def __getitem__(self, attr): """ This method is overridden so that contained elements can be accessed using their 'xml names' - e.g. user['first-name']. The implementation just calls __getattr__ internally. See doc for __getattr__ for more details. """ return self.__getattr__(xmlutil.unmake_xml_name(attr))
def fetch_resource(rest_end_point, href): """This is the method you should use to create a Resource instance if you have the href for it. It gets the current state of the resource with the given *href*. Once the current state is fetched from the Space server, this method creates a new instance of ```` with this state and returns it. :param rest_end_point: A *Space* object encapsulating the Junos Space cluster which contains this resource. :type rest_end_point: :param str href: The href of the resource that needs to be fetched. :returns: A new instance of :raises: ```` if the GET request results in an error response. The exception's ``response`` attribute will have the full response from Space. """ response = rest_end_point.get(href) if response.status_code != 200: raise rest.RestException("GET failed on %s" % href, response) media_type = response.headers['content-type'] end = media_type.index('+') parts = media_type[:end].split('.') app_ = parts[len(parts)-3] service_ = parts[len(parts)-2] type_ = parts[len(parts)-1] if app_ == 'space': type_name = xmlutil.unmake_xml_name('.'.join([service_, type_])) else: type_name = xmlutil.unmake_xml_name('.'.join([app_, service_, type_])) xml_data = xmlutil.get_xml_obj_from_response(response) return make_resource(type_name, rest_end_point, xml_data)