Пример #1
    def test_covered_and_uncovered_src(self, mock_num_file_lines):

        # Set an expected source file
        coverage_data = CoverageData()
        coverage_data.add_expected_src('/root_dir', 'uncovered.js')

        # Configure the num file lines for the source file
        num_lines = 10
        mock_num_file_lines.return_value = num_lines

        # Provide coverage info for other source files,
        # but not the one we passed to the constructor
        coverage_data.load_from_dict('/root_dir', '', self.TEST_COVERAGE_DICT)

        # Expect that all sources are reported (including the uncovered src)

        # Expect that the source is reported as 0% covered
                         {line_num: False for line_num in range(num_lines)})

        # Expect that total coverage is smaller because
        # of the uncovered file.
        expected_coverage = 6.0 / (8.0 + num_lines)
        self.assertEqual(coverage_data.total_coverage(), expected_coverage)
Пример #2
    def test_uncovered_src(self, mock_num_file_lines):

        # Set an expected source file
        coverage_data = CoverageData()
        coverage_data.add_expected_src('/root_dir', 'src1.js')

        # Configure the num file lines for the source file
        num_lines = 10
        mock_num_file_lines.return_value = num_lines

        # Provide no coverage information (did NOT call `load_from_dict()`)

        # Expect that the source is still reported
        self.assertEqual(coverage_data.src_list(), ['/root_dir/src1.js'])
        self.assertEqual(coverage_data.rel_src_path('/root_dir/src1.js'), 'src1.js')

        # Expect that the source is reported as 0% covered
                         {line_num: False for line_num in range(num_lines)})

        # Expect that total coverage is 0%
        self.assertEqual(coverage_data.total_coverage(), 0.0)
Пример #3
    def test_total_coverage(self):
        coverage_data = CoverageData()
        coverage_data.load_from_dict('root_dir', '', self.TEST_COVERAGE_DICT)

        # Total coverage is 6/8 = 0.75
        self.assertEqual(coverage_data.total_coverage(), 0.75)