m_sName await behaviour.send(msg) for st in self.m_REServer.m_ConnectionList: try: st.SendMsgToRenderEngine(CServer.CRequestHandler.TCP_COM, "FINISH " + " GAME FINISHED!! Winner Team: " + str(_sWinnerTeam)) except: pass self.PrintStatistics(_sWinnerTeam) del self.m_REServer self.m_REServer = None self.take_down() def PrintStatistics(self, _sWinnerTeam): iAlliedAlivePlayers = 0 iAxisAlivePlayers = 0 iAlliedHealth = 0 iAxisHealth = 0 self.m_GameStatistic.m_lMatchDuration = time.time() * 1000 self.m_GameStatistic.m_lMatchDuration -= self.m_lMatchInit for agent in self.m_AgentList.values(): if agent.m_eTeam == CTroop.TEAM_ALLIED: iAlliedHealth += agent.m_iHealth if agent.m_iHealth > 0: iAlliedAlivePlayers = iAlliedAlivePlayers + 1 else: iAxisHealth += agent.m_iHealth if agent.m_iHealth > 0: iAxisAlivePlayers = iAxisAlivePlayers +1 self.m_GameStatistic.CalculateData(iAlliedAlivePlayers, iAxisAlivePlayers, iAlliedHealth, iAxisHealth) try: fw = open("JGOMAS_Statistics.txt",'w+') fw.write(self.m_GameStatistic.__str__(_sWinnerTeam)) fw.close() except: print("COULD NOT WRITE STATISTICS TO FILE")