Пример #1
def test_hashes_are_different_between_c_and_fortran_contiguous_arrays():
    # We want to be sure that the c-contiguous and f-contiguous versions of the
    # same array produce 2 different hashes.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    arr_c = rng.random_sample((10, 10))
    arr_f = np.asfortranarray(arr_c)
    assert hash(arr_c) != hash(arr_f)
Пример #2
def test_hash_object_dtype():
    """ Make sure that ndarrays with dtype `object' hash correctly."""

    a = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)
    b = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)

    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(a), hash(b))
Пример #3
def test_hash_object_dtype():
    """ Make sure that ndarrays with dtype `object' hash correctly."""

    a = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)
    b = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)

    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
Пример #4
def test_hash_numpy_noncontiguous():
    a = np.asarray(np.arange(6000).reshape((1000, 2, 3)), order='F')[:, :1, :]
    b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
    assert hash(a) != hash(b)

    c = np.asfortranarray(a)
    assert hash(a) != hash(c)
Пример #5
def test_hash_methods():
    # Check that hashing instance methods works
    a = io.StringIO(unicode('a'))
    assert hash(a.flush) == hash(a.flush)
    a1 = collections.deque(range(10))
    a2 = collections.deque(range(9))
    assert hash(a1.extend) != hash(a2.extend)
Пример #6
def test_hash_object_dtype():
    """ Make sure that ndarrays with dtype `object' hash correctly."""

    a = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)
    b = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)

    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
Пример #7
def test_hash_numpy_noncontiguous():
    a = np.asarray(np.arange(6000).reshape((1000, 2, 3)), order='F')[:, :1, :]
    b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(a), hash(b))

    c = np.asfortranarray(a)
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(a), hash(c))
Пример #8
def test_hash_methods():
    # Check that hashing instance methods works
    a = io.StringIO(unicode('a'))
    assert hash(a.flush) == hash(a.flush)
    a1 = collections.deque(range(10))
    a2 = collections.deque(range(9))
    assert hash(a1.extend) != hash(a2.extend)
Пример #9
 def test_set_decimal_hash():
     # Check that sets containing decimals hash consistently, even though
     # ordering is not guaranteed
Пример #10
def test_trival_hash():
    """ Smoke test hash on various types.
    obj_list = [
        1 + 1j,
        2. + 1j,
        (1, ),
            1: 1
            1: 2
            2: 1
        # Next 2 sets have unorderable elements in python 3.
        set(('a', 1)),
        set(('a', 1, ('a', 1))),
        # Next 2 dicts have unorderable type of keys in python 3.
            'a': 1,
            1: 2
            'a': 1,
            1: 2,
            'd': {
                'a': 1
    for obj1 in obj_list:
        for obj2 in obj_list:
            # Check that 2 objects have the same hash only if they are
            # the same.
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, hash(obj1) == hash(obj2), \
                obj1 is obj2
Пример #11
def test_dict_hash():
    # Check that dictionaries hash consistently, eventhough the ordering
    # of the keys is not garanteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod()

    d = {
        '#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12158__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12258__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12277__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12300__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12401__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12430__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13817__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13903__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13916__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13981__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13982__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13983__c_maps.nii.gz': [33]

    a = k.f(d)
    b = k.f(a)

    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(a), hash(b))
Пример #12
def test_hashing_pickling_error():
    def non_picklable():
        return 42

    with raises(pickle.PicklingError) as excinfo:
    excinfo.match('PicklingError while hashing')
Пример #13
def test_dict_hash(tmpdir):
    # Check that dictionaries hash consistently, eventhough the ordering
    # of the keys is not garanteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir.strpath)

    d = {
        '#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12158__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12258__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12277__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12300__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12401__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s12430__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13817__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13903__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13916__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13981__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13982__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
        '#s13983__c_maps.nii.gz': [33]

    a = k.f(d)
    b = k.f(a)

    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
Пример #14
def test_hash_methods():
    # Check that hashing instance methods works
    a = io.StringIO(unicode('a'))
    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(a.flush), hash(a.flush))
    a1 = collections.deque(range(10))
    a2 = collections.deque(range(9))
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(a1.extend), hash(a2.extend))
Пример #15
def test_hashes_are_different_between_c_and_fortran_contiguous_arrays():
    # We want to be sure that the c-contiguous and f-contiguous versions of the
    # same array produce 2 different hashes.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    arr_c = rng.random_sample((10, 10))
    arr_f = np.asfortranarray(arr_c)
    assert hash(arr_c) != hash(arr_f)
Пример #16
def test_hash_memmap():
    """ Check that memmap and arrays hash identically if coerce_mmap is
    filename = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='joblib_test_hash_memmap_')
        m = np.memmap(filename, shape=(10, 10), mode='w+')
        a = np.asarray(m)
        for coerce_mmap in (False, True):
            yield (assert_equal,
                   hash(a, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap) ==
                   hash(m, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap),
        if 'm' in locals():
            del m
            # Force a garbage-collection cycle, to be certain that the
            # object is delete, and we don't run in a problem under
            # Windows with a file handle still open.
            except OSError as e:
                # Under windows, some files don't get erased.
                if not os.name == 'nt':
                    raise e
Пример #17
def test_hashing_pickling_error():
    def non_picklable():
        return 42

    with raises(pickle.PicklingError) as excinfo:
    excinfo.match('PicklingError while hashing')
Пример #18
def test_hash_methods():
    # Check that hashing instance methods works
    a = io.StringIO(unicode('a'))
    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(a.flush), hash(a.flush))
    a1 = collections.deque(range(10))
    a2 = collections.deque(range(9))
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(a1.extend), hash(a2.extend))
Пример #19
def test_hash_memmap():
    """ Check that memmap and arrays hash identically if coerce_mmap is
    filename = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='joblib_test_hash_memmap_')
        m = np.memmap(filename, shape=(10, 10), mode='w+')
        a = np.asarray(m)
        for coerce_mmap in (False, True):
            yield (nose.tools.assert_equal,
                   hash(a, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap) == hash(
                       m, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap), coerce_mmap)
        if 'm' in locals():
            del m
            # Force a garbage-collection cycle, to be certain that the
            # object is delete, and we don't run in a problem under
            # Windows with a file handle still open.
            except OSError as e:
                # Under windows, some files don't get erased.
                if not os.name == 'nt':
                    raise e
Пример #20
def test_string():
    # Test that we obtain the same hash for object owning several strings,
    # whatever the past of these strings (which are immutable in Python)
    string = 'foo'
    a = {string: 'bar'}
    b = {string: 'bar'}
    c = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(b))
    assert hash([a, b]) == hash([a, c])
Пример #21
def test_bound_methods_hash():
    """ Make sure that calling the same method on two different instances
    of the same class does resolve to the same hashes.
    a = Klass()
    b = Klass()
    assert (hash(filter_args(a.f, [], (1, ))) ==
            hash(filter_args(b.f, [], (1, ))))
Пример #22
def test_bound_cached_methods_hash():
    """ Make sure that calling the same _cached_ method on two different
    instances of the same class does resolve to the same hashes.
    a = KlassWithCachedMethod()
    b = KlassWithCachedMethod()
    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(filter_args(a.f.func, [], (1, ))),
                            hash(filter_args(b.f.func, [], (1, ))))
Пример #23
def test_hash_numpy_noncontiguous():
    a = np.asarray(np.arange(6000).reshape((1000, 2, 3)),
                   order='F')[:, :1, :]
    b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
    assert hash(a) != hash(b)

    c = np.asfortranarray(a)
    assert hash(a) != hash(c)
Пример #24
def test_hash_numpy_noncontiguous():
    a = np.asarray(np.arange(6000).reshape((1000, 2, 3)),
                   order='F')[:, :1, :]
    b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(a), hash(b))

    c = np.asfortranarray(a)
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(a), hash(c))
Пример #25
def test_bound_cached_methods_hash():
    """ Make sure that calling the same _cached_ method on two different
    instances of the same class does resolve to the same hashes.
    a = KlassWithCachedMethod()
    b = KlassWithCachedMethod()
    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(filter_args(a.f.func, [], (1, ))),
                            hash(filter_args(b.f.func, [], (1, ))))
Пример #26
def test_hash_object_dtype():
    """ Make sure that ndarrays with dtype `object' hash correctly."""

    a = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)
    b = np.array([np.arange(i) for i in range(6)], dtype=object)

Пример #27
def test_bound_cached_methods_hash(tmpdir_path):
    """ Make sure that calling the same _cached_ method on two different
    instances of the same class does resolve to the same hashes.
    a = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir_path)
    b = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir_path)
    assert (hash(filter_args(a.f.func, [], (1, ))) ==
            hash(filter_args(b.f.func, [], (1, ))))
Пример #28
    def predict(self, X):
        h1 = hashing.hash(X.todense())
        h1 = ''.join([str(ord(x)) for x in h1])

        h2 = hashing.hash(self.train_data.todense())
        h2 = ''.join([str(ord(x)) for x in h2])

        return hash(h1 + h2)
Пример #29
def test_bound_cached_methods_hash(tmpdir):
    """ Make sure that calling the same _cached_ method on two different
    instances of the same class does resolve to the same hashes.
    a = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir.strpath)
    b = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir.strpath)
    assert (hash(filter_args(a.f.func, [],
                             (1, ))) == hash(filter_args(b.f.func, [], (1, ))))
Пример #30
def test_dtype():
    # Test that we obtain the same hash for object owning several dtype,
    # whatever the past of these dtypes. Catter for cache invalidation with
    # complex dtype
    a = np.dtype([('f1', np.uint), ('f2', np.int32)])
    b = a
    c = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a))
    assert hash([a, c]) == hash([a, b])
Пример #31
def test_string():
    # Test that we obtain the same hash for object owning several strings,
    # whatever the past of these strings (which are immutable in Python)
    string = 'foo'
    a = {string: 'bar'}
    b = {string: 'bar'}
    c = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(b))
    assert hash([a, b]) == hash([a, c])
Пример #32
def test_bound_methods_hash():
    """ Make sure that calling the same method on two different instances
    of the same class does resolve to the same hashes.
    a = Klass()
    b = Klass()
    assert (hash(filter_args(a.f, [],
                             (1, ))) == hash(filter_args(b.f, [], (1, ))))
Пример #33
def test_dtype():
    # Test that we obtain the same hash for object owning several dtype,
    # whatever the past of these dtypes. Catter for cache invalidation with
    # complex dtype
    a = np.dtype([('f1', np.uint), ('f2', np.int32)])
    b = a
    c = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a))
    assert hash([a, c]) == hash([a, b])
Пример #34
def test_hash_numpy_arrays(three_np_arrays):
    arr1, arr2, arr3 = three_np_arrays

    for obj1, obj2 in itertools.product(three_np_arrays, repeat=2):
        are_hashes_equal = hash(obj1) == hash(obj2)
        are_arrays_equal = np.all(obj1 == obj2)
        assert are_hashes_equal == are_arrays_equal

    assert hash(arr1) != hash(arr1.T)
Пример #35
def test_hash_numpy_dict_of_arrays(three_np_arrays):
    arr1, arr2, arr3 = three_np_arrays

    d1 = {1: arr1, 2: arr2}
    d2 = {1: arr2, 2: arr1}
    d3 = {1: arr2, 2: arr3}

    assert hash(d1) == hash(d2)
    assert hash(d1) != hash(d3)
Пример #36
def test_hash_numpy_dict_of_arrays(three_np_arrays):
    arr1, arr2, arr3 = three_np_arrays

    d1 = {1: arr1, 2: arr2}
    d2 = {1: arr2, 2: arr1}
    d3 = {1: arr2, 2: arr3}

    assert hash(d1) == hash(d2)
    assert hash(d1) != hash(d3)
Пример #37
def test_numpy_datetime_array():
    # memoryview is not supported for some dtypes e.g. datetime64
    # see https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/188 for more details
    dtypes = ['datetime64[s]', 'timedelta64[D]']

    a_hash = hash(np.arange(10))
    arrays = (np.arange(0, 10, dtype=dtype) for dtype in dtypes)
    for array in arrays:
        nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(array), a_hash)
Пример #38
def test_hash_numpy_arrays(three_np_arrays):
    arr1, arr2, arr3 = three_np_arrays

    for obj1, obj2 in itertools.product(three_np_arrays, repeat=2):
        are_hashes_equal = hash(obj1) == hash(obj2)
        are_arrays_equal = np.all(obj1 == obj2)
        assert are_hashes_equal == are_arrays_equal

    assert hash(arr1) != hash(arr1.T)
Пример #39
def test_numpy_datetime_array():
    # memoryview is not supported for some dtypes e.g. datetime64
    # see https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/188 for more details
    dtypes = ['datetime64[s]', 'timedelta64[D]']

    a_hash = hash(np.arange(10))
    arrays = (np.arange(0, 10, dtype=dtype) for dtype in dtypes)
    for array in arrays:
        assert hash(array) != a_hash
Пример #40
def test_hash_memmap(tmpdir, coerce_mmap):
    """Check that memmap and arrays hash identically if coerce_mmap is True."""
    filename = tmpdir.join('memmap_temp').strpath
        m = np.memmap(filename, shape=(10, 10), mode='w+')
        a = np.asarray(m)
        are_hashes_equal = (hash(a, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap) == hash(
            m, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap))
        assert are_hashes_equal == coerce_mmap
        if 'm' in locals():
            del m
            # Force a garbage-collection cycle, to be certain that the
            # object is delete, and we don't run in a problem under
            # Windows with a file handle still open.
Пример #41
def test_hashes_stay_the_same():
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    rng = random.Random(42)
    to_hash_list = ['This is a string to hash',
                    u"C'est l\xe9t\xe9",
                    (123456, 54321, -98765),
                    [rng.random() for _ in range(5)],
                    [3, 'abc', None, MyClass(1, 2)],
                    {'abcde': 123, 'sadfas': [-9999, 2, 3]}]

    # These expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.2
    expected_dict = {
        'py2': ['80436ada343b0d79a99bfd8883a96e45',
        'py3': ['71b3f47df22cb19431d85d92d0b230b2',

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3 else 'py2'
    expected_list = expected_dict[py_version_str]

    for to_hash, expected in zip(to_hash_list, expected_list):
        yield assert_equal, hash(to_hash), expected
Пример #42
def test_hashes_stay_the_same():
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    rng = random.Random(42)
    to_hash_list = ['This is a string to hash',
                    u"C'est l\xe9t\xe9",
                    (123456, 54321, -98765),
                    [rng.random() for _ in range(5)],
                    [3, 'abc', None,
                     TransportableException('the message', ValueError)],
                    {'abcde': 123, 'sadfas': [-9999, 2, 3]}]

    # These expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.2
    expected_dict = {
        'py2': ['80436ada343b0d79a99bfd8883a96e45',
        'py3': ['71b3f47df22cb19431d85d92d0b230b2',

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3 else 'py2'
    expected_list = expected_dict[py_version_str]

    for to_hash, expected in zip(to_hash_list, expected_list):
        yield assert_equal, hash(to_hash), expected
Пример #43
def test_hashes_stay_the_same():
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    rng = random.Random(42)
    to_hash_list = ['This is a string to hash',
                    u"C'est l\xe9t\xe9",
                    (123456, 54321, -98765),
                    [rng.random() for _ in range(5)],
                    [3, 'abc', None,
                     TransportableException('the message', ValueError)],
                    {'abcde': 123, 'sadfas': [-9999, 2, 3]}]

    # These expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.2
    expected_dict = {
        'py2': ['80436ada343b0d79a99bfd8883a96e45',
        'py3': ['71b3f47df22cb19431d85d92d0b230b2',

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3_OR_LATER else 'py2'
    expected_list = expected_dict[py_version_str]

    for to_hash, expected in zip(to_hash_list, expected_list):
        yield assert_equal, hash(to_hash), expected
Пример #44
def test_hashes_stay_the_same(to_hash, expected):
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    # Expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.2
    assert hash(to_hash) == expected
Пример #45
def test_hash_memmap(tmpdir, coerce_mmap):
    """Check that memmap and arrays hash identically if coerce_mmap is True."""
    filename = tmpdir.join('memmap_temp').strpath
        m = np.memmap(filename, shape=(10, 10), mode='w+')
        a = np.asarray(m)
        are_hashes_equal = (hash(a, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap) ==
                            hash(m, coerce_mmap=coerce_mmap))
        assert are_hashes_equal == coerce_mmap
        if 'm' in locals():
            del m
            # Force a garbage-collection cycle, to be certain that the
            # object is delete, and we don't run in a problem under
            # Windows with a file handle still open.
Пример #46
def test_hashes_stay_the_same_with_numpy_objects():
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    # Being explicit about dtypes in order to avoid
    # architecture-related differences. Also using 'f4' rather than
    # 'f8' for float arrays because 'f8' arrays generated by
    # rng.random.randn don't seem to be bit-identical on 32bit and
    # 64bit machines.
    to_hash_list = [
        rng.randint(-1000, high=1000, size=50).astype('<i8'),
        tuple(rng.randn(3).astype('<f4') for _ in range(5)),
        [rng.randn(3).astype('<f4') for _ in range(5)],
            rng.randn(3, 5).astype('<f4'),
            0: [
                rng.randint(10, size=20).astype('<i8'),
        # Non regression cases for https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/308.
        # Generated with joblib 0.9.4.
        np.arange(100, dtype='<i8').reshape((10, 10)),
        # Fortran contiguous array
        np.asfortranarray(np.arange(100, dtype='<i8').reshape((10, 10))),
        # Non contiguous array
        np.arange(100, dtype='<i8').reshape((10, 10))[:, :2],

    # These expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.0
    expected_dict = {
        'py2': [
        'py3': [

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3_OR_LATER else 'py2'
    expected_list = expected_dict[py_version_str]

    for to_hash, expected in zip(to_hash_list, expected_list):
        assert hash(to_hash) == expected
Пример #47
def test_trival_hash():
    """ Smoke test hash on various types.
    obj_list = [1, 2, 1., 2., 1 + 1j, 2. + 1j,
                'a', 'b',
                (1, ), (1, 1, ), [1, ], [1, 1, ],
                {1: 1}, {1: 2}, {2: 1},
                [1, ].append,
    for obj1 in obj_list:
        for obj2 in obj_list:
            # Check that 2 objects have the same hash only if they are
            # the same.
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, hash(obj1) == hash(obj2), \
                obj1 is obj2
Пример #48
def test_trival_hash():
    """ Smoke test hash on various types.
    obj_list = [1, 2, 1., 2., 1 + 1j, 2. + 1j,
                'a', 'b',
                (1, ), (1, 1, ), [1, ], [1, 1, ],
                {1: 1}, {1: 2}, {2: 1},
                [1, ].append,
    for obj1 in obj_list:
        for obj2 in obj_list:
            # Check that 2 objects have the same hash only if they are
            # the same.
            yield nose.tools.assert_equal, hash(obj1) == hash(obj2), \
                obj1 is obj2
Пример #49
def test_hashes_stay_the_same(to_hash, expected):
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    # Expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.2

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3_OR_LATER else 'py2'
    assert hash(to_hash) == expected[py_version_str]
Пример #50
def test_set_hash():
    # Check that sets hash consistently, even though their ordering
    # is not guaranteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod()

    s = set([
        '#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s12158__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s12258__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s12277__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s12300__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s12401__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s12430__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s13817__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s13903__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s13916__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s13981__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s13982__c_maps.nii.gz',

    a = k.f(s)
    b = k.f(a)

    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(a), hash(b))
Пример #51
def test_set_hash(tmpdir):
    # Check that sets hash consistently, even though their ordering
    # is not guaranteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir.strpath)

    s = set([
        '#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s12158__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s12258__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s12277__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s12300__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s12401__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s12430__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s13817__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s13903__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s13916__c_maps.nii.gz',
        '#s13981__c_maps.nii.gz', '#s13982__c_maps.nii.gz',

    a = k.f(s)
    b = k.f(a)

    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
Пример #52
def _fast_hash(obj):
    Returns hash of an arbitrary Python object.

    Works for numpy arrays, pandas objects, custom classes and functions. If an
    object doesn't support hashing natively, use md5-based ``joblib.hashing.hash()``,
    otherwise use the standard ``hash()`` function for the sake of performance.
        return hash(obj)
        return hashing.hash(obj)
Пример #53
def test_memory_pickle_dump_load(tmpdir, memory_kwargs):
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, **memory_kwargs)

    memory_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))

    # Compare Memory instance before and after pickle roundtrip
    compare(memory.store_backend, memory_reloaded.store_backend)
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memory) == hash(memory_reloaded)

    func_cached = memory.cache(f)

    func_cached_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func_cached))

    # Compare MemorizedFunc instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    compare(func_cached.store_backend, func_cached_reloaded.store_backend)
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(func_cached) == hash(func_cached_reloaded)

    # Compare MemorizedResult instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    memorized_result = func_cached.call_and_shelve(1)
    memorized_result_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memorized_result))

            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memorized_result) == hash(memorized_result_reloaded)
Пример #54
def test_memory_pickle_dump_load(tmpdir, memory_kwargs):
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, **memory_kwargs)

    memory_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memory))

    # Compare Memory instance before and after pickle roundtrip
    compare(memory.store_backend, memory_reloaded.store_backend)
    compare(memory, memory_reloaded,
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memory) == hash(memory_reloaded)

    func_cached = memory.cache(f)

    func_cached_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func_cached))

    # Compare MemorizedFunc instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    compare(func_cached.store_backend, func_cached_reloaded.store_backend)
    compare(func_cached, func_cached_reloaded,
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(func_cached) == hash(func_cached_reloaded)

    # Compare MemorizedResult instance before/after pickle roundtrip
    memorized_result = func_cached.call_and_shelve(1)
    memorized_result_reloaded = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(memorized_result))

    compare(memorized_result, memorized_result_reloaded,
            ignored_attrs=set(['store_backend', 'timestamp']))
    assert hash(memorized_result) == hash(memorized_result_reloaded)
Пример #55
def test_hashes_stay_the_same_with_numpy_objects():
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    # Being explicit about dtypes in order to avoid
    # architecture-related differences. Also using 'f4' rather than
    # 'f8' for float arrays because 'f8' arrays generated by
    # rng.random.randn don't seem to be bit-identical on 32bit and
    # 64bit machines.
    to_hash_list = [
        rng.randint(-1000, high=1000, size=50).astype('<i8'),
        tuple(rng.randn(3).astype('<f4') for _ in range(5)),
        [rng.randn(3).astype('<f4') for _ in range(5)],
            -3333: rng.randn(3, 5).astype('<f4'),
            0: [
                rng.randint(10, size=20).astype('<i8'),
        # Non regression cases for https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/308.
        # Generated with joblib 0.9.4.
        np.arange(100, dtype='<i8').reshape((10, 10)),
        # Fortran contiguous array
        np.asfortranarray(np.arange(100, dtype='<i8').reshape((10, 10))),
        # Non contiguous array
        np.arange(100, dtype='<i8').reshape((10, 10))[:, :2],

    # These expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.0
    expected_dict = {'py2': ['80f2387e7752abbda2658aafed49e086',
                     'py3': ['10a6afc379ca2708acfbaef0ab676eab',

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3_OR_LATER else 'py2'
    expected_list = expected_dict[py_version_str]

    for to_hash, expected in zip(to_hash_list, expected_list):
        yield assert_equal, hash(to_hash), expected
Пример #56
def test_trival_hash():
    """ Smoke test hash on various types.
    obj_list = [1, 2, 1., 2., 1 + 1j, 2. + 1j,
                'a', 'b',
                (1, ), (1, 1, ), [1, ], [1, 1, ],
                {1: 1}, {1: 2}, {2: 1},
                [1, ].append,
                # Next 2 sets have unorderable elements in python 3.
                set(('a', 1)),
                set(('a', 1, ('a', 1))),
                # Next 2 dicts have unorderable type of keys in python 3.
                {'a': 1, 1: 2},
                {'a': 1, 1: 2, 'd': {'a': 1}},
    for obj1 in obj_list:
        for obj2 in obj_list:
            # Check that 2 objects have the same hash only if they are
            # the same.
            yield assert_equal, hash(obj1) == hash(obj2), obj1 is obj2
Пример #57
def test_hashes_stay_the_same_with_numpy_objects():
    # We want to make sure that hashes don't change with joblib
    # version. For end users, that would mean that they have to
    # regenerate their cache from scratch, which potentially means
    # lengthy recomputations.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    # Being explicit about dtypes in order to avoid
    # architecture-related differences. Also using 'f4' rather than
    # 'f8' for float arrays because 'f8' arrays generated by
    # rng.random.randn don't seem to be bit-identical on 32bit and
    # 64bit machines.

    to_hash_list = [
        rng.randint(-1000, high=1000, size=50).astype('<i8'),
        tuple(rng.randn(3).astype('<f4') for _ in range(5)),
        [rng.randn(3).astype('<f4') for _ in range(5)],
            rng.randn(3, 5).astype('<f4'),
            0: [
                rng.randint(10, size=20).astype('<i8'),
        (lambda: 1) if sys.version[:3] in ('2.7', '3.4', '3.5') else None,

    # These expected results have been generated with joblib 0.9.0
    expected_dict = {
        'py2': [
        'py3': [

    py_version_str = 'py3' if PY3 else 'py2'
    expected_list = expected_dict[py_version_str]

    for to_hash, expected in zip(to_hash_list, expected_list):
        if to_hash is not None:
            yield assert_equal, hash(to_hash), expected
Пример #58
def test_set_hash():
    # Check that sets hash consistently, eventhough their ordering
    # is not garanteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod()

    s = set(['#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz',

    a = k.f(s)
    b = k.f(a)

    nose.tools.assert_equal(hash(a), hash(b))
Пример #59
def test_set_hash(tmpdir_path):
    # Check that sets hash consistently, even though their ordering
    # is not guaranteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir_path)

    s = set(['#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz',

    a = k.f(s)
    b = k.f(a)

    assert hash(a) == hash(b)
Пример #60
def test_dict_hash(tmpdir_path):
    # Check that dictionaries hash consistently, eventhough the ordering
    # of the keys is not garanteed
    k = KlassWithCachedMethod(tmpdir_path)

    d = {'#s12069__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s12158__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s12258__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s12277__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s12300__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s12401__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s12430__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s13817__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s13903__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s13916__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s13981__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s13982__c_maps.nii.gz': [33],
         '#s13983__c_maps.nii.gz': [33]}

    a = k.f(d)
    b = k.f(a)

    assert hash(a) == hash(b)