Пример #1
def print_lutmAB(buf, indent):
    ic = ordb(buf[0])
    oc = ordb(buf[1])
    boffs = ordl(buf[4:8])
    mtffs = ordl(buf[8:12])
    moffs = ordl(buf[12:16])
    coffs = ordl(buf[16:20])
    aoffs = ordl(buf[20:24])
    print_indent("Input  channels   : %d" % ic, indent)
    print_indent("Output channels   : %d" % oc, indent)
    if aoffs != 0:
        print_indent("A curve           :", indent)
        print_tag(buf[aoffs - 8:], len(buf[aoffs - 8:]), indent + 2)
    if boffs != 0:
        print_indent("B curve           :", indent)
        print_tag(buf[boffs - 8:], len(buf[boffs - 8:]), indent + 2)
    if moffs != 0:
        print_indent("M curve           :", indent)
        print_tag(buf[moffs - 8:], len(buf[moffs - 8:]), indent + 2)
    if coffs != 0:
        print_indent("Color Lookup Table:", indent)
        print_clut(buf[coffs - 8:], ic, oc, indent + 2)
    if mtffs != 0:
        print_indent("Affine Trafo      :", indent)
        print_matrix(buf[mtffs - 8:], indent + 2)
Пример #2
def print_xyz(buffer, indent):
    x = ordl(buffer[0:4])
    y = ordl(buffer[4:8])
    z = ordl(buffer[8:12])
    print_indent("X : 0x%08x = %g" % (x, s15d(x)), indent)
    print_indent("Y : 0x%08x = %g" % (y, s15d(y)), indent)
    print_indent("Z : 0x%08x = %g" % (z, s15d(z)), indent)
Пример #3
def print_mluc(buf, indent):
    count = ordl(buf[0:4])
    recs = ordl(buf[4:8])
    offs = 8
    for i in range(count):
        code = ordw(buf[offs:offs + 2])
        cntr = ordw(buf[offs + 2:offs + 4])
        lnth = ordl(buf[offs + 4:offs + 8])
        disp = ordl(buf[offs + 8:offs + 12])
        offs = offs + recs
            "Entry %d for language %c%c, country %c%c :" %
            (i, code >> 8, code & 0xff, cntr >> 8, cntr & 0xff), indent)
        print_hex(buf[disp - 8:disp - 8 + lnth], indent + 2)
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, buf, offset):
     self.offset = offset
     self.en = ordw(buf[6:8])
     self.seq = ordl(buf[8:12])
     self.lbox = ordl(buf[12:16])
     if self.lbox != 1 and self.lbox < 8:
         raise InvalidBoxSize()
     self.type = buf[16:20]
     if self.lbox == 1:
         self.lbox = ordq(buf[20:28])
         self.buffer = buf[28:]
         self.body = self.lbox - 4 - 4 - 8
         self.buffer = buf[20:]
         self.body = self.lbox - 4 - 4
Пример #5
def print_meas(buffer, indent):
    obs = ordl(buffer[0:4])
    if obs == 0:
        observer = "unknown"
    elif obs == 1:
        observer = "CIE 1931"
    elif obs == 2:
        observer = "CIE 1964"
        observer = "invalid"
    print_indent("Observer  : %s" % observer, indent)
    print_indent("Backing   :", indent)
    print_xyz(buffer[4:], indent + 1)
    geom = ordl(buffer[16:20])
    if geom == 0:
        geometry = "unknown"
    elif geom == 1:
        geometry = "0/45 or 45/0"
    elif geom == 2:
        geometry = "0/d or d/0"
        geometry = "invalid"
    print_indent("Geometry  : %s" % geometry, indent)
    flare = ordl(buffer[20:24])
        "Flare     : 0x%08x = %g%%" % (flare, flare * 100.0 / 65536.0), indent)
    ilm = ordl(buffer[24:38])
    if ilm == 0:
        illum = "unknown"
    elif ilm == 1:
        illum = "D50"
    elif ilm == 2:
        illum = "D65"
    elif ilm == 3:
        illum = "D93"
    elif ilm == 4:
        illum = "F2"
    elif ilm == 5:
        illum = "D55"
    elif ilm == 6:
        illum = "A"
    elif ilm == 7:
        illum = "E"
    elif ilm == 8:
        illum = "F8"
        illum = "invalid"
    print_indent("Illuminant: %s" % illum, indent)
Пример #6
def print_view(buffer, indent):
    print_indent("Illuminant:", indent)
    print_xyz(buffer, indent + 1)
    print_indent("Surround  :", indent)
    print_xyz(buffer[12:], indent + 1)
    ilm = ordl(buffer[24:38])
    if ilm == 0:
        illum = "unknown"
    elif ilm == 1:
        illum = "D50"
    elif ilm == 2:
        illum = "D65"
    elif ilm == 3:
        illum = "D93"
    elif ilm == 4:
        illum = "F2"
    elif ilm == 5:
        illum = "D55"
    elif ilm == 6:
        illum = "A"
    elif ilm == 7:
        illum = "E"
    elif ilm == 8:
        illum = "F8"
        illum = "invalid"
    print_indent("Illuminant: %s" % illum, indent)
Пример #7
 def read_TLM(self):
     self._new_marker("TLM", "Tile-part length")
     if self.size < 4:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
     self.print_header("Index", str(ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2])))
     stlm = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 3]) >> 4
     st = stlm & 0x03
     sp = (stlm >> 2) & 0x1
     if st == 3:
         raise InvalidMarkerField("TLM", "Stlm")
     if st == 0:
         if sp == 0:
             if (self.size - 4) % 2 != 0:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
             tileparts = (self.size - 4) / 2
             if (self.size - 4) % 4 != 0:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
             tileparts = (self.size - 4) / 4
     elif st == 1:
         if sp == 0:
             if (self.size - 4) % 3 != 0:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
             tileparts = (self.size - 4) / 3
             if (self.size - 4) % 5 != 0:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
             tileparts = (self.size - 4) / 5
         if sp == 0:
             if (self.size - 4) % 4 != 0:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
             tileparts = (self.size - 4) / 4
             if (self.size - 4) % 6 != 0:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("TLM")
             tileparts = (self.size - 4) / 6
     self.pos += 4
     ttlm = ""
     for i in range(tileparts):
         if st == 0:
             ttlm = "in order"
         if st == 1:
             ttlm = str(ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 0]))
             self.pos += 1
         elif st == 2:
             ttlm = str(ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2]))
             self.pos += 2
         self.print_header("Tile index #%d" % i, ttlm)
         if sp == 0:
             length = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
             self.pos += 2
             length = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 4])
             self.pos += 4
         self.print_header("Length #%d" % i, str(length))
Пример #8
def print_tag(buf, size, indent):
    sign = buf[0:4]
    print_indent("Tag type: %s" % sign.decode('ascii'), indent)
    print_indent("Reserved: %d" % ordl(buf[4:8]), indent)
    if sign == "desc":
        size = ordl(buf[8:12])
            "Profile description: %s" % buf[12:12 + size - 1].decode('ascii'),
    elif sign == "text":
        print_indent("Text: %s" % buf[8:len(buf) - 1].decode('ascii'), indent)
    elif sign == "XYZ ":
        count = (len(buf) - 8) // 12
        off = 8
        for i in range(count):
            print_xyz(buf[off:off + 12], indent)
            off += 12
    elif sign == "curv":
        print_curve(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "dtim":
        print_datetime(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "view":
        print_view(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "meas":
        print_meas(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "sig ":
        print_indent("Signature : %s " % readsignature(buf[8:8 + size]),
    elif sign == "mft1":
        print_lut8(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "mft2":
        print_lut16(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "mAB ":
        print_lutmAB(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "mBA ":
        print_lutmAB(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "para":
        print_para(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "mluc":
        print_mluc(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
    elif sign == "sf32":
        print_sf32(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
        print_hex(buf[8:8 + size], indent)
Пример #9
 def read_NSI(self):
     self._new_marker("NSI", "Additional Dimension Image and Tile Size")
     size = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
     if size < 20 or size > 16403:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("NSI")
     ndim = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2])
     zsiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 3:self.pos + 7])
     osiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 7:self.pos + 11])
     tsiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 11:self.pos + 15])
     tosz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 15:self.pos + 19])
     self.print_header("Dimensionality", "%d" % ndim)
     self.print_header("Image Depth", "%d" % zsiz)
     self.print_header("Image Depth Offset", "%d" % osiz)
     self.print_header("Tile Depth", "%d" % tsiz)
     self.print_header("Tile Depth Offset", "%d" % tosz)
     for i in range(size - 19):
         self.print_header("Z Sample Separation for component %d" % i,
                           "%d" % ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 19 + i]))
     self.pos += size
Пример #10
 def parse_NLT(self):
     self._new_marker("NLT", "Nonlinearity Marker")
     tnlt = ordb(self.buffer[4])
     if tnlt == 1:
         self.nlt = "quadratic"
         self._print_indent("NLT Type       : quadratic")
         if len(self.buffer) != 2 + 2 + 1 + 2:
             raise InvalidSizedMarker("Size of the NLT marker shall be 5 bytes")
         t1 = ordw(self.buffer[5:7])
         self._print_indent("DC Offset      : %s" % t1)
     elif tnlt == 2:
         self.nlt = "extended"
         self._print_indent("NLT Type       : extended")
         if len(self.buffer) != 2 + 12:
             raise InvalidSizedMarker("Size of NLT marker shall be 12 bytes")
         t1 = ordl(self.buffer[5:9])
         t2 = ordl(self.buffer[9:13])
         e = ordb(self.buffer[13])
         self._print_indent("Threshold t1   : %s" % t1)
         self._print_indent("Threshold t2   : %s" % t2)
         self._print_indent("Slope exponent : %s" % e)
Пример #11
 def read_CAP(self):
     self._new_marker("CAP", "Extended Capabilities Marker")
     pcap = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 6])
     offs = self.pos + 6
     for i in range(32):
         if pcap & (1 << (32 - i)):
             if offs >= self.pos + self.size:
                 raise InvalidSizedMarker("CAP")
             self.print_header("Extended capabilities for part %d" % i,
                               "0x%x" % (ordw(self.buffer[offs:offs + 2])))
             offs += 2
     self.pos += self.size
Пример #12
def print_lutheader(buf, indent):
    print_indent("Input  channels  : %d" % ordb(buf[0]), indent)
    print_indent("Output channels  : %d" % ordb(buf[1]), indent)
    print_indent("Grid points      : %d" % ordb(buf[2]), indent)
    e00 = ordl(buf[4:8])
    e01 = ordl(buf[8:12])
    e02 = ordl(buf[12:16])
    e10 = ordl(buf[16:20])
    e11 = ordl(buf[20:24])
    e12 = ordl(buf[24:28])
    e20 = ordl(buf[28:32])
    e21 = ordl(buf[32:36])
    e22 = ordl(buf[36:40])
        "Matrix           : 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e00, e01, e02, s15d(e00), s15d(e01), s15d(e02)), indent)
        "                   0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e10, e11, e12, s15d(e10), s15d(e11), s15d(e01)), indent)
        "                   0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e20, e21, e22, s15d(e20), s15d(e21), s15d(e22)), indent)
Пример #13
 def read_SOT(self):
     self._new_marker("SOT", "Start of tile-part")
     if len(self.buffer) - self.pos < 10:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("SOT")
     size = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
     if size != 10:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("SOT")
                       str(ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 4])))
     length = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 4:self.pos + 8])
     self.print_header("Length", str(length))
     self.print_header("Index", str(ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 8])))
     if ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 9]) == 0:
         s = "unknown"
         s = str(ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 9]))
     self.print_header("Tile-Parts", s)
     self.pos += 10
Пример #14
def print_curve(buffer, indent):
    count = ordl(buffer[0:4])
    if count == 0:
        print_indent("Identity mapping", indent)
    elif count == 1:
        gamma = ordw(buffer[4:6])
            "Gamma mapping, gamma : 0x%04x = %g" %
            (gamma, gamma * 1.0 / 256.0), indent)
        off = 4
        for i in range(count):
            value = ordw(buffer[off:off + 2])
            if i % 4 == 0:
                if i != 0:
                for j in range(indent):
                    print(" ", end=' ')
            print("0x%04x = %g " % (value, value * 1.0 / 65535), end=' ')
            off += 2
Пример #15
    def parse_header(self):
        if self.end > 0:
            if self.infile.tell() == self.end:
                return []
            elif self.infile.tell() > self.end:
                raise InvalidBoxLength("unknown box")
        length = self.infile.read(4)
        if len(length) == 0:
            return []
        elif len(length) < 4:
            raise UnexpectedEOF()
        length = ordl(length)
        id = self.infile.read(4).decode('ascii')
        if len(id) < 4:
            raise UnexpectedEOF
        self.offset += 8
        self.hdrsize = 8

        # Read XLBox (extra box length, if any)
        if length == 1:
            xlength = self.infile.read(8)
            self.offset += 8
            self.hdrsize = 16
            if len(xlength) < 8:
                raise UnexpectedEOF
            length = ordq(xlength)
            if length < 16:
                raise InvalidBoxLength(self.boxname(id))
                length -= 16
        elif 0 < length < 8:
            raise InvalidBoxLength(self.boxname(id))
        elif length > 0:
            length -= 8
        elif length == 0:
            return id,

        self.boxsize = length
        return length, id
Пример #16
    def parse_string_header(self, buf):
        length = ordl(buf)
        id = buf[4:8]
        buf = buf[8:len(buf)]

        # Read XLBox (extra box length, if any)
        if length == 1:
            xlength = buf[0:8]
            buf = buf[8:len(buf)]
            if len(xlength) < 8:
                raise UnexpectedEOF
            length = ordq(xlength)
            if length < 16:
                raise InvalidBoxLength(self.boxname(id))
                length -= 16
        elif 0 < length < 8:
            raise InvalidBoxLength(self.boxname(id))
        elif length > 0:
            length -= 8

        return buf, length, id
Пример #17
def readsignature(buf):
    signature = ordl(buf[0:4])
    return "0 (undefined)" if signature == 0 else buf[0:4]
Пример #18
def print_matrix(buf, indent):
    e1 = ordl(buf[0:4])
    e2 = ordl(buf[4:8])
    e3 = ordl(buf[8:12])
    e4 = ordl(buf[12:16])
    e5 = ordl(buf[16:20])
    e6 = ordl(buf[20:24])
    e7 = ordl(buf[24:28])
    e8 = ordl(buf[28:32])
    e9 = ordl(buf[32:36])
    e10 = ordl(buf[36:40])
    e11 = ordl(buf[40:44])
    e12 = ordl(buf[44:48])
        "Matrix           : 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e1, e2, e3, s15d(e1), s15d(e2), s15d(e3)), indent)
        "                   0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e4, e5, e6, s15d(e4), s15d(e5), s15d(e6)), indent)
        "                   0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e7, e8, e9, s15d(e7), s15d(e8), s15d(e9)), indent)
        "Offset           : 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\t%8g\t%8g\t%8g" %
        (e10, e11, e12, s15d(e10), s15d(e11), s15d(e11)), indent)
Пример #19
    def parse_PIH(self):
        self._new_marker("PIH", "Picture header")
        self.pos = 4
        if len(self.buffer) != 2 + 26:
            raise InvalidSizedMarker("Size of the PIH marker shall be 26 bytes")
        lcod = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 4])
        ppih = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 4:self.pos + 6])
        plev = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 6:self.pos + 8])
        wf = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 8:self.pos + 10])
        hf = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 10:self.pos + 12])
        cw = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 12:self.pos + 14])
        hsl = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 14:self.pos + 16])
        nc = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 16])
        ng = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 17])
        ss = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 18])
        bw = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 19])
        fqbr = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 20])
        fq = fqbr >> 4
        br = fqbr & 15
        misc = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 21])
        fslc = misc >> 7
        ppoc = (misc >> 4) & 7
        cpih = misc & 15
        wavl = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 22])
        nlx = wavl >> 4
        nly = wavl & 15
        cod = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 23])
        lhdr = (cod >> 7) & 1
        lraw = (cod >> 6) & 1
        qpih = (cod >> 4) & 3
        fs = (cod >> 2) & 2
        rm = cod & 3
        self.sliceheight = hsl
        self.precheight = 1 << nly
        self.width = wf
        self.height = hf
        self.depth = nc
        self.columnsize = cw
        self.hlevels = nlx
        self.vlevels = nly
        self.profile = ppih
        self.level = plev
        self.longhdr = lhdr
        self.rawbyline = lraw
        self.fractional = fq
        self.colortrafo = self.decode_cpih(cpih)
        if cw == 0:
            pwidthstr = "full width"
            pwidthstr = "%s 8*LL samples of max(sx)" % cw
        if fslc == 0:
            slicemode = "regular (in the DWT domain)"
            slicemode = "invalid (%s)" % fslc
        if ppoc == 0:
            progression = "resolution-line-band-component"
            progression = "invalid (%s)" % ppoc

        self._print_indent("Size of the codestream    : %s" % lcod)
        self._print_indent("Profile                   : %s" % decode_Profile(ppih))
        self._print_indent("Level                     : %s" % decode_Level(plev))
        self._print_indent("Width  of the frame       : %s" % wf)
        self._print_indent("Height of the frame       : %s" % hf)
        self._print_indent("Precinct width            : %s " % pwidthstr)
        self._print_indent("Slice height              : %s lines" % (hsl << nly))
        self._print_indent("Number of components      : %s" % nc)
        self._print_indent("Code group size           : %s" % ng)
        self._print_indent("Significance group size   : %s code groups" % ss)
        self._print_indent("Wavelet bit precision     : %s bits" % bw)
        self._print_indent("Fractional bits           : %s bits" % fq)
        self._print_indent("Raw bits per code group   : %s bits" % br)
        self._print_indent("Slice coding mode         : %s" % slicemode)
        self._print_indent("Progression mode          : %s" % progression)
        self._print_indent("Colour decorrelation      : %s" % self.colortrafo)
        self._print_indent("Horizontal wavelet levels : %s" % nlx)
        self._print_indent("Vertical wavelet levels   : %s" % nly)
        self._print_indent("Forced long headers       : %s" % lhdr)
        self._print_indent("Raw mode switch per line  : %s" % lraw)
        self._print_indent("Quantizer type            : %s" % self.decode_qpih(qpih))
        self._print_indent("Sign handling             : %s" % self.decode_fs(fs))
        self._print_indent("Run mode                  : %s" % self.decode_rm(rm))
Пример #20
def print_para(buf, indent):
    curv = ordw(buf[0:2])
    if curv == 0:
        print_indent("Gamma mapping", indent)
        gamma = s15d(ordl(buf[4:8]))
        print_indent("Gamma        : %g" % gamma, indent)
    elif curv == 1:
        print_indent("CIE 122-1966", indent)
        gamma = s15d(ordl(buf[4:8]))
        a = s15d(ordl(buf[8:12]))
        b = s15d(ordl(buf[12:16]))
        print_indent("Gamma        : %g" % gamma, indent)
        print_indent("A            : %g" % a, indent)
        print_indent("B            : %g" % b, indent)
    elif curv == 2:
        print_indent("IEC 61996-3", indent)
        gamma = s15d(ordl(buf[4:8]))
        a = s15d(ordl(buf[8:12]))
        b = s15d(ordl(buf[12:16]))
        c = s15d(ordl(buf[16:20]))
        print_indent("Gamma        : %g" % gamma, indent)
        print_indent("A            : %g" % a, indent)
        print_indent("B            : %g" % b, indent)
        print_indent("C            : %g" % c, indent)
    elif curv == 3:
        gamma = s15d(ordl(buf[4:8]))
        a = s15d(ordl(buf[8:12]))
        b = s15d(ordl(buf[12:16]))
        c = s15d(ordl(buf[16:20]))
        d = s15d(ordl(buf[20:24]))
        print_indent("IEC 61966-2.1 (sRGB)", indent)
        print_indent("Gamma        : %g" % gamma, indent)
        print_indent("A            : %g" % a, indent)
        print_indent("B            : %g" % b, indent)
        print_indent("C            : %g" % c, indent)
        print_indent("D            : %g" % d, indent)
    elif curv == 4:
        print_indent("Affine Gamma with Toe", indent)
        gamma = s15d(ordl(buf[4:8]))
        a = s15d(ordl(buf[8:12]))
        b = s15d(ordl(buf[12:16]))
        c = s15d(ordl(buf[16:20]))
        d = s15d(ordl(buf[20:24]))
        e = s15d(ordl(buf[24:28]))
        print_indent("Gamma        : %g" % gamma, indent)
        print_indent("A            : %g" % a, indent)
        print_indent("B            : %g" % b, indent)
        print_indent("C            : %g" % c, indent)
        print_indent("D            : %g" % d, indent)
        print_indent("E            : %g" % e, indent)
Пример #21
 def read_MCC(self):
     self._new_marker("MCC", "Multiple component collection")
     if self.size < 5:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("MCC")
     zmcc = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 4])
     self.print_header("Concatenation index", str(zmcc))
     imcc = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 4])
     self.print_header("Reference index", str(imcc))
     self.pos += 5
     qmcc = 0
     if zmcc == 0:
         ymcc = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
         self.print_header("Last concatenation index", str(ymcc))
         qmcc = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 4])
         self.print_header("Number of collections", str(qmcc))
         self.pos += 4
     for i in range(qmcc):
         ctp = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos])
         if ctp & 3 == 0:
             s = "array based dependency transformation"
         elif ctp & 3 == 1:
             s = "array based decorrelation transformation"
         elif ctp & 3 == 3:
             s = "wavelet based transformation"
             s = "invalid type"
         self.print_header("Transformation type", s)
         self.pos += 1
         nmcc = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
         if nmcc & (1 << 15):
             self.print_header("Collection %d input index size" % i,
                               "16 bit")
             intype = 2
             nmcc -= 1 << 15
             self.print_header("Collection %d input index size" % i,
                               "8 bit")
             intype = 1
         self.print_header("Collection %d # of input components" % i, nmcc)
         self.pos += 2
         for j in range(nmcc):
             if intype == 2:
                 incom = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
                 self.pos += 2
                 incom = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos])
                 self.pos += 1
             self.print_header("Collection %d input component %d" % (i, j),
         mmcc = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
         if mmcc & (1 << 15):
             self.print_header("Collection %d output index size" % i,
                               "16 bit")
             outtype = 2
             mmcc -= 1 << 15
             self.print_header("Collection %d output index size" % i,
                               "8 bit")
             outtype = 1
         self.print_header("Collection %d # of output components" % i, mmcc)
         self.pos += 2
         for j in range(mmcc):
             if outtype == 2:
                 outcom = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
                 self.pos += 2
                 outcom = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos])
                 self.pos += 1
             self.print_header("Collection %d output component %d" % (i, j),
         if ctp & 3 == 3:
             self.print_header("Number of decomposition levels",
             if ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 1]) == 0:
                 s = "null"
                 s = "in MCT marker %d" % ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 1])
             self.print_header("Collection %d offset vector" % i, s)
             if ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2]) == 0:
                 s = "9-7 irreversible"
             elif ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2]) == 1:
                 s = "5-3 reversible"
                 s = "defined in ATK segment %d " % ordb(
                     self.buffer[self.pos + 2])
             self.print_header("Wavelet filter used", s)
             self.pos += 3
             self.print_header("Collection %d reference grid offset" % i,
                               ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 4]))
             self.pos += 4
             if ordb(self.buffer[self.pos]) & 1:
                 s = "reversible"
                 s = "irreversible"
             self.print_header("Collection %d transformation is" % i, s)
             if ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 1]) == 0:
                 s = "null"
                 s = "in MCT marker %d" % ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 1])
             self.print_header("Collection %d offset vector" % i, s)
             if ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2]) == 0:
                 s = "identity"
                 s = "in MCT marker %d" % ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2])
             self.print_header("Collection %d matrix" % i, s)
             self.pos += 3
Пример #22
 def read_MCT(self):
     self._new_marker("MCT", "Multiple component transformation")
     len = self.size - 6
     if len < 0:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("MCT")
     zmct = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 4])
     self.print_header("Concatenation index", str(zmct))
     imct = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 5])
     self.print_header("Reference index", str(imct))
     type = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 4])
     if type & 3 == 0:
         s = "Dependency transform"
     elif type & 3 == 1:
         s = "Decorrelation matrix"
     elif type & 3 == 2:
         s = "Offset vector"
         s = "Unknown"
     self.print_header("Transform type", s)
     if type & 12 == 0:
         s = "16 bit integer"
         l = 2
     elif type & 12 == 4:
         s = "32 bit integer"
         l = 4
     elif type & 12 == 8:
         s = "32 bit IEEE float"
         l = 4
     else:  # elif type & 12 == 12:
         s = "64 bit IEEE float"
         l = 8
     self.print_header("Data type", s)
     self.pos += 6
     if zmct == 0:
         ymct = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
         self.print_header("Last concatenation index", str(ymct))
         self.pos += 2
         len -= 2
     if len % l != 0:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("MCT")
     count = int(len / l)
     self.print_header("Number of entries", str(count))
     for i in range(count):
         if type & 12 == 0:
             dt = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
             if dt >= (1 << 15):
                 dt -= 1 << 16
             s = str(dt)
             self.pos += 2
         elif type & 12 == 4:
             dt = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 4])
             if dt >= (1 << 31):
                 dt -= 1 << 32
             s = str(dt)
             self.pos += 4
         elif type & 12 == 8:
             dt = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 4])
             s = str(ieee_float_to_float(dt))
             self.pos += 4
         elif type & 12 == 12:
             dtl = ordq(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 8])
             s = str(ieee_double_to_float(dtl))
             self.pos += 8
         self.print_header("Data entry %d" % i, s)
Пример #23
def print_sf32(buf, indent):
    off = 0
    for i in range(len(buf) // 4):
        v = ordl(buf[off:off + 4])
        off = off + 4
        print_indent("Entry %d : 0x%08x = %g" % (i, v, s15d(v)), indent + 2)
Пример #24
def print_desctag(buf, indent):
    size = ordl(buf[8:12])
    print_indent("Profile description: %s" % buf[12:12 + size].decode('ascii'))
Пример #25
    def read_SIZ(self):
        self._new_marker("SIZ", "Image and tile size")
        size = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
        if size < 41:
            raise InvalidSizedMarker("SIZ")
        if (size - 38) % 3 != 0:
            raise InvalidSizedMarker("SIZ")

        # Read Csiz
        components = (size - 38) // 3
        self.csiz = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 36:self.pos + 38])
        if self.csiz != components:
            raise InvalidSizedMarker("SIZ")

        # Read Rsiz
        rsiz = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 4])
        if rsiz == 0:
            s = "JPEG2000 full standard"
        elif rsiz == 1:
            s = "JPEG2000 profile 0"
        elif rsiz == 2:
            s = "JPEG2000 profile 1"
        elif rsiz == 3:
            s = "DCI 2K profile"
        elif rsiz == 4:
            s = "DCI 4K profile"
        elif rsiz == 5:
            s = "DCI long term storage profile"
        elif rsiz == 6:
            s = "DCI 2K scalable profile"
        elif rsiz & (1 << 14):
            s = "JPEG2000 part 15"
        elif rsiz & (1 << 15):
            s = "JPEG2000 part 2"
            if rsiz & (1 << 11):
                s += " Precinct dependent QNT"
            if rsiz & (1 << 10):
                s += " Arbitrary ROIs"
            if rsiz & (1 << 9):
                s += " NLT transform"
            if rsiz & (1 << 8):
                s += " Multi-component transform"
            if rsiz & (1 << 7):
                s += " WSS transformation kernel"
            if rsiz & (1 << 6):
                s += " Arbitrary kernel"
            if rsiz & (1 << 5):
                s += " Arbitrary decomposition"
            if rsiz & (1 << 4):
                s += " Single sample overlap"
            if rsiz & (1 << 3):
                s += " Visual masking"
            if rsiz & (1 << 2):
                s += " Trellis quantization"
            if rsiz & (1 << 1):
                s += " Variable scalar quantization"
            if rsiz & (1 << 0):
                s += " Variable DC offset"
            s = "unknown"
        self.print_header("Required Capabilities", s)

        # Read Xsiz and Ysiz
        xsiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 4:self.pos + 8])
        ysiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 8:self.pos + 12])
        self.print_header("Reference Grid Size", "%dx%d" % (xsiz, ysiz))

        # Read XOsiz and YOsiz
        xosiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 12:self.pos + 16])
        yosiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 16:self.pos + 20])
        self.print_header("Image Offset", "%dx%d" % (xosiz, yosiz))

        # Read XTsiz and YTsiz
        xtsiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 20:self.pos + 24])
        ytsiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 24:self.pos + 28])
        self.print_header("Reference Tile Size", "%dx%d" % (xtsiz, ytsiz))

        # Read XTOsiz and YTOsiz
        xtosiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 28:self.pos + 32])
        ytosiz = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 32:self.pos + 36])
        self.print_header("Reference Tile Offset", "%dx%d" % (xtosiz, ytosiz))

        # Csiz (already read)
        self.print_header("Components", str(components))

        # Read Components
        for i in range(0, components):
            ssiz = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 38 + i * 3])
            xrsiz = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 39 + i * 3])
            yrsiz = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 40 + i * 3])
            self.print_header("Component #%d Depth" % i,
                              "%d" % ((ssiz & 0x7f) + 1))
            self.print_header("Component #%d Signed" % i,
                              "yes" if ssiz & 0x80 else "no")
            self.print_header("Component #%d Sample Separation" % i,
                              "%dx%d" % (xrsiz, yrsiz))

        self.pos += size
Пример #26
def parse_icc(indent, buf):
    indent += 1
    print_indent("ICC profile size        : %d bytes" % ordl(buf[0:4]), indent)
    print_indent("Preferred CMM type      : %d" % ordl(buf[4:8]), indent)
    print_indent("ICC major version       : %d" % ordb(buf[8]), indent)
    print_indent("ICC minor version       : %d" % ordb(buf[9]), indent)
    print_indent("Profile class           : %s" % buf[12:16].decode('ascii'),
    print_indent("Canonical input space   : %s" % buf[16:20].decode('ascii'),
    print_indent("Profile connection space: %s" % buf[20:24].decode('ascii'),
    print_indent("Creation date :", indent)
    print_datetime(buf[24:36], indent + 1)
    print_indent("Profile signature       : %s" % buf[36:40].decode('ascii'),
    print_indent("Platform singature      : %s" % readsignature(buf[40:44]),
    print_indent("Profile flags           : 0x%08x" % ordl(buf[44:48]), indent)
    print_indent("Device manufacturer     : %s" % readsignature(buf[48:52]),
    print_indent("Device model            : %s" % readsignature(buf[52:56]),
        "Device attributes       : 0x%08x%08x" %
        (ordl(buf[56:60]), ordl(buf[60:64])), indent)
    intent = ordl(buf[64:68])
    if intent == 0:
        rendering = "perceptual"
    elif intent == 1:
        rendering = "media-relative colorimetric"
    elif intent == 2:
        rendering = "saturation"
    elif intent == 3:
        rendering = "icc absolute colorimetric"
        rendering = "undefined intent %d" % intent
    print_indent("Rendering intent        : %s" % rendering, indent)
    print_indent("PCS illuminant          :", indent)
    print_xyz(buf[68:80], indent + 1)
    print_indent("Profile creator         : %s" % readsignature(buf[80:84]),
        "Profile MD5 sum         : %08lx%08lx%08x%08lx" %
        (ordl(buf[84:88]), ordl(buf[88:92]), ordl(buf[92:96]), ordl(
            buf[96:100])), indent)
    count = ordl(buf[128:132])
    print_indent("Number of ICC tags      : %d" % count, indent)
    off = 128 + 4
    for i in range(count):
        offset = ordl(buf[off + 4:off + 8])
        size = ordl(buf[off + 8:off + 12])
            "ICC tag %s at offset %d size %d:" %
            (buf[off:off + 4].decode('ascii'), offset, size), indent + 1)
        print_tag(buf[offset:offset + size], size, indent + 2)
        off += 12
Пример #27
 def read_NLT(self):
     self._new_marker("NLT", "Nonlinearity transformation")
     if self.size < 6:
         raise InvalidSizedMarker("NLT")
     cnlt = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 4])
     if cnlt == 0xffff:
         s = "for all components"
         s = "for component %d" % cnlt
     self.print_header("Non-Linearity defined", s)
     bdnlt = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 4])
     if bdnlt & 0x80:
         s = "signed"
         bdnlt -= 0x80
         s = "unsigned"
     self.print_header("Output sign", s)
     self.print_header("Output bit depth", str(bdnlt + 1))
     tnlt = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 5])
     if tnlt == 0:
         s = "none"
     elif tnlt == 1:
         s = "Gamma transformation"
     elif tnlt == 2:
         s = "Table lookup"
     elif tnlt == 3:
         s = "Two's completement to sign-magnitude conversion"
         s = "unknown"
     self.print_header("Non-Linearity type", s)
     self.pos += 6
     if tnlt == 1:
         e = (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 0]) << 16) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 1]) << 8) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 2]) << 0)
         l = (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 3]) << 16) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 4]) << 8) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 5]) << 0)
         t = (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 6]) << 16) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 7]) << 8) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 8]) << 0)
         a = (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 9]) << 16) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 10]) << 8) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 11]) << 0)
         b = (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 12]) << 16) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 13]) << 8) + \
             (ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 14]) << 0)
         if e == 0:
             s = "ill-defined"
             s = str(1.0 / (e / 65536.0))
         self.print_header("Gamma exponent", s)
         if l == 0:
             s = "ill-defined"
             s = str(1.0 / (l / 65536.0))
         self.print_header("Linear slope", s)
         self.print_header("Threshold", str(t / 65536.0))
         if a == 0:
             s = "ill-defined"
             s = str(1.0 / (a / 65536.0))
         self.print_header("Nonlinear slope", s)
         self.print_header("Offset", str(b / 65536.0))
         self.pos += 15
     elif tnlt == 2:
         npts = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
         dmin = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 2:self.pos + 6])
         dmax = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 6:self.pos + 10])
         prec = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos + 10])
         self.print_header("Number of points", npts)
         self.print_header("Range minimum", dmin / ((1 << 32) - 1.0))
         self.print_header("Range maximum", dmax / ((1 << 32) - 1.0))
         self.print_header("Data precision", "%d bits" % prec)
         self.pos += 11
         for i in range(npts):
             if prec <= 8:
                 dt = ordb(self.buffer[self.pos]) + 0
                 s = str(dt / ((1 << prec) - 1.0))
                 self.pos += 1
             elif prec <= 16:
                 dt = ordw(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 2])
                 s = str(dt / ((1 << prec) - 1.0))
                 self.pos += 2
             elif prec <= 32:
                 dt = ordl(self.buffer[self.pos + 0:self.pos + 4])
                 s = str(dt / ((1 << prec) - 1.0))
                 self.pos += 4
                 s = "ill-defined"
             self.print_header("Data entry %d" % i, s)