class QtKernelClientMixin( MetaQObjectHasTraits('NewBase', (HasTraits, SuperQObject), {})): """ A KernelClient that provides signals and slots. """ # Emitted when the kernel client has started listening. started_channels = QtCore.Signal() # Emitted when the kernel client has stopped listening. stopped_channels = QtCore.Signal() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'KernelClient' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------ Channel management ------------------------------------------------- def start_channels(self, *args, **kw): """ Reimplemented to emit signal. """ super(QtKernelClientMixin, self).start_channels(*args, **kw) self.started_channels.emit() def stop_channels(self): """ Reimplemented to emit signal. """ super(QtKernelClientMixin, self).stop_channels() self.stopped_channels.emit()
def _get_image(self, name): """ Returns the QImage stored as the ImageResource with 'name'. """ document = self._control.document() image = document.resource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource, QtCore.QUrl(name)) return image
def svg_to_image(string, size=None): """ Convert a SVG document to a QImage. Parameters ---------- string : basestring A Python string containing a SVG document. size : QSize, optional The size of the image that is produced. If not specified, the SVG document's default size is used. Raises ------ ValueError If an invalid SVG string is provided. Returns ------- A QImage of format QImage.Format_ARGB32. """ if isinstance(string, unicode_type): string = string.encode('utf-8') renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(QtCore.QByteArray(string)) if not renderer.isValid(): raise ValueError('Invalid SVG data.') if size is None: size = renderer.defaultSize() image = QtGui.QImage(size, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32) painter = QtGui.QPainter(image) renderer.render(painter) return image
def _add_image(self, image): """ Adds the specified QImage to the document and returns a QTextImageFormat that references it. """ document = self._control.document() name = str(image.cacheKey()) document.addResource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource, QtCore.QUrl(name), image) format = QtGui.QTextImageFormat() format.setName(name) return format
class QtInProcessChannel(SuperQObject, InProcessChannel): # Emitted when the channel is started. started = QtCore.Signal() # Emitted when the channel is stopped. stopped = QtCore.Signal() # Emitted when any message is received. message_received = QtCore.Signal(object) def start(self): """ Reimplemented to emit signal. """ super(QtInProcessChannel, self).start() self.started.emit() def stop(self): """ Reimplemented to emit signal. """ super(QtInProcessChannel, self).stop() self.stopped.emit() def call_handlers_later(self, *args, **kwds): """ Call the message handlers later. """ do_later = lambda: self.call_handlers(*args, **kwds) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, do_later) def call_handlers(self, msg): self.message_received.emit(msg) def process_events(self): """ Process any pending GUI events. """ QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().processEvents() def flush(self, timeout=1.0): """ Reimplemented to ensure that signals are dispatched immediately. """ super(QtInProcessChannel, self).flush() self.process_events()
class QtHBChannel(SuperQObject, HBChannel): # A longer timeout than the base class time_to_dead = 3.0 # Emitted when the kernel has died. kernel_died = QtCore.Signal(object) def call_handlers(self, since_last_heartbeat): """ Reimplemented to emit signals instead of making callbacks. """ # Emit the generic signal. self.kernel_died.emit(since_last_heartbeat)
def init_signal(self): """allow clean shutdown on sigint""" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda sig, frame: self.exit(-2)) # need a timer, so that QApplication doesn't block until a real # Qt event fires (can require mouse movement) # timer trick from timer = QtCore.QTimer() # Let the interpreter run each 200 ms: timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) timer.start(200) # hold onto ref, so the timer doesn't get cleaned up self._sigint_timer = timer
def svg_to_clipboard(string): """ Copy a SVG document to the clipboard. Parameters ---------- string : basestring A Python string containing a SVG document. """ if isinstance(string, unicode_type): string = string.encode('utf-8') mime_data = QtCore.QMimeData() mime_data.setData('image/svg+xml', string) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(mime_data)
def test_link_handling(self): noKeys = QtCore.Qt noButton = QtCore.Qt.MouseButton(0) noButtons = QtCore.Qt.MouseButtons(0) noModifiers = QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(0) MouseMove = QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove QMouseEvent = QtGui.QMouseEvent w = ConsoleWidget() cursor = w._get_prompt_cursor() w._insert_html(cursor, '<a href="">written in</a>') obj = w._control tip = QtGui.QToolTip self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'') # should be somewhere else elsewhereEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(50, 50), noButton, noButtons, noModifiers) w.eventFilter(obj, elsewhereEvent) self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), False) self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'') #self.assertEqual(tip.text(), u'') # should be over text overTextEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(1, 5), noButton, noButtons, noModifiers) w.eventFilter(obj, overTextEvent) self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), True) self.assertEqual(tip.text(), "") # should still be over text stillOverTextEvent = QMouseEvent(MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(1, 5), noButton, noButtons, noModifiers) w.eventFilter(obj, stillOverTextEvent) self.assertEqual(tip.isVisible(), True) self.assertEqual(tip.text(), "")
def closeEvent(self, event): """ Forward the close event to every tabs contained by the windows """ if self.tab_widget.count() == 0: # no tabs, just close event.accept() return # Do Not loop on the widget count as it change while closing title = self.window().windowTitle() cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel okay = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok accept_role = QtGui.QMessageBox.AcceptRole if self.confirm_exit: if self.tab_widget.count() > 1: msg = "Close all tabs, stop all kernels, and Quit?" else: msg = "Close console, stop kernel, and Quit?" info = "Kernels not started here (e.g. notebooks) will be left alone." closeall = QtGui.QPushButton("&Quit", self) closeall.setShortcut('Q') box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question, title, msg) box.setInformativeText(info) box.addButton(cancel) box.addButton(closeall, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole) box.setDefaultButton(closeall) box.setEscapeButton(cancel) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self._app.icon.pixmap(QtCore.QSize(64, 64))) box.setIconPixmap(pixmap) reply = box.exec_() else: reply = okay if reply == cancel: event.ignore() return if reply == okay or reply == accept_role: while self.tab_widget.count() >= 1: # prevent further confirmations: widget = self.active_frontend widget._confirm_exit = False self.close_tab(widget) event.accept()
class QtZMQSocketChannel(ThreadedZMQSocketChannel,SuperQObject): """A ZMQ socket emitting a Qt signal when a message is received.""" message_received = QtCore.Signal(object) def process_events(self): """ Process any pending GUI events. """ QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().processEvents() def call_handlers(self, msg): """This method is called in the ioloop thread when a message arrives. It is important to remember that this method is called in the thread so that some logic must be done to ensure that the application level handlers are called in the application thread. """ # Emit the generic signal. self.message_received.emit(msg)
def __init__(self, text_edit): """ Create a call tip manager that is attached to the specified Qt text edit widget. """ assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit)) super(CallTipWidget, self).__init__(None, QtCore.Qt.ToolTip) self._hide_timer = QtCore.QBasicTimer() self._text_edit = text_edit self.setFont(text_edit.document().defaultFont()) self.setForegroundRole(QtGui.QPalette.ToolTipText) self.setBackgroundRole(QtGui.QPalette.ToolTipBase) self.setPalette(QtGui.QToolTip.palette()) self.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) self.setIndent(1) self.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame) self.setMargin(1 + QtGui.QStyle.PM_ToolTipLabelFrameWidth, None, self)) self.setWindowOpacity( QtGui.QStyle.SH_ToolTipLabel_Opacity, None, self, None) / 255.0) self.setWordWrap(True)
class FrontendWidget(HistoryConsoleWidget, BaseFrontendMixin): """ A Qt frontend for a generic Python kernel. """ # The text to show when the kernel is (re)started. banner = Unicode(config=True) kernel_banner = Unicode() # Whether to show the banner _display_banner = Bool(False) # An option and corresponding signal for overriding the default kernel # interrupt behavior. custom_interrupt = Bool(False) custom_interrupt_requested = QtCore.Signal() # An option and corresponding signals for overriding the default kernel # restart behavior. custom_restart = Bool(False) custom_restart_kernel_died = QtCore.Signal(float) custom_restart_requested = QtCore.Signal() # Whether to automatically show calltips on open-parentheses. enable_calltips = Bool( True, config=True, help="Whether to draw information calltips on open-parentheses.") clear_on_kernel_restart = Bool( True, config=True, help="Whether to clear the console when the kernel is restarted") confirm_restart = Bool( True, config=True, help="Whether to ask for user confirmation when restarting kernel") lexer_class = DottedObjectName(config=True, help="The pygments lexer class to use.") def _lexer_class_changed(self, name, old, new): lexer_class = import_item(new) self.lexer = lexer_class() def _lexer_class_default(self): if py3compat.PY3: return 'pygments.lexers.Python3Lexer' else: return 'pygments.lexers.PythonLexer' lexer = Any() def _lexer_default(self): lexer_class = import_item(self.lexer_class) return lexer_class() # Emitted when a user visible 'execute_request' has been submitted to the # kernel from the FrontendWidget. Contains the code to be executed. executing = QtCore.Signal(object) # Emitted when a user-visible 'execute_reply' has been received from the # kernel and processed by the FrontendWidget. Contains the response message. executed = QtCore.Signal(object) # Emitted when an exit request has been received from the kernel. exit_requested = QtCore.Signal(object) # Protected class variables. _prompt_transformer = IPythonInputSplitter( physical_line_transforms=[classic_prompt()], logical_line_transforms=[], python_line_transforms=[], ) _CallTipRequest = namedtuple('_CallTipRequest', ['id', 'pos']) _CompletionRequest = namedtuple('_CompletionRequest', ['id', 'pos']) _ExecutionRequest = namedtuple('_ExecutionRequest', ['id', 'kind']) _input_splitter_class = InputSplitter _local_kernel = False _highlighter = Instance(FrontendHighlighter, allow_none=True) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'object' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(FrontendWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw) # FIXME: remove this when PySide min version is updated past 1.0.7 # forcefully disable calltips if PySide is < 1.0.7, because they crash if qt.QT_API == qt.QT_API_PYSIDE: import PySide if PySide.__version_info__ < (1, 0, 7): self.log.warn( "PySide %s < 1.0.7 detected, disabling calltips" % PySide.__version__) self.enable_calltips = False # FrontendWidget protected variables. self._bracket_matcher = BracketMatcher(self._control) self._call_tip_widget = CallTipWidget(self._control) self._copy_raw_action = QtGui.QAction('Copy (Raw Text)', None) self._hidden = False self._highlighter = FrontendHighlighter(self, lexer=self.lexer) self._input_splitter = self._input_splitter_class() self._kernel_manager = None self._kernel_client = None self._request_info = {} self._request_info['execute'] = {} self._callback_dict = {} self._display_banner = True # Configure the ConsoleWidget. self.tab_width = 4 self._set_continuation_prompt('... ') # Configure the CallTipWidget. self._call_tip_widget.setFont(self.font) self.font_changed.connect(self._call_tip_widget.setFont) # Configure actions. action = self._copy_raw_action key = QtCore.Qt.CTRL | QtCore.Qt.SHIFT | QtCore.Qt.Key_C action.setEnabled(False) action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence(key)) action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetWithChildrenShortcut) action.triggered.connect(self.copy_raw) self.copy_available.connect(action.setEnabled) self.addAction(action) # Connect signal handlers. document = self._control.document() document.contentsChange.connect(self._document_contents_change) # Set flag for whether we are connected via localhost. self._local_kernel = kw.get('local_kernel', FrontendWidget._local_kernel) # Whether or not a clear_output call is pending new output. self._pending_clearoutput = False #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def copy(self): """ Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard, removing prompts. """ if self._page_control is not None and self._page_control.hasFocus(): self._page_control.copy() elif self._control.hasFocus(): text = self._control.textCursor().selection().toPlainText() if text: was_newline = text[-1] == '\n' text = self._prompt_transformer.transform_cell(text) if not was_newline: # user doesn't need newline text = text[:-1] QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) else: self.log.debug("frontend widget : unknown copy target") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' abstract interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is_complete(self, source, interactive): """ Returns whether 'source' can be completely processed and a new prompt created. When triggered by an Enter/Return key press, 'interactive' is True; otherwise, it is False. """ self._input_splitter.reset() try: complete = self._input_splitter.push(source) except SyntaxError: return True if interactive: complete = not self._input_splitter.push_accepts_more() return complete def _execute(self, source, hidden): """ Execute 'source'. If 'hidden', do not show any output. See parent class :meth:`execute` docstring for full details. """ msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute(source, hidden) self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = self._ExecutionRequest( msg_id, 'user') self._hidden = hidden if not hidden: self.executing.emit(source) def _prompt_started_hook(self): """ Called immediately after a new prompt is displayed. """ if not self._reading: self._highlighter.highlighting_on = True def _prompt_finished_hook(self): """ Called immediately after a prompt is finished, i.e. when some input will be processed and a new prompt displayed. """ # Flush all state from the input splitter so the next round of # reading input starts with a clean buffer. self._input_splitter.reset() if not self._reading: self._highlighter.highlighting_on = False def _tab_pressed(self): """ Called when the tab key is pressed. Returns whether to continue processing the event. """ # Perform tab completion if: # 1) The cursor is in the input buffer. # 2) There is a non-whitespace character before the cursor. text = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_line() if text is None: return False complete = bool(text[:self._get_input_buffer_cursor_column()].strip()) if complete: self._complete() return not complete #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _context_menu_make(self, pos): """ Reimplemented to add an action for raw copy. """ menu = super(FrontendWidget, self)._context_menu_make(pos) for before_action in menu.actions(): if before_action.shortcut().matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste) == \ QtGui.QKeySequence.ExactMatch: menu.insertAction(before_action, self._copy_raw_action) break return menu def request_interrupt_kernel(self): if self._executing: self.interrupt_kernel() def request_restart_kernel(self): message = 'Are you sure you want to restart the kernel?' self.restart_kernel(message, now=False) def _event_filter_console_keypress(self, event): """ Reimplemented for execution interruption and smart backspace. """ key = event.key() if self._control_key_down(event.modifiers(), include_command=False): if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_C and self._executing: self.request_interrupt_kernel() return True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Period: self.request_restart_kernel() return True elif not event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier: # Smart backspace: remove four characters in one backspace if: # 1) everything left of the cursor is whitespace # 2) the four characters immediately left of the cursor are spaces if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace: col = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_column() cursor = self._control.textCursor() if col > 3 and not cursor.hasSelection(): text = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_line()[:col] if text.endswith(' ') and not text.strip(): cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, 4) cursor.removeSelectedText() return True return super(FrontendWidget, self)._event_filter_console_keypress(event) def _insert_continuation_prompt(self, cursor): """ Reimplemented for auto-indentation. """ super(FrontendWidget, self)._insert_continuation_prompt(cursor) cursor.insertText(' ' * self._input_splitter.indent_spaces) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _handle_clear_output(self, msg): """Handle clear output messages.""" if self.include_output(msg): wait = msg['content'].get('wait', True) if wait: self._pending_clearoutput = True else: self.clear_output() def _silent_exec_callback(self, expr, callback): """Silently execute `expr` in the kernel and call `callback` with reply the `expr` is evaluated silently in the kernel (without) output in the frontend. Call `callback` with the `repr <> `_ as first argument Parameters ---------- expr : string valid string to be executed by the kernel. callback : function function accepting one argument, as a string. The string will be the `repr` of the result of evaluating `expr` The `callback` is called with the `repr()` of the result of `expr` as first argument. To get the object, do `eval()` on the passed value. See Also -------- _handle_exec_callback : private method, deal with calling callback with reply """ # generate uuid, which would be used as an indication of whether or # not the unique request originated from here (can use msg id ?) local_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1()) msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute( '', silent=True, user_expressions={local_uuid: expr}) self._callback_dict[local_uuid] = callback self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = self._ExecutionRequest( msg_id, 'silent_exec_callback') def _handle_exec_callback(self, msg): """Execute `callback` corresponding to `msg` reply, after ``_silent_exec_callback`` Parameters ---------- msg : raw message send by the kernel containing an `user_expressions` and having a 'silent_exec_callback' kind. Notes ----- This function will look for a `callback` associated with the corresponding message id. Association has been made by `_silent_exec_callback`. `callback` is then called with the `repr()` of the value of corresponding `user_expressions` as argument. `callback` is then removed from the known list so that any message coming again with the same id won't trigger it. """ user_exp = msg['content'].get('user_expressions') if not user_exp: return for expression in user_exp: if expression in self._callback_dict: self._callback_dict.pop(expression)(user_exp[expression]) def _handle_execute_reply(self, msg): """ Handles replies for code execution. """ self.log.debug("execute: %s", msg.get('content', '')) msg_id = msg['parent_header']['msg_id'] info = self._request_info['execute'].get(msg_id) # unset reading flag, because if execute finished, raw_input can't # still be pending. self._reading = False if info and info.kind == 'user' and not self._hidden: # Make sure that all output from the SUB channel has been processed # before writing a new prompt. self.kernel_client.iopub_channel.flush() # Reset the ANSI style information to prevent bad text in stdout # from messing up our colors. We're not a true terminal so we're # allowed to do this. if self.ansi_codes: self._ansi_processor.reset_sgr() content = msg['content'] status = content['status'] if status == 'ok': self._process_execute_ok(msg) elif status == 'error': self._process_execute_error(msg) elif status == 'aborted': self._process_execute_abort(msg) self._show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(msg) self.executed.emit(msg) self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id) elif info and info.kind == 'silent_exec_callback' and not self._hidden: self._handle_exec_callback(msg) self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id) else: super(FrontendWidget, self)._handle_execute_reply(msg) def _handle_input_request(self, msg): """ Handle requests for raw_input. """ self.log.debug("input: %s", msg.get('content', '')) if self._hidden: raise RuntimeError( 'Request for raw input during hidden execution.') # Make sure that all output from the SUB channel has been processed # before entering readline mode. self.kernel_client.iopub_channel.flush() def callback(line): self.kernel_client.input(line) if self._reading: self.log.debug( "Got second input request, assuming first was interrupted.") self._reading = False self._readline(msg['content']['prompt'], callback=callback) def _kernel_restarted_message(self, died=True): msg = "Kernel died, restarting" if died else "Kernel restarting" self._append_html("<br>%s<hr><br>" % msg, before_prompt=False) def _handle_kernel_died(self, since_last_heartbeat): """Handle the kernel's death (if we do not own the kernel). """ self.log.warn("kernel died: %s", since_last_heartbeat) if self.custom_restart: self.custom_restart_kernel_died.emit(since_last_heartbeat) else: self._kernel_restarted_message(died=True) self.reset() def _handle_kernel_restarted(self, died=True): """Notice that the autorestarter restarted the kernel. There's nothing to do but show a message. """ self.log.warn("kernel restarted") self._kernel_restarted_message(died=died) self.reset() def _handle_inspect_reply(self, rep): """Handle replies for call tips.""" self.log.debug("oinfo: %s", rep.get('content', '')) cursor = self._get_cursor() info = self._request_info.get('call_tip') if info and == rep['parent_header']['msg_id'] and \ info.pos == cursor.position(): content = rep['content'] if content.get('status') == 'ok' and content.get('found', False): self._call_tip_widget.show_inspect_data(content) def _handle_execute_result(self, msg): """ Handle display hook output. """ self.log.debug("execute_result: %s", msg.get('content', '')) if self.include_output(msg): self.flush_clearoutput() text = msg['content']['data'] self._append_plain_text(text + '\n', before_prompt=True) def _handle_stream(self, msg): """ Handle stdout, stderr, and stdin. """ self.log.debug("stream: %s", msg.get('content', '')) if self.include_output(msg): self.flush_clearoutput() self.append_stream(msg['content']['text']) def _handle_shutdown_reply(self, msg): """ Handle shutdown signal, only if from other console. """"shutdown: %s", msg.get('content', '')) restart = msg.get('content', {}).get('restart', False) if not self._hidden and not self.from_here(msg): # got shutdown reply, request came from session other than ours if restart: # someone restarted the kernel, handle it self._handle_kernel_restarted(died=False) else: # kernel was shutdown permanently # this triggers exit_requested if the kernel was local, # and a dialog if the kernel was remote, # so we don't suddenly clear the qtconsole without asking. if self._local_kernel: self.exit_requested.emit(self) else: title = self.window().windowTitle() reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, title, "Kernel has been shutdown permanently. " "Close the Console?", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.exit_requested.emit(self) def _handle_status(self, msg): """Handle status message""" # This is where a busy/idle indicator would be triggered, # when we make one. state = msg['content'].get('execution_state', '') if state == 'starting': # kernel started while we were running if self._executing: self._handle_kernel_restarted(died=True) elif state == 'idle': pass elif state == 'busy': pass def _started_channels(self): """ Called when the KernelManager channels have started listening or when the frontend is assigned an already listening KernelManager. """ self.reset(clear=True) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'FrontendWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def copy_raw(self): """ Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard without attempting to remove prompts or otherwise alter the text. """ self._control.copy() def execute_file(self, path, hidden=False): """ Attempts to execute file with 'path'. If 'hidden', no output is shown. """ self.execute('execfile(%r)' % path, hidden=hidden) def interrupt_kernel(self): """ Attempts to interrupt the running kernel. Also unsets _reading flag, to avoid runtime errors if raw_input is called again. """ if self.custom_interrupt: self._reading = False self.custom_interrupt_requested.emit() elif self.kernel_manager: self._reading = False self.kernel_manager.interrupt_kernel() else: self._append_plain_text( 'Cannot interrupt a kernel I did not start.\n') def reset(self, clear=False): """ Resets the widget to its initial state if ``clear`` parameter is True, otherwise prints a visual indication of the fact that the kernel restarted, but does not clear the traces from previous usage of the kernel before it was restarted. With ``clear=True``, it is similar to ``%clear``, but also re-writes the banner and aborts execution if necessary. """ if self._executing: self._executing = False self._request_info['execute'] = {} self._reading = False self._highlighter.highlighting_on = False if clear: self._control.clear() if self._display_banner: self._append_plain_text(self.banner) if self.kernel_banner: self._append_plain_text(self.kernel_banner) # update output marker for stdout/stderr, so that startup # messages appear after banner: self._append_before_prompt_pos = self._get_cursor().position() self._show_interpreter_prompt() def restart_kernel(self, message, now=False): """ Attempts to restart the running kernel. """ # FIXME: now should be configurable via a checkbox in the dialog. Right # now at least the heartbeat path sets it to True and the manual restart # to False. But those should just be the pre-selected states of a # checkbox that the user could override if so desired. But I don't know # enough Qt to go implementing the checkbox now. if self.custom_restart: self.custom_restart_requested.emit() return if self.kernel_manager: # Pause the heart beat channel to prevent further warnings. self.kernel_client.hb_channel.pause() # Prompt the user to restart the kernel. Un-pause the heartbeat if # they decline. (If they accept, the heartbeat will be un-paused # automatically when the kernel is restarted.) if self.confirm_restart: buttons = QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No result = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Restart kernel?', message, buttons) do_restart = result == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes else: # confirm_restart is False, so we don't need to ask user # anything, just do the restart do_restart = True if do_restart: try: self.kernel_manager.restart_kernel(now=now) except RuntimeError as e: self._append_plain_text('Error restarting kernel: %s\n' % e, before_prompt=True) else: self._append_html( "<br>Restarting kernel...\n<hr><br>", before_prompt=True, ) else: self.kernel_client.hb_channel.unpause() else: self._append_plain_text( 'Cannot restart a Kernel I did not start\n', before_prompt=True) def append_stream(self, text): """Appends text to the output stream.""" # Most consoles treat tabs as being 8 space characters. Convert tabs # to spaces so that output looks as expected regardless of this # widget's tab width. text = text.expandtabs(8) self._append_plain_text(text, before_prompt=True) self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) def flush_clearoutput(self): """If a clearoutput is pending, execute it.""" if self._pending_clearoutput: self._pending_clearoutput = False self.clear_output() def clear_output(self): """Clears the current line of output.""" cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.movePosition(cursor.StartOfLine, cursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.insertText('') cursor.endEditBlock() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'FrontendWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _auto_call_tip(self): """Trigger call tip automatically on open parenthesis Call tips can be requested explcitly with `_call_tip`. """ cursor = self._get_cursor() cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left) if cursor.document().characterAt(cursor.position()) == '(': # trigger auto call tip on open paren self._call_tip() def _call_tip(self): """Shows a call tip, if appropriate, at the current cursor location.""" # Decide if it makes sense to show a call tip if not self.enable_calltips or not self.kernel_client.shell_channel.is_alive( ): return False cursor_pos = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_pos() code = self.input_buffer # Send the metadata request to the kernel msg_id = self.kernel_client.inspect(code, cursor_pos) pos = self._get_cursor().position() self._request_info['call_tip'] = self._CallTipRequest(msg_id, pos) return True def _complete(self): """ Performs completion at the current cursor location. """ # Send the completion request to the kernel msg_id = self.kernel_client.complete( code=self.input_buffer, cursor_pos=self._get_input_buffer_cursor_pos(), ) pos = self._get_cursor().position() info = self._CompletionRequest(msg_id, pos) self._request_info['complete'] = info def _process_execute_abort(self, msg): """ Process a reply for an aborted execution request. """ self._append_plain_text("ERROR: execution aborted\n") def _process_execute_error(self, msg): """ Process a reply for an execution request that resulted in an error. """ content = msg['content'] # If a SystemExit is passed along, this means exit() was called - also # all the ipython %exit magic syntax of '-k' to be used to keep # the kernel running if content['ename'] == 'SystemExit': keepkernel = content['evalue'] == '-k' or content[ 'evalue'] == 'True' self._keep_kernel_on_exit = keepkernel self.exit_requested.emit(self) else: traceback = ''.join(content['traceback']) self._append_plain_text(traceback) def _process_execute_ok(self, msg): """ Process a reply for a successful execution request. """ payload = msg['content']['payload'] for item in payload: if not self._process_execute_payload(item): warning = 'Warning: received unknown payload of type %s' print(warning % repr(item['source'])) def _process_execute_payload(self, item): """ Process a single payload item from the list of payload items in an execution reply. Returns whether the payload was handled. """ # The basic FrontendWidget doesn't handle payloads, as they are a # mechanism for going beyond the standard Python interpreter model. return False def _show_interpreter_prompt(self): """ Shows a prompt for the interpreter. """ self._show_prompt('>>> ') def _show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(self, msg): """ Shows a prompt for the interpreter given an 'execute_reply' message. """ self._show_interpreter_prompt() #------ Signal handlers ---------------------------------------------------- def _document_contents_change(self, position, removed, added): """ Called whenever the document's content changes. Display a call tip if appropriate. """ # Calculate where the cursor should be *after* the change: position += added document = self._control.document() if position == self._get_cursor().position(): self._auto_call_tip() #------ Trait default initializers ----------------------------------------- def _banner_default(self): """ Returns the standard Python banner. """ banner = 'Python %s on %s\nType "help", "copyright", "credits" or ' \ '"license" for more information.' return banner % (sys.version, sys.platform)
def start(self): if self._timer is None: self._timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._timer.timeout.connect(self.poll) self._timer.start(self.time_to_dead * 1000)
def close_tab(self, current_tab): """ Called when you need to try to close a tab. It takes the number of the tab to be closed as argument, or a reference to the widget inside this tab """ # let's be sure "tab" and "closing widget" are respectively the index # of the tab to close and a reference to the frontend to close if type(current_tab) is not int: current_tab = self.tab_widget.indexOf(current_tab) closing_widget = self.tab_widget.widget(current_tab) # when trying to be closed, widget might re-send a request to be # closed again, but will be deleted when event will be processed. So # need to check that widget still exists and skip if not. One example # of this is when 'exit' is sent in a slave tab. 'exit' will be # re-sent by this function on the master widget, which ask all slave # widgets to exit if closing_widget is None: return #get a list of all slave widgets on the same kernel. slave_tabs = self.find_slave_widgets(closing_widget) keepkernel = None #Use the prompt by default if hasattr(closing_widget, '_keep_kernel_on_exit'): #set by exit magic keepkernel = closing_widget._keep_kernel_on_exit # If signal sent by exit magic (_keep_kernel_on_exit, exist and not None) # we set local slave tabs._hidden to True to avoid prompting for kernel # restart when they get the signal. and then "forward" the 'exit' # to the main window if keepkernel is not None: for tab in slave_tabs: tab._hidden = True if closing_widget in slave_tabs: try: self.find_master_tab(closing_widget).execute('exit') except AttributeError: "Master already closed or not local, closing only current tab" ) self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab) self.update_tab_bar_visibility() return kernel_client = closing_widget.kernel_client kernel_manager = closing_widget.kernel_manager if keepkernel is None and not closing_widget._confirm_exit: # don't prompt, just terminate the kernel if we own it # or leave it alone if we don't keepkernel = closing_widget._existing if keepkernel is None: #show prompt if kernel_client and kernel_client.channels_running: title = self.window().windowTitle() cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel okay = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok if closing_widget._may_close: msg = "You are closing the tab : " + '"' + self.tab_widget.tabText( current_tab) + '"' info = "Would you like to quit the Kernel and close all attached Consoles as well?" justthis = QtGui.QPushButton("&No, just this Tab", self) justthis.setShortcut('N') closeall = QtGui.QPushButton("&Yes, close all", self) closeall.setShortcut('Y') # allow ctrl-d ctrl-d exit, like in terminal closeall.setShortcut('Ctrl+D') box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question, title, msg) box.setInformativeText(info) box.addButton(cancel) box.addButton(justthis, QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole) box.addButton(closeall, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole) box.setDefaultButton(closeall) box.setEscapeButton(cancel) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap( self._app.icon.pixmap(QtCore.QSize(64, 64))) box.setIconPixmap(pixmap) reply = box.exec_() if reply == 1: # close All for slave in slave_tabs: background(slave.kernel_client.stop_channels) self.tab_widget.removeTab( self.tab_widget.indexOf(slave)) kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab) background(kernel_client.stop_channels) elif reply == 0: # close Console if not closing_widget._existing: # Have kernel: don't quit, just close the tab closing_widget.execute("exit True") self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab) background(kernel_client.stop_channels) else: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, title, "Are you sure you want to close this Console?" + "\nThe Kernel and other Consoles will remain active.", okay | cancel, defaultButton=okay) if reply == okay: self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab) elif keepkernel: #close console but leave kernel running (no prompt) self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab) background(kernel_client.stop_channels) else: #close console and kernel (no prompt) self.tab_widget.removeTab(current_tab) if kernel_client and kernel_client.channels_running: for slave in slave_tabs: background(slave.kernel_client.stop_channels) self.tab_widget.removeTab(self.tab_widget.indexOf(slave)) if kernel_manager: kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() background(kernel_client.stop_channels) self.update_tab_bar_visibility()
def sizeHint(self): s = QtCore.QSize() s.setHeight(super(MinListWidget,self).sizeHint().height()) s.setWidth(self.sizeHintForColumn(0)) return s
class IPythonWidget(FrontendWidget): """ A FrontendWidget for an IPython kernel. """ # If set, the 'custom_edit_requested(str, int)' signal will be emitted when # an editor is needed for a file. This overrides 'editor' and 'editor_line' # settings. custom_edit = Bool(False) custom_edit_requested = QtCore.Signal(object, object) editor = Unicode(default_editor, config=True, help=""" A command for invoking a system text editor. If the string contains a {filename} format specifier, it will be used. Otherwise, the filename will be appended to the end the command. """) editor_line = Unicode(config=True, help=""" The editor command to use when a specific line number is requested. The string should contain two format specifiers: {line} and {filename}. If this parameter is not specified, the line number option to the %edit magic will be ignored. """) style_sheet = Unicode(config=True, help=""" A CSS stylesheet. The stylesheet can contain classes for: 1. Qt: QPlainTextEdit, QFrame, QWidget, etc 2. Pygments: .c, .k, .o, etc. (see PygmentsHighlighter) 3. IPython: .error, .in-prompt, .out-prompt, etc """) syntax_style = Unicode(config=True, help=""" If not empty, use this Pygments style for syntax highlighting. Otherwise, the style sheet is queried for Pygments style information. """) # Prompts. in_prompt = Unicode(default_in_prompt, config=True) out_prompt = Unicode(default_out_prompt, config=True) input_sep = Unicode(default_input_sep, config=True) output_sep = Unicode(default_output_sep, config=True) output_sep2 = Unicode(default_output_sep2, config=True) # FrontendWidget protected class variables. _input_splitter_class = IPythonInputSplitter _prompt_transformer = IPythonInputSplitter( physical_line_transforms=[ipy_prompt()], logical_line_transforms=[], python_line_transforms=[], ) # IPythonWidget protected class variables. _PromptBlock = namedtuple('_PromptBlock', ['block', 'length', 'number']) _payload_source_edit = 'edit_magic' _payload_source_exit = 'ask_exit' _payload_source_next_input = 'set_next_input' _payload_source_page = 'page' _retrying_history_request = False _starting = False #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'object' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(IPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw) # IPythonWidget protected variables. self._payload_handlers = { self._payload_source_edit: self._handle_payload_edit, self._payload_source_exit: self._handle_payload_exit, self._payload_source_page: self._handle_payload_page, self._payload_source_next_input: self._handle_payload_next_input } self._previous_prompt_obj = None self._keep_kernel_on_exit = None # Initialize widget styling. if self.style_sheet: self._style_sheet_changed() self._syntax_style_changed() else: self.set_default_style() self._guiref_loaded = False #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'BaseFrontendMixin' abstract interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _handle_complete_reply(self, rep): """ Reimplemented to support IPython's improved completion machinery. """ self.log.debug("complete: %s", rep.get('content', '')) cursor = self._get_cursor() info = self._request_info.get('complete') if info and == rep['parent_header']['msg_id'] and \ info.pos == cursor.position(): content = rep['content'] matches = content['matches'] start = content['cursor_start'] end = content['cursor_end'] start = max(start, 0) end = max(end, start) # Move the control's cursor to the desired end point cursor_pos = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_pos() if end < cursor_pos: cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=(cursor_pos - end)) elif end > cursor_pos: cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right, n=(end - cursor_pos)) # This line actually applies the move to control's cursor self._control.setTextCursor(cursor) offset = end - start # Move the local cursor object to the start of the match and # complete. cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=offset) self._complete_with_items(cursor, matches) def _handle_execute_reply(self, msg): """ Reimplemented to support prompt requests. """ msg_id = msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') info = self._request_info['execute'].get(msg_id) if info and info.kind == 'prompt': content = msg['content'] if content['status'] == 'aborted': self._show_interpreter_prompt() else: number = content['execution_count'] + 1 self._show_interpreter_prompt(number) self._request_info['execute'].pop(msg_id) else: super(IPythonWidget, self)._handle_execute_reply(msg) def _handle_history_reply(self, msg): """ Implemented to handle history tail replies, which are only supported by the IPython kernel. """ content = msg['content'] if 'history' not in content: self.log.error("History request failed: %r" % content) if content.get('status', '') == 'aborted' and \ not self._retrying_history_request: # a *different* action caused this request to be aborted, so # we should try again. self.log.error("Retrying aborted history request") # prevent multiple retries of aborted requests: self._retrying_history_request = True # wait out the kernel's queue flush, which is currently timed at 0.1s time.sleep(0.25) self.kernel_client.history(hist_access_type='tail', n=1000) else: self._retrying_history_request = False return # reset retry flag self._retrying_history_request = False history_items = content['history'] self.log.debug("Received history reply with %i entries", len(history_items)) items = [] last_cell = u"" for _, _, cell in history_items: cell = cell.rstrip() if cell != last_cell: items.append(cell) last_cell = cell self._set_history(items) def _insert_other_input(self, cursor, content): """Insert function for input from other frontends""" cursor.beginEditBlock() start = cursor.position() n = content.get('execution_count', 0) cursor.insertText('\n') self._insert_html(cursor, self._make_in_prompt(n)) cursor.insertText(content['code']) self._highlighter.rehighlightBlock(cursor.block()) cursor.endEditBlock() def _handle_execute_input(self, msg): """Handle an execute_input message""" self.log.debug("execute_input: %s", msg.get('content', '')) if self.include_output(msg): self._append_custom(self._insert_other_input, msg['content'], before_prompt=True) def _handle_execute_result(self, msg): """Reimplemented for IPython-style "display hook".""" if self.include_output(msg): self.flush_clearoutput() content = msg['content'] prompt_number = content.get('execution_count', 0) data = content['data'] if 'text/plain' in data: self._append_plain_text(self.output_sep, True) self._append_html(self._make_out_prompt(prompt_number), True) text = data['text/plain'] # If the repr is multiline, make sure we start on a new line, # so that its lines are aligned. if "\n" in text and not self.output_sep.endswith("\n"): self._append_plain_text('\n', True) self._append_plain_text(text + self.output_sep2, True) def _handle_display_data(self, msg): """The base handler for the ``display_data`` message.""" # For now, we don't display data from other frontends, but we # eventually will as this allows all frontends to monitor the display # data. But we need to figure out how to handle this in the GUI. if self.include_output(msg): self.flush_clearoutput() data = msg['content']['data'] metadata = msg['content']['metadata'] # In the regular IPythonWidget, we simply print the plain text # representation. if 'text/plain' in data: text = data['text/plain'] self._append_plain_text(text, True) # This newline seems to be needed for text and html output. self._append_plain_text(u'\n', True) def _handle_kernel_info_reply(self, rep): """Handle kernel info replies.""" content = rep['content'] if not self._guiref_loaded: if content.get('implementation') == 'ipython': self._load_guiref_magic() self._guiref_loaded = True self.kernel_banner = content.get('banner', '') if self._starting: # finish handling started channels self._starting = False super(IPythonWidget, self)._started_channels() def _started_channels(self): """Reimplemented to make a history request and load %guiref.""" self._starting = True # The reply will trigger %guiref load provided language=='python' self.kernel_client.kernel_info() self.kernel_client.history(hist_access_type='tail', n=1000) def _load_guiref_magic(self): """Load %guiref magic.""" self.kernel_client.execute('\n'.join([ "try:", " _usage", "except:", " from IPython.core import usage as _usage", " get_ipython().register_magic_function(_usage.page_guiref, 'line', 'guiref')", " del _usage", ]), silent=True) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'FrontendWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute_file(self, path, hidden=False): """ Reimplemented to use the 'run' magic. """ # Use forward slashes on Windows to avoid escaping each separator. if sys.platform == 'win32': path = os.path.normpath(path).replace('\\', '/') # Perhaps we should not be using %run directly, but while we # are, it is necessary to quote or escape filenames containing spaces # or quotes. # In earlier code here, to minimize escaping, we sometimes quoted the # filename with single quotes. But to do this, this code must be # platform-aware, because run uses shlex rather than python string # parsing, so that: # * In Win: single quotes can be used in the filename without quoting, # and we cannot use single quotes to quote the filename. # * In *nix: we can escape double quotes in a double quoted filename, # but can't escape single quotes in a single quoted filename. # So to keep this code non-platform-specific and simple, we now only # use double quotes to quote filenames, and escape when needed: if ' ' in path or "'" in path or '"' in path: path = '"%s"' % path.replace('"', '\\"') self.execute('%%run %s' % path, hidden=hidden) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'FrontendWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _process_execute_error(self, msg): """ Reimplemented for IPython-style traceback formatting. """ content = msg['content'] traceback = '\n'.join(content['traceback']) + '\n' if False: # FIXME: For now, tracebacks come as plain text, so we can't use # the html renderer yet. Once we refactor ultratb to produce # properly styled tracebacks, this branch should be the default traceback = traceback.replace(' ', ' ') traceback = traceback.replace('\n', '<br/>') ename = content['ename'] ename_styled = '<span class="error">%s</span>' % ename traceback = traceback.replace(ename, ename_styled) self._append_html(traceback) else: # This is the fallback for now, using plain text with ansi escapes self._append_plain_text(traceback) def _process_execute_payload(self, item): """ Reimplemented to dispatch payloads to handler methods. """ handler = self._payload_handlers.get(item['source']) if handler is None: # We have no handler for this type of payload, simply ignore it return False else: handler(item) return True def _show_interpreter_prompt(self, number=None): """ Reimplemented for IPython-style prompts. """ # If a number was not specified, make a prompt number request. if number is None: msg_id = self.kernel_client.execute('', silent=True) info = self._ExecutionRequest(msg_id, 'prompt') self._request_info['execute'][msg_id] = info return # Show a new prompt and save information about it so that it can be # updated later if the prompt number turns out to be wrong. self._prompt_sep = self.input_sep self._show_prompt(self._make_in_prompt(number), html=True) block = self._control.document().lastBlock() length = len(self._prompt) self._previous_prompt_obj = self._PromptBlock(block, length, number) # Update continuation prompt to reflect (possibly) new prompt length. self._set_continuation_prompt(self._make_continuation_prompt( self._prompt), html=True) def _show_interpreter_prompt_for_reply(self, msg): """ Reimplemented for IPython-style prompts. """ # Update the old prompt number if necessary. content = msg['content'] # abort replies do not have any keys: if content['status'] == 'aborted': if self._previous_prompt_obj: previous_prompt_number = self._previous_prompt_obj.number else: previous_prompt_number = 0 else: previous_prompt_number = content['execution_count'] if self._previous_prompt_obj and \ self._previous_prompt_obj.number != previous_prompt_number: block = self._previous_prompt_obj.block # Make sure the prompt block has not been erased. if block.isValid() and block.text(): # Remove the old prompt and insert a new prompt. cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(block) cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, self._previous_prompt_obj.length) prompt = self._make_in_prompt(previous_prompt_number) self._prompt = self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text( cursor, prompt) # When the HTML is inserted, Qt blows away the syntax # highlighting for the line, so we need to rehighlight it. self._highlighter.rehighlightBlock(cursor.block()) self._previous_prompt_obj = None # Show a new prompt with the kernel's estimated prompt number. self._show_interpreter_prompt(previous_prompt_number + 1) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'IPythonWidget' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_default_style(self, colors='lightbg'): """ Sets the widget style to the class defaults. Parameters ---------- colors : str, optional (default lightbg) Whether to use the default IPython light background or dark background or B&W style. """ colors = colors.lower() if colors == 'lightbg': self.style_sheet = styles.default_light_style_sheet self.syntax_style = styles.default_light_syntax_style elif colors == 'linux': self.style_sheet = styles.default_dark_style_sheet self.syntax_style = styles.default_dark_syntax_style elif colors == 'nocolor': self.style_sheet = styles.default_bw_style_sheet self.syntax_style = styles.default_bw_syntax_style else: raise KeyError("No such color scheme: %s" % colors) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'IPythonWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _edit(self, filename, line=None): """ Opens a Python script for editing. Parameters ---------- filename : str A path to a local system file. line : int, optional A line of interest in the file. """ if self.custom_edit: self.custom_edit_requested.emit(filename, line) elif not self.editor: self._append_plain_text( 'No default editor available.\n' 'Specify a GUI text editor in the `IPythonWidget.editor` ' 'configurable to enable the %edit magic') else: try: filename = '"%s"' % filename if line and self.editor_line: command = self.editor_line.format(filename=filename, line=line) else: try: command = self.editor.format() except KeyError: command = self.editor.format(filename=filename) else: command += ' ' + filename except KeyError: self._append_plain_text('Invalid editor command.\n') else: try: Popen(command, shell=True) except OSError: msg = 'Opening editor with command "%s" failed.\n' self._append_plain_text(msg % command) def _make_in_prompt(self, number): """ Given a prompt number, returns an HTML In prompt. """ try: body = self.in_prompt % number except TypeError: # allow in_prompt to leave out number, e.g. '>>> ' from xml.sax.saxutils import escape body = escape(self.in_prompt) return '<span class="in-prompt">%s</span>' % body def _make_continuation_prompt(self, prompt): """ Given a plain text version of an In prompt, returns an HTML continuation prompt. """ end_chars = '...: ' space_count = len(prompt.lstrip('\n')) - len(end_chars) body = ' ' * space_count + end_chars return '<span class="in-prompt">%s</span>' % body def _make_out_prompt(self, number): """ Given a prompt number, returns an HTML Out prompt. """ try: body = self.out_prompt % number except TypeError: # allow out_prompt to leave out number, e.g. '<<< ' from xml.sax.saxutils import escape body = escape(self.out_prompt) return '<span class="out-prompt">%s</span>' % body #------ Payload handlers -------------------------------------------------- # Payload handlers with a generic interface: each takes the opaque payload # dict, unpacks it and calls the underlying functions with the necessary # arguments. def _handle_payload_edit(self, item): self._edit(item['filename'], item['line_number']) def _handle_payload_exit(self, item): self._keep_kernel_on_exit = item['keepkernel'] self.exit_requested.emit(self) def _handle_payload_next_input(self, item): self.input_buffer = item['text'] def _handle_payload_page(self, item): # Since the plain text widget supports only a very small subset of HTML # and we have no control over the HTML source, we only page HTML # payloads in the rich text widget. data = item['data'] if 'text/html' in data and self.kind == 'rich': self._page(data['text/html'], html=True) else: self._page(data['text/plain'], html=False) #------ Trait change handlers -------------------------------------------- def _style_sheet_changed(self): """ Set the style sheets of the underlying widgets. """ self.setStyleSheet(self.style_sheet) if self._control is not None: self._control.document().setDefaultStyleSheet(self.style_sheet) bg_color = self._control.palette().window().color() self._ansi_processor.set_background_color(bg_color) if self._page_control is not None: self._page_control.document().setDefaultStyleSheet( self.style_sheet) def _syntax_style_changed(self): """ Set the style for the syntax highlighter. """ if self._highlighter is None: # ignore premature calls return if self.syntax_style: self._highlighter.set_style(self.syntax_style) else: self._highlighter.set_style_sheet(self.style_sheet) #------ Trait default initializers ----------------------------------------- def _banner_default(self): return "Jupyter QtConsole {version}\n".format(version=__version__)
class QtInProcessHBChannel(SuperQObject, InProcessHBChannel): # This signal will never be fired, but it needs to exist kernel_died = QtCore.Signal()
class QtKernelManagerMixin( MetaQObjectHasTraits('NewBase', (HasTraits, SuperQObject), {})): """ A KernelClient that provides signals and slots. """ kernel_restarted = QtCore.Signal()
def _get_image_tag(self, match, path=None, format="png"): """ Return (X)HTML mark-up for the image-tag given by match. Parameters ---------- match : re.SRE_Match A match to an HTML image tag as exported by Qt, with"Name") containing the matched image ID. path : string|None, optional [default None] If not None, specifies a path to which supporting files may be written (e.g., for linked images). If None, all images are to be included inline. format : "png"|"svg"|"jpg", optional [default "png"] Format for returned or referenced images. """ if format in ("png", "jpg"): try: image = self._get_image("name")) except KeyError: return "<b>Couldn't find image %s</b>" %"name") if path is not None: ensure_dir_exists(path) relpath = os.path.basename(path) if "%s/qt_img%s.%s" % (path,"name"), format), "PNG"): return '<img src="%s/qt_img%s.%s">' % ( relpath,"name"), format) else: return "<b>Couldn't save image!</b>" else: ba = QtCore.QByteArray() buffer_ = QtCore.QBuffer(ba), format.upper()) buffer_.close() return '<img src="data:image/%s;base64,\n%s\n" />' % ( format, re.sub(r'(.{60})', r'\1\n', str(ba.toBase64()))) elif format == "svg": try: svg = str(self._name_to_svg_map["name")]) except KeyError: if not self._svg_warning_displayed: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error converting PNG to SVG.', 'Cannot convert PNG images to SVG, export with PNG figures instead. ' 'If you want to export matplotlib figures as SVG, add ' 'to your ipython config:\n\n' '\tc.InlineBackend.figure_format = \'svg\'\n\n' 'And regenerate the figures.', QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) self._svg_warning_displayed = True return ( "<b>Cannot convert PNG images to SVG.</b> " "You must export this session with PNG images. " "If you want to export matplotlib figures as SVG, add to your config " "<span>c.InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'</span> " "and regenerate the figures.") # Not currently checking path, because it's tricky to find a # cross-browser way to embed external SVG images (e.g., via # object or embed tags). # Chop stand-alone header from matplotlib SVG offset = svg.find("<svg") assert (offset > -1) return svg[offset:] else: return '<b>Unrecognized image format</b>'
class MagicHelper(QtGui.QDockWidget): """MagicHelper - dockable widget for convenient search and running of magic command for Jupyter QtConsole. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # signals #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- pasteRequested = QtCore.Signal(str, name = 'pasteRequested') """This signal is emitted when user wants to paste selected magic command into the command line. """ runRequested = QtCore.Signal(str, name = 'runRequested') """This signal is emitted when user wants to execute selected magic command """ readyForUpdate = QtCore.Signal(name = 'readyForUpdate') """This signal is emitted when MagicHelper is ready to be populated. Since kernel querying mechanisms are out of scope of this class, it expects its owner to invoke MagicHelper.populate_magic_helper() as a reaction on this event. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # constructor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, name, parent): super(MagicHelper, self).__init__(name, parent) = None class MinListWidget(QtGui.QListWidget): """Temp class to overide the default QListWidget size hint in order to make MagicHelper narrow """ def sizeHint(self): s = QtCore.QSize() s.setHeight(super(MinListWidget,self).sizeHint().height()) s.setWidth(self.sizeHintForColumn(0)) return s # construct content self.frame = QtGui.QFrame() self.search_label = QtGui.QLabel("Search:") self.search_line = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.search_class = QtGui.QComboBox() self.search_list = MinListWidget() self.paste_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Paste") self.run_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Run") # layout all the widgets main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() search_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() search_layout.addWidget(self.search_label) search_layout.addWidget(self.search_line, 10) main_layout.addLayout(search_layout) main_layout.addWidget(self.search_class) main_layout.addWidget(self.search_list, 10) action_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() action_layout.addWidget(self.paste_button) action_layout.addWidget(self.run_button) main_layout.addLayout(action_layout) self.frame.setLayout(main_layout) self.setWidget(self.frame) # connect all the relevant signals to handlers self.visibilityChanged[bool].connect( self._update_magic_helper ) self.search_class.activated[int].connect( self.class_selected ) self.search_line.textChanged[str].connect( self.search_changed ) self.search_list.itemDoubleClicked.connect( self.paste_requested ) self.paste_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.paste_requested ) self.run_button.clicked[bool].connect( self.run_requested ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # implementation #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _update_magic_helper(self, visible): """Start update sequence. This method is called when MagicHelper becomes visible. It clears the content and emits readyForUpdate signal. The owner of the instance is expected to invoke populate_magic_helper() when magic info is available. """ if not visible or is not None: return = {} self.search_class.clear() self.search_class.addItem("Populating...") self.search_list.clear() self.readyForUpdate.emit() def populate_magic_helper(self, data): """Expects data returned by lsmagics query from kernel. Populates the search_class and search_list with relevant items. """ self.search_class.clear() self.search_list.clear() = data['data'].get('application/json', {}) self.search_class.addItem('All Magics', 'any') classes = set() for mtype in sorted( subdict =[mtype] for name in sorted(subdict): classes.add(subdict[name]) for cls in sorted(classes): label = re.sub("([a-zA-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])","\g<1> \g<2>", cls) self.search_class.addItem(label, cls) self.filter_magic_helper('.', 'any') def class_selected(self, index): """Handle search_class selection changes """ item = self.search_class.itemData(index) regex = self.search_line.text() self.filter_magic_helper(regex = regex, cls = item) def search_changed(self, search_string): """Handle search_line text changes. The text is interpreted as a regular expression """ item = self.search_class.itemData( self.search_class.currentIndex() ) self.filter_magic_helper(regex = search_string, cls = item) def _get_current_search_item(self, item = None): """Retrieve magic command currently selected in the search_list """ text = None if not isinstance(item, QtGui.QListWidgetItem): item = self.search_list.currentItem() text = item.text() return text def paste_requested(self, item = None): """Emit pasteRequested signal with currently selected item text """ text = self._get_current_search_item(item) if text is not None: self.pasteRequested.emit(text) def run_requested(self, item = None): """Emit runRequested signal with currently selected item text """ text = self._get_current_search_item(item) if text is not None: self.runRequested.emit(text) def filter_magic_helper(self, regex, cls): """Update search_list with magic commands whose text match regex and class match cls. If cls equals 'any' - any class matches. """ if regex == "" or regex is None: regex = '.' if cls is None: cls = 'any' self.search_list.clear() for mtype in sorted( subdict =[mtype] prefix = magic_escapes[mtype] for name in sorted(subdict): mclass = subdict[name] pmagic = prefix + name if (re.match(regex, name) or re.match(regex, pmagic)) and \ (cls == 'any' or cls == mclass): self.search_list.addItem(pmagic)