def add_pose_to_query_kapture(kdata_src, kdata_trg, img_name):
    timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name_src = {
        img_name: (timestamp, sensor_id)
        for timestamp, sensor_id, img_name in kapture.flatten(
    if img_name not in timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name_src:
            f'{img_name} was not found in localized kapture, that should not be possible, something went wrong'
        return False
    timestamp_src, sensor_id_src = timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name_src[
    timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name_trg = {
        img_name: (timestamp, sensor_id)
        for timestamp, sensor_id, img_name in kapture.flatten(
    if img_name not in timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name_trg:'{img_name} not found in query kapture')
        return False
    timestamp_trg, sensor_id_trg = timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name_trg[

    if not (timestamp_src, sensor_id_src) in kdata_src.trajectories:'{img_name} was not localized')
        return False
        timestamp_trg, sensor_id_trg] = kdata_src.trajectories[timestamp_src,

    return True
Пример #2
    def test_t265_db_only(self):
        kapture_data = import_colmap_database(self._database_filepath,

        # check the numbers
        self.assertEqual(2, len(kapture_data.sensors))
        self.assertEqual(6, len(kapture_data.trajectories))
        self.assertEqual(6, len(kapture_data.records_camera))

        # check camera ids
        camera_ids_expected = set(['cam_00001', 'cam_00002'
                                   ])  # may evolve in future, not crucial
        camera_ids_actual = set(kapture_data.sensors.keys())
        self.assertEqual(camera_ids_expected, camera_ids_actual)
        # check camera ids consistent in trajectories
        camera_ids_trajectories = set(
            for _, cam_id, _ in kapture.flatten(kapture_data.trajectories))
        self.assertEqual(camera_ids_actual, camera_ids_trajectories)
        # check camera ids consistent in records_camera
        camera_ids_records = set(
            for _, cam_id, _ in kapture.flatten(kapture_data.records_camera))
        self.assertEqual(camera_ids_actual, camera_ids_records)

        # check camera parameters
        cam1 = kapture_data.sensors['cam_00001']
        self.assertIsInstance(cam1, kapture.Camera)
        self.assertEqual('camera', cam1.sensor_type)
        self.assertEqual(kapture.CameraType.OPENCV_FISHEYE, cam1.camera_type)
        params_expected = [
            848.0, 800.0, 284.468, 285.51, 424.355, 393.742, 0.0008, 0.031,
            -0.03, 0.005
        self.assertAlmostEqual(params_expected, cam1.camera_params)

        # check records
        timestamp, cam_id, image = next(
            kapture.flatten(kapture_data.records_camera, is_sorted=True))
        self.assertEqual(1, timestamp)
        self.assertEqual('cam_00002', cam_id)
        self.assertEqual('rightraw/frame_000000001.jpg', image)

        # check trajectories
        timestamp, cam_id, pose = next(
            kapture.flatten(kapture_data.trajectories, is_sorted=True))
        self.assertEqual(1, timestamp)
        self.assertEqual('cam_00002', cam_id)
        pose_expected = kapture.PoseTransform(
                0.9540331248716523, -0.03768128483784883, -0.2972570621910482,
            t=[2.7109402281860904, 0.13236653865769618, -2.868626176500939])
        self.assertTrue(equal_poses(pose_expected, pose))

        # this sample has no keypoints, descriptors nor matches
            path.exists(path.join(self._kapture_dirpath, 'reconstruction')))
Пример #3
 def test_nested_dict(self):
     test_values = {
         'a': {
             'a': 1,
             'c': 3,
             'b': 4
         'c': {
             'z': 0,
             'y': 9,
             'd': 5
         'b': {
             'u': 7,
             'a': 13,
             'c': 1
     expected_list = [('a', 'a', 1), ('a', 'c', 3), ('a', 'b', 4),
                      ('c', 'z', 0), ('c', 'y', 9), ('c', 'd', 5),
                      ('b', 'u', 7), ('b', 'a', 13), ('b', 'c', 1)]
     expected_list_sorted = [('a', 'a', 1), ('a', 'b', 4), ('a', 'c', 3),
                             ('b', 'a', 13), ('b', 'c', 1), ('b', 'u', 7),
                             ('c', 'd', 5), ('c', 'y', 9), ('c', 'z', 0)]
     actual_list = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=False))
     actual_list_sorted = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=True))
     self.assertEqual(actual_list, expected_list)
     self.assertEqual(actual_list_sorted, expected_list_sorted)
Пример #4
def equal_nested_dict_or_set(data_a,
                             expected_type=None) -> bool:
    Compare two instances of dictionary or set

    :return: True if they are identical, False otherwise.
    if expected_type is not None:  # do type checking
        for data_x in [data_a, data_b]:
            if data_x is not None and not isinstance(data_x, expected_type):
                raise TypeError(
                    f'expecting type {expected_type} in {name_to_log} (got {type(data_x)})'

    # early check if one (or both) are None
    if data_a is None and data_b is None:
        return True
    elif data_a is None and data_b is not None:
        return False
    elif data_a is not None and data_b is None:
        return False

    # check values
    flattened_a = list(flatten(data_a, is_sorted=True))
    flattened_b = list(flatten(data_b, is_sorted=True))
    are_equal = (flattened_a == flattened_b)
    if not are_equal:
        log_difference(flattened_a, flattened_b, name_to_log)
    return are_equal
Пример #5
    def setUp(self):
        self._rigs = kapture.Rigs()
        looking_not_straight = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(
            [0, np.deg2rad(5.), 0])
        self._rigs['rig', 'cam1'] = kapture.PoseTransform(
            t=[-10, 0, 0], r=looking_not_straight).inverse()
        self._rigs['rig', 'cam2'] = kapture.PoseTransform(
            t=[+10, 0, 0], r=looking_not_straight.inverse()).inverse()
        self._trajectories_rigs = kapture.Trajectories()
        for timestamp, ratio in enumerate(np.linspace(0., 1., num=8)):
            looking_around = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(
                [0, np.deg2rad(360. * ratio), 0])
            self._trajectories_rigs[timestamp, 'rig'] = kapture.PoseTransform(
                t=[0, 0, -100.], r=looking_around)

        self._trajectories_cams = kapture.Trajectories()
        for timestamp, rig_id, pose_rig_from_world in kapture.flatten(
                self._trajectories_rigs, is_sorted=True):
            for rig_id2, cam_id, pose_cam_from_rig in kapture.flatten(
                assert rig_id == rig_id
                pose_cam_from_world = kapture.PoseTransform.compose(
                    [pose_cam_from_rig, pose_rig_from_world])
                                        cam_id] = pose_cam_from_world
Пример #6
def equal_image_features(
    data_a: Optional[Union[kapture.Keypoints, kapture.Descriptors,
    data_b: Optional[Union[kapture.Keypoints, kapture.Descriptors,
) -> bool:
    Compare two instances of kapture features (keypoints, descriptors or global features).

    :param data_a: first set of features
    :param data_b: second set of features
    :return: True if they are identical, False otherwise.
    # early check if one is None
    if data_a is None and data_b is None:
        return True
    elif data_a is None and data_b is not None:
        return False
    elif data_a is not None and data_b is None:
        return False

    # should not happen because of previous lines, use assert to help your ide figure out the type of data
    assert data_a is not None
    assert data_b is not None

    if data_a.type_name != data_b.type_name or data_a.dtype != data_b.dtype or data_a.dsize != data_b.dsize:
        return False
    flattened_a = list(flatten(data_a, is_sorted=True))
    flattened_b = list(flatten(data_b, is_sorted=True))
    are_equal = (flattened_a == flattened_b)
    if not are_equal:
        log_difference(flattened_a, flattened_b, 'equal_image_features')
    return are_equal
Пример #7
def get_interpolated_pose(kdata_map: kapture.Kapture, kdata_query: kapture.Kapture,
                          weights: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]):
    compute the approximated pose for all query images given the precomputed weights

    :param kdata_map: map images + their poses as kapture data
    :type kdata_map: kapture.Kapture
    :param kdata_query: query images as kapture data
    :type kdata_query: kapture.Kapture
    :param weights: weights for the pose interpolation
    :type weights: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]
    output_trajectories = kapture.Trajectories()
    assert kdata_map.trajectories is not None
    assert kdata_map.records_camera is not None
    reverse_map_records_camera = {image_name: (timestamp, sensor_id)
                                  for timestamp, sensor_id, image_name in kapture.flatten(kdata_map.records_camera)}
    if kdata_map.rigs is not None:
        input_trajectories = kapture.rigs_remove(kdata_map.trajectories, kdata_map.rigs)
        input_trajectories = kdata_map.trajectories

    assert kdata_query.records_camera is not None
    reverse_query_records_camera = {image_name: (timestamp, sensor_id)
                                    for timestamp, sensor_id, image_name in kapture.flatten(kdata_query.records_camera)}

    for query_image_name, weighted_map_images in weights.items():
        pose_inv_list = [input_trajectories[reverse_map_records_camera[name]].inverse()
                         for name, _ in weighted_map_images]
        weight_list = [w for _, w in weighted_map_images]
        output_trajectories[reverse_query_records_camera[query_image_name]] = average_pose_transform_weighted(
    return output_trajectories
Пример #8
def equal_trajectories(trajectories_a: Optional[kapture.Trajectories],
                       trajectories_b: Optional[kapture.Trajectories]) -> bool:
    Compare two instances of kapture.Trajectories.
    Poses are compared with is_distance_within_threshold(pose_transform_distance())

    :param trajectories_a: first trajectory
    :param trajectories_b: second trajectory
    :return: True if they are identical, False otherwise.
    if trajectories_a is None and trajectories_b is None:
        return True
    elif trajectories_a is None and trajectories_b is not None:
        return False
    elif trajectories_a is not None and trajectories_b is None:
        return False

    flattened_a = list(flatten(trajectories_a, is_sorted=True))
    flattened_b = list(flatten(trajectories_b, is_sorted=True))
    if len(flattened_a) != len(flattened_b):
        getLogger().debug('equal_trajectories: a and b do not have the same number of elements')
        return False
    for (timestamp_a, sensor_id_a, pose_a), (timestamp_b, sensor_id_b, pose_b) in zip(flattened_a, flattened_b):
        if timestamp_a != timestamp_b or sensor_id_a != sensor_id_b:
                f'equal_trajectories: ({timestamp_a}, {sensor_id_a}, {pose_a.r_raw}, {pose_a.t_raw}) !='
                f' ({timestamp_b}, {sensor_id_b}, {pose_b.r_raw}, {pose_b.t_raw})')
            return False
        if not equal_poses(pose_a, pose_b):
                f'equal_trajectories: ({timestamp_a}, {sensor_id_a}, {pose_a.r_raw}, {pose_a.t_raw}) '
                f'is not close to '
                f'({timestamp_b}, {sensor_id_b}, {pose_b.r_raw}, {pose_b.t_raw})')
            return False
    return True
Пример #9
 def test_dict_of_list(self):
     test_values = {'a': [1, 4, 3], 'z': [1, 0], 'y': [9, 5]}
     expected_list = [('a', 1), ('a', 4), ('a', 3), ('z', 1), ('z', 0), ('y', 9), ('y', 5)]
     expected_list_sorted = [('a', 1), ('a', 3), ('a', 4), ('y', 5), ('y', 9), ('z', 0), ('z', 1)]
     actual_list = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=False))
     actual_list_sorted = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=True))
     self.assertEqual(actual_list, expected_list)
     self.assertEqual(actual_list_sorted, expected_list_sorted)
Пример #10
def equal_sensors(sensors_a: Optional[kapture.Sensors],
                  sensors_b: Optional[kapture.Sensors]) -> bool:
    Compare two instances of kapture.Sensors.
    model_params for cameras are considered equal if np.isclose says so.

    :param sensors_a: first sensor definition
    :param sensors_b: second sensor definition
    :return: True if they are identical, False otherwise.
    if sensors_a is None and sensors_b is None:
        return True
    elif sensors_a is None and sensors_b is not None:
        return False
    elif sensors_a is not None and sensors_b is None:
        return False

    flattened_a = list(flatten(sensors_a, is_sorted=True))
    flattened_b = list(flatten(sensors_b, is_sorted=True))
    if len(flattened_a) != len(flattened_b):
            'equal_sensors: a and b do not have the same number of elements')
        return False
    for (sensor_id_a, sensor_a), (sensor_id_b,
                                  sensor_b) in zip(flattened_a, flattened_b):
        # handling special case: name_a='' and name_b=None
        equal_id = sensor_id_a == sensor_id_b
        equal_name = (not
                      and not or (
        equal_type = sensor_a.sensor_type == sensor_b.sensor_type

        if not equal_id or not equal_name or not equal_type:
                f'equal_sensors: ({sensor_id_a}, {sensor_a}) != ({sensor_id_b}, {sensor_b})'
            return False

        equal_params = False
        if sensor_a.sensor_type in kapture.ALL_CAMERA_SENSOR_TYPES:
            assert isinstance(sensor_a, Camera)
            assert isinstance(sensor_b, Camera)
            if sensor_a.sensor_type != sensor_b.sensor_type:
                return False
            if sensor_a.camera_type == sensor_b.camera_type:
                equal_params = equal_camera_params(sensor_a.camera_params,
            equal_params = sensor_a.sensor_params == sensor_b.sensor_params

        if not equal_params:
                f'equal_sensors: ({sensor_id_a}, {sensor_a}) != ({sensor_id_b}, {sensor_b})'
            return False
    return True
Пример #11
def _import_cameras(silda_dir_path, snapshots,
                    fallback_cam_model) -> kapture.Sensors:'Processing sensors ...')
    cameras = kapture.Sensors()
    # use hard coded intrinsics
    # evaluated using colmap
    # 1 OPENCV_FISHEYE 1024 1024 393.299 394.815 512 512 -0.223483 0.117325 -0.0326138 0.00361082
    #                  fx, fy, cx, cy, omega
    # 1 FOV 1024 1024 300 300 512 512 0.899632
    cam_id_list = sorted(
        set(cam_id for _, cam_id, _ in kapture.flatten(snapshots)))
    for cam_id in cam_id_list:
        # pick a image for that cam id
        random_image_intrinsic = next(
            f'{timestamp}_{cam_id}.intrinsics'  # keep only filename (thats what silda expect)
            for timestamp, cid, filename in kapture.flatten(snapshots)
            if cid == cam_id)
            f'camera {cam_id} intrinsics : picking at random: ("{random_image_intrinsic}")'
        intrinsic_filepath = path.join(silda_dir_path, 'camera-intrinsics',
        logger.debug(f'loading file: "{intrinsic_filepath}"')
        silda_proj_params = np.loadtxt(intrinsic_filepath)
        # only retrieve principal point from intrinsics,
        # because the rest correspond to a fisheye model not available in colmap.
        principal_point = (silda_proj_params[0:2] *
        projection = fallback_cam_model
        if 'OPENCV_FISHEYE' == projection:
            focal_length = [393.299, 394.815]
            fisheye_coefficients = [
                -0.223483, 0.117325, -0.0326138, 0.00361082
            #          //    fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2, k3, k4
            proj_params = focal_length + principal_point + fisheye_coefficients
        elif 'FOV' == projection:
            # use hard coded intrinsics from Torsten reconstruction, ie. :
            #       217.294036, 217.214703, 512.000000, 507.897400, -0.769113
            focal_length = [217.294036, 217.214703]
            # principal_point = [512.000000, 507.897400]
            omega = [-0.769113]
            #                  fx, fy, cx, cy, omega
            proj_params = focal_length + principal_point + omega
            raise ValueError(
                'Only accepts OPENCV_FISHEYE, or FOV as projection model.')

        camera = kapture.Camera(projection,
                                SILDA_IMAGE_SIZE.tolist() + proj_params)
        cameras[cam_id] = camera
    return cameras
Пример #12
def trajectories_to_ply_stream(stream, trajectories: kapture.Trajectories, axis_length: float = 1.) -> None:
    Writes the trajectories to a stream.
     trajectories[ts][device_id] = [pose]

    :param stream: an open stream to write to
    :param trajectories: trajectories to write
    :param axis_length: length of the axis
    pose_list = (pose_tr
                 for _, _, pose_tr in kapture.flatten(trajectories, is_sorted=True)
                 if not np.any(np.isnan(pose_tr.t)))  # filter out if no position

    # create 4 points per pose: 1 for center, 3 for axis
    points_colored_list = []
    for pose_tr in pose_list:
        axis = get_axis_in_world(pose_tr, axis_length)
        points_colored_list += [p + AXIS_COLORS[i] for i, p in enumerate(axis.tolist())]

    # write points into ply
    header_to_ply_stream(stream, nb_vertex=len(points_colored_list))
    for p3d in points_colored_list:
        line = ['{:<25}'.format(i) for i in p3d[0:3]]
        line += ['{:<4}'.format(i) for i in p3d[3:6]]
        stream.write(' '.join(line) + '\n')
Пример #13
def merge_trajectories(
        trajectories_list: List[Optional[kapture.Trajectories]],
        rig_mappings: List[Dict[str, str]],
        sensor_mappings: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> kapture.Trajectories:
    Merge several trajectories list into one list with new identifiers for the rigs and the sensors.

    :param trajectories_list: list of trajectories to merge
    :param rig_mappings: mapping of the rigs identifiers to their new identifiers
    :param sensor_mappings: mapping of the sensor identifiers to their new identifiers
    :return: merged trajectories
    assert len(trajectories_list) > 0
    assert len(trajectories_list) == len(rig_mappings)
    assert len(trajectories_list) == len(sensor_mappings)

    merged_trajectories = kapture.Trajectories()
    for trajectories, rig_mapping, sensor_mapping in zip(
            trajectories_list, rig_mappings, sensor_mappings):
        if trajectories is None:
        for timestamp, sensor_id, pose in kapture.flatten(trajectories):
            if sensor_id in rig_mapping:
                new_sensor_id = rig_mapping[sensor_id]
                new_sensor_id = sensor_mapping[sensor_id]
            merged_trajectories[(timestamp, new_sensor_id)] = pose
    return merged_trajectories
Пример #14
def _import_robotcar_v2_train(robotcar_path, kapture_imported_query,
                              kapture_imported_training, image_pattern):
    queries_per_location = {
        image_name: (ts, cam_id, loc_id)
        for loc_id, kapture_test in kapture_imported_query.items() for ts,
        cam_id, image_name in kapture.flatten(kapture_test.records_camera)
    # read robotcar_v2_train.txt
    v2_train_data = read_robotcar_v2_train(robotcar_path)
    for image_name, pose in v2_train_data.items():
        ts, cam_id, loc_id = queries_per_location[image_name]
        assert cam_id == 'rear'
                                                         cam_id] = image_name
        kapture_imported_training[loc_id].trajectories[ts, cam_id] = pose
        matches = image_pattern.match(image_name)
        if not matches:
            logger.warning(f"Error matching line in {image_name}")
        matches = matches.groupdict()
        condition = str(matches['condition'])
        timestamp = str(matches['timestamp'])
        # added left and right images in records_camera
        left_image_name = condition + '/' + 'left' + '/' + timestamp + '.jpg'
        right_image_name = condition + '/' + 'right' + '/' + timestamp + '.jpg'
            ts, 'left'] = left_image_name
            ts, 'right'] = right_image_name

        # remove entries from query
        del kapture_imported_query[loc_id].records_camera[ts][cam_id]
        del kapture_imported_query[loc_id].records_camera[ts]['left']
        del kapture_imported_query[loc_id].records_camera[ts]['right']
        del kapture_imported_query[loc_id].records_camera[ts]
Пример #15
def print_records(
        kapture_data, output_stream, show_detail, show_all,
) -> None:
    Prints the records and trajectories to the output stream
    # records (+trajectories)
    for record_name in ['trajectories', 'records_camera', 'records_lidar', 'records_wifi', 'records_bluetooth',
                        'records_gnss', 'records_accelerometer', 'records_gyroscope', 'records_magnetic']:
        records_field = getattr(kapture_data, record_name)
        records = list(kapture.flatten(records_field))
        nb_record = None if records_field is None else len(records)
        if not show_detail:
            print_key_value(f'nb {record_name}', nb_record, output_stream, show_none=show_all)
        elif records_field is not None or show_all:
            print_title(f'{record_name}', output_stream)
            if records_field is not None and nb_record > 0:
                timestamp_range = (min(records_field), max(records_field))
                timestamp_range_str = format_timestamp_range(timestamp_range, timestamp_unit, timestamp_formatting)
                sensors_ids = records_field.sensors_ids
                print_key_value(' ├─ timestamp range', timestamp_range_str, output_stream, show_none=show_all)
                print_key_value(' ├─ sensors', f'{len(sensors_ids)}: {sensors_ids}', output_stream, show_none=show_all)
            print_key_value(' └─ nb total', nb_record, output_stream, show_none=show_all)
Пример #16
    def test_export(self):
        temp_kapture_dirpath = path.join(, 'kapture')
        shutil.copytree(self._kapture_dirpath, temp_kapture_dirpath)
        kapture_data =
        images_filepaths = images_to_filepaths(kapture_data.records_camera,
        # make sure there is no EXIF in images
        for image_filepath in images_filepaths.values():

        # insert gps to exif

        rebuilt_records = kapture.RecordsGnss()
        for timestamp, cam_id, image_name in kapture.flatten(
            image_filepath = get_image_fullpath(temp_kapture_dirpath,
            exif_data = read_exif(image_filepath)
            rebuilt_records[timestamp, 'GPS_' +
                            cam_id] = convert_gps_to_kapture_record(exif_data)

            equal_records_gnss(kapture_data.records_gnss, rebuilt_records))
Пример #17
def export_openmvg_poses(
        kapture_images: kapture.RecordsCamera,
        kapture_trajectories: kapture.Trajectories,
        kapture_to_openmvg_view_ids: Dict[str, int],
) -> List:

    :param kapture_images:
    :param kapture_trajectories:
    :param kapture_to_openmvg_view_ids: input dict that maps kapture image ids to openMVG view ids.
    :return: extrinsics to be serialized
    extrinsics = []
    # process all images
    for timestamp, kapture_cam_id, kapture_image_name in kapture.flatten(kapture_images):
        assert kapture_image_name in kapture_to_openmvg_view_ids
        openmvg_view_id = kapture_to_openmvg_view_ids[kapture_image_name]
        # retrieve image pose from trajectories
        if timestamp in kapture_trajectories:
            # there is a pose for that timestamp
            # The poses are stored both as priors (in the 'views' table) and as known poses (in the 'extrinsics' table)
            assert kapture_cam_id in kapture_trajectories[timestamp]
            pose_tr = kapture_trajectories[timestamp].get(kapture_cam_id)
            prior_q = pose_tr.r
            prior_t = pose_tr.inverse().t_raw
            pose_data = {JSON_KEY.CENTER: prior_t,
                         JSON_KEY.ROTATION: quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(prior_q).tolist()}
            extrinsics.append({JSON_KEY.KEY: openmvg_view_id, JSON_KEY.VALUE: pose_data})

    return extrinsics
Пример #18
def merge_table_key3(
    sensor_mappings: List[Dict[str, str]],
    Merge several table with 2 keys (eg. timestamps, device_id)  into one.
    If multiple entry for a key keep only the first one.

    :param sensor_mappings: mapping of the sensor identifiers to their new identifiers
    :param table_list: list of table to merge.
    :param table_constructor: the class type of table.
    :param subdict_constructor: used to create a new Dict type
    :return table_merged

    assert len(table_list) > 0
    assert len(table_list) == len(sensor_mappings)
    table_list = [table for table in table_list if table is not None]
    if not all(isinstance(table, table_constructor) for table in table_list):
        raise TypeError('unexpected type.')
    table_merged = table_constructor()
    for table, sensor_mapping in zip(table_list, sensor_mappings):
        for key1, sensor_id, key3, entry in kapture.flatten(table):
            new_sensor_id = sensor_mapping[sensor_id]
            if (key1, new_sensor_id) not in table_merged:
                # if timestamp, sensor_id not there yet, create an instance of dict record
                table_merged[key1, new_sensor_id] = subdict_constructor()
            table_merged[key1, new_sensor_id].setdefault(key3, entry)
    return table_merged
Пример #19
def get_poses(
    k_data: kapture.Kapture, image_set: Union[Set[str], List[str]]
) -> List[Tuple[str, kapture.PoseTransform]]:
    Computes the poses for a set of images within a kapture.

    :param k_data: the kapture
    :param image_set: set of image names
    :return: list of (image name,pose)
    assert k_data.trajectories is not None
    if isinstance(image_set, list):
        image_set = set(image_set)
    assert isinstance(image_set, set)
    assert isinstance(k_data, kapture.Kapture)

    # apply rigs to trajectories
    if k_data.rigs is not None:
        trajectories = kapture.rigs_remove(k_data.trajectories, k_data.rigs)
        trajectories = k_data.trajectories

    poses = []
    for timestamp, device_id, filename in kapture.flatten(
            k_data.records_camera, is_sorted=True):
        if filename in image_set and (timestamp, device_id) in trajectories:
            pose = trajectories[(timestamp, device_id)]
            poses.append((filename, pose))
    return poses
Пример #20
def export_to_colmap_images_txt(
        colmap_images_filepath: str, images: kapture.RecordsCamera,
        trajectories: kapture.Trajectories, colmap_camera_ids: Dict[str, int],
        colmap_image_ids: Dict[str, int],
        image_to_keypoints: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float, int]]]) -> None:
    Exports kapture to colmap reconstruction file "images.txt".

    :param colmap_images_filepath: path to colmap file "images.txt" to be writen.
    :param images: images list to export
    :param trajectories: poses to export
    :param colmap_camera_ids: correspondences between kapture camera id and colmap camera id
    :param colmap_image_ids: correspondences between kapture image id (image path) and colmap image id
    :param image_to_keypoints: input image_filename -> [(x, y, point_id), (x, y, point_id), ...]
    assert path.basename(colmap_images_filepath) == 'images.txt'
    assert isinstance(images, kapture.RecordsCamera)
    assert isinstance(trajectories, kapture.Trajectories)
    assert isinstance(colmap_camera_ids, dict)
    assert isinstance(colmap_image_ids, dict)
    assert isinstance(image_to_keypoints, dict)

    images_flattened = list(kapture.flatten(images))
    images_colmap_header = '# Image list with two lines of data per image:\n' \
                           '#   IMAGE_ID, QW, QX, QY, QZ, TX, TY, TZ, CAMERA_ID, NAME\n' \
                           '#   POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)\n' \
                           '# NB IMAGES : {}\n'.format(len(images_flattened))

    with open(colmap_images_filepath, 'w') as fid:
        for timestamp, sensor_id, sensing_filepath in images_flattened:
            colmap_cam_id = colmap_camera_ids[sensor_id]
            colmap_image_id = colmap_image_ids[sensing_filepath]
            # retrieve image pose from trajectories

            if timestamp not in trajectories:
                    'timestamp:{} not in trajectories'.format(timestamp))

            if sensor_id not in trajectories[timestamp]:
                    'camera {} not found in trajectories for timestamp {}.'.
                    format(sensor_id, timestamp))

            pose_tr = trajectories[timestamp].get(sensor_id)
            line = [colmap_image_id] + pose_tr.r_raw + pose_tr.t_raw + [
                colmap_cam_id, sensing_filepath
            fid.write(' '.join('{}'.format(i) for i in line) + '\n')
            if sensing_filepath in image_to_keypoints:
                # POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)
                p2d = [
                    (str(x), str(y), str(point_id))
                    for x, y, point_id in image_to_keypoints[sensing_filepath]
                fid.write(' '.join('{} {} {}'.format(i, j, k)
                                   for i, j, k in p2d))
Пример #21
def merge_points3d_and_observations(
    pts3d_obs: List[Tuple[Optional[kapture.Points3d],
) -> Tuple[kapture.Points3d, kapture.Observations]:
    Merge a list of points3d with their observations.

    :param pts3d_obs: list of points3d with observations to merge
    :return: merged points3d associated to observations
    assert len(pts3d_obs) > 0
    merged_points3d = kapture.Points3d()
    merged_observations = kapture.Observations()
    point3d_offset = 0
    for points3d, observations in pts3d_obs:
        if points3d is None:
        merged_points3d = kapture.Points3d(
            np.vstack([merged_points3d, points3d]))
        if observations is not None:
            for point3d_idx, (image_path,
                              keypoint_idx) in kapture.flatten(observations):
                merged_observations.add(point3d_idx + point3d_offset,
                                        image_path, keypoint_idx)
        point3d_offset += merged_points3d.shape[0]
    return merged_points3d, merged_observations
Пример #22
def merge_table_key2(
    sensor_mappings: List[Dict[str, str]],
    Merge several table with 2 keys (eg. timestamps, device_id)  into one.
    If multiple entry for a key keep only the first one.

    :param sensor_mappings: mapping of the sensor identifiers to their new identifiers
    :param table_list: list of table to merge.
    :param table_constructor: the class type of table.
    :return table_merged

    assert len(table_list) > 0
    assert len(table_list) == len(sensor_mappings)
    table_list = [table for table in table_list if table is not None]
    if not all(isinstance(table, table_constructor) for table in table_list):
        raise TypeError('unexpected type.')
    table_merged = table_constructor()
    for table, sensor_mapping in zip(table_list, sensor_mappings):
        for key1, sensor_id, entry in kapture.flatten(table):
            new_sensor_id = sensor_mapping[sensor_id]
            table_merged[key1, new_sensor_id] = entry
    return table_merged
Пример #23
 def test_import_openmvg(self) -> None:
     Test the import_openmvg function on a small JSON file while linking the images
     self.assertTrue(path.exists(self._kapture_path), "Kapture directory exists")
     sfm_file = path.join(self._openmvg_sample_path, 'sfm_data_small.json')
     # on windows, without admin rights, fails with OSError: symbolic link privilege not held
     # see'Running on "{sys.platform}" which is {"" if self.isWindows else "not"} a Windows platform')
     file_operation = TransferAction.skip if self.isWindows else TransferAction.link_relative
     import_openmvg(sfm_file, self._kapture_path, file_operation, True)
     #  test presence or absence of kapture files
     cameras_file_path = path.join(self._kapture_path, kcsv.CSV_FILENAMES[kapture.Sensors])
     self.assertTrue(path.isfile(cameras_file_path), "Camera file written")
     rigs_file_path = path.join(self._kapture_path, kcsv.CSV_FILENAMES[kapture.Rigs])
     self.assertFalse(path.isfile(rigs_file_path), "Rigs file should be missing")
     records_file_path = path.join(self._kapture_path, kcsv.CSV_FILENAMES[kapture.RecordsCamera])
     self.assertTrue(path.isfile(records_file_path), "Camera Records file written")
     lidars_file_path = path.join(self._kapture_path, kcsv.CSV_FILENAMES[kapture.RecordsLidar])
     self.assertFalse(path.isfile(lidars_file_path), "Lidar Records file should be missing")
     trajectories_file_path = path.join(self._kapture_path, kcsv.CSV_FILENAMES[kapture.Trajectories])
     self.assertTrue(path.isfile(trajectories_file_path), "Trajectories file written")
     # Reload data and verify
     kapture_data = kcsv.kapture_from_dir(self._kapture_path)
     if not self.isWindows:
         # Test images path
         all_records_camera = list(kapture.flatten(kapture_data.records_camera))
         for _, _, name in all_records_camera:
             img_path = get_image_fullpath(self._kapture_path, name)
             self.assertTrue(path.islink(img_path), f"image link {img_path}")
 def match_features(self, kapture_data):
     image_list = [
         for _, _, filename in kapture.flatten(kapture_data.records_camera)
     descriptors = []
     descriptor_type = kapture_data.descriptors.dtype
     descriptor_size = kapture_data.descriptors.dsize
     for image_path in image_list:
         descriptors_full_path = get_descriptors_fullpath(
             kapture_data.kapture_path, image_path)
                                         descriptor_type, descriptor_size))
     kapture_data.matches = kapture.Matches()
     if self._sequential_length is None:
         self._sequential_length = len(image_list)
     for i in tqdm(range(len(image_list))):
         for j in range(i + 1,
                        min(len(image_list), i + self._sequential_length)):
             matches = self._matcher.match_descriptors(
                 descriptors[i], descriptors[j])
             if self._minimal_score is not None:
                 mask = matches[:, 2] > self._minimal_score
                 matches = matches[mask]
             kapture_data.matches.add(image_list[i], image_list[j])
             matches_full_path = get_matches_fullpath(
                 (image_list[i], image_list[j]), kapture_data.kapture_path)
             image_matches_to_file(matches_full_path, matches)
Пример #25
def export_image_list(kapture_path: str, output_path: str,
                      export_camera_params: bool, force: bool) -> None:
    Export image list in a text file.

    :param kapture_path: top directory of the kapture
    :param output_path: path of the image list file
    :param export_camera_params: if True, add camera parameters after every file name
    :param force: Silently overwrite image list file if already exists.
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True)
    safe_remove_file(output_path, force)

    kapture_to_export = kapture_from_dir(kapture_path)
    output_content = []'starting conversion...')
    for _, sensor_id, filename in kapture.flatten(
            kapture_to_export.records_camera, is_sorted=True):
        line = filename
        if export_camera_params:
            camera = kapture_to_export.sensors[sensor_id]
            assert isinstance(camera, kapture.Camera)
            line += ' ' + ' '.join(camera.sensor_params)
        output_content.append(line)'writing exported data...')
    with open(output_path, 'w') as fid:
def add_image_to_kapture(kdata_src,
    timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name = {
        img_name: (timestamp, sensor_id)
        for timestamp, sensor_id, img_name in kapture.flatten(
    timestamp, sensor_id = timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name[img_name]
    kdata_trg.sensors[sensor_id] = kdata_src.sensors[sensor_id]
    kdata_trg.records_camera[timestamp, sensor_id] = img_name
    if kdata_trg.descriptors != None:

    if add_pose:
                               sensor_id] = kdata_src.trajectories[timestamp,

    if os.path.exists(kdata_src_path) and len(pairs) != 0:
        kdata_trg.matches = kapture.Matches()
        for i in pairs:
            image_matches_filepath = get_matches_fullpath((i[0], i[1]),
            if os.path.exists(image_matches_filepath):
                kdata_trg.matches.add(i[0], i[1])

    return kdata_trg
Пример #27
def merge_table_key3(
    Merge several records lists. Records is a dict (eg. wifi)).
    For record with the same timestamp and sensor identifier, keep only the first one.

    :param table_list: list of table to merge.
    :param table_constructor: the class type of table.
    :param subdict_constructor: used to create a new Dict type
    :return table_merged
    assert len(table_list) > 0
    table_list = [table for table in table_list if table is not None]
    if not all(isinstance(table, table_constructor) for table in table_list):
        raise TypeError('unexpected type.')
    table_merged = table_constructor()
    for table in table_list:
        for key1, key2, key3, entry in kapture.flatten(table):
            if (key1, key2) not in table_merged:
                # if timestamp, sensor_id not there yet, create an instance of dict record
                table_merged[key1, key2] = subdict_constructor()
            table_merged[key1, key2].setdefault(key3, entry)
    return table_merged
Пример #28
def convert_results_to_kapture(query_path: str, results: str, outpath: str):
    convert file with name qw qx qy qz tx ty tz to kapture
    skip_heavy_useless = [
        kapture.Trajectories, kapture.RecordsLidar, kapture.RecordsWifi,
        kapture.Keypoints, kapture.Descriptors, kapture.GlobalFeatures,
        kapture.Matches, kapture.Points3d, kapture.Observations
    kapture_query = kapture_from_dir(query_path, skip_list=skip_heavy_useless)
    inverse_records_camera = {
        image_name: (timestamp, sensor_id)
        for timestamp, sensor_id, image_name in kapture.flatten(
    trajectories = kapture.Trajectories()
    with open(results) as fid:
        lines = fid.readlines()
        lines = [line.rstrip().split() for line in lines if line != '\n']
    for line in lines:
        image_name = line[0]
        rotation = quaternion.quaternion(float(line[1]), float(line[2]),
                                         float(line[3]), float(line[4]))
        translation = [float(line[5]), float(line[6]), float(line[7])]
        timestamp, sensor_id = inverse_records_camera[image_name]
                     sensor_id] = kapture.PoseTransform(rotation, translation)
    kapture_query.trajectories = trajectories
    kapture_to_dir(outpath, kapture_query)
def add_image_to_kapture(kdata_src,
                         kdata_trg, img_name, pairs,
                         keypoints_type, descriptors_type,
    timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name = {img_name: (timestamp, sensor_id) for timestamp, sensor_id, img_name in
    timestamp, sensor_id = timestamp_sensor_id_from_image_name[img_name]
    kdata_trg.sensors[sensor_id] = kdata_src.sensors[sensor_id]
    kdata_trg.records_camera[timestamp, sensor_id] = img_name
    if kdata_trg.descriptors is not None and descriptors_type in kdata_trg.descriptors:

    if add_pose:
        kdata_trg.trajectories[timestamp, sensor_id] = kdata_src.trajectories[timestamp, sensor_id]

    if len(pairs) != 0:
        if kdata_trg.matches is None:
            kdata_trg.matches = {}
        kdata_trg.matches[keypoints_type] = kapture.Matches()
        for i in pairs:
            if i in kdata_src.matches[keypoints_type]:
                kdata_trg.matches[keypoints_type].add(i[0], i[1])
    return kdata_trg
Пример #30
    def test_non_dict(self):
        test_values = 5
        expected_list = [(test_values, )]
        actual_list = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=False))
        actual_list_sorted = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=True))
        self.assertEqual(actual_list, expected_list)
        self.assertEqual(actual_list_sorted, expected_list)

        test_values = [5.0, 7.3, 6.02]
        expected_list = [(5.0, ), (7.3, ), (6.02, )]
        expected_list_sorted = [(5.0, ), (6.02, ), (7.3, )]
        actual_list = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=False))
        actual_list_sorted = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=True))
        self.assertEqual(actual_list, expected_list)
        self.assertEqual(actual_list_sorted, expected_list_sorted)

        test_values = set([5.0, 7.3, 6.02])
        expected_list_sorted = [(5.0, ), (6.02, ), (7.3, )]
        actual_list_sorted = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=True))
        self.assertEqual(actual_list_sorted, expected_list_sorted)

        test_values = kapture.RecordWifi(3, 4, 7, 'c')
        expected_list = [(test_values, )]
        actual_list = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=False))
        actual_list_sorted = list(kapture.flatten(test_values, is_sorted=True))
        self.assertEqual(actual_list, expected_list)
        self.assertEqual(actual_list_sorted, expected_list)