def pprint_routes(resp: 'Response', stack_limit: int = 3): """Pretty print routes with :mod:`prettytable`, fallback to :func:`print`. :param resp: the :class:`Response` object :param stack_limit: traceback limit """ routes = resp.routes from rich import box from rich.table import Table table = Table(box=box.SIMPLE) for v in ('Executor', 'Time', 'Exception'): table.add_column(v) for route in routes: status_icon = '🟢' if route.status.code == jina_pb2.StatusProto.ERROR: status_icon = '🔴' elif route.status.code == jina_pb2.StatusProto.ERROR_CHAINED: status_icon = '⚪' table.add_row( f'{status_icon} {route.executor}', f'{route.start_time.ToMilliseconds() - routes[0].start_time.ToMilliseconds()}ms', ''.join(route.status.exception.stacks[-stack_limit:]), ) console = get_rich_console() console.print(table)
def __init__( self, description: str = 'Working...', total_length: Optional[float] = None, message_on_done: Optional[Union[str, Callable[..., str]]] = None, columns: Optional[Union[str, ProgressColumn]] = None, disable: bool = False, console: Optional[Console] = None, **kwargs, ): """Init a custom progress bar based on rich. This is the default progress bar of jina if you want to customize it you should probably just use a rich `Progress` and add your custom column and task :param description: description of your task ex : 'Working...' :param total_length: the number of steps :param message_on_done: The message that you want to print at the end of your task. It can either be a string to be formatted with task (ex '{task.completed}') task or a function which take task as input (ex : lambda task : f'{task.completed}' :param columns: If you want to customize the column of the progress bar. Note that you should probably directly use rich Progress object than overwriting these columns parameters. :param total_length: disable the progress bar .. # noqa: DAR202 .. # noqa: DAR101 .. # noqa: DAR003 """ def _default_message_on_done(task): return f'{task.completed} steps done in {get_readable_time(seconds=task.finished_time)}' columns = columns or [ SpinnerColumn(), _OnDoneColumn(f'DONE', description, 'progress.description'), BarColumn(complete_style='green', finished_style='yellow'), TimeElapsedColumn(), '[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%', TextColumn('ETA:', style='progress.remaining'), TimeRemainingColumn(), _OnDoneColumn(message_on_done if message_on_done else _default_message_on_done), ] if not console: console = get_rich_console() super().__init__(*columns, console=console, disable=disable, **kwargs) self.task_id = self.add_task( 'Working...', total=total_length if total_length else 100.0)
def _try_plugin_command(): """Tries to call the CLI of an external Jina project. :return: if the plugin has been found (locally or among the known plugins) """ argv = sys.argv if len(argv) < 2: # no command given return False from jina_cli.autocomplete import ac_table if argv[1] in ac_table[ 'commands']: # native command can't be plugin command return False def _cmd_exists(cmd): return shutil.which(cmd) is not None subcommand = argv[1] cmd = 'jina-' + subcommand if _cmd_exists(cmd):[cmd] + argv[2:]) return True from jina_cli.known_plugins import plugin_info if subcommand in plugin_info: from jina.helper import get_rich_console cmd_info = plugin_info[subcommand] project, package = cmd_info['display-name'], cmd_info['pip-package'] console = get_rich_console() console.print( f"It seems like [yellow]{project}[/yellow] is not installed in your environment." f"To use it via the [green]'jina {subcommand}'[/green] command, " f"install it first: [green]'pip install {package}'[/green].") return True return False
def _get_run_args(print_args: bool = True): from jina.helper import get_rich_console from jina.parsers import get_main_parser console = get_rich_console() silent_print = {'help', 'hub', 'export'} parser = get_main_parser() if len(sys.argv) > 1: from argparse import _StoreAction, _StoreTrueAction from rich import box from rich.table import Table args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() if unknown: from jina.helper import warn_unknown_args unknown = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('--'), unknown)) warn_unknown_args(unknown) if args.cli not in silent_print and print_args: from jina import __resources_path__ p = parser._actions[-1].choices[sys.argv[1]] default_args = { a.dest: a.default for a in p._actions if isinstance(a, (_StoreAction, _StoreTrueAction)) } with open(os.path.join(__resources_path__, 'jina.logo')) as fp: logo_str = param_str = Table( title=' '.join(sys.argv), box=box.ROUNDED, highlight=True, title_justify='left', ) param_str.add_column('Argument', justify='right') param_str.add_column('Value', justify='left') for k, v in sorted(vars(args).items()): param = k.replace('_', '-') value = str(v) if not default_args.get(k, None) == v: value = f'[b]{value}[/]' param_str.add_row(param, value) if 'JINA_LOG_NO_COLOR' not in os.environ: print(f'\n{logo_str}\n') console.print(param_str) return args else: parser.print_help() exit()
def new(self) -> None: """Create a new executor folder interactively.""" from rich import box, print from rich.panel import Panel from rich.progress import track from rich.prompt import Confirm, Prompt from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.table import Table console = get_rich_console() print( ''' [bold green]Executor[/bold green] is how Jina processes [bold]Document[/bold]. This guide helps you to create your own Executor in 30 seconds.''', title='Create New Executor', )) exec_name = ( if else Prompt.ask( ':grey_question: What is the [bold]name[/bold] of your executor?\n' '[dim]CamelCase is required[/dim]', default=f'MyExecutor{random.randint(0, 100)}', )) exec_path = (self.args.path if self.args.path else Prompt.ask( ':grey_question: [bold]Which folder[/bold] to store your executor?', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), exec_name), )) exec_description = '{{}}' exec_keywords = '{{}}' exec_url = '{{}}' is_dockerfile = False if self.args.advance_configuration or Confirm.ask( '[green]That\'s all we need to create an Executor![/green]\n' ':grey_question: Or do you want to proceed to advanced configuration', default=False, ): exec_description = ( self.args.description if self.args.description else (Prompt.ask( ':grey_question: Please give a [bold]short description[/bold] of your executor?\n' f'[dim]Example: {exec_name} embeds images into 128-dim vectors using ResNet.[/dim]' ))) exec_keywords = (self.args.keywords if self.args.keywords else ( Prompt.ask( ':grey_question: Please give some [bold]keywords[/bold] to help people search your executor [dim](separated by comma)[/dim]\n' f'[dim]Example: image cv embedding encoding resnet[/dim]')) ) exec_url = (self.args.url if self.args.url else (Prompt.ask( ':grey_question: What is the [bold]URL[/bold] for GitHub repo?\n' f'[dim]Example:[/dim]') )) print( ''' [bold]Dockerfile[/bold] describes how this executor will be built. It is useful when your executor has non-trivial dependencies or must be run under certain environment. - If the [bold]Dockerfile[/bold] is missing, Jina automatically generates one for you. - If you provide one, then Jina will respect the given [bold]Dockerfile[/bold].''', title='[Optional] [bold]Dockerfile[/bold]', width=80, )) is_dockerfile = self.args.add_dockerfile or Confirm.ask( ':grey_question: Do you need to write your own [bold]Dockerfile[/bold] instead of the auto-generated one?', default=False, ) print('[green]That\'s all we need to create an Executor![/green]') def mustache_repl(srcs): for src in track(srcs, description=f'Creating {exec_name}...', total=len(srcs)): with open( os.path.join(__resources_path__, 'executor-template', src)) as fp, open( os.path.join(exec_path, src), 'w') as fpw: f = ('{{exec_name}}', exec_name).replace( '{{exec_description}}', exec_description).replace( '{{exec_keywords}}', str(exec_keywords.split(','))).replace( '{{exec_url}}', exec_url)) f = [ v + '\n' for v in f.split('\n') if not ('{{' in v or '}}' in v) ] fpw.writelines(f) Path(exec_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pkg_files = [ '', 'manifest.yml', '', 'requirements.txt', 'config.yml', ] if is_dockerfile: pkg_files.append('Dockerfile') mustache_repl(pkg_files) table = Table(box=box.SIMPLE) table.add_column('Filename', style='cyan', no_wrap=True) table.add_column('Description', no_wrap=True) # adding the columns in order of `ls` output table.add_row( 'config.yml', 'The YAML config file of the Executor. You can define [bold]__init__[/bold] arguments using [bold]with[/bold] keyword.', ) table.add_row( '', Panel( Syntax( f''' jtype: {exec_name} with: foo: 1 bar: hello metas: py_modules: - ''', 'yaml', theme='monokai', line_numbers=True, word_wrap=True, ), title='config.yml', width=50, expand=False, ), ) if is_dockerfile: table.add_row( 'Dockerfile', 'The Dockerfile describes how this executor will be built.', ) table.add_row('', 'The main logic file of the Executor.') table.add_row( 'manifest.yml', 'Metadata for the Executor, for better appeal on Jina Hub.', ) manifest_fields_table = Table(box=box.SIMPLE) manifest_fields_table.add_column('Field', style='cyan', no_wrap=True) manifest_fields_table.add_column('Description', no_wrap=True) manifest_fields_table.add_row('name', 'Human-readable title of the Executor') manifest_fields_table.add_row( 'description', 'Human-readable description of the Executor') manifest_fields_table.add_row( 'url', 'URL to find more information on the Executor (e.g. GitHub repo URL)', ) manifest_fields_table.add_row( 'keywords', 'Keywords that help user find the Executor') table.add_row('', manifest_fields_table) table.add_row('', 'A usage guide of the Executor.') table.add_row('requirements.txt', 'The Python dependencies of the Executor.') final_table = Table(box=None) final_table.add_row( 'Congrats! You have successfully created an Executor! Here are the next steps:' ) p0 = Panel( Syntax( f'cd {exec_path}\nls', 'console', theme='monokai', line_numbers=True, word_wrap=True, ), title='1. Check out the generated Executor', width=120, expand=False, ) p1 = Panel( table, title='2. Understand folder structure', width=120, expand=False, ) p2 = Panel( Syntax( f'jina hub push {exec_path}', 'console', theme='monokai', line_numbers=True, word_wrap=True, ), title='3. Share it to Jina Hub', width=120, expand=False, ) final_table.add_row(p0) final_table.add_row(p1) final_table.add_row(p2) p = Panel( final_table, title=':tada: Next steps', width=130, expand=False, ) console.print(p)
def pull(self) -> str: """Pull the executor package from Jina Hub. :return: the `uses` string """ console = get_rich_console() cached_zip_file = None executor_name = None usage_kind = None try: need_pull = self.args.force_update with console.status(f'Pulling {self.args.uri}...') as st: scheme, name, tag, secret = parse_hub_uri(self.args.uri) image_required = scheme == 'jinahub+docker' st.update(f'Fetching [bold]{name}[/bold] from Jina Hub ...') executor, from_cache = HubIO.fetch_meta( name, tag, secret=secret, image_required=image_required, force=need_pull, ) presented_id = getattr(executor, 'name', executor.uuid) executor_name = ( f'{presented_id}' if executor.visibility == 'public' else f'{presented_id}:{secret}') + (f'/{tag}' if tag else '') if scheme == 'jinahub+docker': self._load_docker_client() import docker try: self._client.images.get(executor.image_name) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: need_pull = True if need_pull: st.update(f'Pulling image ...') log_stream = self._raw_client.pull(executor.image_name, stream=True, decode=True) st.stop() self._pull_with_progress( log_stream, console, ) usage_kind = 'docker' return f'docker://{executor.image_name}' elif scheme == 'jinahub': import filelock with filelock.FileLock(get_lockfile(), timeout=-1): try: pkg_path, pkg_dist_path = get_dist_path_of_executor( executor) # check commit id to upgrade commit_file_path = ( pkg_dist_path / f'PKG-COMMIT-{executor.commit_id or 0}') if (not commit_file_path.exists()) and any( pkg_dist_path.glob('PKG-COMMIT-*')): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{pkg_path} need to be upgraded') st.update( 'Installing [bold]requirements.txt[/bold]...') install_package_dependencies( install_deps=self.args.install_requirements, pkg_dist_path=pkg_dist_path, pkg_path=pkg_dist_path, ) except FileNotFoundError: need_pull = True if need_pull: # pull the latest executor meta, as the cached data would expire if from_cache: executor, _ = HubIO.fetch_meta( name, tag, secret=secret, image_required=False, force=True, ) st.update(f'Downloading {name} ...') cached_zip_file = download_with_resume( executor.archive_url, get_download_cache_dir(), f'{executor.uuid}-{executor.md5sum}.zip', md5sum=executor.md5sum, ) st.update(f'Unpacking {name} ...') install_local( cached_zip_file, executor, install_deps=self.args.install_requirements, ) pkg_path, _ = get_dist_path_of_executor(executor) usage_kind = 'source' return f'{pkg_path / "config.yml"}' else: raise ValueError(f'{self.args.uri} is not a valid scheme') except KeyboardInterrupt: executor_name = None except Exception: executor_name = None raise finally: # delete downloaded zip package if existed if cached_zip_file is not None: cached_zip_file.unlink() if not self.args.no_usage and executor_name: self._get_prettyprint_usage(console, executor_name, usage_kind)
def deploy_public_sandbox(args: Union[argparse.Namespace, Dict]) -> str: """ Deploy a public sandbox to Jina Hub. :param args: arguments parsed from the CLI :return: the host and port of the sandbox """ args_copy = copy.deepcopy(args) if not isinstance(args_copy, Dict): args_copy = vars(args_copy) scheme, name, tag, secret = parse_hub_uri(args_copy.pop('uses', '')) payload = { 'name': name, 'tag': tag if tag else 'latest', 'jina': __version__, 'args': args_copy, } import requests console = get_rich_console() host = None port = None json_response = url=get_hubble_url_v2() + '/rpc/sandbox.get', json=payload, headers=get_request_header(), ).json() if json_response.get('code') == 200: host = json_response.get('data', {}).get('host', None) port = json_response.get('data', {}).get('port', None) if host and port: console.log(f"🎉 A sandbox already exists, reusing it.") return host, port with console.status( f"[bold green]🚧 Deploying sandbox for [bold white]{name}[/bold white] since none exists..." ): try: json_response = url=get_hubble_url_v2() + '/rpc/sandbox.create', json=payload, headers=get_request_header(), ).json() data = json_response.get('data') or {} host = data.get('host', None) port = data.get('port', None) if not host or not port: raise Exception( f'Failed to deploy sandbox: {json_response}') console.log(f"🎉 Deployment completed, using it.") except: console.log( "🚨 Deployment failed, feel free to raise an issue." ) raise return host, port
def push(self) -> None: """Push the executor package to Jina Hub.""" work_path = Path(self.args.path) exec_tags = None exec_immutable_tags = None if self.args.tag: exec_tags = ','.join(self.args.tag) if self.args.protected_tag: exec_immutable_tags = ','.join(self.args.protected_tag) dockerfile = None if self.args.dockerfile: dockerfile = Path(self.args.dockerfile) if not dockerfile.exists(): raise Exception( f'The given Dockerfile `{dockerfile}` does not exist!') if dockerfile.parent != work_path: raise Exception( f'The Dockerfile must be placed at the given folder `{work_path}`' ) dockerfile = dockerfile.relative_to(work_path) console = get_rich_console() with console.status(f'Pushing `{self.args.path}` ...') as st: req_header = get_request_header() try: st.update(f'Packaging {self.args.path} ...') md5_hash = hashlib.md5() bytesio = archive_package(work_path) content = bytesio.getvalue() md5_hash.update(content) md5_digest = md5_hash.hexdigest() # upload the archived package form_data = { 'public': 'True' if getattr(self.args, 'public', None) else 'False', 'private': 'True' if getattr(self.args, 'private', None) else 'False', 'md5sum': md5_digest, } if self.args.verbose: form_data['verbose'] = 'True' if self.args.no_cache: form_data['buildWithNoCache'] = 'True' if exec_tags: form_data['tags'] = exec_tags if exec_immutable_tags: form_data['immutableTags'] = exec_immutable_tags if dockerfile: form_data['dockerfile'] = str(dockerfile) uuid8, secret = load_secret(work_path) if self.args.force_update or uuid8: form_data['id'] = self.args.force_update or uuid8 if self.args.secret or secret: form_data['secret'] = self.args.secret or secret st.update(f'Connecting to Jina Hub ...') if form_data.get('id') and form_data.get('secret'): hubble_url = get_hubble_url_v2() + '/rpc/executor.update' else: hubble_url = get_hubble_url_v2() + '/rpc/executor.create' # upload the archived executor to Jina Hub st.update(f'Uploading...') resp = upload_file( hubble_url, 'filename', content, dict_data=form_data, headers=req_header, stream=True, method='post', ) image = None session_id = req_header.get('jinameta-session-id') for stream_line in resp.iter_lines(): stream_msg = json.loads(stream_line) t = stream_msg.get('type') subject = stream_msg.get('subject') payload = stream_msg.get('payload', '') if t == 'error': msg = stream_msg.get('message') hubble_err = payload overridden_msg = '' detail_msg = '' if isinstance(hubble_err, dict): (overridden_msg, detail_msg) = get_hubble_error_message(hubble_err) if not msg: msg = detail_msg if overridden_msg and overridden_msg != detail_msg: self.logger.warning(overridden_msg) raise Exception( f'{overridden_msg or msg or "Unknown Error"} session_id: {session_id}' ) if t == 'progress' and subject == 'buildWorkspace': legacy_message = stream_msg.get('legacyMessage', {}) status = legacy_message.get('status', '') st.update( f'Cloud building ... [dim]{subject}: {t} ({status})[/dim]' ) elif t == 'complete': image = stream_msg['payload'] st.update( f'Cloud building ... [dim]{subject}: {t} ({stream_msg["message"]})[/dim]' ) break elif t and subject: if self.args.verbose and t == 'console': console.log( f'Cloud building ... [dim]{subject}: {payload}[/dim]' ) else: st.update( f'Cloud building ... [dim]{subject}: {t} {payload}[/dim]' ) if image: new_uuid8, new_secret = self._prettyprint_result( console, image) if new_uuid8 != uuid8 or new_secret != secret: dump_secret(work_path, new_uuid8, new_secret) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown Error, session_id: {session_id}') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: # IO related errors self.logger.error( f'''Please report this session_id: [yellow bold]{req_header["jinameta-session-id"]}[/] to''' ) raise e