def __init__(self, view="hHh lpR fff", **kwargs): super().__init__(view=view, **kwargs) header = jp.QHeader(a=self) toolbar = jp.QToolbar(a=header) drawer = jp.QDrawer(a=self, show_if_above=True, v_mode="left", bordered=True) scroller = jp.QScrollArea(a=drawer, classes="fit") qlist = jp.QList(a=scroller) a_classes = "p-2 m-2 text-lg text-blue-400 hover:text-blue-700" jp.A(a=qlist, text="Home", href="/", classes=a_classes) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.A(a=qlist, text="Dictionary", href="/dictionary", classes=a_classes) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.A(a=qlist, text="About", href="/about", classes=a_classes) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.QBtn(a=toolbar, dense=True, flat=True, round=True, icon="menu", click=self.move_drawer, drawer=drawer) jp.QToolbarTitle(a=toolbar, text="Instant Dictionary")
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # layout = jp.QLayout(a=self, view="hHh lpR fFf") header = jp.QHeader(a=self, elevated=True) # header.on("class", "bg-primary text-white") toolbar = jp.QToolbar(a=header) q_drawer = jp.QDrawer(a=self, show_if_above=True, v_model="left", side="left", bordered=True) scroll_area = jp.QScrollArea(a=q_drawer, classes="fit") drawer_list = jp.QList(a=scroll_area) list_classes = "p-2 m-2 text-lg text-blue-400 hover:text-blue-700" jp.A(a=drawer_list, text="Home", href="/", classes=list_classes) jp.Br(a=drawer_list) jp.A(a=drawer_list, text="Dictionary", href="/dictionary", classes=list_classes) jp.Br(a=drawer_list) jp.A(a=drawer_list, text="About", href="/about", classes=list_classes) jp.Br(a=drawer_list) jp.QBtn(a=toolbar, dense=True, flat=True, icon="menu", click=self.move_drawer, drawer=q_drawer) # q_button.on("round", True) jp.QToolbarTitle(a=toolbar, text="Instant Dictionary")
def index(): wp = jp.WebPage() ymd ="%Y%m%d") for media_id in media_list: d = jp.Div(a=wp, classes='flex bg-blue-200 text-lg p-2 m-2') jp.A(text=media_list[media_id], href=f'/news/{media_id}/{ymd}', a=d) return wp
async def news(request): media_id = request.path_params.get('media_id', '009') ymd = request.path_params.get('ymd', '20200101') wp = jp.WebPage() head = jp.Div(a=wp, classes='text-lg') jp.A(text='Home', href='/', a=head, classes='p-2 bg-green-200') jp.Span(text=media_list[media_id], a=head, classes='m-2 p-2 bg-blue-200') jp.A(text='<', href=f'/news/{media_id}/{get_next_ymd(ymd, -1)}', a=head, classes='p-2 bg-red-200') jp.Span(text=ymd, a=head, classes='p-2 bg-red-100') jp.A(text='>', href=f'/news/{media_id}/{get_next_ymd(ymd, 1)}', a=head, classes='p-2 bg-red-200') articles = get_article_list(media_id, ymd) for article in articles: div = jp.Div(a=wp, classes='flex bg-gray-200 p-1 m-1 text-lg') jp.A(text=article['title'], href=article['link'], a=div) return wp
def __init__(self, view="hHh lpR fFf", **kwargs): super().__init__(view=view, **kwargs) header = jp.QHeader(a=self) toolbar = jp.QToolbar(a=header, classes="bg-purple-700") drawer = jp.QDrawer(a=self, show_if_above=True, v_mode='left', bordered=True) scroller = jp.QScrollArea(a=drawer, classes="fit") qlist = jp.QList(a=scroller) a_class = "p-2 m-2 text-lg text-purple-400 hover:text-purple-700" jp.A(a=qlist, text="Home", href="/", classes=a_class) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.A(a=qlist, text="Dictionary", href="/dictionary", classes=a_class) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.A(a=qlist, text="About", href="/about", classes=a_class) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.A(a=qlist, text="Flat Mate Bill", href="/fmb", classes=a_class) jp.Br(a=qlist) jp.QBtn(a=toolbar, dense=True, flat=True, round=True, icon="menu", click=self.move_drawer, drawer=drawer) jp.QToolbarTitle(a=toolbar, text='OOP course modules')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) c1 = self c1.classes = 'bg-grey-3' c2 = jp.QBtn(flat=True, round=True, dense=True, a=c1) c3 = jp.QIcon(name='menu', a=c2) c4 = jp.QMenu(a=c2) c5 = jp.QList(style='min-width: 100px', a=c4) c6 = jp.QItem(clickable=True, v_close_popup=True, a=c5) c7 = jp.QItemSection(a=c6) c8 = jp.A(href='/about', style='text-decoration: none', a=c7, text='about') c9 = jp.QSeparator(a=c5) c10 = jp.QItem(clickable=True, v_close_popup=True, a=c5) c11 = jp.QItemSection(a=c10) c12 = jp.A(href='/tool', style='text-decoration: none', a=c11, text='help') c13 = jp.QToolBarTitle(a=c1, text='Toolbar') c14 = jp.QBtn(flat=True, round=True, dense=True, a=c1) c15 = jp.QIcon(name='more_vert', a=c14)
async def page(): wp = jp.WebPage() wp.head_html = "<link href='' rel='stylesheet'></link>" root = jp.Div(a=wp) body = jp.Div( classes='bg-gray-400 font-sans leading-normal tracking-normal', a=root) c2 = jp.Nav(classes='bg-gray-800 p-2 mt-0 w-full', a=body) c3 = jp.Div( classes='container mx-auto flex flex-wrap items-center', a=c2) c4 = jp.Div( classes='flex w-full md:w-1/2 justify-center md:justify-start text-white font-extrabold', a=c3) logo_link = jp.A( classes='text-white no-underline hover:text-white hover:no-underline', href='#', a=c4) logo_cont = jp.Span(classes='flex text-2xl pl-2', a=logo_link) logo = jp.I(classes='em em-email my-auto', a=logo_cont) title = jp.Div(classes="p-2", text="Spam Detector", a=logo_cont) cont_main = jp.Div( classes='container mx-auto flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center my-6 md:my-12', a=body) cont_left = jp.Div( classes='flex flex-col w-full lg:w-1/2 justify-center items-start pt-12 pb-24 px-6', a=cont_main) tagline = jp.P(classes='uppercase tracking-loose', a=cont_left, text='Version: 1.0') main_title = jp.H1(classes='font-bold text-3xl my-4', a=cont_left, text='Spam Detector') description = jp.P(classes='leading-normal mb-4', a=cont_left, text='Keep the bad guys out! Enter the text of your email below and the Spam Detector will tell you how likely it\'s contents is spam:') text_in = jp.Textarea(classes='w-full border-2 h-32', placeholder='Please type here', a=cont_left) text_in.div = jp.Div(a=cont_left) text_in.on('input', predict) cont_right = jp.Div( classes='w-full lg:w-1/2 lg:py-6 text-center', a=cont_main) mailbox = jp.I( classes='text-6xl w-3/5 mx-auto em-svg em-mailbox_with_mail', viewBox='0 0 20 20', a=cont_right) footer = jp.Div(classes='bg-white h-1', a=body) footer_cont = jp.Div( classes='container mx-auto pt-12 md:pt-6 px-6', a=footer) footer_text_cont = jp.P(classes='py-4', a=footer_cont) love = jp.I(classes='em em-hearts', a=footer_text_cont) data = jp.I(classes='em em-bar_chart', a=footer_text_cont) science = jp.I(classes='em em-test_tube', a=footer_text_cont) return wp
def link_demo_bookmark(): wp = jp.WebPage() link = jp.A( text="Scroll to target", a=wp, classes="inline-block m-2 p-2 text-xl text-white bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700", ) # jp.Br(a=wp) for i in range(50): jp.P(text=f"{i+1} Not a target", classes="m-1 p-1 text-white bg-blue-300", a=wp) target = jp.Link( text=f"This is the target - it is linked to first link, click to jump there", classes="inline-block m-1 p-1 text-white bg-red-500", a=wp, ) link.bookmark = target link.scroll = True target.bookmark = link target.scroll = True for i in range(50): jp.P( text=f"{i+50} Not a target", classes="m-1 p-1 text-white bg-blue-300", a=wp ) return wp
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN) ## Description of elements styles attributes. bbox_style = 'm-2 p-2 h-132 text-xl border-2 background-gray-300 text-white' inbox_style = "flex m-1 h-6 sm:h-8 lg:h-6 text-base sm:text-xl lg:text-sm bg-gray-200 w-full font-mono font-bold border-2 border-gray-200 rounded px-2 text-gray-700 focus:outline-none focus:bg-white focus:border-purple-500" boton_style = "p-4 font-bold text-black bg-gray-500 border-2 border-gray hover:bg-blue-300 rounded" message_classes = 'ml-4 p-2 text-lg text-white overflow-auto font-mono rounded-lg' label_item_clas = inbox_style.rsplit('bg-')[0] # re-use of inbox style classes cell_style = 'flex-col p-2 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0' logo_url = '' # "" head_div = jp.Div(classes='m-2 flex border border-gray-800 overflow-auto', delete_flag=False) logolink = jp.A(href='', target='_blank') # logo = jp.Img(a=logolink, src=logo_url, classes="m-2 box-border object-left object-contain h-10" ) #TO-DO agregar link y un about a la main page . info_link_box = jp.Div(classes='justify-end') info_link = jp.A( a=info_link_box, text='Info adicional', href='', title='Información del autor y de uso', classes= 'text-gray-800 align-middle text-xs text-right font-style: italic justify-end px-8' ) # , target='_blank' invisible bg-gray-900 border-2 border-gray-700 title_to_show = jp.P(text="Calculador de jornadas de filmación", classes='m-4 text-xl font-bold text-white overflow-auto')