Пример #1
def cirDist(k2s):
	circle distortion
	norder = 7

        # slow but general ---
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sh1')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sh3')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sh4')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sl3')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sl2')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sl1')[0]

        K2 = [nsls2.ring.bl[k].K2 for k in nsls2.ring.klist]
        temp = [CTPS(0,i) for i in xrange(1,nv+1)]
        for i,k in enumerate(nsls2.ring.klist):
            temp = sm.lmPass(nsls2.ring.mlist[i][:nv,:nv],temp)
            temp = sm.thickSextPass(L[i],K2[i],2,temp)
            # --- attach thin octupole to sext
            temp = sm.thinOctPass(K2[i]/abs(K2[i])*10.,temp)
        temp = sm.lmPass(nsls2.ring.mlist[-1][:nv,:nv],temp)
        mf = np.array([[temp[i].element(jj) for jj in xrange(mlen)] for i in xrange(nv)])
        #mf = np.array([sm.aline(temp[i],powerindex) for i in xrange(nv)])

        elemtx = mf[:,1:5]
        #6. Derive normalized map M=(BK)^(-1).mm.BK, see my notes 'Relation to Normal Form' of Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:34 PM
        #   here #mfbk is the first 4 rows of M, it is 

	mfbk = jfdf.d3(bKi[1:5,1:5],mf,bK) 

	mfbk,scalemf,As,Asm = scalingmf(mfbk,powerindex)

	Ms = sqdf.squarematrix(mfbk,norder,powerindex,sequencenumber,tol)

            #print Ms[-1],Ms.shape,phix0,1,powerindex,scalemf,sequencenumber[1,0,0,0],norder
	    ux1,uxbar,Jx,scalex,Msx,As2x,Asm2x = \
	    uy1,uybar,Jy,scaley,Msy,As2y,Asm2y = \
            return [1.0e8]*12

	# --- particle one by one
        zx,zy = [],[]
        for xy in xylist:
            #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
            section1 = [] #section1 is without joined blocks
            for row in xy:
                    row1 = row+(ux1,uy1)
            st1 = zip(*section1)
            #print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
            zmax = max(st1[0])
            zmin = min(st1[0])
            zav = np.mean(st1[0])
            zx1 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
            #print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
            zmax = max(st1[1])
            zmin = min(st1[1])
            zav = np.mean(st1[1])
            zy1 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
            #print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
            #print ''

	xlist = np.linspace(-3e-2, 3e-2,30) # a list of x
	ylist = np.linspace( 1e-6, 1e-2,10) # a list of y
	xyplane = [[i,j] for i in xlist for j in ylist]

	nu,da = [],[]
	for x,y in xyplane:
		t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8 = tuneshift(x,0,y,0,ux1,uy1,

	da = np.array(da)
	nux = [i[0].real/2/np.pi for i in nu]
	nuy = [i[1].real/2/np.pi for i in nu]
	#nux = [i[0].imag/2/np.pi for i in nu]
	#nuy = [i[1].imag/2/np.pi for i in nu]
	dnuxda = np.max(np.abs(nux))
	dnuyda = np.max(np.abs(nuy))
	dax = np.max(np.abs(da[:,0]))
	day = np.max(np.abs(da[:,1]))

        #k2c = [sc.K2 for sc in chsext]
	return zx+zy+[dnuxda,dnuyda,dax,day]#+k2c
Пример #2
def cirDist():
	circle distortion
    norder = 7

    K2 = [nsls2.ring.bl[k].K2 for k in nsls2.ring.klist]

    temp = [CTPS(0, i) for i in xrange(1, nv + 1)]
    for i, k in enumerate(nsls2.ring.klist):
        temp = sm.lmPass(nsls2.ring.mlist[i][:nv, :nv], temp)
        temp = sm.thickSextPass(L[i], K2[i], 1, temp)
    temp = sm.lmPass(nsls2.ring.mlist[-1][:nv, :nv], temp)
    mf = np.array([[temp[i].element(jj) for jj in xrange(mlen)]
                   for i in xrange(nv)])
    #mf = np.array([sm.aline(temp[i],powerindex) for i in xrange(nv)])

    elemtx = mf[:, 1:5]

    #6. Derive normalized map M=(BK)^(-1).mm.BK, see my notes 'Relation to Normal Form' of Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:34 PM
    #   here #mfbk is the first 4 rows of M, it is

    mfbk = jfdf.d3(bKi[1:5, 1:5], mf, bK)

    mfbk, scalemf, As, Asm = scalingmf(mfbk, powerindex)

    Ms = sqdf.squarematrix(mfbk, norder, powerindex, sequencenumber, tol)

        #print Ms[-1],Ms.shape,phix0,1,powerindex,scalemf,sequencenumber[1,0,0,0],norder
        ux1,uxbar,Jx,scalex,Msx,As2x,Asm2x = \
        uy1,uybar,Jy,scaley,Msy,As2y,Asm2y = \
        return [1.0e8] * 12

    # --- particle one by one
    zxy = []
    for xy in xylist:
        #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
        section1 = []  #section1 is without joined blocks
        for row in xy:
            row1 = row + (ux1, uy1)
                tuneshift(row1[0], row1[1], row1[2], row1[3], row1[4], row1[5],
                          bKi4b4, scalex, scaley, powerindex, norder))
        st1 = zip(*section1)
        #print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
        #zmax = max(st1[0])
        #zmin = min(st1[0])
        #zav = np.mean(st1[0])
        #zx1 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
        #print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
        #zmax = max(st1[1])
        #zmin = min(st1[1])
        #zav = np.mean(st1[1])
        #zy1 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
        #print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
        #print ''
    return zxy
Пример #3
Файл: a.py Проект: mpyliyj/sqmat
def cirDist(k2s):
	circle distortion
	npass = 64

	norder = 7
	tol = 1e-12

	sexts = ring.matchElements('sh1.*')
	for s in sexts:
		ring[s,'K2'] = k2s[0]
	sexts = ring.matchElements('sh3.*')
	for s in sexts:
		ring[s,'K2'] = k2s[1]
	sexts = ring.matchElements('sh4.*')
	for s in sexts:
		ring[s,'K2'] = k2s[2]
	sexts = ring.matchElements('sl3.*')
	for s in sexts:
		ring[s,'K2'] = k2s[3]
	sexts = ring.matchElements('sl2.*')
	for s in sexts:
		ring[s,'K2'] = k2s[4]
	sexts = ring.matchElements('sl1.*')
	for s in sexts:
		ring[s,'K2'] = k2s[5]
        # six phase space varialbe, 4 independent, expand to n'rd order.
	m = tesla.TPSMap(6,4,norder)
	m.c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
	m.m = [[1,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
	ms = ring.trackTPSMaps(m, 0, ring.elements()) #ms has the maps of all elements around the ring, m is one turn map
	tw, ml = tesla.calcLinearTwiss(ring)

        #4. Construct map matrix mm
	mf,powerindex = sqdf.mfunction(m,norder) # m is one turn map
        #This program only applies when x[0]=0,xp[0]=0,y[0]=0, yp[0]=0. If not, then the map matrix mm is no longer semi-triangular
	mf[0][0] = 0
	mf[1][0] = 0
	mf[2][0] = 0
	mf[3][0] = 0
	mf = np.array(mf)


        # sequencenumber[i1,i2,i3,i4] gives the sequence number in power index for power of x^i1*xp^i2*y^i3*yp^i4
	sequencenumber = np.zeros((norder+1,norder+1,norder+1,norder+1),'i')
	powerindex = sqdf.powerindex4(norder)
	powerindex = np.array(powerindex,'i')
	mlen = len(powerindex)

	for i in range(mlen):
		ip = powerindex[i]
		sequencenumber[ip[0]][ip[1]][ip[2]][ip[3]] = i

	betax0,phix0,alphax0,betay0,phiy0,alphay0 = sqdf.extracttwiss(mf)
	gammax0 = (1+alphax0**2)/betax0
	mlix = [np.cos(phix0)+alphax0*np.sin(phix0), betax0*np.sin(phix0)],\
	    [-gammax0*np.sin(phix0), np.cos(phix0)-alphax0*np.sin(phix0)]
	gammay0 = (1+alphay0**2)/betay0
	mliy = [np.cos(phiy0)+alphay0*np.sin(phiy0), betay0*np.sin(phiy0)],\
	    [-gammay0*np.sin(phiy0), np.cos(phiy0)-alphay0*np.sin(phiy0)]

	elemtx = np.zeros((4,4))
	elemtx[0:2,0:2] = mlix #Replace linear part of elegant, which is accurate only to 8 digits, 
        #by the twiss matrix obtained from the twiss parameters extract from the tpsa linear part of matrix
	elemtx[2:4,2:4] = mliy #Notice that mlix and mliy is accurate simplex to machine precision, so their determinantes are closer to zero.

	mf[:,1:5] = elemtx #Now replace the linear part of map matrix by the more accurate twiss matrix

	sqrtbetax = np.sqrt(betax0)
	sqrtbetay = np.sqrt(betay0)

        #5. Construct the BK square matrix using the first 5 rows.
	bK,bKi = sqdf.BKmatrix(betax0,phix0,alphax0,\

        #6. Derive normalized map M=(BK)^(-1).mm.BK, see my notes 'Relation to Normal Form' of Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:34 PM
        #   here #mfbk is the first 4 rows of M, it is 
	mfbk = jfdf.d3(bKi[1:5,1:5],mf,bK) 
	mfbk,scalemf,As,Asm = scalingmf(mfbk,powerindex)

	Ms = sqdf.squarematrix(mfbk,norder,powerindex,sequencenumber,tol) 

	Bi = np.array([[1/sqrtbetax,0,0,0],[alphax0/sqrtbetax,sqrtbetax,0,0],
	Ki = np.array([[1,-1j,0,0],[1,1j,0,0],[0,0,1,-1j],[0,0,1,1j]]) 
	bKi4b4 = np.dot(Ki,Bi)

	    ux1,uxbar,Jx,scalex,Msx,As2x,Asm2x = \
	    uy1,uybar,Jy,scaley,Msy,As2y,Asm2y = \
            return [1e8]*8

	# --- particle 1
	x0 = 2.5e-2
	y0 = 5e-3
	xxpyyp = np.zeros((4,npass+1))
	xxpyyp[:,0] = np.array([x0,0,y0,0])
	for i in xrange(1,npass+1):
		xxpyyp[:,i] = np.dot(elemtx,xxpyyp[:,i-1])
	xybar = np.dot(Bi,xxpyyp)
	xy = zip(*xybar)
	section = []
	for row in xy:
	st = zip(*section)
        #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
	section1 = [] #section1 is without joined blocks
	xy = zip(*xxpyyp)
	for row in xy:
		row1 = row+(ux1,uy1)
	st1 = zip(*section1)
	#print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
	zmax = max(st1[0])
	zmin = min(st1[0])
	zav = np.mean(st1[0])
	zx1 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
	#print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
	zmax = max(st1[1])
	zmin = min(st1[1])
	zav = np.mean(st1[1])
	zy1 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
	#print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
	#print ''
	# --- particle 2
	x0 = 1.0e-2
	y0 = 2e-3
	xxpyyp = np.zeros((4,npass+1))
	xxpyyp[:,0] = np.array([x0,0,y0,0])
	for i in xrange(1,npass+1):
		xxpyyp[:,i] = np.dot(elemtx,xxpyyp[:,i-1])
	xybar = np.dot(Bi,xxpyyp)
	xy = zip(*xybar)
	section = []
	for row in xy:
	st = zip(*section)
        #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
	section1 = [] #section1 is without joined blocks
	xy = zip(*xxpyyp)
	for row in xy:
		row1 = row+(ux1,uy1)
	st1 = zip(*section1)
	#print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
	zmax = max(st1[0])
	zmin = min(st1[0])
	zav = np.mean(st1[0])
	zx2 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
	#print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
	zmax = max(st1[1])
	zmin = min(st1[1])
	zav = np.mean(st1[1])
	zy2 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
	#print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
	#print ''

	# --- particle 3
	x0 = 3.5e-2
	y0 = 3.0e-3
	xxpyyp = np.zeros((4,npass+1))
	xxpyyp[:,0] = np.array([x0,0,y0,0])
	for i in xrange(1,npass+1):
		xxpyyp[:,i] = np.dot(elemtx,xxpyyp[:,i-1])
	xybar = np.dot(Bi,xxpyyp)
	xy = zip(*xybar)
	section = []
	for row in xy:
	st = zip(*section)
        #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
	section1 = [] #section1 is without joined blocks
	xy = zip(*xxpyyp)
	for row in xy:
		row1 = row+(ux1,uy1)
	st1 = zip(*section1)
	#print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
	zmax = max(st1[0])
	zmin = min(st1[0])
	zav = np.mean(st1[0])
	zx3 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
	#print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
	zmax = max(st1[1])
	zmin = min(st1[1])
	zav = np.mean(st1[1])
	zy3 = (zmax-zmin)/zav
	#print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
	#print ''

	xlist = np.linspace(-3e-2,3e-2,30) #a list of theta0
	ylist = np.arange(1e-6,1.0e-2,10) #a list of theta0
	xyplane = [[i,j] for i in xlist for j in ylist]

	nu,da = [],[]
	for x,y in xyplane:
		t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8 = tuneshift(x,0,y,0,ux1,uy1,

	da = np.array(da)
	nux = [i[0].real/2/np.pi for i in nu]
	nuy = [i[1].real/2/np.pi for i in nu]
	dnuxda = np.max(np.abs(nux))
	dnuyda = np.max(np.abs(nuy))
	dax = np.max(np.abs(da[:,0]))
	day = np.max(np.abs(da[:,1]))
	return [zx1,zy1,zx2,zy2,zx3,zy3,dnuxda,dnuyda,dax,day]
Пример #4
def cirDist(k2s):
	circle distortion
    npass = 64

    norder = 7

    # slow but general ---
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sh1')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sh3')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sh4')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sl3')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sl2')[0]
	sext = nsls2.ring.getElements('sext','sl1')[0]

        K2 = [nsls2.ring.bl[k].K2 for k in nsls2.ring.klist]
    # ---fast but not general, only for nsls2-II chrom+7/+7
    sm12 = [-26.21867845, 30.69679902, -28.01658206]
    K2 = np.hstack((k2s[:3], sm12, k2s[3:], k2s[-1:-4:-1], sm12, k2s[-4::-1]))

    temp = copy.deepcopy(unit)
    for i, k in enumerate(nsls2.ring.klist):
        temp = sm.lmPass(nsls2.ring.mlist[i][:nv, :nv], temp)
        temp = sm.thickSextPass(L[i], K2[i], 1, temp, truncate=norder)
    temp = sm.lmPass(nsls2.ring.mlist[-1][:nv, :nv], temp)
    mf = np.array([sm.aline(temp[i], powerindex) for i in xrange(nv)])

    elemtx = mf[:, 1:5]

    #6. Derive normalized map M=(BK)^(-1).mm.BK, see my notes 'Relation to Normal Form' of Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:34 PM
    #   here #mfbk is the first 4 rows of M, it is

    mfbk = jfdf.d3(bKi[1:5, 1:5], mf, bK)

    mfbk, scalemf, As, Asm = scalingmf(mfbk, powerindex)

    Ms = sqdf.squarematrix(mfbk, norder, powerindex, sequencenumber, tol)
	Bi = np.array([[1/sqrtbetax,0,0,0],[alphax0/sqrtbetax,sqrtbetax,0,0],
	Ki = np.array([[1,-1j,0,0],[1,1j,0,0],[0,0,1,-1j],[0,0,1,1j]]) 
	bKi4b4 = np.dot(Ki,Bi)

        #print Ms[-1],Ms.shape,phix0,1,powerindex,scalemf,sequencenumber[1,0,0,0],norder
        ux1,uxbar,Jx,scalex,Msx,As2x,Asm2x = \
        uy1,uybar,Jy,scaley,Msy,As2y,Asm2y = \
        return [1e8] * 8

    # --- particle 1
    x0 = 2.5e-2
    y0 = 5e-3
    xxpyyp = np.zeros((4, npass + 1))
    xxpyyp[:, 0] = np.array([x0, 0, y0, 0])
    for i in xrange(1, npass + 1):
        xxpyyp[:, i] = np.dot(elemtx, xxpyyp[:, i - 1])
    xybar = np.dot(Bi, xxpyyp)
    xy = zip(*xybar)
    section = []
    for row in xy:
    st = zip(*section)
    #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
    section1 = []  #section1 is without joined blocks
    xy = zip(*xxpyyp)
    for row in xy:
        row1 = row + (ux1, uy1)
            tuneshift(row1[0], row1[1], row1[2], row1[3], row1[4], row1[5],
                      bKi4b4, scalex, scaley, powerindex, norder))
    st1 = zip(*section1)
    #print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
    zmax = max(st1[0])
    zmin = min(st1[0])
    zav = np.mean(st1[0])
    zx1 = (zmax - zmin) / zav
    #print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
    zmax = max(st1[1])
    zmin = min(st1[1])
    zav = np.mean(st1[1])
    zy1 = (zmax - zmin) / zav
    #print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
    #print ''

    # --- particle 2
    x0 = 1.0e-2
    y0 = 2e-3
    xxpyyp = np.zeros((4, npass + 1))
    xxpyyp[:, 0] = np.array([x0, 0, y0, 0])
    for i in xrange(1, npass + 1):
        xxpyyp[:, i] = np.dot(elemtx, xxpyyp[:, i - 1])
    xybar = np.dot(Bi, xxpyyp)
    xy = zip(*xybar)
    section = []
    for row in xy:
    st = zip(*section)
    #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
    section1 = []  #section1 is without joined blocks
    xy = zip(*xxpyyp)
    for row in xy:
        row1 = row + (ux1, uy1)
            tuneshift(row1[0], row1[1], row1[2], row1[3], row1[4], row1[5],
                      bKi4b4, scalex, scaley, powerindex, norder))
    st1 = zip(*section1)
    return st1
    #print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
    zmax = max(st1[0])
    zmin = min(st1[0])
    zav = np.mean(st1[0])
    zx2 = (zmax - zmin) / zav
    #print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
    zmax = max(st1[1])
    zmin = min(st1[1])
    zav = np.mean(st1[1])
    zy2 = (zmax - zmin) / zav
    #print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
    #print ''

    # --- particle 3
    x0 = 3.5e-2
    y0 = 3.0e-3
    xxpyyp = np.zeros((4, npass + 1))
    xxpyyp[:, 0] = np.array([x0, 0, y0, 0])
    for i in xrange(1, npass + 1):
        xxpyyp[:, i] = np.dot(elemtx, xxpyyp[:, i - 1])
    xybar = np.dot(Bi, xxpyyp)
    xy = zip(*xybar)
    section = []
    for row in xy:
    st = zip(*section)
    #11. Prepare data for |wx|,thetax,|wy|,thetay to plot Poincare section of thetax,|wy|,thetay
    section1 = []  #section1 is without joined blocks
    xy = zip(*xxpyyp)
    for row in xy:
        row1 = row + (ux1, uy1)
            tuneshift(row1[0], row1[1], row1[2], row1[3], row1[4], row1[5],
                      bKi4b4, scalex, scaley, powerindex, norder))
    st1 = zip(*section1)
    #print 'K2s = %.2f:'%k2s
    zmax = max(st1[0])
    zmin = min(st1[0])
    zav = np.mean(st1[0])
    zx3 = (zmax - zmin) / zav
    #print "for wx1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zx1
    zmax = max(st1[1])
    zmin = min(st1[1])
    zav = np.mean(st1[1])
    zy3 = (zmax - zmin) / zav
    #print "for wy1 without resonance block,  (zmax-zmin)/zmean = ", zy1
    #print ''

    xlist = np.linspace(-3e-2, 3e-2, 30)  #a list of theta0
    ylist = np.arange(1e-6, 1.0e-2, 10)  #a list of theta0
    xyplane = [[i, j] for i in xlist for j in ylist]

    nu, da = [], []
    for x, y in xyplane:
        t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8 = tuneshift(x, 0, y, 0, ux1, uy1,
                                                   bKi4b4, scalex, scaley,
                                                   powerindex, norder)
        nu.append([t5, t6])
        da.append([t7, t8])

    da = np.array(da)
    nux = [i[0].real / 2 / np.pi for i in nu]
    nuy = [i[1].real / 2 / np.pi for i in nu]

    dnuxda = np.max(np.abs(nux))
    dnuyda = np.max(np.abs(nuy))
    dax = np.max(np.abs(da[:, 0]))
    day = np.max(np.abs(da[:, 1]))
    return [zx1, zy1, zx2, zy2, zx3, zy3, dnuxda, dnuyda, dax, day]
Пример #5
    2:4, 2:
    4] = mliy  #Notice that mlix and mliy is accurate simplex to machine precision, so their determinantes are closer to zero.

mf[:, 1:
   5] = elemtx  #Now replace the linear part of map matrix by the more accurate twiss matrix

sqrtbetax = np.sqrt(betax0)
sqrtbetay = np.sqrt(betay0)

#5. Construct the BK square matrix using the first 5 rows.
bK, bKi = sqdf.BKmatrix(betax0, phix0, alphax0, betay0, phiy0, alphay0, 0, 0,
                        norder, powerindex, sequencenumber, tol)

#6. Derive normalized map M=(BK)^(-1).mm.BK, see my notes 'Relation to Normal Form' of Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:34 PM
#   here #mfbk is the first 4 rows of M, it is
mfbk = jfdf.d3(bKi[1:5, 1:5], mf, bK)

#7. Scale the one turn map in z,z* space
def scalingmf(mf, powerindex):
    #Find a scale s so that s x**m and s is on the same scale if the term in M with maximum absolute value has power m
    #as described in "M scaling" in "Jordan Form Reformulation.one". mf is the first 4 rows of M so the scaling method is the same.
    absM = abs(mf)
    i, j = np.unravel_index(absM.argmax(), absM.shape)
    power = sum(powerindex[j])
    scalex1 = (absM.max())**(-(1. / (power - 1.)))
    scalem1 = 1 / scalex1
    mlen = len(powerindex)
    As = np.identity(mlen)
    for i in range(mlen):
        As[i, i] = scalem1**sum(powerindex[i])