Пример #1
def main():

    msgs = Ymsg(__file__)
    defaults = Yattr(__file__)

    # == Config UI ==
    # ===============
    ui = BaseCmdUI(msgs)

    # all the exceptions are handled by 'ui'
        cmd = TransmissionCmd()
        cmd.msgs = msgs

        usage_template = """%prog [options] command
version $Id: trns.py 894 2009-03-25 00:56:18Z JeanLou.Dupont $ by Jean-Lou Dupont

*** Interface to Transmission (Bittorent client) ***
Provides the capability to verify the status of each active torrent,
export its status upon completion (useful for post-processing) and
automatically stopping a torrent after completion.


        tpl = ExTemplate(usage_template)
        usage = tpl.substitute({"commands": cmd.commands_help})

        # Use OptParse to process arguments
        ui.handleArguments(usage, _options)

        # Configure ourselves a logger
        _syslog = ui.options.config_syslog
        logger = _logger.logger("trns", include_console=False, include_syslog=_syslog)

        cmd.logger = logger
        ui.logger = logger

        # == configuration ==
        # Process options from the command line:
        #  If an option is missing from the command line, look for it
        #  in the registry.Use conditional 'setKey' if we have valid
        #  overriding values (i.e. not None) to update the registry.
        #  Finally, for missing parameters, look for defaults.
        # PRECEDENCE:
        #  1) Command Line
        #  2) Registry
        #  3) Defaults
        # ===================
        r = reg.Registry("trns")
        ui.updateRegistry(r, _options, ui.options)

        params = {}

        # integrate options which aren't subjected to the registry
        ui.integrateOptions(ui.options, params, _options)

        # integrate default config
        ui.integrateDefaults(defaults, r, _options, params)

        # Verify parameter type
        ui.verifyType(params, _options)

        # Configure Backup cmd object
        ui.copyOptions(params, cmd, _options)

        # == command validation ==
        # ========================
        if ui.command is None:


        # get rid of command from the arg list

        # == DISPATCHER ==
        # ================
        getattr(cmd, "cmd_%s" % ui.command)(ui.args)

    except Exception, e:
        return 1
Пример #2
def main():

        msgs   = Ymsg(__file__)
        print "default 'messages.yaml' file corrupted"

    # == defaults ==
    # ==============
    defaults = {'default_configfile':config.path}
    # == Config UI ==
    # =============== 
    ui     = BaseCmdUI(msgs)
    # all the exceptions are handled by 'ui'
        cmd = HomeMonCmd()  
        cmd.msgs = msgs
        usage_template = """%prog [options] command
version $Id: homemon.py 894 2009-03-25 00:56:18Z JeanLou.Dupont $ by Jean-Lou Dupont

*** Home Monitoring ***


        tpl = ExTemplate( usage_template )
        usage = tpl.substitute( {'commands' : cmd.commands_help} )

        # Use OptParse to process arguments
        ui.handleArguments(usage, _options, help_params=defaults)
        # Configure ourselves a logger
        logger = _logger.logger('homemon', include_console = True, include_syslog = False )

        cmd.logger = logger
        ui.logger  = logger

        # == configuration ==
        cmd.config_configfile = ui.getOption('config_configfile')
        # == command validation ==
        # ========================
        if ui.command is None:

        # inject a daemon instance 
        cmd.daemon = HomeMonDaemon()
        # get rid of command from the arg list
        # == DISPATCHER ==
        # ================
        getattr( cmd, "cmd_%s" % ui.command )(ui.args)
    except Exception,e:
        ui.handleError( e )
Пример #3
def main():
    msgs   = msg.Delicious_Messages()
    ui     = dui.Delicious_UI()
    # == Config UI ==
    # ===============
    ui.setParams( msgs )    
    # all the exceptions are handled by 'ui'
        backup = Backup()
        usage_template = """%prog [options] command
version $Id: delicious.py 894 2009-03-25 00:56:18Z JeanLou.Dupont $ by Jean-Lou Dupont

*** Interface to Delicious (http://www.delicious.com/) ***

Usage notes:
  1- for high-rate updates, use the ''updatedb'' command
  2- for low-rate updates, use the ''updatedbfull'' command.
  The ''low-rate updates'' should be used no more than once per hour in order to respect the Delicious policy.

The commands which generate log entries are flagged with (logged) below.

        commands_help = backup.genCommandsHelp()
        tpl = ExTemplate( usage_template )
        usage = tpl.substitute( {'commands' : commands_help} )
        # Use OptParse to process arguments
        ui.handleArguments(usage, _options)
        # Configure ourselves a logger
        _syslog = False if ui.options.syslog else True        
        logger = dlogger.logger('dlc', include_console = False, include_syslog = _syslog )

        backup.logger = logger
        ui.logger = logger

        # == configuration ==
        # Process options from the command line:
        #  If an option is missing from the command line, look for it
        #  in the registry.Use conditional 'setKey' if we have valid 
        #  overriding values (i.e. not None) to update the registry.
        #  Finally, for missing parameters, look for defaults.
        # PRECEDENCE:
        #  1) Command Line
        #  2) Registry
        #  3) Defaults
        # ===================
        r = reg.Registry('delicious')
        ui.updateRegistry(r, _options, ui.options)
        params = {}
        # integrate options which aren't subjected to the registry
        ui.integrateOptions(ui.options, params, _options)
        # integrate default config
        defs = ddef.Delicious_Defaults()
        ui.integrateDefaults(defs, r, _options, params)

        # Verify parameter type
        ui.verifyType(params, _options)
        # Configure Backup cmd object
        ui.copyOptions(params, backup, _options)
        # == command validation ==
        # ========================
        try: command = ui.args[0]
        except: command = None
        if command is None:

        # get rid of command from the arg list
        # == DISPATCHER ==
        # ================
        getattr( backup, "cmd_%s" % command )(ui.args)
    except Exception,e:
        ui.handleError( e )
        return 1
Пример #4
def main():
    msgs   = msg.Gliffy_Messages()
    ui     = dui.Gliffy_UI()
    # == Config UI ==
    # ===============
    ui.setParams( msgs )    
    # all the exceptions are handled by 'ui'
        backup = Backup()
        usage_template = """%prog [options] command
version $Id: gliffy.py 894 2009-03-25 00:56:18Z JeanLou.Dupont $ by Jean-Lou Dupont

*** Backup utility for Gliffy diagrams (http://www.gliffy.com/) ***

Usage Notes:
 1- This command line utility is meant to complement the cousin 'dlc' command line
 2- The command 'import' is used to import bookmarks from the dlc (Delicious) database
    The command 'import' is to be used with a parameter that denotes the 'tag' used to bookmark the Gliffy diagrams. 
    E.g. glf import my-diagrams
     Will import from the dlc database all the bookmarks tagged with 'my-diagrams'.
 3- The command 'export' is used to retrieve the diagrams from Gliffy.    

The commands which generate log entries are flagged with (logged) below.

        commands_help = backup.genCommandsHelp()
        tpl = ExTemplate( usage_template )
        usage = tpl.substitute( {'commands' : commands_help} )
        # Use OptParse to process arguments
        ui.handleArguments(usage, _options)
        # Configure ourselves a logger
        _syslog = False if ui.options.syslog else True        
        logger = dlogger.logger('glf', include_console = False, include_syslog = _syslog )

        backup.logger = logger
        ui.logger = logger

        # == configuration ==
        # Process options from the command line:
        #  If an option is missing from the command line, look for it
        #  in the registry.Use conditional 'setKey' if we have valid 
        #  overriding values (i.e. not None) to update the registry.
        #  Finally, for missing parameters, look for defaults.
        # PRECEDENCE:
        #  1) Command Line
        #  2) Registry
        #  3) Defaults
        # ===================
        r = reg.Registry('gliffy')
        ui.updateRegistry(r, _options, ui.options)
        params = {}
        # integrate options which aren't subjected to the registry
        ui.integrateOptions(ui.options, params, _options)
        # integrate default config
        defs = ddef.Gliffy_Defaults()
        ui.integrateDefaults(defs, r, _options, params)

        # Verify parameter type
        ui.verifyType(params, _options)
        # Configure Backup cmd object
        ui.copyOptions(params, backup, _options)
        # == command validation ==
        # ========================
        try: command = ui.args[0]
        except: command = None
        if command is None:
        # get rid of command from the arg list
        # == DISPATCHER ==
        # ================
        getattr( backup, "cmd_%s" % command )(ui.args)
    except Exception,e:
        ui.handleError( e )
        return 1
Пример #5
def main():

    msgs = msg.MM_Messages()
    ui = mui.MM_UI()

    # == Config UI ==
    # ===============

    # all the exceptions are handled by 'ui'
        backup = Backup()
        usage_template = """%prog [options] command
version $Id: mm.py 894 2009-03-25 00:56:18Z JeanLou.Dupont $ by Jean-Lou Dupont

*** Interface to MindMeister (http://www.mindmeister.com/) ***
This command-line utility requires valid 'API_KEY' and 'SECRET' parameters
obtained from MindMeister. In order to use this tool, the 'auth' command
must first be called with the said valid parameters.

 Step 1) Authentication: use the 'auth' command with the '-s' and '-k' parameters
 Step 2) Update local database: use the 'updatedb' command to retrieve/update the local map database
 Step 3) Export: use the 'export' command to retrieve new maps / update existing ones 

The commands which generate log entries are flagged with (logged) below.


        commands_help = backup.genCommandsHelp()

        tpl = ExTemplate(usage_template)
        usage = tpl.substitute({"commands": commands_help})

        # Use OptParse to process arguments
        ui.handleArguments(usage, _options)

        # Configure ourselves a logger
        _syslog = False if ui.options.syslog else True
        logger = mlogger.logger("mm", include_console=False, include_syslog=_syslog)

        backup.logger = logger
        ui.logger = logger

        # == configuration ==
        # Process options from the command line:
        #  If an option is missing from the command line, look for it
        #  in the registry.Use conditional 'setKey' if we have valid
        #  overriding values (i.e. not None) to update the registry.
        #  Finally, for missing parameters, look for defaults.
        # PRECEDENCE:
        #  1) Command Line
        #  2) Registry
        #  3) Defaults
        # ===================
        r = reg.Registry("mindmeister")
        ui.updateRegistry(r, _options, ui.options)

        params = {}

        # integrate options which aren't subjected to the registry
        ui.integrateOptions(ui.options, params, _options)

        # integrate default config
        defs = mdef.MM_Defaults()
        ui.integrateDefaults(defs, r, _options, params)

        # Verify parameter type
        ui.verifyType(params, _options)

        # Configure Backup cmd object
        ui.copyOptions(params, backup, _options)

        # == command validation ==
        # ========================
            command = ui.args[0]
            command = None

        if command is None:


        # get rid of command from the arg list

        # == DISPATCHER ==
        # ================
        getattr(backup, "cmd_%s" % command)(ui.args)

    except Exception, e:
        return 1