Пример #1
class ConnectRestApiTest(KafkaTest):
    Test of Kafka Connect's REST API endpoints.

    FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector'
    FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkConnector'

    FILE_SOURCE_CONFIGS = {'name', 'connector.class', 'tasks.max', 'key.converter', 'value.converter', 'topic', 'file'}
    FILE_SINK_CONFIGS = {'name', 'connector.class', 'tasks.max', 'key.converter', 'value.converter', 'topics', 'file'}

    INPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.input"
    INPUT_FILE2 = "/mnt/connect.input2"
    OUTPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.output"

    TOPIC = "test"
    OFFSETS_TOPIC = "connect-offsets"
    CONFIG_TOPIC = "connect-configs"
    STATUS_TOPIC = "connect-status"

    # Since tasks can be assigned to any node and we're testing with files, we need to make sure the content is the same
    # across all nodes.
    INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    INPUTS = "\n".join(INPUT_LIST) + "\n"
    LONGER_INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "razz", "ma", "tazz"]
    LONER_INPUTS = "\n".join(LONGER_INPUT_LIST) + "\n"

    SCHEMA = {"type": "string", "optional": False}

    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(ConnectRestApiTest, self).__init__(test_context, num_zk=1, num_brokers=1, topics={
            'test': {'partitions': 1, 'replication-factor': 1}

        self.cc = ConnectDistributedService(test_context, 2, self.kafka, [self.INPUT_FILE, self.INPUT_FILE2, self.OUTPUT_FILE])

    def test_rest_api(self):
        # Template parameters
        self.key_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.value_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.schemas = True

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))


        assert self.cc.list_connectors() == []

        assert set([connector_plugin['class'] for connector_plugin in self.cc.list_connector_plugins()]) == {self.FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR, self.FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR}

        source_connector_props = self.render("connect-file-source.properties")
        sink_connector_props = self.render("connect-file-sink.properties")

        self.logger.info("Validating connector configurations")
        source_connector_config = self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props)
        configs = self.cc.validate_config(self.FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR, source_connector_config)
        self.verify_config(self.FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR, self.FILE_SOURCE_CONFIGS, configs)

        sink_connector_config = self._config_dict_from_props(sink_connector_props)
        configs = self.cc.validate_config(self.FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR, sink_connector_config)
        self.verify_config(self.FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR, self.FILE_SINK_CONFIGS, configs)

        self.logger.info("Creating connectors")

        # We should see the connectors appear
        wait_until(lambda: set(self.cc.list_connectors()) == set(["local-file-source", "local-file-sink"]),
                   timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Connectors that were just created did not appear in connector listing")

        # We'll only do very simple validation that the connectors and tasks really ran.
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE)
        wait_until(lambda: self.validate_output(self.INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=120, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        # Trying to create the same connector again should cause an error
            assert False, "creating the same connector should have caused a conflict"
        except ConnectRestError:
            pass # expected

        # Validate that we can get info about connectors
        expected_source_info = {
            'name': 'local-file-source',
            'config': self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props),
            'tasks': [{'connector': 'local-file-source', 'task': 0}]
        source_info = self.cc.get_connector("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_info == source_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(source_info)
        source_config = self.cc.get_connector_config("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_info['config'] == source_config, "Incorrect config: " + json.dumps(source_config)
        expected_sink_info = {
            'name': 'local-file-sink',
            'config': self._config_dict_from_props(sink_connector_props),
            'tasks': [{'connector': 'local-file-sink', 'task': 0}]
        sink_info = self.cc.get_connector("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_info == sink_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(sink_info)
        sink_config = self.cc.get_connector_config("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_info['config'] == sink_config, "Incorrect config: " + json.dumps(sink_config)

        # Validate that we can get info about tasks. This info should definitely be available now without waiting since
        # we've already seen data appear in files.
        # TODO: It would be nice to validate a complete listing, but that doesn't make sense for the file connectors
        expected_source_task_info = [{
            'id': {'connector': 'local-file-source', 'task': 0},
            'config': {
                'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceTask',
                'file': self.INPUT_FILE,
                'topic': self.TOPIC
        source_task_info = self.cc.get_connector_tasks("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_task_info == source_task_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(source_task_info)
        expected_sink_task_info = [{
            'id': {'connector': 'local-file-sink', 'task': 0},
            'config': {
                'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkTask',
                'file': self.OUTPUT_FILE,
                'topics': self.TOPIC
        sink_task_info = self.cc.get_connector_tasks("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_task_info == sink_task_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(sink_task_info)

        file_source_config = self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props)
        file_source_config['file'] = self.INPUT_FILE2
        self.cc.set_connector_config("local-file-source", file_source_config)

        # We should also be able to verify that the modified configs caused the tasks to move to the new file and pick up
        # more data.
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.LONER_INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE2)
        wait_until(lambda: self.validate_output(self.LONGER_INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=120, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        wait_until(lambda: len(self.cc.list_connectors()) == 0, timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Deleted connectors did not disappear from REST listing")

    def validate_output(self, input):
        input_set = set(input)
        # Output needs to be collected from all nodes because we can't be sure where the tasks will be scheduled.
        output_set = set(itertools.chain(*[
            [line.strip() for line in self.file_contents(node, self.OUTPUT_FILE)] for node in self.cc.nodes
        return input_set == output_set

    def file_contents(self, node, file):
            # Convert to a list here or the RemoteCommandError may be returned during a call to the generator instead of
            # immediately
            return list(node.account.ssh_capture("cat " + file))
        except RemoteCommandError:
            return []

    def _config_dict_from_props(self, connector_props):
        return dict([line.strip().split('=', 1) for line in connector_props.split('\n') if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('#')])

    def verify_config(self, name, config_def, configs):
        # Should have zero errors
        assert name == configs['name']
        # Should have zero errors
        assert 0 == configs['error_count']
        # Should return all configuration
        config_names = [config['definition']['name'] for config in configs['configs']]
        assert config_def == set(config_names)
Пример #2
class ConnectDistributedTest(Test):
    Simple test of Kafka Connect in distributed mode, producing data from files on one cluster and consuming it on
    another, validating the total output is identical to the input.

    FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector'
    FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkConnector'

    INPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.input"
    OUTPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.output"

    TOPIC = "test"
    OFFSETS_TOPIC = "connect-offsets"
    CONFIG_TOPIC = "connect-configs"
    STATUS_TOPIC = "connect-status"

    # Since tasks can be assigned to any node and we're testing with files, we need to make sure the content is the same
    # across all nodes.
    FIRST_INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    FIRST_INPUTS = "\n".join(FIRST_INPUT_LIST) + "\n"
    SECOND_INPUT_LIST = ["razz", "ma", "tazz"]
    SECOND_INPUTS = "\n".join(SECOND_INPUT_LIST) + "\n"

    SCHEMA = { "type": "string", "optional": False }

    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(ConnectDistributedTest, self).__init__(test_context)
        self.num_zk = 1
        self.num_brokers = 1
        self.topics = {
            'test' : { 'partitions': 1, 'replication-factor': 1 }

        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, self.num_zk)

        self.key_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.value_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.schemas = True

    def setup_services(self, security_protocol=SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT):
        self.kafka = KafkaService(self.test_context, self.num_brokers, self.zk,
                                  security_protocol=security_protocol, interbroker_security_protocol=security_protocol,

        self.cc = ConnectDistributedService(self.test_context, 3, self.kafka, [self.INPUT_FILE, self.OUTPUT_FILE])
        self.cc.log_level = "DEBUG"


    def _start_connector(self, config_file):
        connector_props = self.render(config_file)
        connector_config = dict([line.strip().split('=', 1) for line in connector_props.split('\n') if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('#')])
    def _connector_status(self, connector, node=None):
            return self.cc.get_connector_status(connector, node)
        except ConnectRestError:
            return None

    def _connector_has_state(self, status, state):
        return status is not None and status['connector']['state'] == state

    def _task_has_state(self, task_id, status, state):
        if not status:
            return False

        tasks = status['tasks']
        if not tasks:
            return False

        for task in tasks:
            if task['id'] == task_id:
                return task['state'] == state

        return False

    def _all_tasks_have_state(self, status, task_count, state):
        if status is None:
            return False

        tasks = status['tasks']
        if len(tasks) != task_count:
            return False

        return reduce(operator.and_, [task['state'] == state for task in tasks], True)

    def is_running(self, connector, node=None):
        status = self._connector_status(connector.name, node)
        return self._connector_has_state(status, 'RUNNING') and self._all_tasks_have_state(status, connector.tasks, 'RUNNING')

    def is_paused(self, connector, node=None):
        status = self._connector_status(connector.name, node)
        return self._connector_has_state(status, 'PAUSED') and self._all_tasks_have_state(status, connector.tasks, 'PAUSED')

    def connector_is_running(self, connector, node=None):
        status = self._connector_status(connector.name, node)
        return self._connector_has_state(status, 'RUNNING')

    def connector_is_failed(self, connector, node=None):
        status = self._connector_status(connector.name, node)
        return self._connector_has_state(status, 'FAILED')

    def task_is_failed(self, connector, task_id, node=None):
        status = self._connector_status(connector.name, node)
        return self._task_has_state(task_id, status, 'FAILED')

    def task_is_running(self, connector, task_id, node=None):
        status = self._connector_status(connector.name, node)
        return self._task_has_state(task_id, status, 'RUNNING')

    def test_restart_failed_connector(self):
        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        self.sink = MockSink(self.cc, self.topics.keys(), mode='connector-failure', delay_sec=5)

        wait_until(lambda: self.connector_is_failed(self.sink), timeout_sec=15,
                   err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the FAILED state")

        wait_until(lambda: self.connector_is_running(self.sink), timeout_sec=10,
                   err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")

    @matrix(delete_before_reconfig=[False, True])
    def test_bad_connector_class(self, delete_before_reconfig):
        For the same connector name, first configure it with a bad connector class name such that it fails to start, verify that it enters a FAILED state.
        Restart should also fail.
        Then try to rectify by reconfiguring it as a MockConnector and verifying it successfully transitions to RUNNING.
        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        connector_name = 'bad-to-good-test'

        connector = namedtuple('BadConnector', ['name', 'tasks'])(connector_name, 1)
        config = {
            'name': connector.name,
            'tasks.max': connector.tasks,
            'connector.class': 'java.util.HashMap'

        wait_until(lambda: self.connector_is_failed(connector), timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to FAILED state")

        except ConnectRestError:
            raise AssertionError("Expected restart of %s to fail" % connector_name)

        if delete_before_reconfig:

        config['connector.class'] = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.tools.MockSourceConnector'
        self.cc.set_connector_config(connector_name, config)
        wait_until(lambda: self.connector_is_running(connector), timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")

    @matrix(connector_type=["source", "sink"])
    def test_restart_failed_task(self, connector_type):
        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        connector = None
        if connector_type == "sink":
            connector = MockSink(self.cc, self.topics.keys(), mode='task-failure', delay_sec=5)
            connector = MockSource(self.cc, mode='task-failure', delay_sec=5)

        task_id = 0
        wait_until(lambda: self.task_is_failed(connector, task_id), timeout_sec=20,
                   err_msg="Failed to see task transition to the FAILED state")

        self.cc.restart_task(connector.name, task_id)
        wait_until(lambda: self.task_is_running(connector, task_id), timeout_sec=10,
                   err_msg="Failed to see task transition to the RUNNING state")

    def test_pause_and_resume_source(self):
        Verify that source connectors stop producing records when paused and begin again after
        being resumed.

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        self.source = VerifiableSource(self.cc)

        wait_until(lambda: self.is_running(self.source), timeout_sec=30,
                   err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")

        # wait until all nodes report the paused transition
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            wait_until(lambda: self.is_paused(self.source, node), timeout_sec=30,
                       err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the PAUSED state")

        # verify that we do not produce new messages while paused
        num_messages = len(self.source.sent_messages())
        assert num_messages == len(self.source.sent_messages()), "Paused source connector should not produce any messages"


        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            wait_until(lambda: self.is_running(self.source, node), timeout_sec=30,
                       err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")

        # after resuming, we should see records produced again
        wait_until(lambda: len(self.source.sent_messages()) > num_messages, timeout_sec=30,
                   err_msg="Failed to produce messages after resuming source connector")

    def test_pause_and_resume_sink(self):
        Verify that sink connectors stop consuming records when paused and begin again after
        being resumed.

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        # use the verifiable source to produce a steady stream of messages
        self.source = VerifiableSource(self.cc)

        wait_until(lambda: len(self.source.committed_messages()) > 0, timeout_sec=30,
                   err_msg="Timeout expired waiting for source task to produce a message")

        self.sink = VerifiableSink(self.cc)

        wait_until(lambda: self.is_running(self.sink), timeout_sec=30,
                   err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")

        # wait until all nodes report the paused transition
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            wait_until(lambda: self.is_paused(self.sink, node), timeout_sec=30,
                       err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the PAUSED state")

        # verify that we do not consume new messages while paused
        num_messages = len(self.sink.received_messages())
        assert num_messages == len(self.sink.received_messages()), "Paused sink connector should not consume any messages"


        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            wait_until(lambda: self.is_running(self.sink, node), timeout_sec=30,
                       err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")

        # after resuming, we should see records consumed again
        wait_until(lambda: len(self.sink.received_messages()) > num_messages, timeout_sec=30,
                   err_msg="Failed to consume messages after resuming sink connector")

    def test_pause_state_persistent(self):
        Verify that paused state is preserved after a cluster restart.

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        self.source = VerifiableSource(self.cc)

        wait_until(lambda: self.is_running(self.source), timeout_sec=30,
                   err_msg="Failed to see connector transition to the RUNNING state")


        # we should still be paused after restarting
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            wait_until(lambda: self.is_paused(self.source, node), timeout_sec=30,
                       err_msg="Failed to see connector startup in PAUSED state")

    @matrix(security_protocol=[SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT, SecurityConfig.SASL_SSL])
    def test_file_source_and_sink(self, security_protocol):
        Tests that a basic file connector works across clean rolling bounces. This validates that the connector is
        correctly created, tasks instantiated, and as nodes restart the work is rebalanced across nodes.

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))


        self.logger.info("Creating connectors")
        # Generating data on the source node should generate new records and create new output on the sink node. Timeouts
        # here need to be more generous than they are for standalone mode because a) it takes longer to write configs,
        # do rebalancing of the group, etc, and b) without explicit leave group support, rebalancing takes awhile
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.FIRST_INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE)
        wait_until(lambda: self._validate_file_output(self.FIRST_INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=70, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        # Restarting both should result in them picking up where they left off,
        # only processing new data.

        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.SECOND_INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE)
        wait_until(lambda: self._validate_file_output(self.FIRST_INPUT_LIST + self.SECOND_INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=70, err_msg="Sink output file never converged to the same state as the input file")

    @matrix(clean=[True, False])
    def test_bounce(self, clean):
        Validates that source and sink tasks that run continuously and produce a predictable sequence of messages
        run correctly and deliver messages exactly once when Kafka Connect workers undergo clean rolling bounces.
        num_tasks = 3

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))

        self.source = VerifiableSource(self.cc, tasks=num_tasks, throughput=100)
        self.sink = VerifiableSink(self.cc, tasks=num_tasks)

        for _ in range(3):
            for node in self.cc.nodes:
                started = time.time()
                self.logger.info("%s bouncing Kafka Connect on %s", clean and "Clean" or "Hard", str(node.account))
                self.cc.stop_node(node, clean_shutdown=clean)
                with node.account.monitor_log(self.cc.LOG_FILE) as monitor:
                    monitor.wait_until("Starting connectors and tasks using config offset", timeout_sec=90,
                                       err_msg="Kafka Connect worker didn't successfully join group and start work")
                self.logger.info("Bounced Kafka Connect on %s and rejoined in %f seconds", node.account, time.time() - started)

                # Give additional time for the consumer groups to recover. Even if it is not a hard bounce, there are
                # some cases where a restart can cause a rebalance to take the full length of the session timeout
                # (e.g. if the client shuts down before it has received the memberId from its initial JoinGroup).
                # If we don't give enough time for the group to stabilize, the next bounce may cause consumers to 
                # be shut down before they have any time to process data and we can end up with zero data making it 
                # through the test.


        # Validate at least once delivery of everything that was reported as written since we should have flushed and
        # cleanly exited. Currently this only tests at least once delivery because the sink task may not have consumed
        # all the messages generated by the source task. This needs to be done per-task since seqnos are not unique across
        # tasks.
        success = True
        errors = []
        allow_dups = not clean
        src_messages = self.source.committed_messages()
        sink_messages = self.sink.flushed_messages()
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            # Validate source messages
            src_seqnos = [msg['seqno'] for msg in src_messages if msg['task'] == task]
            # Every seqno up to the largest one we ever saw should appear. Each seqno should only appear once because clean
            # bouncing should commit on rebalance.
            src_seqno_max = max(src_seqnos)
            self.logger.debug("Max source seqno: %d", src_seqno_max)
            src_seqno_counts = Counter(src_seqnos)
            missing_src_seqnos = sorted(set(range(src_seqno_max)).difference(set(src_seqnos)))
            duplicate_src_seqnos = sorted([seqno for seqno,count in src_seqno_counts.iteritems() if count > 1])

            if missing_src_seqnos:
                self.logger.error("Missing source sequence numbers for task " + str(task))
                errors.append("Found missing source sequence numbers for task %d: %s" % (task, missing_src_seqnos))
                success = False
            if not allow_dups and duplicate_src_seqnos:
                self.logger.error("Duplicate source sequence numbers for task " + str(task))
                errors.append("Found duplicate source sequence numbers for task %d: %s" % (task, duplicate_src_seqnos))
                success = False

            # Validate sink messages
            sink_seqnos = [msg['seqno'] for msg in sink_messages if msg['task'] == task]
            # Every seqno up to the largest one we ever saw should appear. Each seqno should only appear once because
            # clean bouncing should commit on rebalance.
            sink_seqno_max = max(sink_seqnos)
            self.logger.debug("Max sink seqno: %d", sink_seqno_max)
            sink_seqno_counts = Counter(sink_seqnos)
            missing_sink_seqnos = sorted(set(range(sink_seqno_max)).difference(set(sink_seqnos)))
            duplicate_sink_seqnos = sorted([seqno for seqno,count in sink_seqno_counts.iteritems() if count > 1])

            if missing_sink_seqnos:
                self.logger.error("Missing sink sequence numbers for task " + str(task))
                errors.append("Found missing sink sequence numbers for task %d: %s" % (task, missing_sink_seqnos))
                success = False
            if not allow_dups and duplicate_sink_seqnos:
                self.logger.error("Duplicate sink sequence numbers for task " + str(task))
                errors.append("Found duplicate sink sequence numbers for task %d: %s" % (task, duplicate_sink_seqnos))
                success = False

            # Validate source and sink match
            if sink_seqno_max > src_seqno_max:
                self.logger.error("Found sink sequence number greater than any generated sink sequence number for task %d: %d > %d", task, sink_seqno_max, src_seqno_max)
                errors.append("Found sink sequence number greater than any generated sink sequence number for task %d: %d > %d" % (task, sink_seqno_max, src_seqno_max))
                success = False
            if src_seqno_max < 1000 or sink_seqno_max < 1000:
                errors.append("Not enough messages were processed: source:%d sink:%d" % (src_seqno_max, sink_seqno_max))
                success = False

        if not success:
            # Also collect the data in the topic to aid in debugging
            consumer_validator = ConsoleConsumer(self.test_context, 1, self.kafka, self.source.topic, consumer_timeout_ms=1000, print_key=True)
            self.mark_for_collect(consumer_validator, "consumer_stdout")

        assert success, "Found validation errors:\n" + "\n  ".join(errors)

    def _validate_file_output(self, input):
        input_set = set(input)
        # Output needs to be collected from all nodes because we can't be sure where the tasks will be scheduled.
        # Between the first and second rounds, we might even end up with half the data on each node.
        output_set = set(itertools.chain(*[
            [line.strip() for line in self._file_contents(node, self.OUTPUT_FILE)] for node in self.cc.nodes
        return input_set == output_set

    def _file_contents(self, node, file):
            # Convert to a list here or the CalledProcessError may be returned during a call to the generator instead of
            # immediately
            return list(node.account.ssh_capture("cat " + file))
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            return []
Пример #3
class ConnectRestApiTest(KafkaTest):
    Test of Kafka Connect's REST API endpoints.

    FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector'
    FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR = 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkConnector'

    FILE_SOURCE_CONFIGS = {'name', 'connector.class', 'tasks.max', 'key.converter', 'value.converter', 'header.converter', 'batch.size',
                           'topic', 'file', 'transforms', 'config.action.reload', 'errors.retry.timeout', 'errors.retry.delay.max.ms',
                           'errors.tolerance', 'errors.log.enable', 'errors.log.include.messages'}
    FILE_SINK_CONFIGS = {'name', 'connector.class', 'tasks.max', 'key.converter', 'value.converter', 'header.converter', 'topics',
                         'file', 'transforms', 'topics.regex', 'config.action.reload', 'errors.retry.timeout', 'errors.retry.delay.max.ms',
                         'errors.tolerance', 'errors.log.enable', 'errors.log.include.messages', 'errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name',
                         'errors.deadletterqueue.topic.replication.factor', 'errors.deadletterqueue.context.headers.enable'}

    INPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.input"
    INPUT_FILE2 = "/mnt/connect.input2"
    OUTPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.output"

    TOPIC = "${file:%s:topic.external}" % ConnectServiceBase.EXTERNAL_CONFIGS_FILE
    TOPIC_TEST = "test"

    OFFSETS_TOPIC = "connect-offsets"
    CONFIG_TOPIC = "connect-configs"
    STATUS_TOPIC = "connect-status"

    # Since tasks can be assigned to any node and we're testing with files, we need to make sure the content is the same
    # across all nodes.
    INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    INPUTS = "\n".join(INPUT_LIST) + "\n"
    LONGER_INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "razz", "ma", "tazz"]
    LONER_INPUTS = "\n".join(LONGER_INPUT_LIST) + "\n"

    SCHEMA = {"type": "string", "optional": False}

    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(ConnectRestApiTest, self).__init__(test_context, num_zk=1, num_brokers=1, topics={
            'test': {'partitions': 1, 'replication-factor': 1}

        self.cc = ConnectDistributedService(test_context, 2, self.kafka, [self.INPUT_FILE, self.INPUT_FILE2, self.OUTPUT_FILE])

    def test_rest_api(self):
        # Template parameters
        self.key_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.value_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.schemas = True

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))
        self.cc.set_external_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-file-external.properties", node=node))


        assert self.cc.list_connectors() == []

        assert set([connector_plugin['class'] for connector_plugin in self.cc.list_connector_plugins()]) == {self.FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR, self.FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR}

        source_connector_props = self.render("connect-file-source.properties")
        sink_connector_props = self.render("connect-file-sink.properties")

        self.logger.info("Validating connector configurations")
        source_connector_config = self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props)
        configs = self.cc.validate_config(self.FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR, source_connector_config)
        self.verify_config(self.FILE_SOURCE_CONNECTOR, self.FILE_SOURCE_CONFIGS, configs)

        sink_connector_config = self._config_dict_from_props(sink_connector_props)
        configs = self.cc.validate_config(self.FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR, sink_connector_config)
        self.verify_config(self.FILE_SINK_CONNECTOR, self.FILE_SINK_CONFIGS, configs)

        self.logger.info("Creating connectors")

        # We should see the connectors appear
        wait_until(lambda: set(self.cc.list_connectors()) == set(["local-file-source", "local-file-sink"]),
                   timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Connectors that were just created did not appear in connector listing")

        # We'll only do very simple validation that the connectors and tasks really ran.
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE)
        wait_until(lambda: self.validate_output(self.INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=120, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        # Trying to create the same connector again should cause an error
            assert False, "creating the same connector should have caused a conflict"
        except ConnectRestError:
            pass # expected

        # Validate that we can get info about connectors
        expected_source_info = {
            'name': 'local-file-source',
            'config': self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props),
            'tasks': [{'connector': 'local-file-source', 'task': 0}],
            'type': 'source'
        source_info = self.cc.get_connector("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_info == source_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(source_info)
        source_config = self.cc.get_connector_config("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_info['config'] == source_config, "Incorrect config: " + json.dumps(source_config)
        expected_sink_info = {
            'name': 'local-file-sink',
            'config': self._config_dict_from_props(sink_connector_props),
            'tasks': [{'connector': 'local-file-sink', 'task': 0}],
            'type': 'sink'
        sink_info = self.cc.get_connector("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_info == sink_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(sink_info)
        sink_config = self.cc.get_connector_config("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_info['config'] == sink_config, "Incorrect config: " + json.dumps(sink_config)

        # Validate that we can get info about tasks. This info should definitely be available now without waiting since
        # we've already seen data appear in files.
        # TODO: It would be nice to validate a complete listing, but that doesn't make sense for the file connectors
        expected_source_task_info = [{
            'id': {'connector': 'local-file-source', 'task': 0},
            'config': {
                'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceTask',
                'file': self.INPUT_FILE,
                'topic': self.TOPIC,
                'batch.size': self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE
        source_task_info = self.cc.get_connector_tasks("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_task_info == source_task_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(source_task_info)
        expected_sink_task_info = [{
            'id': {'connector': 'local-file-sink', 'task': 0},
            'config': {
                'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkTask',
                'file': self.OUTPUT_FILE,
                'topics': self.TOPIC
        sink_task_info = self.cc.get_connector_tasks("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_task_info == sink_task_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(sink_task_info)

        file_source_config = self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props)
        file_source_config['file'] = self.INPUT_FILE2
        self.cc.set_connector_config("local-file-source", file_source_config)

        # We should also be able to verify that the modified configs caused the tasks to move to the new file and pick up
        # more data.
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.LONER_INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE2)
        wait_until(lambda: self.validate_output(self.LONGER_INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=120, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        wait_until(lambda: len(self.cc.list_connectors()) == 0, timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Deleted connectors did not disappear from REST listing")

    def validate_output(self, input):
        input_set = set(input)
        # Output needs to be collected from all nodes because we can't be sure where the tasks will be scheduled.
        output_set = set(itertools.chain(*[
            [line.strip() for line in self.file_contents(node, self.OUTPUT_FILE)] for node in self.cc.nodes
        return input_set == output_set

    def file_contents(self, node, file):
            # Convert to a list here or the RemoteCommandError may be returned during a call to the generator instead of
            # immediately
            return list(node.account.ssh_capture("cat " + file))
        except RemoteCommandError:
            return []

    def _config_dict_from_props(self, connector_props):
        return dict([line.strip().split('=', 1) for line in connector_props.split('\n') if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('#')])

    def verify_config(self, name, config_def, configs):
        # Should have zero errors
        assert name == configs['name']
        # Should have zero errors
        assert 0 == configs['error_count']
        # Should return all configuration
        config_names = [config['definition']['name'] for config in configs['configs']]
        assert config_def == set(config_names)
Пример #4
class ConnectRestApiTest(KafkaTest):
    Test of Kafka Connect's REST API endpoints.

    INPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.input"
    INPUT_FILE2 = "/mnt/connect.input2"
    OUTPUT_FILE = "/mnt/connect.output"

    TOPIC = "test"
    OFFSETS_TOPIC = "connect-offsets"
    CONFIG_TOPIC = "connect-configs"
    STATUS_TOPIC = "connect-status"

    # Since tasks can be assigned to any node and we're testing with files, we need to make sure the content is the same
    # across all nodes.
    INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    INPUTS = "\n".join(INPUT_LIST) + "\n"
    LONGER_INPUT_LIST = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "razz", "ma", "tazz"]
    LONER_INPUTS = "\n".join(LONGER_INPUT_LIST) + "\n"

    SCHEMA = { "type": "string", "optional": False }

    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(ConnectRestApiTest, self).__init__(test_context, num_zk=1, num_brokers=1, topics={
            'test' : { 'partitions': 1, 'replication-factor': 1 }

        self.cc = ConnectDistributedService(test_context, 2, self.kafka, [self.INPUT_FILE, self.INPUT_FILE2, self.OUTPUT_FILE])

    def test_rest_api(self):
        # Template parameters
        self.key_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.value_converter = "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
        self.schemas = True

        self.cc.set_configs(lambda node: self.render("connect-distributed.properties", node=node))


        assert self.cc.list_connectors() == []

        self.logger.info("Creating connectors")
        source_connector_props = self.render("connect-file-source.properties")
        sink_connector_props = self.render("connect-file-sink.properties")
        for connector_props in [source_connector_props, sink_connector_props]:
            connector_config = self._config_dict_from_props(connector_props)

        # We should see the connectors appear
        wait_until(lambda: set(self.cc.list_connectors()) == set(["local-file-source", "local-file-sink"]),
                   timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Connectors that were just created did not appear in connector listing")

        # We'll only do very simple validation that the connectors and tasks really ran.
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE)
        wait_until(lambda: self.validate_output(self.INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=120, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        # Trying to create the same connector again should cause an error
            assert False, "creating the same connector should have caused a conflict"
        except ConnectRestError:
            pass # expected

        # Validate that we can get info about connectors
        expected_source_info = {
            'name': 'local-file-source',
            'config': self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props),
            'tasks': [{ 'connector': 'local-file-source', 'task': 0 }]
        source_info = self.cc.get_connector("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_info == source_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(source_info)
        source_config = self.cc.get_connector_config("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_info['config'] == source_config, "Incorrect config: " + json.dumps(source_config)
        expected_sink_info = {
            'name': 'local-file-sink',
            'config': self._config_dict_from_props(sink_connector_props),
            'tasks': [{ 'connector': 'local-file-sink', 'task': 0 }]
        sink_info = self.cc.get_connector("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_info == sink_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(sink_info)
        sink_config = self.cc.get_connector_config("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_info['config'] == sink_config, "Incorrect config: " + json.dumps(sink_config)

        # Validate that we can get info about tasks. This info should definitely be available now without waiting since
        # we've already seen data appear in files.
        # TODO: It would be nice to validate a complete listing, but that doesn't make sense for the file connectors
        expected_source_task_info = [{
            'id': { 'connector': 'local-file-source', 'task': 0 },
            'config': {
                'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceTask',
                'file': self.INPUT_FILE,
                'topic': self.TOPIC
        source_task_info = self.cc.get_connector_tasks("local-file-source")
        assert expected_source_task_info == source_task_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(source_task_info)
        expected_sink_task_info = [{
            'id': { 'connector': 'local-file-sink', 'task': 0 },
            'config': {
                'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkTask',
                'file': self.OUTPUT_FILE,
                'topics': self.TOPIC
        sink_task_info = self.cc.get_connector_tasks("local-file-sink")
        assert expected_sink_task_info == sink_task_info, "Incorrect info:" + json.dumps(sink_task_info)

        file_source_config = self._config_dict_from_props(source_connector_props)
        file_source_config['file'] = self.INPUT_FILE2
        self.cc.set_connector_config("local-file-source", file_source_config)

        # We should also be able to verify that the modified configs caused the tasks to move to the new file and pick up
        # more data.
        for node in self.cc.nodes:
            node.account.ssh("echo -e -n " + repr(self.LONER_INPUTS) + " >> " + self.INPUT_FILE2)
        wait_until(lambda: self.validate_output(self.LONGER_INPUT_LIST), timeout_sec=120, err_msg="Data added to input file was not seen in the output file in a reasonable amount of time.")

        wait_until(lambda: len(self.cc.list_connectors()) == 0, timeout_sec=10, err_msg="Deleted connectors did not disappear from REST listing")

    def validate_output(self, input):
        input_set = set(input)
        # Output needs to be collected from all nodes because we can't be sure where the tasks will be scheduled.
        output_set = set(itertools.chain(*[
            [line.strip() for line in self.file_contents(node, self.OUTPUT_FILE)] for node in self.cc.nodes
        return input_set == output_set

    def file_contents(self, node, file):
            # Convert to a list here or the CalledProcessError may be returned during a call to the generator instead of
            # immediately
            return list(node.account.ssh_capture("cat " + file))
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            return []

    def _config_dict_from_props(self, connector_props):
        return dict([line.strip().split('=', 1) for line in connector_props.split('\n') if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('#')])