Пример #1
    def __init__(self, platform_id):
        # check that the platform_id refers to a known satellite
        if not Satellite.get_by_id(platform_id):
            raise ValueError(
                "platform_id does not exist: {}".format(platform_id))

        self.platform_id = platform_id
        self.segment_times = {}  # segment_id : list of times
        self.segment_positions = {}  # segment_id : list of positions
        self.segment_velocities = {}  # segment_id : list of velocities
        self.segments = Satellite.get_by_id(
            platform_id).orbit_segments  # Store orbit segments
Пример #2
    def interpolate(self, timestamp, kind="linear"):
        """Estimate the position and velocity of the satellite at a given time.

            timestamp: The time for which to get the estimated position and velocity, in Unix
                epoch seconds.
            kind: The type of interpolation to do. This defaults to "linear." Alternatives
                include "quadratic", "cubic", etc. See scipy.interpolate.

            A tuple (pos, vel). Each of pos, vel is a 3-tuple representing the vector
            components of the position and velocity, respectively.

            ValueError if interpolation could not be performed for the given timestamp.
        # find the correct segment from stored data
        segment = next(
             for segment in self.segments if segment.start_time <= timestamp
             and segment.end_time >= timestamp), None)

        if not segment:
            # segment was not in stored data, ask DB
            segment = OrbitSegment.get_by_platform_and_time(
                self.platform_id, timestamp)

            if not segment:
                raise InterpolationError("No segment found: {}, {}".format(
                    self.platform_id, timestamp))
                # update stored segments
                self.segments = Satellite.get_by_id(

        # get orbit records for the segment
        segment_id = segment.segment_id
        if segment_id not in self.segment_times:
            records = OrbitRecord.get_by_segment(segment_id)

            # don't bother to proceed if there are too few records for an interpolation
            if not records or len(records) < 2:
                raise InterpolationError(
                    "No orbit records found: {}, {}".format(
                        self.platform_id, segment_id))

            # extract and cache time, position, velocity
            self.segment_times[segment_id] = np.array(
                [rec.time for rec in records])
            self.segment_positions[segment_id] = np.array(
                [np.array(rec.position) for rec in records])
            self.segment_velocities[segment_id] = np.array(
                [np.array(rec.velocity) for rec in records])

        # interpolate the position and velocity
        position = Interpolator.vector_interp(
            self.segment_positions[segment_id], [timestamp],
        velocity = Interpolator.vector_interp(
            self.segment_velocities[segment_id], [timestamp],

        return tuple(position), tuple(velocity)