channels = response['channels'] for idx, channel in enumerate(channels): chan_name = channel['name'] print('{} | {} - {} MEMBERS'.format(idx, chan_name, channel['num_members'])) chan_path = ensure_dir('./output/channels/{}'.format(chan_name)) info_path = ensure_dir('./output/channels/{}/info'.format(chan_name)) try: old_json = load_json('{}/{}.json'.format(info_path, chan_name)) if not args['update']: print( 'Already have channel {}, skipping ...'.format(chan_name)) continue except Exception as e: print( 'No existing channel {} info, fetching ...'.format(chan_name)) slack_args = { 'channel': channel['id'], } channel_info = sc.api_call('', **slack_args) try: dump_json('{}/{}.json'.format(info_path, chan_name), channel_info) except Exception as e: print('ERROR DUMPING {}'.format(chan_name)) print(e)
len(results['messages']))) return results['messages'] if __name__ == '__main__': config = load_json('./env.json') ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('-c', '--channel', help='channel id to scrape') ap.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='file to save out') args = vars(ap.parse_args()) channel = args['channel'] output = args['output'] try: old_json = load_json(output) except Exception as e: old_json = [] print('No existing messages, starting from scratch...') slack_args = { 'channel': config['channel_id'], 'oldest': old_json[0]['ts'] if len(old_json) else '', } new_messages = scrape_slack(config['token'], slack_args) if len(new_messages): all_messages = new_messages + old_json dump_json(output, all_messages)
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('-u', '--update', help='update channels', action="store_true") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) slack_args = {'presence': 1} sc = SlackClient(config['token']) response = sc.api_call('users.list', **slack_args) users = response['members'] for user in users: user_name = user['name'] memb_path = ensure_dir('./output/users/members') user_path = '{}/{}.json'.format(memb_path, user_name) try: old_json = load_json(user_path) if not args['update']: print('Aready have user {}, skipping...'.format(user_name)) continue except Exception as e: old_json = {} print('No existing messages, starting from scratch...') print('ADDING ', user_name) dump_json(user_path, user)