def prediction(line_token: str, save_dir: str) -> None: ''' 日別感染者数の【予測】グラフを作成します。 Args: line_token (str): POSTするLINEのトークン save_dir (str): 一時データを保存するディレクトリパス ''' try: body = get_requests( '') except Exception as error: print(f'error:{error.args}') return history_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'history_prodiction.json') graph_image_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'graph_prodiction.png') if os.path.isfile(history_path): old_body = json_read(history_path) else: old_body = [] if body != old_body: make_graph( body, graph_image_path, 'COVID - 19 days to measure the number of infected persons') text = '日別感染者数の予測グラフ' post_line(line_token, text, graph_image_path) json_write(body, history_path)
def duplication_report(event_id: str, save_file_path: str) -> int: ''' Check out the follow-up to "Seismic Intensity Bulletin". Args: event_id (str): Id of the event save_file_path: The path of the cache file to save. Returns: int: What is the report? ''' now = if os.path.isfile(save_file_path): previous_data = json_read(save_file_path) else: previous_data = [] # delete old element if previous_data != []: delete_data = [] for index, element in enumerate(previous_data): date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(element['date']), r'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') diff_date = now - date if diff_date.seconds > 3600: delete_data.append(index) delete_data.sort(reverse=True) for element in delete_data: del previous_data[element] # check report is_existence = False report = 1 for element in previous_data: if str(event_id) == element['id']: is_existence = True element['report'] += 1 report = element['report'] element['date'] = now.strftime(r'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') break if not is_existence: report = 1 data = { 'date': now.strftime(r'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), 'id': str(event_id), 'report': report } previous_data.append(data) json_write(save_file_path, previous_data) return report
def __load_cache(self, empty_element: Any) -> Any: ''' Load cache file. If it does not exist, the argument is returned directly. Args: empty_element (Any): Element that is returned directly if it does not exist. Returns: Any: The contents of the cache file. If not present, argument element. ''' if os.path.isfile(self.save_file_path): buffer = json_read(self.save_file_path) else: buffer = empty_element return buffer
def __init__(self, user_file_path: str, cache_dir_path: str): ''' Compare the user config with the buffer and send the changes and newly added elements to the configured SNS. Args: uer_file_path(str): User config json file path. cache_dir_path(str): The directory path to save the buffer. ''' self.user_file_path = user_file_path self.cache_dir_path = cache_dir_path self.cache_file_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir_path, 'buffre_user_setting.json') if os.path.isfile(self.cache_file_path): self.users = json_read(self.cache_file_path) else: self.users = {} self.setup()
def now_total(line_token: str, save_dir: str) -> None: ''' 感染者数の速報を通知する Args: line_token (str): LINEのアクセストークン save_dir (str): 一時データを保存するディレクトリパス ''' try: body = get_requests( '') except Exception as error: print(f'error:{error.args}') return save_file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'day_before.json') if os.path.isfile(save_file_path): old_patient = json_read(save_file_path) else: old_patient = {'patient': 0, 'before': 0, 'date': None} total_patient = 0 for body_metadata in body: total_patient += int(body_metadata['cases']) if total_patient != old_patient['before']: date ='%d') if old_patient['date'] != date: old_patient['patient'] = old_patient['before'] difference = total_patient - old_patient['patient'] text = f'\n現在の感染者数: {total_patient}人\n(前日比: {difference:+})' post_line(line_token, text, None) old_patient['before'] = total_patient old_patient['date'] = date json_write(old_patient, save_file_path)
def today_total(line_token: str, save_dir: str) -> None: ''' - 前回取得したデータと最新のデータを比較し日付が変わっている場合に - 前回取得したデータと最新の陽患者数の増加数の計算 - その他様々なデータを取得 - 増加数をグラフ描画し保存。メタデータをjsonで保存。 - 増加数のグラフ描画とデータをLINEにpost Args: line_token (str): LINE notifyのアクセストークン save_dir (str): 一時データを保存するディレクトリパス ''' try: body = get_requests( '') except Exception as error: print(f'error:{error.args}') return day = body['date'] save_file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'save.json') daily_infections = os.path.join(save_dir, 'daily.json') graph_image_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'graph_dayly.png') if os.path.isfile(save_file_path): old_body = json_read(save_file_path) old_day = old_body['date'] difference = body['positive'] - old_body['positive'] else: old_day = None difference = 0 if day != old_day: if os.path.isfile(daily_infections): daily = json_read(daily_infections) else: daily = [] day_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(day), r'%Y%m%d') daily.append({'date': day, 'positive': difference}) text = f''' {day_obj.month}月{}日 ☣感染者: {body['positive']}人 (前日比: {difference:+}) - 退院: {body['discharge']}人 - 入院中: {body['hospitalize']}人 * 軽中度・無症状: {body['mild']}人 * 人工呼吸・ICU: {body['severe']}人 * 確認中: {body['confirming']}人 * 待機中: {body['waiting']}人 - 死亡: {body['death']}人 source by: ''' make_graph(daily, graph_image_path, 'Number of infected persons per day') post_line(line_token, text, graph_image_path) print(text) print('-' * 30) print('\n\n') json_write(daily, daily_infections) json_write(body, save_file_path)
def setup(self) -> None: ''' Set up the user config. Any new additions or changes will be sent to your platform. ''' # Too many branches and statements is specifications # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915 new_users = json_read(self.user_file_path) delete_element = set() for user_name in self.users: if user_name not in new_users: delete_element.add(user_name) for key in delete_element: del self.users[key] for user_name in new_users: if user_name not in self.users: # new accounts self.users[user_name] = new_users[user_name] token = new_users[user_name]['token'] if new_users[user_name]['areas'] == []: areas = 'All' else: areas = '、'.join(new_users[user_name]['areas']) seismic_intensity = new_users[user_name]['seismic_intensity'] if seismic_intensity == '0': seismic_intensity = 'All' is_quick_report = new_users[user_name]['is_quick_report'] text = f'[設定を追加しました]\n(´-ω-`)\ \n- 送信する最低震度: {seismic_intensity}\n- 送信する地域: {areas}\n- 緊急速報の送信: {is_quick_report}' elif new_users[user_name]['seismic_intensity'] != self.users[ user_name]['seismic_intensity']: # changed seismic intensity self.users[user_name] = new_users[user_name] token = new_users[user_name]['token'] seismic_intensity = new_users[user_name]['seismic_intensity'] if seismic_intensity == '0': seismic_intensity = 'All' text = f'[設定を変更しました]\n(´-ω-`)\n- 送信する最低震度: {seismic_intensity}' elif new_users[user_name]['areas'] != self.users[user_name][ 'areas']: # changed areas self.users[user_name] = new_users[user_name] token = new_users[user_name]['token'] if new_users[user_name]['areas'] == []: areas = 'All' else: areas = '、'.join(new_users[user_name]['areas']) text = f'[設定を変更しました]\n(´-ω-`)\n- 送信する地域: {areas}' elif new_users[user_name]['is_quick_report'] != self.users[ user_name]['is_quick_report']: # changed quick report self.users[user_name] = new_users[user_name] token = new_users[user_name]['token'] is_quick_report = new_users[user_name]['is_quick_report'] text = f'[設定を変更しました]\n(´-ω-`)\n- 緊急速報の送信: {is_quick_report}' else: continue platform = int(new_users[user_name]['platform']) if platform == 1: line(token, text, None) elif platform == 2: channel = new_users[user_name]['channel'] slack(token, channel, text, None) elif platform == 3: discode(token, text, None) elif platform == 4: consumer_key = new_users[user_name]['consumer_key'] consumer_secret = new_users[user_name]['consumer_secret'] token_secret = new_users[user_name]['token_secret'] tweet(consumer_key, consumer_secret, token, token_secret, text, None) json_write(self.cache_file_path, self.users)