Пример #1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # general configuration
    parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', default='-1', type=str,
                        help='GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)')
    parser.add_argument('--debugmode', default=1, type=int,
    parser.add_argument('--seed', default=1, type=int,
                        help='Random seed')
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-V', default=1, type=int,
                        help='Verbose option')
    # task related
    parser.add_argument('--recog-feat', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Filename of recognition feature data (Kaldi scp)')
    parser.add_argument('--recog-label', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Filename of recognition label data (json)')
    parser.add_argument('--result-label', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Filename of result label data (json)')
    # model (parameter) related
    parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Model file parameters to read')
    parser.add_argument('--model-conf', type=str, required=True,
                        help='Model config file')
    # search related
    parser.add_argument('--beam-size', type=int, default=1,
                        help='Beam size')
    parser.add_argument('--penalty', default=0.0, type=float,
                        help='Incertion penalty')
    parser.add_argument('--maxlenratio', default=0.5, type=float,
                        help='Input length ratio to obtain max output length')
    parser.add_argument('--minlenratio', default=0.0, type=float,
                        help='Input length ratio to obtain min output length')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # logging info
    if args.verbose == 1:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
    if args.verbose == 2:
                            format="%(asctime)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN, format="%(asctime)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(levelname)s: %(message)s")
        logging.warning("Skip DEBUG/INFO messages")

    # display PYTHONPATH
    logging.info('python path = ' + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'])

    # display chainer version
    logging.info('chainer version = ' + chainer.__version__)

    # seed setting (chainer seed may not need it)
    nseed = args.seed
    os.environ["CHAINER_SEED"] = str(nseed)
    logging.info('chainer seed = ' + os.environ['CHAINER_SEED'])

    # read training config
    with open(args.model_conf, "rb") as f:
        logging.info('reading a model config file from' + args.model_conf)
        idim, odim, train_args = pickle.load(f)

    for key in sorted(vars(args).keys()):
        logging.info('ARGS: ' + key + ': ' + str(vars(args)[key]))

    # specify model architecture
    logging.info('reading model parameters from' + args.model)
    e2e = E2E(idim, odim, train_args)
    model = Loss(e2e, train_args.mtlalpha)
    # chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.model, model)
    def cpu_loader(storage, location):
        return storage
    model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model, map_location=cpu_loader))

    # prepare Kaldi reader
    reader = kaldi_io_py.read_mat_ark(args.recog_feat)

    # read json data
    with open(args.recog_label, 'rb') as f:
        recog_json = json.load(f)['utts']

    new_json = {}
    for name, feat in reader:
        y_hat = e2e.recognize(feat, args, train_args.char_list)
        y_true = map(int, recog_json[name]['tokenid'].split())

        # print out decoding result
        seq_hat = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat]
        seq_true = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true]
        seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
        seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace('<space>', ' ')
        logging.info("groundtruth[%s]: " + seq_true_text, name)
        logging.info("prediction [%s]: " + seq_hat_text, name)

        # copy old json info
        new_json[name] = recog_json[name]

        # added recognition results to json
        logging.debug("dump token id")
        # TODO(karita) make consistent to chainer as idx[0] not idx
        new_json[name]['rec_tokenid'] = " ".join([str(idx) for idx in y_hat])
        logging.debug("dump token")
        new_json[name]['rec_token'] = " ".join(seq_hat)
        logging.debug("dump text")
        new_json[name]['rec_text'] = seq_hat_text

    # TODO fix character coding problems when saving it
    with open(args.result_label, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps({'utts': new_json}, indent=4).encode('utf_8'))
Пример #2
def recog(args):
    '''Run recognition'''
    # seed setting

    # read training config
    with open(args.model_conf, "rb") as f:
        logging.info('reading a model config file from' + args.model_conf)
        idim, odim, train_args = pickle.load(f)

    for key in sorted(vars(args).keys()):
        logging.info('ARGS: ' + key + ': ' + str(vars(args)[key]))

    # specify model architecture
    logging.info('reading model parameters from' + args.model)
    e2e = E2E(idim, odim, train_args)
    model = Loss(e2e, train_args.mtlalpha)

    def cpu_loader(storage, location):
        return storage

    def remove_dataparallel(state_dict):
        from collections import OrderedDict
        new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in state_dict.items():
            if k.startswith("module."):
                name = k[7:]
                new_state_dict[name] = v
        return new_state_dict

    model.load_state_dict(remove_dataparallel(torch.load(args.model, map_location=cpu_loader)))

    # read rnnlm
    if args.rnnlm:
        rnnlm = lm_pytorch.ClassifierWithState(
            lm_pytorch.RNNLM(len(train_args.char_list), 650))
        rnnlm.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.rnnlm, map_location=cpu_loader))
        rnnlm = None

    # prepare Kaldi reader
    reader = kaldi_io_py.read_mat_ark(args.recog_feat)

    # read json data
    with open(args.recog_label, 'rb') as f:
        recog_json = json.load(f)['utts']

    new_json = {}
    for name, feat in reader:
        nbest_hyps = e2e.recognize(feat, args, train_args.char_list, rnnlm=rnnlm)
        # get 1best and remove sos
        y_hat = nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]

        y_true = map(int, recog_json[name]['tokenid'].split())

        # print out decoding result
        seq_hat = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat]
        seq_true = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true]
        seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
        seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace('<space>', ' ')
        logging.info("groundtruth[%s]: " + seq_true_text, name)
        logging.info("prediction [%s]: " + seq_hat_text, name)

        # copy old json info
        new_json[name] = recog_json[name]

        # added recognition results to json
        logging.debug("dump token id")
        # TODO(karita) make consistent to chainer as idx[0] not idx
        new_json[name]['rec_tokenid'] = " ".join([str(idx) for idx in y_hat])
        logging.debug("dump token")
        new_json[name]['rec_token'] = " ".join(seq_hat)
        logging.debug("dump text")
        new_json[name]['rec_text'] = seq_hat_text

        # add n-best recognition results with scores
        if args.beam_size > 1 and len(nbest_hyps) > 1:
            for i, hyp in enumerate(nbest_hyps):
                y_hat = hyp['yseq'][1:]
                seq_hat = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat]
                seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
                new_json[name]['rec_tokenid' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) + ']'] = " ".join([str(idx) for idx in y_hat])
                new_json[name]['rec_token' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) + ']'] = " ".join(seq_hat)
                new_json[name]['rec_text' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) + ']'] = seq_hat_text
                new_json[name]['score' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) + ']'] = hyp['score']

    # TODO(watanabe) fix character coding problems when saving it
    with open(args.result_label, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps({'utts': new_json}, indent=4, sort_keys=True).encode('utf_8'))
Пример #3
def recog(args):
    '''Run recognition'''
    # display chainer version
    logging.info('chainer version = ' + chainer.__version__)

    # seed setting (chainer seed may not need it)
    os.environ["CHAINER_SEED"] = str(args.seed)
    logging.info('chainer seed = ' + os.environ['CHAINER_SEED'])

    # read training config
    with open(args.model_conf, "rb") as f:
        logging.info('reading a model config file from' + args.model_conf)
        idim, odim, train_args = pickle.load(f)

    for key in sorted(vars(args).keys()):
        logging.info('ARGS: ' + key + ': ' + str(vars(args)[key]))

    # specify model architecture
    logging.info('reading model parameters from' + args.model)
    e2e = E2E(idim, odim, train_args)
    model = Loss(e2e, train_args.mtlalpha)
    chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.model, model)

    # read rnnlm
    if args.rnnlm:
        rnnlm = lm_chainer.ClassifierWithState(
            lm_chainer.RNNLM(len(train_args.char_list), 650))
        chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.rnnlm, rnnlm)
        rnnlm = None

    # prepare Kaldi reader
    reader = kaldi_io_py.read_mat_ark(args.recog_feat)

    # read json data
    with open(args.recog_label, 'rb') as f:
        recog_json = json.load(f)['utts']

    new_json = {}
    for name, feat in reader:
        logging.info('decoding ' + name)
        if args.beam_size == 1:
            y_hat = e2e.recognize(feat, args, train_args.char_list, rnnlm)
            nbest_hyps = e2e.recognize(feat, args, train_args.char_list, rnnlm)
            # get 1best and remove sos
            y_hat = nbest_hyps[0]['yseq'][1:]
        y_true = map(int, recog_json[name]['tokenid'].split())

        # print out decoding result
        seq_hat = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat]
        seq_true = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true]
        seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
        seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace('<space>', ' ')
        logging.info("groundtruth[%s]: " + seq_true_text, name)
        logging.info("prediction [%s]: " + seq_hat_text, name)

        # copy old json info
        new_json[name] = recog_json[name]

        # add 1-best recognition results to json
        new_json[name]['rec_tokenid'] = " ".join(
            [str(idx[0]) for idx in y_hat])
        new_json[name]['rec_token'] = " ".join(seq_hat)
        new_json[name]['rec_text'] = seq_hat_text

        # add n-best recognition results with scores
        if args.beam_size > 1 and len(nbest_hyps) > 1:
            for i, hyp in enumerate(nbest_hyps):
                y_hat = hyp['yseq'][1:]
                seq_hat = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat]
                seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
                new_json[name]['rec_tokenid' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) + ']'] \
                    = " ".join([str(idx[0]) for idx in y_hat])
                new_json[name]['rec_token' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) +
                               ']'] = " ".join(seq_hat)
                new_json[name]['rec_text' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) +
                               ']'] = seq_hat_text
                new_json[name]['score' + '[' + '{:05d}'.format(i) +
                               ']'] = hyp['score']

    # TODO(watanabe) fix character coding problems when saving it
    with open(args.result_label, 'wb') as f:
                'utts': new_json
            }, indent=4, sort_keys=True).encode('utf_8'))
Пример #4
def recog(args):
    '''Run recognition'''
    # seed setting

    # read training config
    with open(args.model_conf, "rb") as f:
        logging.info('reading a model config file from' + args.model_conf)
        idim, odim, train_args = pickle.load(f)

    for key in sorted(vars(args).keys()):
        logging.info('ARGS: ' + key + ': ' + str(vars(args)[key]))

    # specify model architecture
    logging.info('reading model parameters from' + args.model)
    e2e = E2E(idim, odim, train_args)
    model = Loss(e2e, train_args.mtlalpha)

    def cpu_loader(storage, location):
        return storage
    model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model, map_location=cpu_loader))

    # read rnnlm
    if args.rnnlm:
        logging.warning("rnnlm integration is not implemented in the pytorch backend")

    # prepare Kaldi reader
    reader = kaldi_io_py.read_mat_ark(args.recog_feat)

    # read json data
    with open(args.recog_label, 'rb') as f:
        recog_json = json.load(f)['utts']

    new_json = {}
    for name, feat in reader:
        y_hat = e2e.recognize(feat, args, train_args.char_list)
        y_true = map(int, recog_json[name]['tokenid'].split())

        # print out decoding result
        seq_hat = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat]
        seq_true = [train_args.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true]
        seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
        seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace('<space>', ' ')
        logging.info("groundtruth[%s]: " + seq_true_text, name)
        logging.info("prediction [%s]: " + seq_hat_text, name)

        # copy old json info
        new_json[name] = recog_json[name]

        # added recognition results to json
        logging.debug("dump token id")
        # TODO(karita) make consistent to chainer as idx[0] not idx
        new_json[name]['rec_tokenid'] = " ".join([str(idx) for idx in y_hat])
        logging.debug("dump token")
        new_json[name]['rec_token'] = " ".join(seq_hat)
        logging.debug("dump text")
        new_json[name]['rec_text'] = seq_hat_text

    # TODO(watanabe) fix character coding problems when saving it
    with open(args.result_label, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps({'utts': new_json}, indent=4).encode('utf_8'))