def blot_segmap(filename, files): """ Blots the segmap values from the drizzled image onto the individual files than went into the drizzle, and write these out as new segmaps. Parameters ---------- filename : str The drizzled file. files : list The files that went into creating the drizzled file. Outputs ------- {file}_seg.fits A corresponding segmap for each file in files. """ # Make an image model using the drizzled image WCS and the corresponding # segmentation maps data. drizzle_model = ImageModel(filename) drizzle_segmap = fits.getdata(filename.replace('.fits', '_seg.fits')) drizzle_segmap[drizzle_segmap != 0] = 1 = drizzle_segmap # Blot the segmap data from the drizzled image onto each individual file, # and write out the corresponding segmap for each. for f in files: outfile = f.replace('.fits', '_seg.fits') model = ImageModel(f) blotted_data = gwcs_blot(drizzle_model, model, interp='nearest') fits.writeto(outfile, blotted_data, overwrite=True)
def test_boundingbox_from_indices(): dm = ImageModel() = np.ones((10,10)) bbox = ((1,2), (3,4)) result = boundingbox_to_indices(dm, bbox) assert (result == (1, 3, 3, 5))
def _im(ysize, xsize): # create the data arrays im = ImageModel((ysize, xsize)) = np.random.rand(ysize, xsize) return im
im.meta.wcsinfo.pa_v3 = header_slp['PA_V3'] print(im.meta.wcsinfo.pa_v3) im.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = header_slp['RA_REF'] im.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = header_slp['DEC_REF'] im.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = header_slp['ROLL_REF'] references = { "area": "crds/jwst_nircam_area_0017.fits", "distortion": "crds/jwst_nircam_distortion_0093.asdf", "drizpars": "crds/jwst_nircam_drizpars_0001.fits", "flat": "crds/jwst_nircam_flat_0337.fits", "photom": "crds/jwst_nircam_photom_0074.fits" } load_wcs(im, references) = hdul_rate['SCI'].data im.err = hdul_rate['ERR'].data im.dq = hdul_rate['DQ'].data im.var_poisson = hdul_rate['VAR_POISSON'].data im.var_rnoise = hdul_rate['VAR_RNOISE'].data = "2000" im.meta.dither.primary_type = "IMAGING" ra_ref = header_slp['RA_REF'] dec_ref = header_slp['DEC_REF'] crval1_ra = header_slp['CRVAL1'] crval2_dec = header_slp['CRVAL2'] targ_ra = header_slp['TARG_RA'] targ_dec = header_slp['TARG_DEC']
def test_flag(): wcsinfo = { 'dec_ref': -0.00601415671349804, 'ra_ref': -0.02073605215697509, 'roll_ref': -0.0, 'v2_ref': -453.5134, 'v3_ref': -373.4826, 'v3yangle': 0.0, 'vparity': -1} instrument = { 'detector': 'NRS1', 'filter': 'F100LP', 'grating': 'G140M', 'name': 'NIRSPEC', 'gwa_tilt': 37.0610, 'gwa_xtilt': 0.0001, 'gwa_ytilt': 0.0001, 'msa_metadata_id':12} observation = { 'date': '2016-09-05', 'time': '8:59:37'} exposure = { 'duration': 11.805952, 'end_time': 58119.85416, 'exposure_time': 11.776, 'frame_time': 0.11776, 'group_time': 0.11776, 'groupgap': 0, 'integration_time': 11.776, 'nframes': 1, 'ngroups': 100, 'nints': 1, 'nresets_between_ints': 0, 'nsamples': 1, 'readpatt': 'NRSRAPID', 'sample_time': 10.0, 'start_time': 58119.8333, 'type': 'NRS_MSASPEC', 'zero_frame': False} im = ImageModel() = np.random.rand(2048, 2048) im.error = np.random.rand(2048, 2048) im.dq = np.zeros((2048, 2048)) im.meta.wcsinfo._instance.update(wcsinfo) im.meta.instrument._instance.update(instrument) im.meta.observation._instance.update(observation) im.meta.exposure._instance.update(exposure) metafl = get_file_path('msa_configuration.fits') im.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file = metafl im.meta.dither.position_number = 1 step = AssignWcsStep() msa_oper = step.get_reference_file(im, 'msaoper') im = wcs_ref_files = create_reference_filename_dictionary(im) failed_slitlets = create_slitlets(im, msa_oper) result = flag(im, failed_slitlets, wcs_ref_files) msa_open_dq = 536870912 # Get all dqflags that are nonzero nonzero = np.nonzero(result.dq) # Make sure that all nonzero dqs are equal to the msa_open_dq assert (all(x == msa_open_dq for x in result.dq[nonzero]))