def __init__(self, casingod, casingid, liningod, liningid, flange): """ Initializes a Pipe instance. Subclasses should call this at the beginning of their own constructor function. Arguments: casingod -- outside diameter of casing, in mm casingid -- inside diameter of casing, in mm liningod -- outside diameter of lining, in mm liningid -- inside diameter of lining, in mm flange -- name of flange """ # Call superclass constructor DrawnComponent.__init__(self) # Properties common to all pipe components self.flange = Flange(flange) # Bend diameters and radii common to all pipe components self.diameters = {"co": casingod, "ci": casingid, "lo": liningod, "li": liningid, "fi": self.flange.hole_diameter, "fo": self.flange.flange_diameter} self.p_rad = {"co": casingod / 2.0, "ci": casingid / 2.0, "lo": liningod / 2.0, "li": liningid / 2.0, "fi": self.flange.hole_diameter / 2.0, "fo": self.flange.flange_diameter / 2.0} # Colors common to all pipe components comp_col = {"co": (0.8, 0.8, 0.8), "ci": (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), "lo": (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), "li": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)} self.colors = {"comp": comp_col}
class Pipe(DrawnComponent): """ Pipe class to be used to automatically create a drawing. Public methods: __init__() """ def __init__(self, casingod, casingid, liningod, liningid, flange): """ Initializes a Pipe instance. Subclasses should call this at the beginning of their own constructor function. Arguments: casingod -- outside diameter of casing, in mm casingid -- inside diameter of casing, in mm liningod -- outside diameter of lining, in mm liningid -- inside diameter of lining, in mm flange -- name of flange """ # Call superclass constructor DrawnComponent.__init__(self) # Properties common to all pipe components self.flange = Flange(flange) # Bend diameters and radii common to all pipe components self.diameters = {"co": casingod, "ci": casingid, "lo": liningod, "li": liningid, "fi": self.flange.hole_diameter, "fo": self.flange.flange_diameter} self.p_rad = {"co": casingod / 2.0, "ci": casingid / 2.0, "lo": liningod / 2.0, "li": liningid / 2.0, "fi": self.flange.hole_diameter / 2.0, "fo": self.flange.flange_diameter / 2.0} # Colors common to all pipe components comp_col = {"co": (0.8, 0.8, 0.8), "ci": (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), "lo": (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), "li": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)} self.colors = {"comp": comp_col} def set_scale(self, ctx, page_w, page_h): """ Automatically sets a scale factor for the drawing. This will normally be called after the set_scale() function of a subclass has set the scale factor. 'page_h' and 'page_w' should already have been up-scaled by the time this happens. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context page_w, page_h -- height and width of the drawing area """ # Upscale lines # Note that self.dim_line_length is used to calculate # the lengths of radius dimension lines. These lengths # can differ for individual subclasses, and so # self.dim_line_length should be set in the subclass's # own set_scale() function, but the dimension is common # to all Pipe subclasses, and so we upscale it here. self.dim_line_length /= self.scale # pylint: disable=E1101 # Call parent function DrawnComponent.set_scale(self, ctx, page_w, page_h) def draw_component(self, ctx, page_w, page_h): """ Draws a core pipe component. Mainly calls supporting functions. This function is called by the 'component' base class. Subclasses should override this and call it at the beginning of their own draw_component() function, before providing further specific drawing functionality. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context page_w, page_h -- width and height of drawing area """ # Draw the filled outer casing without an outline. Leaving # the overall outline until last, and drawing the other # segments with just side outlines, avoids drawing overlapping # lines across the bend face. self.draw_pipe_comp(ctx, "co", fill=True) self.draw_pipe_comp(ctx, "ci", fill=True, edges=True) self.draw_pipe_comp(ctx, "lo", fill=True, edges=True) self.draw_pipe_comp(ctx, "li", fill=True, edges=True) self.draw_pipe_comp(ctx, "co", outline=True) # Draw the other components self.draw_bend_profile(ctx) self.draw_rad_dims(ctx) self.draw_flanges(ctx) def draw_pipe_comp(self, ctx, comp, fill=False, outline=False, edges=False): """ Draws a segmented component of a bend. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context comp -- type of component, "co", "ci", "lo" or "li" fill -- fills the component with color if True outline -- draws an outline around the entire component if True edges -- draws lines only along the segment edges if True """ pts_out = self.pc_pts["out"][comp] # pylint: disable=E1101 pts_in = self.pc_pts["in"][comp] # pylint: disable=E1101 if fill or outline: pts = pts_out + pts_in for point in pts: if point is pts[0]: ctx.move_to(*point.t()) else: ctx.line_to(*point.t()) ctx.close_path() if fill: if comp == "co" and self.hatching: ctx.set_source(self.chatch) elif comp == "lo" and self.hatching: ctx.set_source(self.lhatch) else: ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.colors["comp"][comp]) if outline: ctx.fill_preserve() else: ctx.fill() if outline: ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.drawing_line_color) ctx.stroke() if edges: ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.drawing_line_color) for point in pts_out: if point is pts_out[0]: ctx.move_to(*point.t()) else: ctx.line_to(*point.t()) ctx.stroke() for point in pts_in: if point is pts_in[0]: ctx.move_to(*point.t()) else: ctx.line_to(*point.t()) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() def draw_center_line(self, ctx): """ Draws a dashed line along the center of the pipe. Note that this line will be segmented, not curved, for pipe bends. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context """ ctx.set_dash(self.dash_style) for point in self.pc_pts["ctr"]: # pylint: disable=E1101 if point == self.pc_pts["ctr"][0]: # pylint: disable=E1101 ctx.move_to(*point.t()) else: ctx.line_to(*point.t()) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() def draw_rad_dims(self, ctx): """ Draw the radius dimensions of the bend. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context """ # The angle at which the radius dimension lines are drawn # depends on the bend angle for pipe bends, but is always # vertical for pipe straights. Since this will be called # from a subclass, check whether we have a pipe bend by # verifying whether the "bend_arc" instance attribute is set. if hasattr(self, "bend_arc"): b_arc = self.bend_arc # pylint: disable=E1101 else: b_arc = 0 pts = {} for scale, comp in zip(range(4, 0, -1), ["co", "ci", "lo", "li"]): # pylint: disable=E1101 dll = self.dim_line_length * scale for i in ["out", "in"]: point = self.pc_pts[i][comp][-1 if i == "out" else 0] pts[i] = ptoc(b_arc + pi / 2, dll, point) ctx.move_to(*point.t()) ctx.line_to(*pts[i].t()) # pylint: enable=E1101 ctx.stroke() draw_dim_line(ctx, pts["out"], pts["in"], self.diameters[comp], self.scale, 0) ctx.restore() def draw_bend_profile(self, ctx): """ Draws a half profile view of the pipe at the bottom. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context """ ctx.translate(self.pc_pts["ctr"][0].x, # pylint: disable=E1101 self.pc_pts["ctr"][0].y) # pylint: disable=E1101 for rad in [self.p_rad[k] for k in ["li", "lo", "ci", "co"]]: ctx.arc(0, 0, rad, 0, pi) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() def draw_flanges(self, ctx): """ Draws the flanges. Arguments: ctx -- a Pycairo context """ # The angle at which the upper flange is drawn # depends on the bend angle for pipe bends, but is always # horizontal for pipe straights. Since this will be called # from a subclass, check whether we have a pipe bend by # verifying whether the "bend_arc" instance attribute is set. # pylint: disable=E1101 if hasattr(self, "bend_arc"): b_arc = self.bend_arc else: b_arc = 0 self.flange.draw(ctx, cfp=self.pc_pts["ctr"][0], angle=0, profile=True, dash_style=self.dash_style) self.flange.draw(ctx, cfp=self.pc_pts["ctr"][-1], angle=b_arc + pi, profile=False)