Пример #1
class RemoteIOLoopKernelManager(KernelManager):

    loop = Instance('zmq.eventloop.ioloop.IOLoop', allow_none=False)
    # _restarter = Instance('remotekernel.restarter.RemoteIOLoopKernelRestarter')

    def _loop_default(self):
        return ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

    def start_kernel(self, **kw):
        """Starts a kernel on this host in a separate process.

        If random ports (port=0) are being used, this method must be called
        before the channels are created.

        **kw : optional
             keyword arguments that are passed down to build the kernel_cmd
             and launching the kernel (e.g. Popen kwargs).
        self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.kernel_spec.host)
        # write connection file / get default ports

        # save kwargs for use in restart
        self._launch_args = kw.copy()
        # build the Popen cmd
        extra_arguments = kw.pop('extra_arguments', [])
        # build kernel_cmd; we will overwrite the connection_file arg below
        kernel_cmd = self.format_kernel_cmd(extra_arguments=extra_arguments)

        # debug stuff
        # This may be OSX only. It ensures passwordless login works.

        # decide where to copy the connection file on the remote host
        get_remote_home = Popen(['ssh', self.ip, 'echo', '$HOME'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
        if get_remote_home.wait() != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to remote host {0}"
        result, = get_remote_home.stdout.readlines()
        remote_home = result.decode()[:-1]
        remote_connection_file = os.path.join(
                remote_home, '.ipython', 'kernels',

        # copy the connection file to the remote machine
        remote_connection_file_dir = os.path.dirname(remote_connection_file)
        mkdirp = Popen(['ssh', self.ip, 'mkdir', '-p', remote_connection_file_dir])
        if mkdirp.wait() != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to create directory for connection "
                               "file on remote host {0}".format(self.ip))
        transfer = Popen(['scp', self.connection_file,
                          '{0}:{1}'.format(self.ip, remote_connection_file)])
        if transfer.wait() != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to copy connection file to host {0}"

        # launch the kernel subprocess
        kernel_cmd[1 + kernel_cmd.index('-f')] = remote_connection_file
        # if len(kernel_cmd) > 6:
        #     kernel_cmd[6] = remote_profile_dir = os.path.join(remote_connection_file_dir, '..', 'profile_default')
        self.kernel = Popen(['ssh', self.ip,
                             '{0}'.format(' '.join(kernel_cmd))],
                            stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, env=os.environ)
        # self.start_restarter()

    _restarter = Instance('jupyter_client.ioloop.IOLoopKernelRestarter', allow_none=True)

    def start_restarter(self):
        if self.autorestart and self.has_kernel:
            if self._restarter is None:
                self._restarter = IOLoopKernelRestarter(
                    kernel_manager=self, loop=self.loop,
                    parent=self, log=self.log

    def stop_restarter(self):
        if self.autorestart:
            if self._restarter is not None:

    connect_shell = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_shell)
    connect_iopub = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_iopub)
    connect_stdin = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_stdin)
    connect_hb = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_hb)
Пример #2
class RemoteIOLoopKernelManager(KernelManager):

    loop = Instance('zmq.eventloop.ioloop.IOLoop', allow_none=False)

    # _restarter = Instance('remotekernel.restarter.RemoteIOLoopKernelRestarter')

    def _loop_default(self):
        return ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

    def start_kernel(self, **kw):
        """Starts a kernel on this host in a separate process.

        If random ports (port=0) are being used, this method must be called
        before the channels are created.

        **kw : optional
             keyword arguments that are passed down to build the kernel_cmd
             and launching the kernel (e.g. Popen kwargs).
        self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.kernel_spec.host)
        # write connection file / get default ports

        # save kwargs for use in restart
        self._launch_args = kw.copy()
        # build the Popen cmd
        extra_arguments = kw.pop('extra_arguments', [])
        # build kernel_cmd; we will overwrite the connection_file arg below
        kernel_cmd = self.format_kernel_cmd(extra_arguments=extra_arguments)

        # decide where to copy the connection file on the remote host
        try_ssh = Popen(['ssh', self.ip, 'exit'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = try_ssh.communicate()
        if try_ssh.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to remote host {0}. "
                               "stdout: '{1}' stdin: '{2}'"
                               "".format(self.ip, stdout, stderr))
        remote_connection_file = os.path.join(
            '~', '.ipython', 'kernels', os.path.basename(self.connection_file))

        # copy the connection file to the remote machine
        remote_connection_file_dir = os.path.dirname(remote_connection_file)
        mkdirp = Popen(
            ['ssh', self.ip, 'mkdir', '-p', remote_connection_file_dir])
        stdout, stderr = mkdirp.communicate()
        if mkdirp.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to create directory for connection "
                               "file at {0} on remote host {1}. "
                               "stdout: '{2}' stdin: '{3}'"
                               "".format(remote_connection_file_dir, self.ip,
                                         stdout, stderr))
        transfer = Popen([
            'scp', self.connection_file,
            '{0}:{1}'.format(self.ip, remote_connection_file)
        stdout, stderr = transfer.communicate()
        if transfer.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to copy connection file into directory "
                               "{0} on remote host {1}. "
                               "stdout: '{2}' stdin: '{3}'"
                               "".format(remote_connection_file_dir, self.ip,
                                         stdout, stderr))

        # launch the kernel subprocess
        kernel_cmd[1 + kernel_cmd.index('-f')] = remote_connection_file
        self.kernel = Popen(
            ['ssh', self.ip, '{0}'.format(' '.join(kernel_cmd))],
        # self.start_restarter()

    _restarter = Instance('jupyter_client.ioloop.IOLoopKernelRestarter',

    def start_restarter(self):
        if self.autorestart and self.has_kernel:
            if self._restarter is None:
                self._restarter = IOLoopKernelRestarter(kernel_manager=self,

    def stop_restarter(self):
        if self.autorestart:
            if self._restarter is not None:

    connect_shell = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_shell)
    connect_iopub = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_iopub)
    connect_stdin = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_stdin)
    connect_hb = as_zmqstream(KernelManager.connect_hb)