Пример #1
def temp_model(state_grid, obs_grid, source_terms, params):
    source_grid, source_weights = source_terms[0], source_terms[1]
    # Unpack params: V, W, prior_guess, prior_var
    obs_noise, move_noise = params[0], params[1]
    prior_guess, prior_var = params[2], params[3]
    N, p, q = state_grid[0].size, obs_grid[0].size, source_grid[0].size
    dx = state_grid[0][1] - state_grid[0][0]
    # Define relevant parameters
    k, rho, c_p = 0.026, 1.2, 0.001  # The standard properties of air
    alpha = k / (rho * c_p)
    dt = 0.1 * dx**2 / (2 * alpha)
    lam, gamma = alpha * dt / (dx**2), dt / (rho * c_p)
    # Construct G, F, and Q
    G = heat_eq_state_mat(state_grid, dx, lam)
    F = heat_eq_obs_mat(obs_grid, state_grid, dx)
    Q = heat_eq_source_mat(source_terms, state_grid, gamma)
    # Construct W and V
    W = np.identity(N) * move_noise
    V = np.identity(p) * obs_noise
    # Construct m and C
    m = np.array([prior_guess] * N)
    C = np.identity(N) * prior_var
    # Create and return model
    model = kf.DLM([G, W], [F, V], [m, C], Q)
    return model
Пример #2
def default_model():
    # Create default model
    V, W = 0.5, 0.01
    W = np.array([[W]])
    space_params = [np.array([[1]]), np.array([[V]])]
    state_params = [np.array([[1]]), W]
    prior = [np.array([[0]]), np.array([[1]])]
    model = kf.DLM(state_params, space_params, prior)
    return model
Пример #3
def default_RWWN_model():
    # Create default model
    # Random walk with noise
    V, W = 0.5, 0.1
    obs_params = [np.array([1]), np.array([[V]])]
    state_params = [np.array([1]), np.array([[W]])]
    prior = [np.array([80]), np.array([[1]])]
    source = np.array([0])
    model = kf.DLM(state_params, obs_params, prior, source)
    return model
Пример #4
def default_RWWN_vel_model():
    # Create default model
    # Random walk with noise and time-varying velocity
    V, W_x, W_v = 10, 0.1, 0.5
    prior_x, prior_v = 80, 1
    prior_x_var, prior_v_var = 1, 1
    obs_params = [np.array([[1, 0]]), np.array([[V]])]
    state_params = [np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]]), np.array([[W_x, 0], [0, W_v]])]
    prior = [np.array([prior_x, prior_v]), np.array([[prior_x_var, 0], [0, prior_v_var]])]
    model = kf.DLM(state_params, obs_params, prior, np.array([0, 0]))
    return model 
Пример #5
def target_model(params):
    # Parmaters: gamma, var_Y, var_x, var_v, prior_mean, prior_var_x, prior_var_v
    gamma = params[0]
    var_Y = params[1]
    var_x, var_v = params[2], params[3]
    prior_mean, prior_var_x, prior_var_v = params[4], params[5], params[6]
    I_2 = np.identity(2)
    Zero_2 = np.zeros((2, 2))
    top = np.concatenate((I_2, I_2), axis=1)
    bottom = np.concatenate((Zero_2, np.array([[1, -gamma], [-gamma, 1]])),
    G = np.concatenate((top, bottom))
    F = np.concatenate((I_2, Zero_2), axis=1)
    top = np.concatenate((var_x * I_2, Zero_2), axis=1)
    bottom = np.concatenate((Zero_2, var_v * I_2), axis=1)
    W = np.concatenate((top, bottom))
    V = var_Y * I_2
    top = np.concatenate((prior_var_x * I_2, Zero_2), axis=1)
    bottom = np.concatenate((Zero_2, prior_var_v * I_2), axis=1)
    prior_var = np.concatenate((top, bottom))
    model = kf.DLM([G, W], [F, V], [prior_mean, prior_var],
                   np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]))
    return model
Пример #6
import kalman_filter as kf
import plotting as pl

active = True
while active:
    default = input('Use default simulation parameters? Y/N: ')
    if default != 'Y':
        params = [0.0] * 5
        params[0] = float(input('Enter state (movement) variance: '))
        params[1] = float(input('Enter space (obervational) variance: '))
        init = float(input('Enter initial state value: '))
        params[2] = float(input('Enter prior mean: '))
        params[3] = float(input('Enter prior variance: '))
        obs_params = [np.array([1]), np.array([[params[1]]])]
        state_params = [np.array([1]), np.array([[params[0]]])]
        prior = [np.array([params[2]]), np.array([[params[3]]])]
        source = np.array([0])
        model = kf.DLM(state_params, obs_params, prior, source)
        model = ex.default_RWWN_model()
        init = 80
    length = int(input('Enter length of simulation: '))
    print('Simulating data...')
    theta, Y = model.simulate(length, np.array([init]))
    print('Applying filter to simulated data...')
    fit_values, fit_var = model.kfilter(Y[::, 0])
    print('Plotting results...')
    pl.one_d_kalman_plot(theta, Y, fit_values, fit_var)
    again = input('Run program again? Y/N: ')
    if again != 'Y':
Пример #7
 # Write option to enter parameters
 default = input('Use default simulation parameters? Y/N: ')
 if default != 'Y':
     params = [0] * 4
     init_temp = float(input('Enter initial temperature: '))
     init = np.array([init_temp] * N)
     params[0] = float(input('Enter temperature movement variance: '))
     params[1] = float(input('Enter observational variance: '))
     params[2] = float(input('Enter prior guess of overall temperature: '))
     params[3] = float(input('Enter prior variance: '))
     params = ex.default_Heat_params()
     init = np.array([70] * N)
 sim_model = tg.temp_model(state_grid, obs_grid, source_terms, params)
 source_in_filter = input(
     'Allow Kalman filter to know about the sources/sinks? Y/N: ')
 if source_in_filter != 'Y':
     pred_model = kf.DLM(sim_model.state_params, sim_model.space_params,
                         sim_model.filter_params, np.array([0] * N))
     pred_model = sim_model
 length = int(input('Enter desired number of frames to simulate: '))
 print('Simulating data...')
 theta, Y = sim_model.simulate(length, init)
 print('Filtering simulated data...')
 fit_values, fit_var = pred_model.kfilter(Y)
 print('Constructing animations...')
 anim.animate_heat_eqn_wrapper(state_grid, obs_grid, theta, fit_values, Y)
 again = input('Run program again? Y/N: ')
 if again != 'Y':
Пример #8
     W_v = float(input('Enter state velocity variance: '))
     V = float(input('Enter space (obervational) variance: '))
     init[0] = float(input('Enter initial position: '))
     init[1] = float(input('Enter initial velocity: '))
     prior_x = float(input('Enter prior guess for position: '))
     prior_v = float(input('Enter prior guess for velocity: '))
     prior_x_var = float(input('Enter prior position variance: '))
     prior_v_var = float(input('Enter prior velocity variance: '))
     obs_params = [np.array([[1, 0]]), np.array([[V]])]
     state_params = [
         np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]]),
         np.array([[W_x, 0], [0, W_v]])
     prior = [
         np.array([prior_x, prior_v]),
         np.array([[prior_x_var, 0], [0, prior_v_var]])
     model = kf.DLM(state_params, obs_params, prior, np.array([0, 0]))
     model = ex.default_RWWN_vel_model()
     init = [80, 1]
 length = int(input('Enter length of simulation: '))
 print('Simulating data...')
 theta, Y = model.simulate(length, np.array([init]))
 print('Applying filter to simulated data...')
 fit_values, fit_var = model.kfilter(Y[::, 0])
 print('Plotting results...')
 pl.one_d_kalman_plot(theta, Y, fit_values, fit_var)
 again = input('Run program again? Y/N: ')
 if again != 'Y':