def test_transform(num_free_param=10,co_ran=.1):

    #x1 =  np.linspace(0,2000,num=1000) - 1000
    #x1 = np.concatenate([x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1])
    #y1 = np.zeros(x1.shape)
    #for i in range(10):
    #    for j in range(1000):
    #        y1[i*1000 + j] = i*200.0-1000

    #print y1

    x1 = np.random.rand(10000)*4096 - 2048 
    y1 = np.random.rand(10000)*4096 - 2048 

    coeff_trans_x = np.random.randn(num_free_param)*co_ran
    coeff_trans_y = np.random.randn(num_free_param)*co_ran

    del_x = high_order.poly(np.array([x1,y1]), coeff_trans_x) 
    del_y = high_order.poly(np.array([x1,y1]), coeff_trans_y)

    xref = x1 + del_x
    yref = y1 + del_y

    c_x, c_y = high_order.fit_poly(x1, y1, del_x,  del_y , len(coeff_trans_x))

    print 'Transform Coefficents (given)' 
    print  coeff_trans_x
    print coeff_trans_y
    print 'Calculated Coefficients'
    print c_x
    print c_y 
    return x1, y1, xref, yref 
def test_polynomial_obj(num_co=10, order_poly=5, num_knots=4):
    test 5th order polynomial on spline and polnyomial fits

    keep rotation zmall, maybe translation a few pixels
    xref = (np.random.random(1000) -.5 ) * 4096
    yref = (np.random.random(1000) -.5 ) * 4096

    #coeff_x = (np.random.random(num_co) - .5) * .01
    #coeff_y = (np.random.random(num_co) - .5) * .01
    #pick static set instead, then tweaking once it works better
    coeff_x = np.array([20.0, .5, .2, .02 , .001 , .07, .009, .003, .004, .006, .0005,.0003,.0007,.0001,.0004])
    coeff_y = np.array([20.0, .7, .3, .06 , .004 , .09, .004, .007, .002, .005, .0007,.0005,.0003,.0002,.0005])
    x_t = high_order.poly(np.array([xref,yref]), coeff_x)
    y_t = high_order.poly(np.array([xref,yref]), coeff_y)

    t = high_order.transform(xref,yref,x_t,y_t,order_poly=order_poly, num_knots=num_knots)

    x_t_ev, y_t_ev = t.evaluate(xref, yref) 

    x_u = (np.random.random(2000) -.5 ) * 4096
    y_u = (np.random.random(2000) -.5 ) * 4096

    xt_u = high_order.poly(np.array([x_u,y_u]), coeff_x)
    yt_u = high_order.poly(np.array([x_u,y_u]), coeff_y)

    xt_u_m, yt_u_m = t.evaluate(x_u, y_u)

    print 'REFERENCE LISTS:average difference between transform and input in x', np.sum(np.abs(xt_u_m - xt_u))/len(xt_u)
    print 'REFERENCE LISTS: average difference between transform and input in y', np.sum(np.abs(yt_u_m - yt_u))/len(yt_u)

    print 'RANDOM LIST:average difference between transform and input in x', np.sum(np.abs(x_t_ev - x_t))/len(x_t)
    print 'RANDOM LIST:average difference between transform and input in y', np.sum(np.abs(y_t_ev - y_t))/len(y_t)

    print np.max(x_u), np.min(x_u)
    print np.max(xt_u), np.min(xt_u)

    return t, coeff_x, coeff_y
def coeff_err(num_poly_param=10, size_rand_co=.1, trials=1000, num_points=100):
    calulates then plots the fracinoal error in polynomial coefficients copmared to known transform

    first_time = True
    co_x_frac = []
    co_y_frac = []
    for i in range(trials):
        x = (np.random.random(num_points) -.5 ) * 4096
        y = (np.random.random(num_points) -.5 ) * 4096

        co_x =  np.random.random(num_poly_param) * size_rand_co 
        co_y =  np.random.random(num_poly_param) * size_rand_co 

        xref = high_order.poly(np.array([x,y]) , co_x)
        yref = high_order.poly(np.array([x,y]) , co_y)

        c_x, c_y = high_order.fit_poly(x,y,xref,yref,num_poly_param)
        for ii in range(num_poly_param):
            if first_time:
        first_time = False
    co_x_frac = np.median(np.array(co_x_frac), axis=1)
    co_y_frac = np.median(np.array(co_y_frac), axis=1)

def mk_fake_data(points = 1000, param=15):
    go ahead and make some fake data

    x1 = np.random.rand(1000)*4096 - 2048 
    y1 = np.random.rand(1000)*4096 - 2048 

    xs = np.random.rand(1000)*4096 - 2048
    ys = np.random.rand(1000)*4096 - 2048

    co_ran = [1,10**-6,10**-6 ,10**-8,10**-8,10**-8, 10**-9,10**-9,10**-9,10**-9,10**-10,10**-10,10**-10,10**-10,10**-10]

    coeff_trans_x = np.random.randn(param)
    coeff_trans_y = np.random.randn(param)

    for i in range(len(coeff_trans_x)):
        if i ==1:
            coeff_trans_x[i] = 1.0
        elif i < 15:
            coeff_trans_x[i] = coeff_trans_x[i] * co_ran[i]
            coeff_trans_x[i] = coeff_trans_x[i] * co_ran[-1]

    for i in range(len(coeff_trans_y)):
        if i ==2:
            coeff_trans_y[i] = 1.0
        elif i < 15:
            coeff_trans_y[i] = coeff_trans_y[i] * co_ran[i]
            coeff_trans_y[i] = coeff_trans_y[i] * co_ran[-1]

    coeff_trans_x =[ -3.71658981e-01 ,  1.00000000e+00 , 0 , -1.20639707e-09, -1.37110890e-08 ,  8.39249153e-09 ,  1.69986169e-10 , -1.39590886e-10,-2.00797325e-09,  -3.08447522e-10,   1.50453620e-11,  -3.51821590e-11,-9.86845535e-11,   8.69664940e-11,  -3.52721864e-11]
    coeff_trans_y = [  2.58551652e-01,  0,   1.00000000e+00,   1.18005089e-09,-4.63985850e-09 ,  1.42579849e-09 ,  1.58246425e-09 , -1.40892711e-09,5.57847993e-11  , 1.16534465e-10 , -3.50121458e-11,   1.49194611e-11,5.37039418e-11,  -6.21582929e-11,   6.93338443e-12]

    # old coeff -4.40296981e-07 
    #old coeff  -1.26099851e-06

    xref = high_order.poly(np.array([x1,y1]), coeff_trans_x) 
    yref = high_order.poly(np.array([x1,y1]), coeff_trans_y)
    xrefs = high_order.poly(np.array([xs,ys]), coeff_trans_x) 
    yrefs = high_order.poly(np.array([xs,ys]), coeff_trans_y)

    print 'difference after trnasform', np.sum(np.abs(xref-x1)), np.sum(np.abs(yref-y1))
    print np.max(xref), np.min(xref)
    print np.max(yref), np.min(yref)

    #xref = x1 + del_x
    #yref = y1 + del_y

    tpoly = high_order.transform(x1,y1, xref, yref, order_poly=3, fit_spline_b=False, leg=False)
    xpoly, ypoly = tpoly.evaluate(x1,y1)
    xpolys,ypolys = tpoly.evaluate(xs,ys)

    print np.sum(np.abs(xpolys-xrefs))
    print np.sum(np.abs(ypoly-yref))
    #print np.sum(np.abs(xs-xrefs))
    print coeff_trans_x
    print coeff_trans_y
    print (coeff_trans_x[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]- tpoly.coeff_x) #/ coeff_trans_x[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]
    print (coeff_trans_y[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]- tpoly.coeff_y) #/ coeff_trans_y[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]

    tpoly = high_order.transform(x1,y1,xref,yref,leg=True)
    tpoly.c_x = np.reshape(np.random.random(25), (5,5))
    tpoly.c_y = np.reshape(np.random.random(25), (5,5))
    tpoly.leg = True
    xref, yref  = tpoly.evaluate(x1,y1)
    xrefs, yrefs = tpoly.evaluate(xs,ys)
    print np.max(xref), np.min(xref)

    tleg = high_order.transform(x1,y1,xref,yref, order_poly=5, fit_spline_b=False, leg=True)
    xleg, yleg  = tleg.evaluate(x1,y1)
    xlegs, ylegs = tleg.evaluate(xs,ys)
    print np.sum(np.abs(xlegs-xrefs)) / len(xlegs)
    print np.sum(np.abs(xleg-xref)) / len(xref)
    #print np.sum(np.abs(xs-xrefs))
    print  tleg.c_y
    print  tleg.c_x
    #print coeff_trans_y
    #print (coeff_trans_x[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]- tpoly.coeff_x) #/ coeff_trans_x[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]
    #print (coeff_trans_y[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]- tpoly.coeff_y) #/ coeff_trans_y[0:len(tpoly.coeff_x)]

    return xref, yref
def test_total(num_poly=10, num_knots=4, noise=0.1, smooth=False):
    Function that performs transformation between x, y and xref yref then fits that difference using polynomial fit followed by spline
    num_poly is the number of polynomial terms used, 10 gets all quadratic terms
    num_knots is th enumber of knots in the slpine along each axis, that is 4 means there is a total of 16 knots 
    noise is the sigma (in pixels) used to 

    xref = np.random.rand(10000) * 4096 - 2048
    yref = np.random.rand(10000) * 4096 - 2048 

    these star lists will be put through both the known tranformation (rotation and translation) and also put through the derived polynomial and spline fits as a check
    x_dim_ref = np.random.rand(1000) * 4096 - 2048
    y_dim_ref = np.random.rand(1000) * 4096 - 2048 

    trans = transforms.Affine2D()
    trans.translate(184, -45)
    cooref = np.array([xref, yref]).T
    coo1 = trans.transform(cooref) 
    coo_dim = trans.transform(np.array([x_dim_ref,y_dim_ref]).T)
    x_dim1 = coo_dim[:,0] + noise*np.random.randn(len(x_dim_ref))
    y_dim1 = coo_dim[:,1] + noise*np.random.randn(len(y_dim_ref))
    x1 = coo1[:,0] + noise*np.random.randn(len(xref))
    y1 = coo1[:,1] + noise*np.random.randn(len(yref))

    c_x, c_y = high_order.fit_poly(x1, y1, xref,  yref, num_poly)

    x_poly = high_order.poly(np.array([x1,y1]), c_x)
    y_poly = high_order.poly(np.array([x1,y1]), c_y)

    #if np.sum(np.abs(x_poly-xref)) < 1 and  np.sum(np.abs(y_poly-yref)) < len(xref):
    #    print 'Polynomial Fit was sufficient'
    #    return  c_x, c_y

    Now do spline fit between the polynomial fit and reference, to get rid of residual

    dx_sp, spline_dx = high_order.fit_spline(x_poly, y_poly, xref-x_poly, num_knots=num_knots, smooth=smooth)
    dy_sp, spline_dy = high_order.fit_spline(x_poly, y_poly, yref-y_poly, num_knots=num_knots, smooth=smooth)

    x_sp, spline_x = high_order.fit_spline(x_poly, y_poly, xref, num_knots=num_knots, smooth=smooth)
    y_sp, spline_y = high_order.fit_spline(x_poly, y_poly, yref, num_knots=num_knots, smooth=smooth)

    assert np.sum(np.abs(x_sp-(x_poly+dx_sp)))/len(x_poly) < noise
    assert np.sum(np.abs(y_sp-(y_poly+dy_sp)))/len(y_poly) < noise

    assert np.sum(np.abs(x_sp - xref))/len(x_sp) < noise
    assert np.sum(np.abs(y_sp - yref))/len(y_sp) < noise

    x_dim_poly = high_order.poly(np.array([x_dim1,y_dim1]), c_x)
    y_dim_poly = high_order.poly(np.array([x_dim1,y_dim1]), c_y)

    assert np.sum(np.abs(x_dim_poly - x_dim_ref)) / len(x_dim_ref) < noise
    assert np.sum(np.abs(y_dim_poly - y_dim_ref)) / len(y_dim_ref) < noise

    x_dim_sp = spline_x.ev(x_dim_poly, y_dim_poly)
    y_dim_sp = spline_y.ev(x_dim_poly,y_dim_poly)

    assert np.sum(np.abs(x_dim_sp - x_dim_ref)) / len(x_dim_ref) < noise
    assert np.sum(np.abs(y_dim_sp - y_dim_ref)) / len(y_dim_ref) < noise

    return x_sp, y_sp, xref, yref, spline_x, spline_y , c_x, c_y, x1, y1