Пример #1
def load_user_from_header_authorization():
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify({
            'status': 401,
            'message': 'No HTTP Authorization HEADER found.'
        }), 401
        auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization')

    # check the different supported Authorization methods
    if 'basic' in auth_header.lower():
        enc = base64.b64decode(auth_header[6:]).decode()
        email, password = enc.split(':')

        # get the user
        user = User.get_by_email(email=email)

    elif 'bearer' in auth_header.lower():
        token = auth_header[7:]

        # get the user
            user = User.get_from_access_token(token=token)
        except BadSignature:
            return jsonify({
                'status': 401,
                'message': 'The passed access token was not valid.'
            }), 401
        except SignatureExpired:
            return jsonify({
                'Your access token has expired. Please request a '
                'new one.'
            }), 401

        # password is not required
        password = None

        return jsonify({
            'Only Basic and Bearer Authorization are implemented'
        }), 501

    return check_user_logged_in(user, password, check_activation=True)
Пример #2
    def get(self, user_id):
        """GET User

        Returns all information associated to the user of user_id. This route
        requires an active login and is limited to the user himself and all
        user of role permission defined in user_route decorator. Defaults to
        users of role 'superuser' or 'admin'

        user_id : str
            id of the requested user

        user : JSON
            JSON serialized content of the User information.

        # get User
        user = User.get(_id=user_id)

        # check user exists
        if user is None:
            return {'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found'}, 405

        return user.to_dict(stringify=True), 200
Пример #3
    def put(self, user_id):
        """Request new activation link

        A PUT request to request a new activation link. This route will
        overwrite old activation tokens and needs a email client configured.

        user_id : str
            id of the requested user

        response : JSON
            JSON serialized acknowledgement message

        # load the user
        user = User.get(_id=user_id)

        if user is None:
            return {'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found.'}, 404

        # create a new activation token
        token = user.get_activation_token()

        # build the activation link
        url = url_for('auth.activation',

        # build the activation mail and sent
        #        msg = Message(
        #            'Your account activation',
        #            recipients=[user.email],
        #            html=ACTIVATION_MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(user.email, url)
        #        )
        mail = Mail()
        mail.send(user.email, 'Your new activation link',
                  ACTIVATION_MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(user.email, url))

        return {
            'A new activation mail has been sent to: %s.' +
            'Your user ID is: %s' % (user.email, str(user.id))
        }, 200
Пример #4
    def get(self):
        """GET all users

        Get all users registered in the database. This can only be performed
        by a superuser or users of a role defined in the decorator function.

        users : JSON
            JSON serialized list of all Users

        # get the users
        users = User.get_all()

        return {'status': 200, 'found': len(users), 'users': users}, 200
Пример #5
    def delete(self, user_id):
        """Delete the user

        Delete the requested user. This action can only be performed by the
        user of user_id himself or any user of role superuser and users of
        decorated roles (usually 'admin').

        The user information will be stored into the backup folder into the
        json backup file specified in the application cofig

        user_id : str
            id of the requested user

        response : JSON
            acknowledgement message

        # get the user
        user = User.get(_id=user_id)

        if user is None:
            return {'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found.'}, 404

        # get the user info
        d = user.to_dict(stringify=True)

        # delete

        # store
        with open(current_app.config.get('DELETED_USER_PATH'), 'w+') as backup:
            data = json.load(backup)

        # return
        return {
            'status': 200,
            'acknowledged': True,
            'message': 'User has been deleted.'
        }, 200
Пример #6
    def get(self, user_id):
        """Link Activation

        This route is used to activate a user account by a GET request. Then
        the activation token has to be passed by url PARAM like:

        user_id : str
            id of the requested user

        user : JSON
            JSON serialized content of the activated User information.

        # make sure a token was passed
        token = request.args.get('token')
        if token is None:
            return {
                'status': 409,
                'message': 'No activation token was passed.'
            }, 409

        # load the user
        user = User.get(_id=user_id)

        if user is None:
            return {'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found.'}, 404

        # activate
        if user.activate(token=token):
            return {
                'status': 200,
                'acknowledged': True,
                'user': user.to_dict(stringify=True)
            }, 200
            return {
                'status': 400,
                'message': 'The activation token is invalid.'
            }, 400
Пример #7
    def post(self, user_id):
        """Edit user

        Request an edit to the user of user_id. Any JSON encoded content
        passed to this route will update the user of user_id.

        user_id : str
            id of the requested user

        user : JSON
            JSON serialized content of the updated User information.

        # get User
        user = User.get(_id=user_id)

        # check user exists
        if user is None:
            return {'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found'}, 405

        # get the data
        data = request.get_json()
        if len(data.keys()) == 0:
            return {'status': 412, 'message': 'No content recieved'}, 412

        # update the user
        except Exception as e:
            return {'status': 500, 'message': str(e)}, 500

        # return updated user
        return user.to_dict(stringify=True), 200
Пример #8
def login():
    # get the login information
    if request.authorization is not None:
        email = request.authorization.get('username')
        pw = request.authorization.get('password')
        email = request.form.get('email')
        pw = request.form.get('password')

    # get the user from mail
    user = User.get_by_email(email)

    # no user found
    if user is None:
        return jsonify({'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found.'}), 404

    # check activation status
    if not user.is_activated():
        return jsonify({
            'status': 409,
            'message': 'The user account is not activated yet.'
        }), 409

    # verify password
    if user.verify_password(pw):
        return jsonify({
            'user': user.to_dict(stringify=True),
            'access_token': user.get_access_token().decode('ascii')
        return jsonify({
            'status': 405,
            'message': 'password not correct.'
        }), 405

# @auth_blueprint.route('/activate', methods=['POST'])
# def activate():
#     # search GET for token
#     if request.args.get('token') is not None:
#         token = request.args.get('token')
#     elif request.form.get('token') is not None:
#         token = request.form.get('token')
#     elif request.json.get('token') is not None:
#         token = request.json.get('token')
#     else:
#         return jsonify({'status': 400, 'message': 'No token was passed.'}), 400
#     # split the token
#     user_id, _ = token.split('::')
#     user = User.get(user_id)
#     print(user.to_dict())
#     if user is None:
#         return jsonify({'status': 404, 'message': 'User not found.'}), 404
#     # activate
#     if user.activate(token):
#         return jsonify({'status': 200, 'acknowledged': True}), 200
#     else:
#         return jsonify({'stauts': 409, 'message': 'Token not valid'}), 409
Пример #9
    def get(self, email):
        """Request new activation link or password

        Request a new account activation mail or a password reset. In this
        route, the user will be identified by email.

        email : str
            email of the requested user

        response : JSON
            JSON serialized acknowledgement message

        # load the user
        user = User.get_by_email(email=email)

        if user is None:
            return {
                'status': 404,
                'message': 'This email is not registered.'
            }, 404

        # see what is requested
        if 'password' in request.args.keys():
            mode = 'password'
        elif 'activation' in request.args.keys():
            mode = 'activation'
            # if no mode is given, infer it
            mode = 'activation' if not user.is_activated() else 'password'

        # switch mode
        if mode == 'password':
            return {'status': 505, 'message': 'Not Implemented'}, 505

        elif mode == 'activation':
            if user.is_activated():
                return {
                    'status': 409,
                    'message': 'This account is already activated.'
                }, 409
            # generate new token
            token = user.get_activation_token()

            # build the activation link
            url = url_for('auth.activation',

            subject = 'Your new activation link'
            message = ACTIVATION_MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(user.email, url)

        mail = Mail()
        mail.send(user.email, subject, message)

        return {
            'A new activation mail has been sent to: %s. Your '
            'user ID is: %s' % (user.email, str(user.id))
        }, 200
Пример #10
    def put(self):
        """User registration

        PUT a new user to the database. This user will be registered but not
        activated. Thus, he will not be able to authorize for any protected
        routes. Users can be activated by clicking the link sent to the
        registered email address.

        user : JSON
            JSON serialized content of the new User information.

        # get the data
        data = request.get_json()

        email = data.get('email')
        pw = data.get('password')

        # at least email and password is needed
        if email is None or pw is None:
            return {
                'status': 400,
                'message': 'At least a email and password is needed.'
            }, 400

        # Check if this email already exists
        if User.email_exists(email=email):
            return {
                'status': 409,
                'message': 'The email %s is already registered.' % email
            }, 409

        # create the user
        user = User(email=email, password=pw, role='user', job_credit=10)

        # get an activation token
        token = user.get_activation_token()

        # build the activation link
        url = url_for('auth.activation',

        # build the activation mail and sent
        #        msg = Message(
        #            'Your account activation',
        #            recipients=[user.email],
        #            html=ACTIVATION_MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(email, url)
        #        )
        # send the activation mail
        mail = Mail()
                  subject='Your account activation',
                  message=ACTIVATION_MAIL_TEMPLATE.format(email, url))

        return {
            'An activation mail has been sent to: %s. Your user '
            'ID is: %s.' % (email, str(user.id))
        }, 201